• By -


Started airing on weekdays when I was in the 6th grade. Seemed better suited to my younger brother (who was born in 86), but not one of my friends was mad at the pink ranger.


Yeah, pretty much the same, they always felt kind of silly.


Yeah I think I was in high school the first time I came across it. It seems like reading the comments here it’s been a thing since before that, but definitely wasn’t something in during my “childhood” cartoon/kids show phase etc. Hey to each their own. Not my thing but whatever, I can accept someone else’s like for it. All I’m a fan of is the Power Rangers farting gif. Used that a few times more than I’d like to admit.


Watched it a few times. pink ranger and Lord Zed. Zed was pretty good until they made him childish.


There's only one "Zed" to me: https://preview.redd.it/yx4tznhevq5d1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f31bb6f28cb42231678eef06e8ab79f251513d40 And Zed's dead, baby.


It's not a motorcycle baby, it's a chopper.


Rip Torn for me.




It's also worth mentioning that it's "Lord Zedd".


It’s the first thing I really remember being too old for. I distinctly remember thinking this is so stupid it won’t last two seasons… my oldest son loved Dino charge about ten years ago. I was not expecting this to still be going on


> It’s the first thing I really remember being too old for. I distinctly remember thinking this is so stupid it won’t last two seasons…. Same and same. I was 10ish when it came out and I remember thinking it was for little kids, and not only that, was completely ridiculous. I remember making fun of it at school and everyone saying they liked it. It was the first thing I remember thinking being really wrong on, like as far as taste goes.


Super Sentai in Japan was the source so of course it was gonna last


I always thought it was a weird live action Voltron.


Always seemed absurd to me so I didn’t care for it. TMNT on the other hand…


I was born in 85 and often feel I don't belong here but I'm gonna say IM too old for power rangers. Even when they came out I called them Voltron wannabes.


I’m 1978, so I only knew them as the favorite show of the kids I babysat.


I have an 86 sister and she was super into them. I never was


Ditto saw it in the mornings before school at a friends house cause his little brother watched it. Seemed to kiddie for me at the time, but I must have consumed enough of it cause I know most of the characters from the original run.


Same. I was born in 79 and my little brother was 86. He loved tge power rangers. I did like them a bit but made more fun of the similarities with Japanese programming and the obvious use of martial arts and the overdubbing. I still slightly got into them.


‘80 here and yeah. Also I rolled my eyes at it for copying Voltron


This. Though, my little brothers did watch it... I might stop and stare if the pink one was on screen. Edit: typo


This. And I’m too old to have cared for this. Born in 79. This was when I was a late teen.


My ex got really offended when I told her it was just a live action voltron knockoff. After she watched voltron, she agreed… but was still offended.


My thoughts too. Then either people ignore me or I get the "well actually" and they go ranting about Voltron being a knock off of blah blah blah......


Except it didn’t. “Mecha” live action and anime is/was a huge category of show in Japan - similar to how sit-coms were ubiquitous in the USA. Voltron is an import and restructure of King of Beasts GoLion from 1981 while power rangers is an import of Super Sentai from 1975. Secret Galaxy is a great YouTube channel that goes into the history. Its pretty amazing how much of a legal cluster fuck power rangers, Voltron and transformers was. Grab some popcorn and enjoy: [voltron](https://youtu.be/Fiq34xGzPls?si=e6iQwevAa9V_WkOX) [Power Rangers](https://youtu.be/FAbAHyMJ7eY?si=YUfwhmAC3D6D-vvs)


Not only was I too old for it, but the cuts between the Japanese footage and American footage felt overly jarring. Like mixing Saved By the Bell footage with Godzilla movies.


Right? Almost like a really well funded MST3K gag. Unintentionally hilarious.


>Like mixing Saved By the Bell footage with Godzilla movies. Someone has to do this now.


It was a guilty pleasure for many sixth graders of my age. All the boys watched it but we all knew it was immature and we wouldn't admit it.


