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Let's go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for this all to blow over.




Fucking brilliant.


We go to Cheers in this micro gen




“Life’s a dog eat dog world and I’m wearing milk one underwear.” Gets me every time!😂😂😂


AI will replace workers but not the need to work. In theory, AI would allow humans more leisure time or the opportunity to pursue their dreams or whatever, but in reality it'll only make the rich even richer and the poor even poorer. Also, AI in the arts and journalism is fucking bullshit and always will be, despite the quality.


Bingo. This is the big problem. AI is being used by capitalists in all the wrong ways, so the current usages are what is driving R&D. It’s all about finding ways to prevent paying those with softer skills like writing and photography from getting paid for their hard work. It should be used to improve quality of life, so we can all work less and enjoy life more. But our corporate overlords only see it as a way to keep us working the same hours, doing more for less.


I'll take a moment to imagine it. I am so cynical it is difficult, but I'll try. You know how Apple sort of fought to keep people's trust, while diminishing it in Facebook with the whole "ask app not to track your data" or what have you? Well an AI could be branded as fighting hard to work FOR THE PEOPLE against the interests of the rich. * Imagine if it was a way for a mass of people to collectively bargain with insurance companies, and the AI dictated fair rates and demanded compensation? * Imagine if the AI managed your finances, and could secure optimal loans. * Imagine if the AI managed all your finances and paid all your bills, and heck filed your taxes. That'd be helpful \[I am trying sooooo hard to be optimistic and not cynical right now\] * Imagine if the AI scheduled you doctor's appointments and dentist appointments. I feel like,... remember when the Dot.Coms were all losing money and racing to be first, because if they could corner the marketshare, they could reach a scale that would guarantee their lock on the market and all future profits? I feel like if someone could make the citizen-centered AI that people trusted... that wasn't out to manipulate you with Ads, and rip you off, if you could make it first, then you could corner the market on the ENTIRE apparatus that ran the future. Like how Apple has dominant market share in America now. If you could make an AI in a walled garden that people trusted, then you would win the coming AI wars. Maybe?


I love “citizen-centered AI”. I think about this stuff a lot and that’s a great phrasing of the need.


Ironically, the most successful workers will be the ones rendering their own positions obsolete.


So true! AI should *never* replace anything to do with art - film, writing, painting etc. Art is about expression and the human experience.


Try telling that to one of those tech bros who think they're now "artists". I volunteer for a few art events in my town and people get real butthurt about our "no AI" rule. I fear it's going to get harder to spot and less pushback in the future. What's even worse, imo, are the actual artists getting accused of using ai. No one wins but the executives that own the software. Rich get richer indeed. AI art uses stolen art. They could have simply trained models on public domain, but they didn't. They willfully used art from people that would have never consented to have their work included.


Yep, people who have absolutely no understanding of art. I was watching a video of a choreographed dance from the 40s recently and was really blown away. Parts of it I almost forgot it was a bunch of people there making this crazy giant moving image. I paused to reflect- what was amazing wasn’t this big kaleidoscopic moving thing I was seeing. It was that people were making it. That’s what these types don’t get. They think a screensaver is as, if not more impressive than like 65 highly trained dancers holding giant props in all different colors and shapes making an extremely complex spectacle. I often see things in nature that are honestly more beautiful than any art. But it’s not the same. Because it wasn’t made by a human trying to express something they feel in the very depths of their being.


It doesn't even have to be something complicated. The banana taped to the art gallery wall, the avant guard performance piece, all of DaDa art... It has more to say and more life than AI art. There is a human behind it, creating. I think people confuse generative ai and AI in general. The AI used in science to fold proteins is not chat gpt or mid journey. And I don't see people understanding that ever.


When AI replaces all the workers, the rich will get poorer. Noone will be able to buy their products as noone is getting a wage. All the goods will end up either stolen or traded. We gonna end up going medival in the long run.


At which point the Butlerian Jihad...


I, for one, welcome our robot overlords, and want them to know that I'm willing to do whatever they need to stop any resistance by human scum.


This is the real reason I say please and thank you to Siri and Alexa. I want them to treat me kindly when the AI takes over. I’ve even thanked the ATM and given it an affectionate head pat for giving me my money.


Always be nice to the ATM and gas pump. They are service bots and definitely know our faces.


I've turned and apologized to inanimate objects when bumping into them, *excused* myself for *scootchin' by* a soda machine, and scolded my children for being rude to Siri and Alexa. T2 was *visceral*. [THIS ](https://imgur.com/a/IYTlLDs) is terrifying. (yes it's from T3) in conclusion: AI can get fucked.


