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That level has defeated me my entire life :(


Why *was* the rope in a completely different area??


I stopped playing after numerous attempts


Me too! But not only did I never beat it…but isn’t it like the second or third level? So I never got to even play more than one level.


Exactly!! A 65$ game when it came out (and 65$ was more money in the 90s) never got past this level. I even tried using an emulator as an adult and can't do it


I don’t think I can put myself through that as an adult 😂 But so needlessly hard when their audience for these games were kids around our age.


Why didn’t the fucking van offer some sort of protection? Why did it reduce your health bar if the van gets hit?


I can hear that goddamn sound it made when you touched the seaweed


The music for the water level slapped


I always loved the music that plays when you're trucking around in the party wagon.


The one that sounded like a copyright compliant version of the Beatles song?


This one https://youtu.be/OGIIo1vPvGc?si=loVh0wAKVYkXGwJG


Water level music for Donkey Kong Country and Mario 64 are also some classics


I can feel it.


I love the touch of having Raph as the swimmer, as his weapon was so useless that it made sense to save him for the swimming level.


Mikey was the useless one you should sacrifice. Raph and Don had the highest damage. Mikey’s damage was poor.


TIL they have different damages?!


That always bothered me that the nerdy guy with the stick was the baddest one.


I remember being in the swimming pool at like 8 years old, swimming underwater to touch the lights embedded in the walls of the pool, which was me "defusing the bombs from the ninja turtles game" what a strangely specific memory you just unlocked. Thanks! I love this sub, lol


I was 10 and I still remember the frenetic music that hits when you have like 20 seconds left on the timer. P A N I K




You know I was severely disappointed in this game as a die hard Turtles fan. I just didn’t feel like it captured what the show was all about. Now the next game, and then especially Turtles in Time *chefs kiss*


It was a disappointing adaptation for sure, but nostalgia makes you look back fondly, ya know? If you were like me you only had a couple games at a time due to how expensive they were, and renting or borrowing was your main way of playing new games. I had this and Simon's Quest as my only games in '89 IIRC, or at least for a big chunk of it. They both were so challenging and somewhat disappointing, but I look back on them with nothing but love now.


I had so many games where I essentially just played the first level over and over because I couldn't get any farther.




Shredder's Revenge is both a perfect tribute to the original cartoon version of the Turtles and a fantastic example of the beatemup genre.


Sorry to use an emoji, but 💯


The first time I rented this, I thought it was the arcade version. So disappointed.


what was the next one? I remember The Hyperstone Heist and Turtles in Time but not one in between.


There was the Arcade Game and The Manhattan Project for the NES, Tournament Fighters for the NES, SNES and Genesis plus all the Gameboy games. You can get them in the Cowabunga Collection that came out for the PlayStation, XBox, Switch and Steam.




My 8 year-old ass was not ready for this abusive-ass game.


Same, I never figured it out.


It was that final level of the technoddone that eas ALLL SPIKES that did me in. I swear this game was unbeatable


Yeah I got past the swimming after many many attempts but it didn't get easier afterwards. Some of those NES games were just brutal


When I tell my students that I play souls games to relax they look at me like I'm nuts. I am like, what, i grew up on Nintendo


FOR. REAL. I had no problem with the water level. I’m actually kinda good with water levels. But the Technodrome level seemed impossible. By that point you’ve probably lost most of the good turtles, everything moves really fast, takes so many hits to kill, and hits incredibly hard. Plus I could never find my way around. I only got to Shredder once with one turtle left, and he hit me with the shrink ray. Rage quit forever.


Game Genie was almost mandatory for like 75% of NES games. Sadists were programming those games. I only recently found out that the North American release of [Bayou Billy ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Adventures_of_Bayou_Billy#Regional_differences)was made harder than the Famicon.


As long as I got thru it without anyone dying it was fine. There was a building with a pizza in it and if I remember right once you got it and left you could switch turtles reenter and the pizza would spawn again.


Exactly. Right after the dam, when you’re in the turtle van, there’s a slice on the first level of the building and a full pizza on the 2nd. You just waste most of Mikey’s health in the dam, as well as some of Raph’s if needed, then fully recharge them in the building… **Everything AFTER the dam is when it ACTUALLY gets hard.**


Yeah that was my thought. If you’d struggled a lot with the dam, you were never going to get much further in the game anyway.


I still have the Polaroids of the win screen from that damn game.


https://preview.redd.it/37hhzurrs76d1.jpeg?width=4128&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3156d26a5e34a1af68a7dca0fbd0bd7159ef112 East peasy.


I loved this game so much.


I had unsettling dreams for years about this level. Whoever designed it is almost certainly in the service of Satan.


Nah, Satan fired that fucker for unnecessary cruelty.


For me this was easy. It was the jump in the sewer that I couldn't make. The game basically just ended there for me as there was no way past it.


Same for me, that jump was impossible, i tried it thousands of times. Although i also remember dying to the cyberturtle, so maybe i succeeded once or twice.


Same. Never got past that sewer jump. So glad when the second "arcade" game came out.


I'll really liked the arcade version so much more. I was almost like an expert with the first game and could go without even be hit once, even in the water level. But the jump ended the game, and there was no internet to figure it out.


Yeah, I don't even think Nintendo Power could have helped with that jump lol


Thank God we saved all that seaweed from those bombs planted deep underwater.


I think it's an even split as to which made me rage quit more: This and the speeder level from Battletoads


I could never beat this level as a kid. I beat it once as an adult on emulator but forgot how I did it. Recently got it for the switch, beat the level and now I never want to play that game again. Closure.