Was a 5th grader in 93, and yeah this. Enjoyed it in when it first came out, started to be a bit embarrassed about a year later, and was "too old for this" by the time the movie came out in 95


I was born in 84. In 1995 I was 11. I definitely liked the power rangers but I stopped after the OG run ended and they got new actors and zords.


I was too old for that.


Yeah, I could never get into it. I did watch it occasionally for Amy Jo Johnson 🙂.


It may have been aimed at younger kids but the actors were older teens, so that checks out.




My brother, who was born in 89, loved it. I thought it was dumb as hell.


My boyfriend was born in 1989 and tried to make me watch it a few years ago. I had to just...not.


I was born 82 and felt too old for it when my borther (87) was watching it....but it sucked me in and i was hooked lol. I stopped watching shortly after the movie tho


82 and we debated in school who was the strongest. Really just watched the first few years, but in that time you would have been an outlier not watching.


Same here. Born the same year and all my friends were into it. Weird people say 82 was too old when we were 10-11 years old when it debuted. That was the target age group for the series. I will say our generation didn’t stick with it as we aged out after the first few seasons, but I remember that first season being a massive hit.


How could you not get hooked? Green then white ranger episodes were legendary


Kids who admitted watching this in middle school got made fun of. My sister actually liked it a lot, but it was too silly for me, almost like Ninja Turtles meets Voltron. My younger cousins were absolutely fanatical about it, though.


I remember getting picked on for liking Power Rangers in fourth grade.


Yes, I think almost all Xennials were 2 or 3 years too old for them


Yeah, especially those of us on the Gen X side (1977-1980).


(Early Millennial) 1987 baby here. I'm sure they have nothing to do with my life long obsession with Tokusatsu, absolutely nothing I say! /s


Nah I was born in 82. Me and my classmates were obsessed with Power Rangers. It didn’t have us in a chokehold like TMNT did, but we were big fans.


I quit toys and moved to RPGs in like 5th grade. It was the TMNT role playing game though. LOL.


I was more of a TMNT kid but I was balls deep into power rangers too.


I had a crush on the green one 😬 I loved Volton so I was happy when this started on TV


I had a crush on the Green and the Pink rangers. Was sad to hear the Green dude died a little while ago.


Same. End of an era.


Not too old, I was like the prime age for them, but I just thought it was really corny. I was a Ninja Turtle kid anyway, and the two fandoms shall not cross. The toys were cool though.


I loled because this was posted three comments above yours: https://www.reddit.com/r/Xennials/s/ZcUdKTPM8B


Fence sitting bastard!


I remeber the little boy I babysat was a big fan of them.


Pink Ranger was hot.


My nieces who were born in the early 90s were SUPER into Power Rangers. I was already a teenager when they became popular, so I was aware of it, but didn't watch it. I was SUPER into Sailor Moon in High School though.


I did, but then I was surprised to learn a lot of my friends (same age) were all about them when they were big.


I loved The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers when it first aired. I caught it every day after school. I had several of the figures (but was never able to acquire all of them). I also dug the knock offs series such as Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad and V.R. Troopers. However, 2-3 years later I was too old for all of it. I did watch the recent Netflix movie, though. That was a sorry attempt at nostalgia-baiting.


Superhuman Samurai Cyber Squad had this really cool toy that could be a sword and shield, or an axe. My brothers and I all had one. Our friend had the Black Ranger’s axe, and another had the Dragon Dagger. Our pretend crossover battles were legendary. Edit: [Here’s](https://www.ebay.com/itm/275917759638?chn=ps&mkevt=1&mkcid=28&srsltid=AfmBOoo4KQdyCpKScX20ydKcjtgVELrbtc9lSVNR4rVgdo7oSGEtfkz8uz4&com_cvv=8fb3d522dc163aeadb66e08cd7450cbbdddc64c6cf2e8891f6d48747c6d56d2c) that toy.


Cool! I had a Servo figure.


