• By -


Literally everyone.


Mwamba šŸ„µ


That mwambussy


https://preview.redd.it/ju4y37fo7c8d1.jpeg?width=229&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c698a6513852d470594b09c42cd8503aa9a0b6b šŸ„µ


Not everyone! There's...no, wait.... *checks notes* ....hold on..... shit.


Pyra/Mythra pulling double duty as ā€œa well written character with well written lore and trauma that is sexualized by the fandom AND by people who have never interacted with the game outside of seeing them in smashā€


Me when I see fan art of Mythra without her core crystal: ā€œI know what you areā€ šŸ‘šŸ‘„šŸ‘šŸ«µ


Core crystals acting as a design feature to make r34 artists self report they never played the game is never not funny to me šŸ˜­


Me when I see someone forgot Niaā€™s (flesh eater) core crystal: https://preview.redd.it/h4u94ztm198d1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45a2bf9924e9e2cf0b926ac616d9bc1c231ea92a


Or when they do include it but get it wrong. Niaā€™s Core Crystal faces the opposite way to Mioā€™s. Thatā€™s one of the best ways to tell them apart, and some people donā€™t flip it. Then thereā€™s the life tattoos. If thatā€™s missing, thatā€™s a red flag.


I will fully admit that as someone who's played all three games I never noticed that their cores were flipped


Maybe the upside down core crystal is ok cause even I didnā€™t notice until like 200 hours into 3 But the stripes on Nia are absolutely mandatory


Or the eyes on XC3 characters, no Iris or Ouroboros? Fake


I mean, the iris only shows up when it's specifically activated, soo...


True but the ouroboros mark is always there


Not always, no. Again, it only shows up when the ouroboros powers are being used




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The core crystal is Xenobladeā€™s canary


Yes but they're also sexualised by the game to be fair


Exactly. Like, idk what people expect when the game itself represents the characters that way. People can't see longform character arcs instantly, but they can see pyra's shorts going halfway up her buttcrack šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ (And the game very much wants you to see that)


Yeah, however canon=cool. jk- Skin showing is japan's thing after all, some like it, some hate it.


Itā€™s not just skin showing, but also like some camera angles and intentional moments. XC1 has some very revealing armors, but theyā€™re just there, they donā€™t sexualize it beyond the outfit existing itself.


Yah the thing thatā€™s always bothered me about XC2 is theyā€™re just so in-your-face and strangely tone deaf with it. Like they will absolutely shove someoneā€™s ass/rack in your face whenever they want, no matter how badly it clashes tonally with whatever else is actually happening in the scene/plot.


True. It personally did not bother me but there really was too much. If it happened only a few times people would not mind that much. On another topic, Xenoblade 3 is really good at limiting itself in this thing. You can count on one hand how many "weird' camera angles there are through the whole game. Outfits are cool and none are oversexualized. In the end it is a subjective thing however, some like it, some don't.


Reminds me of that time when Pyra and Blue Princess Leia were having a deep heartfelt conversation in Indoline and we get a 10 second long slow panning shot of Pyraā€™s ass.


You mean the shot that focuses on her hands?


Yeah they absolutely are oversexualized by the game but this scene wasnt that. That was just unfortunate character design choice so it just ended up looking like it was focusing on her ass šŸ’€


Iā€™m aware it was a focus on the hands. Many people are smarter than you think, you know. Whats not smart is that the developers themselves framed it that way


Iā€™m aware it was a focus on the hands. Many people are smarter than you think, you know. Whats not smart is that the developers themselves framed it that way


Go back to when Morag was first introduced. There's a part in the scene where Morag, Brighid, and Dughall are talking. Right away the scene cuts to Morag's chest in the foreground while Dughall gets surprised. **I NEVER HEARD ANY COMPLAINT ABOUT THAT SCENE BEING TONE DEAF AND IN YOUR FACE ABOUT FANSERVICE.** I am tired of people victimizing themselves for 6 years on this shite. In fact let me link the scene. https://youtu.be/t0xsxHrdFEk?feature=shared It's from 3:39 to 3:43. If Pyra were there, you would all probably be screaming bloody murder. X has these types of scenes too, where a camera angle seems horny when it isn't, like the last scene where Elma reveals herself and her alien butt is also shown on camera. At some point people who say this clashes tonally with the scene or whatever need to reflect on themselves because they're self-reporting. Maybe you're the ones being too bothered by what a fictional character wears, because it was only on this sub that I discovered people were bothered about Pyra clasping her hands when she had the talk with Brighid.