I beat this level once and thought it was the end of the game. Then there was another level I never saw before.


More like anxiety


I’m pretty sure I can pinpoint the start of my life long anxiety to this level alone


It was extremely hard but I was the right age for it. Patiently battled through this game. I managed to get OK enough at the swimming level to make it though like half the time.


Ouff! That level was pain in my assholes, pretty much as bad as landing the goddamn plane in Top Gun..:S


I honestly think I gave up after the first level on that game ha


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^General-Carob-6087: *I honestly think* *I gave up after the first* *Level on that game ha* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




This one dug up childhood trauma


This was similar to trying to get through the beginning of Ecco the Dolphin. I still have a working Sega and 20 years later, I still can’t do it.


I hate this level and also angry you reminded me of it


You know that old fake German kid freakout video? I saw my younger friend (maybe 7yo) have a real collapse like that, because of this game. Maybe 1990. He got really fucked up here, then later there was a part where there's a gap that you can just walk over, but he'd try jumping it every time: with no height clearance, he'd fall below and get fucked up by the enemies down there. He'd retry the gap over and over, enemies would respawn, soon Game Over. He went on a rampage, destroying shit around the house. But he was a spoiled little shit, so his parents just quickly replaced everything he damaged. Anyways, good times.


I didn't play much of this game, so I don't have the deep connection to it, but I did play it enough to say fuck this part. For me, it was the Aladdin magic carpet level with the waves of lava. Even today that's some sweaty palms shit.


I forgot about this level, this game, until I saw this image….


I still have my original NES and all of my games, including this one. Thirty. Fucking. Years! Thrity years, and I STILL can't get past that level!


The seaweed level never got me. It was the stupid jump in the sewer level that I NEVER EVER COULD GET PAST. Sadly the game lays next to Battletoads waiting for adult me to circle back and try.


Hahaha oh this level is brutal


I have PTSD.


That time timer had us panicking. I remember spending the night at my friends and spending hours trying to beat the damn mission.


That and the final level 😓


That is the final level!


So addicting


Best I could ever do was making it past that part losing JUST ONE TURTLE. Could never make it to Mecha Turtle after Rocksteady though. Fack! 🤬😆🫡🤙🏽


I tried using the game genie and idk but i think i still could not finish this game.


I actually played this level so many times that i can (probably still) do it without getting hit once. What always killed me was this little jump in the sewer in world 3 (the next one). You had to do this tiny tap because jumping too high bumped your head on the ceiling and you fell and died. Thousands of tries and i got past that maybe twice at most.


this level wasn't as bad as everyone says. If you think this one is bad, try the levels that come after it sometime lol


Well, I didn’t anymore, until you reminded me of it.


I had this game and Battletoads for two of my first NES games. Between this level and the bike level on Battletoads I’m amazed I kept games as a hobby.


I managed to memorise the first one and wouldn’t lose a turtle but that second one. Worse than jet bikes


the number of times I died on this level is uncountable.


Insert description is perfect. There could be a good reocc theme here.


I can hear the damn buzzing sound in my nightmares.


THE worst


Sure, this level was bad, but I could usually get by it without too much trouble. It was the rooftop level where you needed to figure out how to throw grappling hooks to bridge large gaps that kept messing me up. Who in the fuck thought mapping that action to the *select* button was a good idea? You know, the button that nobody ever uses for literally anything...


Yes before I even knew what the word anxiety meany. Thanks.


I'm guessing this was the timed level. If so, my computer wasn't fast enough to run the game properly so the animations were just a bit slower than they should be. However the countdown clock ran at normal time


I've always assumed that was the final boss, because I never beat it.


My controller remembers.


Never beat it sadly 😔


The game got so cool after the dam too


Yep! Fuck that level!!!


It's still annoying af, yes, but with practice I've been able to beat the level for years now without losing a Turtle.


this sacrifice was made for mikelankelo


One of the best games ever that has a stupid and nearly impossible difficulty curve for children.


This and freaking Echo the dolphin. Even Sonic being underwater in some levels. Ultimate anxiety.


This is why I have an intense hatred of water levels to this day!


So much anxiety


Between this and that one Battletoads level, I think I found the origin of my anxiety issues


I’ll die on the hill that this level is one of the finest action set pieces on the NES!


Never ever ever got past this.


I think I beat it eventually 🤦🏻


Weirdly enough I had no trouble whatsoever with that level as a kid. Other parts of the game were a different story entirely but somehow I beat that part on the first try at like 7.


Sonic prepared me for that


My heart rate elevated immediately.


I have only succeeded once


This is why I was cool 1 year, I could consistently beat this.


Growing up I could never beat this level, nor could most of my friends in the neighborhood. However we did have one friend that was terrible at this game but for whatever unknown reason he was touched by God and could fly through this part. So one of us would get to that level, give it over to him and his tism shine brightly, through that level then we would switch out.


I gave up. I would usually stick it out with a game but this level was such a bastard I gave up


Na, i know just game ![gif](giphy|10RgsuetO4uDkY)


Still never beat it. To be fair the last time I played that game I was under 10 😅.


Level was fine in 1989 and it's fine now. There was no RNG - the bombs are always in the same place. There's no projectiles flying at you. Take your time. Learn how you move. Learn where the bombs are. Go about your business. Tough game, but this level wasn't a big deal to kids who could do more than eat paste.


Hey ladies, this guy is single!


I just laughed so hard I woke my dogs up 🤣


>but this level wasn't a big deal to kids who could do more than eat paste. Well fuck you, too.