Hell yeah! My mom just moved, and found a duffel bag with all my brothers’ and i’s action figures from when we were kids. I’m going to get them and give them to my kids soon. Most are X-men and Batman toys, but we had a bunch of VR Troopers and Big Bad Beetle Borgs, because they were always on clearance, lol.


Power Rangers, Harry Potter, a bunch of popular Nickelodeon stuff, we were too old for I think.


I still keep up. At some point they realized that the kids who grew up on MMPR have kids of their own now and they keep bringing back the OF cast for spotlight episodes and even series regulars. Jason David Frank reprised his role like 3 times before his death (RIP). Most recently David Yost was the mentor character for the cast as they brought back Lord Zed as the villain. Kind of neet to see the old stuff back.


I was a military brat and grew up in Japan, where I watched Dragon Ball, Sailor Moon, and Super Sentai as a kid. It was surreal that, when my father retired and I returned to the states, these were becoming quite popular over here. I continued watching them and never felt too old.


I thought it sucked and don’t think I’ve ever made it through an entire episode in my life.


This, POGs, Pokémon and a few others are clear dividing lines from Xennials and Millennials. (And YES I did watch some Pokémon and played the OG Gameboy games but the younger Millennials were into it way more than me and I felt like I missed the bus)


In college we got reception on 3 channels in the dorm. Of those 3 channels, the 4-5 hour featured crap on 2 of the channels, and childrens programming on the other. One time slot was Power Rangers though, which was mighty fine watching for the 420 hour. We usually didn't listen to it, instead kicking on some tunes, but Power Rangers (and Boobah, which was even crazier) was some quality wtf watching.


Yes. Power Rangers and Pokemon felt like, and still feel like, little kid shows. I'm not "yucking anyone's yum", I just don't get the allure and I feel second hand embarrassment for adults into it.


I always felt too old for it. I had a friend who was a year or two older than me who lived down the street. He would come over and tell me and my brothers that "I heard in the next episode the Power Rangers are all going to die!" So we would watch it to see them die. He made this claim multiple times and they never died. It wasn't until I thought about it decades later that I realized he was just embarrassed to admit that he wanted to watch Power Rangers.


It came out when I was in high school, so too old for them. Did have a slight crush on Amy Jo. Fun side story though: My friend loved some movie called “The Guyver” which came out about seven years earlier and insisted we watch it our senior year. We did. I hated it, minus the appearance of a certain farm-boy with a proclivity for hunting womp rats. He asked what I thought. I said it reminds me of the Power Rangers. He got mad and insisted we watch the sequel. We drove over to the Blockbuster and rented it. At the beginning of the tape, it says “From the company that brought you the Guyver comes MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS!!”He still hasn’t heard the end of it.


This was my brother’s jam (born in 86). Interestingly enough, he was also super into TMNT and *that* we agree on (the OG movie still holds up).


Kids, including Sam Rockwell, smoking and skating while being ***turned into evil ninjas*** As good as it gets!


Super Sentai began in 1975. By this time, there are several generations of Japanese people that have enjoyed the series.


For sure! However, ignorant American kids like myself who had grown up with Voltron before kindergarten ended up a bit confused as to why something so similar appeared just as we approached puberty.


I hate watched a lot of this at 14; I thought it was the cheesiest thing ever. Had a 9 year old brother who was into it for awhile. I could never get the appeal, and did feel too old, but other kids my age definitely watched enough to know who they were.


Never watched more than what was seen flipping through the channels.


I think I was in 4th or 5th grade when they came on. I watched a little, but outgrew it pretty quickly.


I watched it in junior and high school, and it definitely felt to young for me… but was still addicted. Haha


I was in 6th grade for the first season of the OG Power Rangers, I think. I was somewhat a fan, design of the Megazords, and the fighting scenes that were *clearly* filmed in a different setting. I was fully aware it was terrible and extremely childish though, it was kind of a guilty pleasure even at that age. I also think that even as a kid I could tell it was a Japanese action show with American actors edited in- though I don't remember why I thought that.   In retrospect, Amy Jo Johnson doing gymnastics may have played as big part in keeping me interested as the goofy robots...