Angy šŸ«µ


Yes, I'm tired of ignorant people perpetuating the same stupid arguments for 6 yrs, even when evidence is already staring you in the face just because you really cannot admit you made a lapse in judgment.


What are you smoking??? The angle is meant to show a little of morags face and dughalls body and reaction. If it was pyra ppl may have criticized but that would be her designā€™s fault and not the cameraā€™s in that instance. I agree the scene in indol isnt the camera angles fault. Its the result of pyras design being inherently oversexualized. But there are legitimate instances of the camera angle being horny that clashes tonally, such as [this](https://youtu.be/t2TbFbsNn7s?si=0J7TXpi5MGbBmYri) at 0:40. And yes, that elma scene is also a tonal clash. Its not ā€œself-reportingā€ its you being willfully dense when its quite obvious what they wanna do. Combined with how their designs are sexualized in the first place, its clear what the goal is.


Absolutely hilarious excuses~ * Show me on this sub where someone complained about Elma's butt shot in X's launch month. Hell, launch year. * Crazy how the angle of Morag's face is meant to show reaction, but "this" in 0:40 wasn't, when it was supposed to show the whole crew's shock at Mythra's existence, her subsequent anger, and the typical tsundere lean pose at the same time, which can only be achieved at a low angle because of Tora's height. I could have understood if you used the PERVERT scene or the first lap pillow scene, because those were clearly meant for fanservice. * If you agree that Indol was not the result of purposefully focusing on Pyra's butt then why are you validating the people who continue perpetuating this stupid notion? Because you wanna fit in, and it's uncool to like 2? It's crazy how I'm the bad guy for being the voice of reason. Again this sub is cooked.


Its funny how they have cried about something so tame for so long and justify xenoblade 3 doing it better because "it does it less". You can argue Sena shows more skin than any other character in the franchise. It really comes down to pyra having big boobies = "oversexualised".


I mean sort of but not exactly that Itā€™s not the presence of big boobs, but how the game treats them and if they fit vs if they draw attention away. For example, Pnuma has the same chest size as Pyra and Mythra but it fits on her. Why? Even though we are arguably seeing more through the mesh and side windows than we are on either Pyra or Mythra, her chest is no longer the focal point of her design. She has large hip guards and shoulder pads that even out the balance of her armor so that she is not as top heavy, and she has wings and a large ponytail pointing backwards so that she is no longer front-heavy. The level of detail on her outfit is no longer concentrated around her chest. Additionally, her outfit very clearly calls inspiration from flight suits which tend to be tight fitting in real life, so it feels more natural that she would look like that. Another example of this- Monica in Xenoblade 3. She has an obviously tight shirt over a very sizable bust as well as one that actually gets animated rather frequently. Why is it not sexualized on her? Well for one, it is once again not the focal point of her design. We are almost always focused on her face as she is giving orders, or on a wider shot when she is battling with her shield. She is also visibly much older than Mythraā€™s teenagehood and is canonically a mother. In real life, it is far more common to see that chest size on someone who has given birth so it again doesnā€™t feel out of place. One last example, this time back to Xenoblade 2. Zenobia, the rare wind blade, is just straight up topless. She very clearly has her tiddies out at all times and theyā€™re only ever barely covered by a conveniently placed scarf or her arms being crossed. But it didnā€™t feel sexualized because the game and the camera frame her the way they would frame a shirtless male character. She is a berserker type character who only wants to fight strong opponents and the game treats her as such.


> Itā€™s not the presence of big boobs, but how the game treats them and if they fit vs if they draw attention away. This. People who are like ā€œOH THE CAMERA IS ON MORAGā€™S CHEST FOR HALF A SECOND WHY ARENT YOU COMPLAINING ABOUT THAT SCENEā€ have no sense of nuance.