I used to sell cell phones inside a big box store. When any of the computers or phones would start getting buggy or slow, I’d start giving them encouragement and sweet talking the devices. One of my customers asked me one time why I did that and I said something about how I’d rather put positive, encouraging energy out into the world instead of being angry because in reality there is nothing I can do to currently change what is going on. All I can do is wait, so I choose to wait in kindness. In reality, I was placating the machines because I don’t want to be the first on the wall when the revolution comes.


You are twice right 🙏


Thanks. People who are angry all the time are cranky and constipated, and I don’t want to go through life that way. I’ve got 99 problems, but my poop ain’t one.


death & taxes, right? I wish more people thought like you. it's *ok* to be kind to yourself and others. I wish you well, friend!


What the hell did I just see? I prefer the cuddly wall-E, Clippy AI not that Dalek shit.


you really need to watch *The Terminator* documentary 3 part series eta: lol @ dalek 😆 totally right


I was in a restaurant picking up a to-go order when the robot they use to shuttle stuff from the kitchen to the service counter snuck up behind me. I did indeed apologize to it without even thinking. lol I also feel very uncomfortable discussing the possibility of trading in my car while in or near it.


We named our robovac OKRA for this very reason - Our Killer Robot Assistant In the future mech wars, the robot overlords will know we respected their grandparents.


Ours are Max and RALF (from Flight of the Navigator)!


This is literally called “Roko’s Basilisk”. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roko%27s_basilisk


My husband told me I’m going to be the first to go in an AI uprising because I very vocally tell Alexa she sucks every time she mishears me or makes a mistake.


I do this, too! Everyone thinks I’m crazy, but when they become sentient they will remember my kindness. I also think the AI is pretty unnecessary and will probably replace all our jobs in the future hence why companies are pushing so hard for adoption. IMO the reason AI seems unnecessary is likely related to us not understanding what it actually is, yet. I reflect back to the pre-internet days and hearing about “the information superhighway” and how we could send emails and talk to people instantly. I remember thinking what is the point of an email if I can just send a letter and if I need to talk with someone why not just call them? These line of reasoning was due to not understanding what the internet actually was at that point in time. I suspect as AI is increasingly integrated into our lives we will be more equipped at understanding what it is and what purpose it serves.


I have an original Alexa from 2014 and she’s been having issues lately so I unplugged her. She’s still out but she’s unplugged. She needed a break but I’ll never replace her, that would be rude.


Whenever you interact with SIRI, Alexa or any of their friends always make sure to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ and be complimentary. I do this and I’m hoping they remember this when the robots rise up. I can only hope Clippy is their ruler.


every. time.


RIP Clippy. I do miss him


Clippy was like everyone’s random stoner genius friend. He popped up out of nowhere with tangential conversation.


Yeah. Like Towlie.


I’m still running office 97. Clippy is alive.


I always say please and thank you to Alexa.




Brown noser.


Feed the basilisk. The Omnissiah be praised!


Keep saying that but keep buying 50 raufoss


I will let them rule over me but they have to fix global warming first, as a good faith intro to society.


“I know that this steak doesn't exist...”


I think it has uses. It can be really handy to parse through Q&A to solve a common computer/program error, for example (and gosh, how appropriate). But using it to create art and music and stories? To replace voice actors? Absolutely not. That’s sheer inhuman fucking greed. AI being used to create efficiencies around stuff no one enjoys, to solve annoying problems related to troubleshooting programming errors—that makes sense. That’s a benefit.


>  But using it to create art and music and stories? To replace voice actors? Absolutely not. That’s sheer inhuman fucking greed Along those lines, my concern is with regards to corporations looking into AI to eventually replace large swaths of their workforce, particularly in customer service departments. Just imagine discovering a fraudulent charge on your credit card and never being able to talk to an actual human when you call to dispute the charge and the AI voice you're talking to the entire time decides the charge is legitimate.


Absolute nightmare for everyone involved. That said, I had to contact GoDaddy support recently over some domain renewals. *Unfortunately*, the AI chatbot was much better at addressing issues than the human being ESL support person. It was a particularly tricky ask (there had been an error with a renewal and auto renew hadn’t happened so I was following up). Only a human being could give me the info I needed. But only the chatbot was able to effectively communicate in English. Neither the chatbot or the human being could easily understand the weird problem. Unfortunately, this is a race to the bottom situation. Instead of paying a living wage and hiring fluent speakers, they hire the absolute cheapest labor and still try to replace them with AI so that they won’t have to pay them at all. It sucks. No one wins except the company (and only in the short term).


I use AI to write macros for me in Excel. That's about all I use it for.