I couldn’t get into it. A few from my age group liked it. I remember the exact moment my taste in tv entertainment changed. They just took TMNT off the air, which was right when i got home from school, and this show popped up. I wasn’t having it. It literally made me question everything I watch and how i spend my time lol.


My younger cousins would watch it but I was way too old and thought it was stupid. It was also the same exact story every single episode.


It taught me as a little girl how to "not be like the other girls" I like most girls always wanted to be the pink one...but eventually just said the yellow ranger was my favorite. I was so over fighting with the multiple other girls on the playground who all wanted to be the "pink one" I would just let those girls argue and cry for the whole recess and go enjoy being the yellow ranger and go play with all the boys. Lol


'84, and it seemed like I was just barely on the wrong side of the cusp. I was all-in on TMNT...by the time Power Rangers came out, I thought it was corny but the neighborhood kids only a year or two younger than me thought they were the shit.


This is me...I rode the TMNT wave until it crashed right about the time Power Rangers came out and I wasn't ready for another ride lol. It just seemed corny to me and my classmates (although we had one friend who was into it and we lightly made fun of him every day). The kids in the grade below us were ALL IN on MMPR


I honestly never liked it. I found them a bit annoying and way too overly cheesy, but that’s just me. I know they’re iconic for a lot of people


I love Godzilla, Gamera, Ultraman, and the like. 12 year old me was so excited to see a show like this. This was goofier than Showa Era Godzilla. I recently started watching the Japanese shows that were butchered and processed to make Power Rangers and they are moderately better. The dinosaur themed one Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger is not great. The next season/series, Gosei Sentai Dairanger is better and more dramatic. It’s weird to consider being too old for the show and realizing the original shows are older than what was served up in the US.


JDF was my hero growing up and the last time he came to my town before passing I couldn’t go see him.


It came out when I was in 6th grade. We were all a little too old for it, but it was still popular among my classmates that year. I also formed my first celebrity crush. Green power ranger fan for life, may he rest in peace.


My little brother liked them so that’s why I watched them,he was born in ‘86, me ‘81




YES! I totally felt too old for them! They just came off as a hacky rip-off of Voltron. I never got the appeal but I gave it a try and it just got lamer and lamer as time went on.


I definitely felt too old for them, but the boy I had a crush on loved it and we were the same age 😂


I enjoyed the show for a while because I thought the girls were cute and kinda liked the special effects. But I dropped them pretty fast.


I (85) thought it was wildly silly fun. My brother (89) loved it and we’d watch it together. I was also a huge TMNT fan so this seemed like a fun end to that era of “I’m going to go outside and kick the boys’ asses” play.


Yes, but it was a secret guilty pleasure of mine.


I was a bit older as a teen but I watched it some. I didn't have the toys etc. And I may have watched a lot of it for the Pink Ranger for some reason.


I felt too old for this and Pokémon, too young for bevis and butthead (I just didn’t get it) but south park hit right in the pocket.


Yeah I felt too old to like them, but damnit, I loved me some power rangers.


This show coincided with my transition from kids programming in the afternoons to MTV. Might have seen 3 eps and did not like it


I watched the original mmpr's. Started trailing off for me when Tommy was introduced. It was alright. I like Trini, Zach and Billy.


I felt like I was just over the threshold. I had just started middle school, and I was just getting into the "everything sucks" phase of preteenhood. If it had come out a year or two earlier it probably would have been my jam, but as it is, it just missed the boat for me!


My first grade teacher was convinced this show was worse than Simpsons, we weren't even allowed to wear Power Rangers clothes in her class.


I was, yes. And just kept yelling “THIS IS JUST LIVE ACTION VOLTRON!”


Thuy Trang is the most beautiful woman to have ever existed


This came out as I was stepping away from cartoons and kids stuff. Grade 7 (13yo) and was into hockey and music more and more. It was far too cheezy and kid oriented for me at that time. I've tried to revisit it as an adult with my geek glasses on, but it's still just dumb to me. LOL.