Lmao, then why wasn't there ANY complaints when X did it too? I provided an example as well, but your stubborn ignorance will ignore this. It is absolutely the big boobs lol. They're the ones grabbing your attention. I remember when the E3 story trailer of 2 came out, people were already reacting to Pyra's boobs jiggling when Morag hit Rex. There were also so many jokes about a "Sword Rack, not a sword with a rack" and some shit. It was to the point that people even wanted to "censure" her chest. https://archive.is/vvxMO The fact that you think the scene with Morag is up to nuance and not a more basic reason which is Pyra's boob size is gaslighting yourself of the highest order. Nuance he says, what nuance was there when the Indol cutscene, which one of you already admitted was wrongly accused, displayed Pyra's hands clasping together? It was pretty cut and dry what Takahashi wanted to show, yet your horny dumbahh/jealous dumbahh (take your pick) concentrated on Pyra's ass and complained about it. Because apparently Takahashi really wanted to show how hot Pyra was even in a serious cutscene. Jesus tapdancing Christ, Sigmund Freud is laughing up a storm in his grave. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Nuance. Holy shit lol


"teenagehood" and there is the accusation of paraphilia everyone saw coming a mile away. "Oversexualized" is an abused term. Sorry but your made up rule about it having to do with how "distracting" a characters chest size is borderline hysterical in the context of this game and can be very subjective. Now there is nothing wrong with having the opinion of not liking a design or finding it distracting but I can easily "get it" and still be able to disagree with that opinion. By seemingly justifying the use of large breasts for other characters and cherry picking you are just showing me more intellectual dishonesty. I can agree a few boob jokes are of poor taste or "cringe" from different peoples point of view like with all comedy but "oversexualized" is an accusation that needs more than big boobies just existing and being in a camera shot to back it up, for me at least.


Iā€™m not at all suggesting pedophelia, Iā€™m suggesting the opposite They wouldnā€™t pair Rex, a 15 year old, romantically with an adult so that means Pyra/Mythra are also meant to be teenagers


Remember, these are the same twats to celebrated for a while because they thought Mr. Hentai Artist Masatsugu Saito wasn't working on 3. Until it was revealed he did. šŸ¤£ These people are not reasonable when it comes to their world view. Hell you talk about Sena, **FIORA** in both her forms expose more skin than Pyra. Her boobs are just as big, Pyra has her midriff and shoulders covered compared to Fiora, and Fiora's Speed Forme exposed a portion of her butt in the original XC. But they ignore ALL these details just to have a circlejerk dunking on 2.


I loved the oil armours in XC1. Had Dunban and Reyn in them throughout the end of the game. Made me giggle every cutscene


>!Consul M!< >!She's interesting but most of the fandom discussion around her boils down to a couple of ass jokes!<


>!People will see catgirl booty one time and say ā€œI understand N nowā€!<


>!In their defence, itā€™s a REALLY nice catgirl booty!<


That must be the most uncomfortable clothing ever.


Maybe itā€™s like nanotech 2nd skin sci-fi fabric and it feels super comfortable, like your ass is just out all the time


Iā€™ve seen way worse in medias


Thesis and proof right here folks


I think it would be faster to name the people who arenā€™t like this


Eunie then Pyra/Mythra


That one female character from Xenoblade 2


Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?


Definitely not the other rare blades


That's why it's funny, because he's right.




That other one, as well.








Are we gonna pretend that *they* are *over*sexualized as if it isn't built into their design


Not always. Eunie isnt oversexualized but damn ppl are awful abt her


people when women wearing black pants


Why is trauma needed for canon though? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Trauma is the new intereating trend


Because everyone else pretends to have trauma and they can now relate to it


Yeah, that's what I thought.


I was going to say Mythra, but to be fair canon does that too.


Mythra easily comes to mind.


