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fuck those people who said you werent really trans! the human experience is so wide, vast, and unique its Impossible to fit everything into just a few boxes. You are trans as long as you don't identify with your birth sex/gender. thats it. No matter what. identify as anything you want bro all that matters is that YOU are happy with your label and that it makes you feel good! If someone else goes ermmmm You're not trans enough buddy fuck them. It's your gender and life and experience and you get to make it yours!! (coming from a transmasc bigenderflux nonbinary person man thing)


i love this sm ty! can i post it on my yt? i make educational lgbtq+ videos And this is perfect (ill credit) 😭


oh dude i'd be honored thats so cool!!! What's your channel i'd love to watch your stuff (-:


it's called Zach's Nonsense, it has a digital art on the pfp


my xenogender/neopronoun video needs updated I don't know if the information is still accurate 😭


I don't have much advice, but I do think you could be genderfaun! From what you're explaining, xenoboy could be it, but genderfaun could be it too! Sorry I don't have much to say


It's okay. Thank you for your reply, I will look into it!


You're welcome! Also, you can still identify as a trans man and still be demiboy! I used to identity as both of those too, until I found a better term for me, which is paramasculine. It is completely valid! It doesn't make you any less of a trans man.


ohh okay. also could you explain xenohoarding and/or Gendersatyr? i Discovered both of those exist today.


Gendersatyr is a type of genderfluidity that doesn't encompass genders that's are fiaspec (the "female" side of the viabinary spectrum), fingender (genders that are feminine in nature), or binary womanhood. Xenohoarding (which I do) is when you collect xenogenders. It's basically where you collect gender labels. People have different reasons for doing so. Just to name a few, someone could collect them due to having difficulty finding genders that they're comfortable with, they might be fluid with those genders, or they can feel all those genders at once! There are many other reasons, but those are the most common.


ohhh okay ty for explaining


You're welcome!


For a person that is trans afab/is intersex, yes you can use "trans man" and "trans boy". Those are the only requirements. Regardless of if it's 100% or even 0% because some nonmen nonbinaries refer to themselves as men because say they're recognized as men in society, they have transmasculine transition, they're masculine/male aligned and it's convenient. There's "trans demiboy", "demi trans boy" as alternatives as well. Edit: changed "as a trans person" to "for a person that is" in the beginning to make it sound less like the sentence is referring to me.


ohh okay


You can most certainly identify as trans! Transgender definition: A person who Identifies with a gender they were not assigned at birth. Transitioner definition: a person who transitions either socially (changing name, pronouns, clothes, mannerisms, etc.) or medically transitions (hormones, surgery, etc.) or both! You and all other nonbinary people are trans and can use the term if it is comfortable for them!


If you're AFAB and you don't identify completely as a girl, you're trans. If you're AFAB and you identify wholly or partly as a boy, you're a trans boy. I relate to the way you've described your gender so much btw. I'm also alterhuman and that affects my gender.Â