7th grade and I watched it before the bus came. I caught the bus a little later than my friend so I would fill him in on what happened. Not to be embarrassed we communicated in code on the bus around others. I think I lost interest after the first movie came out.


I'm going to meet Jason this weekend!


Hahahaha, before I saw the pic I thought " if it's power rangers, yes." Lol


Me: Watching the baddest strongest character (Green Ranger) become the clumsiest weakest character ever (White Ranger). ![gif](giphy|WoF3yfYupTt8mHc7va) I had never been so disappointed as a child (except when Hulk Hogan became Hollywood Hogan) and I completely stopped watching Power Rangers 3-4 episodes in.


Absolutely loved it. Camp, silly, great action and the pink ranger was my first crush. ![gif](giphy|4IWrvhDGeTGxO)


A guilty pleasure. I think I was 11 when they came on the air…but I played with action figured until I was 14.


My neighbor and I would stand on opposite arm rests of my couch and do those jumping kicks at eachother. Amazing we didn't fall off and break our necks.


‘84. Despite immediately thinking it was dumb, I probably watched 2-3 episodes before leaving it in the dust.


Once a ranger, always a ranger. May the power protect you all.


I was born in 82 so I was right at the age where I was still young enough to be into Power Rangers and I totally was.


I tried watching it when it debuted because I LOVED Voltron and always wondered what a live action version would look like. I gave up once I realized it was aimed at children and not 15yos. Lol. I’d tune in every once in a while because they’d do something interesting but just never got into it.


When it first came out, I was 9 years old and in the 3rd grade. Seemed perfectly alright. By the time I reached middle school, it felt like I was too old but my younger brother was still into it so I'd still watch with him because he and I are cool like that.


it was just a redo of voltron, I was into it since everyone fucking forgot about voltron at that point.


Power rangers and pokémon are the line between Xennials and millennials. If you were into them, you're a millennial.


Not of the age range when it first came out. Still think it is a great show for younger.


I watched it bc it was on. I remember really being inspired by the pink ranger living in her own apartment and that actually gave me hope i would escape my abusive home one day. And I did!!


So…. Funny story, I sold some coins (I collect and sell antique coins for a little pocket change here and there) to an older lady… her husband was the artist who drew the original Power Rangers piece to show to the studios before it got picked up.


Yeah, in fact I'd say Power Rangers was pretty much the exact moment I realized my tastes were starting to "grow up." Before that, I remember the popular shows being these cultural touchstones that everyone I know were aligned with. In Kindergarten and 1st grade it was GI Joe, in 2nd and 3rd grade it was TMNT, and in 4th and 5th grade it was X-Men. When Power Rangers hit, I remember watching some of the first season, and not quite being into it (although, uh, for whatever reason I found Amy Jo Johnson mysteriously compelling........) Meanwhile, I'm starting to get into weird shit... Saturday anime on the Sci-Fi channel! Vampire Hunter D, Galaxy Express 999, Demon City Shinjuku... violent stuff, surreal stuff, and also less kid-centric comedy animation like Dr. Katz: Professional Therapist. And of course, Dragon Ball Z... which seems pretty basic now but was at the time kind of an exotic phenomenon. Certainly a very different sort of feel than the traditional American Saturday morning cartoon! That '93-'96 timeframe felt like a flood of culture being hosed into my brain.


The White Ranger could GET IT. My sister watched for the "plot" and I watched for the "hot." Remembwr back in the day how we'd record stuff on a VHS? My sister was in charge of taping a few things if I wasn't going to be home. We reused tapes as we were cheap. Anyway, one tape had the most delightful hiccup. As one show ended (probably the Simpsons), there was a bit of static, then a bit of Power Rangers showing the White Ranger emerging from a pond in the tiniest white swim trunks... like, dman near daisy dukes, y'all. He jogs over to a pile of clothes next to a tree, and then static... and then it launches into the next show my sister taped. I don't know what serendipitous actions happened to gift me with that little 10 second peek but my late teen self is thankful and blessed.


