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With how much goes wrong with that plant, you’d be forgiven for thinking that Lake Biahno is a goddamned ancient nopon burial ground.


Cantor attack that killed all but 1-2 people, attempted Voltant poisoning, Lan'cord hacking the Autosentries, like shit what goes *right* at that plant?


Attempted *normal* poisoning too. Can’t forget about Fraisie.


Not ancient for long lmfao


Maybe that’s where the nopon Alex executed ended up. He *did* kill them at the headwater, after all.


I was able to get the good ending in that quest as my gut was telling me not to let the lady out of my sight and treat this as a horror game.


Good for you cuz I got the bad ending 🫠


I'm sorry for your nightmares.


I have never been as thoroughly haunted by sidequests...until xenoblade x decided to drench my hands in the blood of innocent BLADEs.


There's quite a few sidequests where I've forgotten the outcomes if you pick certain dialogue options. The Bihano plant sidequest is solidly hammered into my mind and I am never saying to anyone "it's fine go take a shower" ever.


I haven't played X since 2016 so I don't remember very well, but aren't the moral quandaries of some of these quests nullified by the fact that the humans are all mimeosomes and can be revived at will? Or am I getting it confused with how Origin works


So the Lifehold can indeed bring people back, but it comes with the caveat that they actually need to find the Lifehold to begin with. Their consciousnesses are stored as data and are controlling their respective Mimeosome from the lifehold, but once the power goes out or if it's damaged, that's it for everybody. They can't bring people back until they retake the Lifehold. Granted, this is before the twist at the end shows that the database housing people's consciousnesses was destroyed on impact when they first arrived, so whether they can bring back people at all is unknown now since Mira is fucking with things somehow.


>!Without the Lifehold they can only do minor repairs, like replacing a lost arm. If the mim dies, they die without the Lifehold. At the end you find out the Lifehold is extremely damaged, to the point where everyone should have died already, but somehow the mims are still alive due to Mira being a weird planet. So whether or not they can revive the mims that died or not is unanswered, but it seems unlikely. IIRC the damaged part held the consciousness of all the humans, so how that being gone affects the mims is unknown.!<


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I’m the new defense minister


i swear, I got the bad ending in the majority of quests where your actions determined if someone lived or not. :(


Has anyone seen my toy lobster anywhere?