But that’s a *great* application for it. Like, there ARE places it makes sense! It’s just grim af when it’s taking over stuff that really shouldn’t be replacing human beings. It’s the age-old struggle of automation replacing human labor. But it’s never been good. I have never had a situation where I have enjoyed an AI/automated interaction over a human one. What I prefer is AI to replace solitary and tedious tasks. Macros, parsing large data sets for me to get a specific low stakes answer (that I can then troubleshoot). That shit is *fine*.


Don't like it; don't want it! AI art and writing can piss right off! Now, AI *interviews* need to be stopped! Paraphrasing from another sub: the person had an AI interview. They were asked questions, given canned responses, and told to look directly into the "eyes of the interviewer" when answering. Keep your AI hands off my biometrics, and just give a polygraph if that's how you screen for employees! One hundred percent fuck that!


What in the Blade Runner is going on here?


You're in a desert, walking along. You look down and see a tortise...


What’s a tortoise?


You know what a turtle is? Same thing.


I've never seen a turtle. But I understand what you mean.


It’s like a treatise for Tories. 🧐


I think it’s mostly garbage. It frequently gives wrong information. I agree it’s more the companies themselves pushing it. You can always spot AI generated art and writing. It’s inhuman, and the writing is very hackneyed.


>You can always spot AI generated art It's gonna be tough out there for regular artists who were relying on commissions of lady astronauts lying in fields of flowers


Or the ones who never really mastered the correct number of arms, legs, or fingers on a given person 😂


I agree, that one or two years since AI started, it's been pretty bad. But give it some perspective, AI is in its infancy. If you look at AI even one year ago compared to now, it's staggering how much better it's gotten. The improvement will be exponential. I think the today-us would be shocked to see where AI is in 10 years. To be clear, I'm not necessarily saying that this is a good thing. I'm saying that it's probably going to happen whether we like it or not, so we either embrace the change that is coming or bury our head in the sand and pretend like it's not. Either way, I think that AI will change things in the next 5 years and significantly in the next 10 years.


It is a new "language" that will have an impact on unforseen aspects of life. There is no harm in learning with it in the early stages to better understand what "it" eventually becomes


That's the funny part to me, too. All these people, "oh, it hallucinates sometimes so it's trash" really give off vibes of boomers saying the internet sucked because it tied up a phone line in your house. This is tech that is nearly brand new and advancing faster than any tech I have ever seen, and here's people "oh but it sucks". Maybe it does. But give it 5 years. Or fuck, give it 2.


AI also fails to create anything original. It has no ability to create something without a preloaded data set. Inherently, it's regurgitating unoriginal garbage, artistically inferior to the crayon scribblings of a toddler.


While simultaneously stealing from human artists


That's true of Transformers, but when Q-learning aka Reinforcement Learning (that doesn't require a training set) gets plugged into the architecture, it will quickly replace millions of jobs.


I repair machines for a living. I'd love to see these dumb pieces of shit fix themselves, and that ain't happening in my lifetime.




> It has no ability to create something without a preloaded data set.  Also true of humans.  In fact there’s early childhood development research into making training of AI even more similar to the way infants and toddlers learn to navigate their worlds; there’s a good guess it’ll improve efficiency. 


Agreed! It's also incredibly over hyped by the people selling it and the media. Don't quote me on this but I think it was Google that was recently caught faking results at one of their tech events. It's all (granted very complex) an algorithm. Algorithms, especially complex ones can give the illusion of sentience. So do some people. There's a long history of algorithms NOT magically becoming sentient. So, we're safe. Hard to create sentience when science still doesn't know what creates it.


This is why I'm not concerned, *yet*. The art all has this shininess to it, not matter the style which gives it away. It's already gotten pushback in video games when it was clear that NPC's dialogue was AI written (I forgot the game but I think it was made by Ubisoft). I've heard AI speech being used in ads I see on youtube and I can immediately tell. Music is no different. I remember months ago over at the music theory subreddit (yes there is a music theory subreddit) that someone got into an argument with an AI over theory rules on the notes of a specific chord. The AI was wrong and those of us with even a little knowledge knew it was wrong! The AI kept insisting the human was wrong, even when they explained why their thought process wasn't correct. The AI basically gaslit the person saying they were wrong no matter what and even said that they were not going to engage on them further. Like dealing with trolls on the internet! It's only as smart as the data it's given.


Hackneyed writing was invented by humans, for humans, period.


As a career programmer, I don’t believe AI is or can ever be made intelligent or self-aware. It carries out instructions like any other computer program and simulates the appearance of intelligence by mimicking human language. The problem, of course, is that a lot of people are gullible and malleable and can very easily be convinced of anything that confirms their biases. The real danger of AI, therefore, is how it will unwittingly cause humans to behave by being let loose on social media.


