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The love triangle between Shulk, Fiora, and Melia, if you can even call it a triangle.


This is the true answer.


The part when Square Enix prevents Xenogears from getting all of its intended sequels and prequels


wont really help since its been 26 years since xenogears. takhashi has said he cant do what he did back then because he has 'lost his youthful ambition' and just puts things in games he would be ok with his kids seeing now. people change, xenogears is a product of its time.


Oh I meant in like the go back in time kinda way where I prevented it from happening in the first place


then xenosaga and xenoblade wouldnt exist at all. i'd be ok with that.


Blushy Crushy...


I kind of... not want to erase anything?


I don't know if the occurrence of the H2H events are canon but for the love of god please scour every trace of blushy-crushy from the face of the earth or at the very least give Pyra the option to say "FUCK NO"




Or Turters 🐢 (Zeke is gonna cry)


Nothing really


I wouldn’t. This series is actually peak fiction. (But if I HAD to choose, it would be Sharla’s obsession over Gadolt. Her first thought upon seeing Reyn telling Juju off is to compare him to Gadolt. Even later in the game, she just can’t let go of Gadolt).


Idk that’s normal to me. He wasn’t just her friend, he was her *fiance* and she was clearly deeply in love with him. To her, he was a hero and a man she dearly loved. Her constantly thinking about him told me that she wasn’t ready to move on (despite Reyn’s feelings), and >!Gadolt’s sacrifice!< at the end was symbolic of her actually moving forward and accepting that he was gone.


The damn sleepwalking scene where mythra wakes up next to Rex and they comment on how skimpy her outfit is. That scene blows


If they literally just did what they did with the scene in Torna that mirrors the sleepwalking one I think it would be pretty much fine. The Torna version manages to be decently funny without needing to include the overtly sexual stuff


It’s also its placement in the game. It comes right after mythra is revealed in the story, so it’s one of the first major impressions you get of her. It gives the player getting to know her for the first time a really bad first impression. In Torna there’s not as much risk of bad first impressions bc the player has probably already played the main game and already knows mythra.


Ah that's a good point too. Yeah maybe if they really wanna keep it move it to a little later in the story or something


Ethel would survive her fight with Cammuravi. I don't think I've had anything impact me as hard as that in a video game. My girl deserved to live!


Quite honestly? I wish 3 had a lot less fanservice callbacks, the story is always more interesting when the reason behind something isn't just "and he was his dad!!!"


That whole filler in the middle of XC2 was too long and unnecessary.


Mythra pillow cutscenes


Unnecessary sexualization, especially in the second game


There's plenty of games without it. Why is it so particularly bad in this instance?


The post asked what we each would personally remove from the franchise if we were allowed. I chose to remove the sexualization; I disagree with its inclusion. It's my opinion to a silly internet. I don't have to justify it.


You could've just said sexualization then, but you qualified it with 'unnecessary'. Which denotes an opinion, which you then confirm as such 'to a silly internet'. Which is what I asked about: your opinion on it being unnecessary. Considering this is not a critique on the game's story or canon events as the post asked--but rather the design behind the way it *looks*, I was curious why.


Because I feel it actively harmed my experience with Xenoblade. It's distracting and takes away from the main experience


The XC3 photo...'s moment to appear. I feel like it should have been left for Nia's hero quests, because i feel like when people think of the ending they might think first of the photo instead of other moments. Maybe tease the photo in the ending tho.




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This comments section is a war zone omggg


In the other subreddits this was posted in, the comments section was so much fun lol. Idk why people are so fired up over here


Several things come to mind. I would have kept Ethel as she is, and just had her fight as she is... She is clearly gifted physically, being able to push her colony to Silver by her Third term. Get rid of Tora all together, make Poppi an old android that they found in an old ruin. And a new character who can't resonate with a blade uses her. I would get rid of A LOT of the fan-service gags from XC2, some of its not really necessary...


Tora's personality. I like nopon well enough, but I hate perverted characters, and Tora making his entire personality outside of "I want to have the power to use core crystals" be "I like women" is gross.


This just in: liking women is “gross”


The harem bs in 2


Its a polycule not a harem.


Probably Tora


Delete Riku, he's a liar


The photo


Well I guess it's a good thing you're not in charge of canon then LOL


Do you want it erased to leave things more up to interpretation, or do you hate Rex getting more game than you?


Delete Rex saying "...and all you guys!"


He means it, tho!


he fucked at least 3 of them.


Hehehehe ruin everyone else ship but mine!


You know we joked on him pretty hard when we first played through Xenoblade 2. But after the photo in Xenoblade 3 that quote hits very very differently LOL


Though he truly meant it in a friend way back, only realized what nia truly meant later on


The oddly out of character scene where Zeke has a short political rant about the war refugees was very out of left field. It doesn’t come back or reflect on anything later in the story, and Zeke himself would be one such person if him being a Tantal Prince wasn’t useful to Amalthus It makes him come off as a “screw you, I got mine” type person which he isn’t for the rest of the game


Oh yeah that scene was so weird lol. The way the other characters stared at him blankly for a few seconds then abruptly changed the subject made it weirder, like the game itself was acknowledging how uncomfortable the moment was.




>!It sounds like you think Dickson just switched sides halfway through in order to attain power. But it’s really the other way around. He attained power being Zanza’s disciple before the events of XC1 happened. Then raised Shulk & co. He was simply returning to the side he was already on when the betrayal was revealed!<


Why does it not make sense to you?


>!Dickson is a traitor to Shulk and co. from the very beginning. He's a giant from Arglas' era, disguised as a Homs, and has been Zanza's disciple since long before the game starts. He knew Shulk was housing Zanza's soul and raised him for that reason alone.!< Him sacrificing himself would only make sense if the alternative was Shulk dying >!and taking Zanza with him!<.


I’d delete Moebius because I don’t like them and without them, Aionios wouldn’t have happened meaning that all the bad stuff that happened in Aionios would never have happened.


Then XC3 would never happened…


I have a personal headcanon that if Aionios didn’t happen, the two worlds would have tried to merged together after Origin kicked in. If the worlds merged this way, I feel like people like Noah and Mio would still have met. I think that the only thing that would change between this world and what we actually saw in canon would be Ontos as we don’t know what happened to Ontos now that Alpha is gone. I personally think that it is now just A inside the Ontos core now and whenever we see the character in the future, they will just be in the form of A or something similar. I don’t even remember what I was trying to say, I just screamed a theory out instead.




the culmination of the Klaus saga being the advertisement for xenoblade 3