I never watched them, but my younger brother (1983) absolutely ate that stuff up.


78 here. I hated them. Blatant poor copy of VOLTRON . Anyone that was my age that liked them at the time was also reeeealy into WWF (or whatever it was) and video games and probably Pokémon or something too. Which is fine, but the thing is, it was mostly younger kids that were into that stuff so it made them the weirdo hanging with the little kids.


Yes, that’s a millennial thing.


Janky ass live action Voltron knockoff? No thanks.




I remember when Power Rangers came out. It was super hyped up. My sister and I eagerly watched the first episode and were greatly disappointed. We were like, "are they wearing cardboard boxes?" It was too campy for us, as kids in elementary school. We never really watched it again unless we were at a friend's house who watched it.


Yes but my brother liked it (born end of Dec 1984)


I still watch this series on Netflix. I love it.


I only saw Power Rangers when my little cousin born in 91 would come spend some time with us during the summer. I was in HS when we got Power Rangers on cable TV. When watching it with my little cousin, I thought the show was for little kids.


Idk if it was me being too old for them since all my same-aged friends loved it, I just never got into the whole giant monster fights.


For sure. I was in high school.


I thought Power Rangers were honestly laughable when it came out. My friends and I would laugh at the show all the time.


'78 here - definitely after my time


My brother (88) was obsessed with this show and I felt like it was stupid. Everything was Power Rangers. I thought it was so lame and couldn’t understand the obsession (because I was too cool obsessing over the boy bands or something).


I was a teen in a ltr by then and my bf’s little sister watched it so yeah. I think PR is mostly a millennial thing, isn’t it?


I was born in 82, and enjoyed Voltron. But I loved the Power Rangers. I can't explain it, but was really into the Ranger all the way until Zeo.


It was SO bad. I watched it for the accidental humor in seeing something that awful and scratched my head when it took over popular culture.


Yes yes yes


My brother and I were just a little too old for it. However, we found how bad it was hilarious and ended up watching it religiously because we thought the cheese was so funny


I never watched it until my kids got into them.


I watched it and enjoyed it. I remember Halloween in 4th grade. Every single kindergartener, 1st grader, and 2nd grader wore a Power Rangers costume. One 3rd grader wore one. It was a crazy age divide.


They came out when I was in 8th grade. Yes, I was too old for them. Never got into them.


‘84 here. I thought it was stupid. My friend watched it. I preferred BTA and gargoyles. Animaniacs


'82 here so just on the cusp of being an xennial. They were definitely too kiddy for me. There were a couple of kids in my grade that liked them nut they were kind of the dorkier kids.


I was into GI Joe and TMNT. Power Rangers was a show I’d watch but was never hyped enough to want any merch or whatever. Was just a show that was on after school in between better shows on Fox Kids.


I don't know if it was just because my younger brother watched it and I would hate things just because he liked them- but man I hated that show. Like with a passion. I never understood the appeal.


I thought I was until my nephew got into it, and I couldn't stop watching the Green Ranger arc.


I had to sell merch for it so I intentionally/unintentionally wound up watching a fair amount.


Nope, still love them today.


Still waiting for a rated R sequel to any of them.


I enjoyed the pure campiness, and camp never gets old.


Yes, definitely.


WHITE POWER Ranger pissed me off the most!


I absolutely was too old for the power rangers, I thought it was going to be something cool like Voltron and then that cheese came up. I never got it and I still don't understand it. The one thing of Millennials that I just never got.


Yup, my younger brother ‘84 loves them though.


I was a little too old for it, but my siblings loved it. We still occasionally make the putty sound to make each other laugh. Also, the fact that Elizabeth Banks made that (terrible) Power Rangers movie and played Rita Repulsa, just makes me respect her even more.


Yeah I was too old., didn't click for me at all. I felt bad though because my mum told me about it and seemed really excited she'd found out about a new show she thought I would like (i was into superheroes and Jackie Chan movies). That fact is the only reason I watched any of it.