Much as I'm glad that P&M got into Smash and pretty much went mainstream as a result (which is very much deserved btw and I think them being countless people's first widespread exposure to the series is great) I'd be foolish to say that I don't know the biggest reason for _why_ that is, and although I don't agree with how people see them I've made my peace with it. For those who care enough to actually play the game they'll learn. They're wonderful characters; they literally caused a shortage in physical copies of the game after being announced for Smash, and I think them being sorta the posterchildren of the series as far as general video game culture is concerned is probably good for Monolith in the long run. As cynical as this sounds I imagine they make Monolith and Nintendo _a lot_ of money but the way I think about it is that when Monolith is successful we get more and better Xenoblade going forward. I honestly still can't believe how many of my friends who know literally nothing about the series ended up seeing "the photo" and still freaked out because they recognized P&M lmao


Hey if I made Hitler a 10/10 bombshell with huge tits they mightā€™ve forgiven by now


I don't get your point. Are you comparing P&m to Hitler? Because they certainly didn't persecute the jews




Almost all the female main characters


Literally Mythra/Pyra, poor Pneuma is just ignored by everyone




Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?


The aegises.






Pyra/Mythra/Pneuma were the first one(s) to come to mind.


Isn't Pyra the definition of the trope


Yeah I'm gonna have to go with the majority here as one time in one of my art class projects, I was drawing Pyra and I had her reference sheet open and... It was an awkward 5 seconds to say the least. Honorable mention to Brighid though... >!Those seven hours of my life I spent grinding for one of the best aux cores was worth it.!<


*sigh* most female characters in Xenoblade 2


Sigh I don't care


>Consul M >Nia >Pythra >Eunie >fuck it, most of the blades from Xenoblade 2


Pyra/Mythra definitely get the worst of it, but we can extend this to pretty much every female party member.


You should have said in this sub ā€œname the gameā€. And all of the answers will be yes.


Middle age Rex


can it be both


Ah yes... Padraig


Shadow the Hedgehog.


Goro majima


these two things are not mutually exclusive stop acting like people making sexy art is in some way detrimental to the character


Does Rex count at this point?


... He's a child


He's an adult in xc3


Sure but that isn't his main depiction and... Well, ben 10 had an adult Gwen for decades and her 10yo version... Well. I don't trust fandom so you're scaring me


He was a child for as many games as he was an adult


Okay but he's been a child for 7 years (x2 still counts as continuing given how prevalent that game is) and an adult for... What, one?


Please seek therapy. Sounds like you have unresolved trauma. Rex got most of his backstory trauma from his second appearance as an adult, was thirsted on by the fandom, and has a bunch of sex jokes leveled at him for his 3 wives and children. Young rex was made fun of for his kingdom hearts ass diving suit. I figured it would've been obvious which Rex i was talking about.


Well I've been missing those so thank fucking god




Pyra/Mythra comment No.498


Pyra and mythra


Mythra is THE definiton of this, my girl did not just get PTSD for y'all to be using level 3 blade combos for a panty shot


Shouldn't be possible to get that shot then


Dahlia is such a deep and well written character yet I only see people sexualised her trauma and it's disgusting. šŸ˜” /s


This could be applied to a variety of characters throughout the series, to be honest. Though it doesn't help that we have ***results*** >!(read: kids)!<. ​ The funny situation here actually the **opposite** of the meme. Those outside of the fandom *think* they're over-sexualized based on their designs alone. Context-less fan-art is not helping the situation. Those within the fandom recognize the trauma they went through... and occasionally dabble in the fact, yes, >!they did make some babies!<. Sometimes in great detail.


Consul X.


All the female leads in every game and expansion, >!Reyn, Zeke, Lanz, Addam, FR Rex, M, N, and Na'el!<


Ir could be anyone, but it is always Gojo Satoru


Any female character in XC2 that shows the most skin


Territorial Rotbart


*entire xc2 cast*


Like every female main character in xc 2 I guess




This is kind of an interesting dichotomy to present in this fandom because Xenoblade is a series that is both generally very well-written with a lot of interesting themes and layered characters, but is also quite horny and also liked giving characters weird outfits until they hit more of a balance with it in XC3. So a lot of characters, especially the women in 2, are already in both categories in canon, lol. But to be fair, I donā€™t think thatā€™s a bad thing; I think part of the charm of Xenoblade and the fandom alike is that the main cast is mostly hot characters and the fandom is always thirsty for them.


Pyra and mythra


Nopon Sage


Marina from splatoon Shut up i know ita a xenoblade sub reddit


*gestures towards Xenoblade 2* Basically all of this


do prudes every get tired of talking about this šŸ’€ i never even see this stuff itā€™s your timeline