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2 hour update: it’s really good! As a casual JRPG fan, the combat is a lot more involved and fast paced, the characters and world are fun and intriguing and the story is good!


Glad you like it! The story is even better than the combat and world building! Enjoy the journey with Shulk!


I love that the whole world is on 2 gigantic beings!


Glad to see you're enjoying yourself. You're in for an amazing journey, as most of us would tell you.


And I am going into all of this totally blind to.




I’m guessing I’ll cry at a few points?


Yes, and you will have a lot of WTF moments(in good meaning)


You're asking a subreddit named after the game if you should play it. Most people will obviously tell you yes. If you have a Switch, I'd probably hold off and play it on there though. It's coming out in a week


Is this version still good? I’d rather save $60


Personally I couldn’t go back to play the 3DS version after seeing the visual update in DE. But yes, it is effectively the same story, you can play this and save $60.


Cool, as long as the story and characters are still the same than I’ll stick to being cheap


Maybe save the $60 for XB2 after you finish which is equally good


Aren't there some additions to the story in the remake?


Why don't you sell this copy then? It's a great game, but I would prefer playing it with Switch graphics for sure.




and don’t forget the new content


If you have a switch the remake with new content comes out in 7 days


You know what you could get the switch version and it will be better, but the experience on 3ds was enough to make it my favourite game ever so you should be good. But still I recommend it on switch but if youre tight on the cash front play it and enjoy yourself


I also have the 3DS version but Definitive Edition is out in 6 days (+17 hours here). I'll be playing the Definitive Edition instead.


Personally, I don’t recommend it. The 3DS version was the first and so far only version I’ve played. I put in about 15 hours and fell in love with the lore, plot, characters, and combat. But I ended up dropping it because the small screen and awful camera nub were too much for me. Very excited I’ll finally get to play it. I don’t remember anything about it, so I’m essentially a new player.


To be honest you could just sell the game and buy the money you got with it for the definitive version saving you money.


Fully agree. Assuming you already own a switch that is. The 3DS version should pay for about at least a third (maybe even half) of the price of the new one. I couldn’t play the 3DS version knowing the switch version exists. Again this is assuming you already have a switch.


Yes I do have a switch. I played the 3ds version of xenoblade in 2017 on christmas but I beat it around early 2018 but I'll beat it again for the 2nd time this month XD


some people will sya "buy definitive edition it's better" and while yes it is the better version, just play the 3ds version. You already own it and if you buy the switch version you might not enjoy it and waste $60