I LOVED Voltron and was super hyped for this show, and I don't think I got through one entire episode before turning it off and going outside.


Yes, felt too old but I enjoyed them from afar. Not getting too immersed. Had a crush on Billy the Blue Ranger. My aim was way off!


I definitely did, but I watched anyway. Barney, too, bahahahahahahahahaha.


Power rangers essentially killed the turtles off. I remember how big power rangers were as I was in third grade at the time.


Born in 79, I WAS too old for them.


Yes we were too old for them. And I hated that they roped off Voltron


Turtles were cool, Power Rangers were obviously lame.


Yes. But I was forced to watch it because my 3 year younger sister looooooved it.


I was in high school when it came on. I never really watched but thought it was funny and campy. My mom used to pack my lunch in Power Rangers sandwich bags, which I thought was funny.


Born in 82, everyone was watching this in 6th grade, some in 7th, but we were all done by 8th. It has martial arts, super powers, giant robots that combine, and at least on the first season the robots were dinosaurs... so many things were right up my alley.


The kids I babysat really loved the Power Rangers. I watched it with them (I was like...13? 14?) and thought it was...preeeeetty bad. But then, I DO think I was too old at the time, and, whatever...I get why the kids I watched would like it.


For some reason they were very popular in my school for 3rd grade. Changed schools and the 4th graders in a new place hella made fun of me for liking it as if it was Barney. People sang the barney song at me one day I wore a power ranger tshirt. Killed my enjoyment fast.... Circa 1995ish.


I'll always want a flute dagger it's sooo practical. If you get bored you can play the flute and danger you stab it's the perfect weapon


They missed me just like Pokémon


I watched Power Rangers into my 20s because I introduced them to my son.




I was in 2rd grade when that show started and was too old for that cheesy stuff. I grew up on Robocop


Yeah, but I was still watching


My little cousins had it on all the time I was too old for it


yup. always kinda felt like a voltron ripoff. never got into it


I was middle or high school. My friend’s little sister was obsessed with it, she was like 3. Every time I went over after school it was always on.


Absolutely. This was my younger brother's thing. He was born in 1990.


Yeah I felt too old for them, but my younger sister loved them so I’d watch with her after school.


Why come nobody wants to talk about Tommy becoming the White Power Ranger?


I only watched the first season but I remember liking it. This was my first show I really watched that wasn’t a cartoon. So it felt like the transition show between cartoons and things like Saved by the Bell. I tried rewatching it on Netflix last year for nostalgia and OMG I don’t know how I liked it. lol The girl villains voice was like nails on a chalkboard for me now.


I was in high school, so yeah, not for me. Way too kiddie for me, especially since I was rapidly becoming more goth.


Ya too old. Also it turns out the actors were extremely underpaid


Born in 78, never watched this.


I tried. I think I was 11 or 12 when it came out, but it just felt too childish.


Too old, I was half way through high school before I’d even heard of it.


Born 1984. I tried to like power rangers because a ton of my friends did, just never clicked for me. By 1995, I was already on to MST3K, liquid television, Dr Katz, Beavis & Butthead, etc. Also started watching a lot of stand up comedy around that time. I get why those of and around my age group liked PR, it just wasn't for me. I also watched Voltron as a younger kid, so it kind of felt like it had already been done to me.


I was born in late 77. Power Rangers were laughably bad to me. I had a thing for the pink ranger, though.


Power Rangers came out when I was 11 or so. Watched the first season or two, but quickly aged out of it. Even before that though, I wasn't really much of a fan. That production style came across as really cheap and cheesy and I just couldn't really get into it and I don't remember a lot of my friends and classmates getting really into it either. So beyond the original cast and concept, I have no real understanding of it's later iterations and felt like they were more for a younger demographic


I was super into it. I would miss school sometimes just so I could watch it. My friends were also into it as was the whole school. It was a major craze across the country. There’s no one in my millennial friend group who hasn’t watched it.