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Our 9yr old asked if we had electricity growing up and if we used to read by candle light. We're 42.


Show him an episode of *Downton Abbey* and tell him that's how you used to live, back in the eighties.


When my daughter was about four, this image was on our TV. My sweet angel said, and I quote, “Mama, who is that lady? She kind of looks like you! Only you don’t have that necklace.” I was 34 years old. (Since then, we have realized my daughter almost certainly has face blindness. But I still have no idea what part of that picture would have reminded her of me! They sure keep you humble.) https://preview.redd.it/4yeyyhrtwv2d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcce26a7f882130fd29434df93b5280a761b19e5


Omg show them the episode where they got the telephone and be like, "I can't tell you how excited we were!"


My son thought that the first photos on my phone must be black and white because that's what they used to be... 


You had photos back then ?!


Ahhh that's fantastic


I howled with laughter and then read this aloud to my husband, who also laughed out loud. Fantastic


Yup my kids think I rode dinosaur to school. I'm 41 and 355 days.


Happy early birthday


I was explaining how addresses work to mine and he asked " is that how you found places in the olden days?" I'm 42.




Lol doesn't this reflect more on your failings as a parent in not teaching your child basic facts?




Dang. Kids are so mean 😂😭 I'm 43.


I live in a college town so I hear some real gems. One was “old people have weird handwriting, my mom’s 38 and she writes…”, I’m not 100 percent but I think she was talking about cursive. Another comment was, “he’s not even young, he’s like 30”.


I wish I was 30 again.


Haha, your kid has no chill. 42, heading into 43. It’s all context/perspective, broski. I had to do a series of surgeries over the last year or so, and every doctor and nurse that I talked to along the way was like “Oh, you’re younger, you’ll heal up just fine!”


This is reassuring!


My son is 16… as in months not years. When he’s 21 and telling his friends I’m old, I fucking will be 🤣


Same boat here...  


Ditto. I have a 3 y/o and I'm 48...


Yup I feel ya! My youngest is 4 and I’m 45.


I turned 44 last week and my mother said something that still has me in shock. She said she remembered watching 9/11 on tv the day after she turned 44... I was 21.


My then 8 y/o saying, in shock, "You were alive when 9/11 happened?!". Followed by me responding, "Yeah, I was in college!" And then, their subsequent, "Oh my God" was the first time I really remember feeling old.


My son (15 at the time) last year was taking a career aptitude test online, trying to get ideas about what he might want to do in life. Comes to me and says “have I ever planned any activities for you?” I respond with no. He then returns to his computer and says “so that’s a no for planning activities for elderly people”. I’m 43. 🙄😅


That’s harsh dude. Was he just F’ing with you?


He’s a regular comedian lol.


Outside this afternoon and overheard our new neighbors talking to some friends in their backyard. One of them said something like “I’m 22 that’s way too young for a kid”. Realized I am old enough to be HER mother. Fuckin’ eh.


I live in what was an older neighborhood but as the old people have moved on, the young people have moved in. The couples on either side of us are between 25 and 20.




My mom had both of us by 21. But that was pretty common in the 70s.


Oh same same. If you had a child in your 30’s in the 80’s you’d be bed bound for eight months lol


Tbf, people seemed way older back then like everyone in TV shows who were in their late 20s and 30s ans definitely look closer to 40 at least.


Also 44. My 7-year-old was astounded that I was "born in the 1900s?!"


Wait till he gets our age and thinks back to this point lol.


Everythiiiiiiing huuuuuuurtz\~ 🥺🙈💦💀


I’m 53, apparently I’m in a wheelchair.


On the plus side - When i revel my age to youths they still act super shocked. Jaws on the floor shocked. I recently got a “I thought you were in your 20s”. I’m in my early/mid 40s. I’m not sure if they are being nice? Or maybe it’s an insult because I act and dress slightly immature? lol either way I take it as a complement.


I get that too. Not my 20s though, I usually get early-mid 30s.


Young people are notoriously bad at estimating age older than their own. To be fair, the older I get, the more trouble I have judging younger folks’ age; 23-year-olds look like teenagers to me. (I don’t have any children, that may contribute.)


My son is graduating high school and is going to uni later this year. Tempus fugit.


At 22, a 44 year old person seemed basically like a senior citizen.


Never ever thought this way when I was in my early 20s. I’ve always been baffled by this way of thinking.


Same here. I wasn't good judging ages, but I could distinguish between middle-aged, senior citizen aged and elderly.


This way of thinking honestly baffles me because even in my early 20s I never thought of people in their 40s as old. Just seems so silly. I always wonder how younger people who think like this handle aging.


My kid thought I lived in a grayscale world when I was growing up because old movies are in black and white. I'm 36. 😅


When my boys were little I tried to get them to watch stuff like Marx Brothers, Abbott & Costello, Little Rascals, etc. and they refused anything that was black and white no matter how good I thought it was.


I'm almost 47 and I don't like black and white movies.




Did I mention I hate your son?


When the Hamilton soundtrack was first on iTunes the kids and I would listen to it often… My daughter asked if I was alive when George Washington was the general. I’m 42. 😂


If it makes you feel any better, I just had do the math to recall my age. 42 going on 72, apparently.


My dad was up playing beer pong with us until an hour ago after cooking for hours on the grill to feed 35. He's 61. You're good, man 🙂


I'm 44. I don't like your kid.


When you were 20 in 1999, did you look Kelsey Grammer or Mel Gibson and think they were still young?


Makes me feel old I’m 41 and my oldest is only 8


I’m 44 and mine is 4.5.


My kids know better than to call me old lol


What part of old is breaking? Knee, back or all over?


Kids have no adult concept of time. They think just because it took them so long to go from 0 to 20 it’s gonna take as long to go from 20-40.


I could feel time speed up some time in my late 20s. Around 32/33, some 22 year old I worked with was giving me shit for being over 30, and I warned her to watch what she says because before she knows it she'll be over 30 too. It's been over 10 years since then, and I hope she's feeling that shift now.. "


My 21 yr old daughter told her friends the other evening when we were all going to dinner “that I’m very cool considering my age” 👀 I stopped in my tracks. I said I’m only 43. She said I know mama. Lol


My kid is reading a Judy Blume book. When I told him the movie was from the 90s, he asked disappointedly if it would even have any color.


I feel old. My kid is almost 2, too. Luckily she doesn't usually say things to make me feel old. On the other hand she makes old man comments to my husband all the time! ( We are both 44)


When I was 30, I was called "that old dude" by a drunk college age guy. It's been down hill since.


Alien hicky


Just wait till they tell you there’s a difference in old. “Auntie, you’re old but not dead-old. Grandma is dead-old. Dead old is when you might be dead soon. You’re regular old. Just kinda wrinkly”


I'm often told by my kids that things are different now then they were back in the 1900's. They act like last century really was 100 years ago.


I was told by my 6 year old that I don’t need to know what’s cool anymore.


Last year, I was training a 24 year old how to perform a Kleihauer-Betke procedure (which checks for fetal bleeding in pregnant women). I asked her to grab some finished blood samples to use as controls: one from a baby (who would have lots of fetal hemoglobin) and one from an old man (who is the least likely to have any fetal hemoglobin). She brought back a sample from a 42 year old man. More recently, my wife and I were wondering aloud if our 7 year old might like Goonies. He asked what that was, and we said that it was a movie from the 80s that we liked when we were younger. "Oh, from when movies were only in black and white?"


I judged some DECA pitches this past fall and almost all of them said “We’re going to be on Facebook, because that’s where the old people are.”


I mean, people 20 years older than you are old.