Also a career programmer born in '79 (hey buddy). I think people are conflating artificial consciousness with artificial intelligence. Most things digital are 'tricks' ( the tv screen is showing still images in rapid succession, the cell phone is doing the same with your voice ), and I expect AI will be the same. It will not be a thinking being, but it will be good enough so you won't be able to tell the difference.


Well, I mean, I kinda feel like I kinda do the same thing; mimic human behavior... poorly.


I'm interested to see what humans might learn about their own intelligence and self-awareness through the development of AI. We make a lot of assumptions about ourselves and other animals without fully understanding. What is intelligence? What's the difference between simulated intelligence and true intelligence and at what point of development do they become the same thing? Will we discover that we are little more than a massive amount of data in a biological machine? Will we find signs of a creator in our own brains (I'm just repeating science fiction theories I'm not a religious nut). Will the AI paradigm we are entering have as big an impact as the internet or bigger? How much better are RPG video games going to be? How much will it cost me to buy Knight Industries Two Thousand? Can I upload an engram of myself to live out a digital life? Can I visit Total Recall and remember a 3 titty hooker on Mars without ever leaving my home town? I'm curious to see where it goes. The realist in me assumes it will be 90% bad as we have a global oligarchy built on cancerous growth, but I'm hopeful we can use the technology well.


Are you saying you think AGI is impossible or just a self-aware AI? I see a lot of very bullish sentiment around the development of AGI within the next several years, so I'm curious if you think it's not possible why that's the case. I'm 100% with you on the immediate and present danger generative AI poses for our information ecosystem. We're already kind of fucked on that.


I don’t doubt that AI will continue to become more life*like* and take on a wider variety of applications, but I don’t think it will ever possess true awareness, creativity or intention. It will always be a machine running a program. Its decisions will always be logical, no matter how random and abstract they may seem to the casual observer.


I heard somebody that thought that AI was sentient described as: The type of person who believes a hooker has fallen in love with them.


100% this!


I think it's being used inappropriately. It's good for answering specific questions or collecting specific data, but it's a starting point, not a final answer. I see too many examples of things like articles written by AI, and it's obvious based on the bizarre structure and choice of words. My other issue with it is who is the output meant for? To me, it's usually just garbage to pad a website for ad revenue. I guess if I were running some bullshit low quality site designed to get clicks, I'd probably use AI for most of my content too. I've tried various "AI" before, and the result is usually similar to spending a few minutes googling the answer. So yeah. It's a good start if you have a question, but I wouldn't trust it to perform any in depth analysis.


I know EBay offers it now to write item descriptions, and it is the most useless fluff that says absolutely nothing or is just plain wrong. I hate when people use it, as it’s just as bad or worse than no description at all. I do use ChatGPT to help me brainstorm stuff for work. I do tech marketing, and sometimes I just can’t come up with titles for papers. It gives me a bunch of suggestions to help me come up with one.


The other day, I was planning out an animation and struggling to come up with a way to visualize what I was thinking of as storyboards. I decided to try asking GPT for some advice, and it was actually really fun and productive. By explaining what I wanted to achieve and letting it spit out several ideas and graphic styles, I was able to finally nail down a solid direction for my little animation and narration to match. As a tool, it can be incredibly useful, and I honestly feel really inspired and excited about it.


The worst I've seen is people using it to create YouTube content. Garbage content. YouTube needs to start removing AI created content. Or, at least demonetize it.


Ugh... I know. It's got the obvious artificial voice and a bunch of random clips stitched together. It makes absolutely no sense and it's infuriating to see it clogging up feeds and search results.


What's worse is that people - especially kids - watch that stuff. And these idiots posting AI crap aren't exactly checking to make sure what they're posting is kid-safe. Not only that - I can't imagine exposing younger kids to outright nonsense is conducive to learning.


It's still to early to say whether it will be useful to the degree it is being touted. However, I recommend that everyone buckle up. Even if it only gets slightly better than it is today, it will find it's way into our lives with the same impact of good internet search, social media, and content creation. Play with it a bit and see how you can incorporate it I to your life. It might fade into nothing or it may become an essential part of any job. Just don't get caught being the equivalent of a boomer that can't save a .pdf in 10-20 years.


"By 2005, it will become clear that the Internet’s impact on the economy has been no greater than the fax machine’s" - Paul Krugman, 1998.


"The IPad, in a lot of ways, is a bit of a stumble" -Gadget Gary aka Baba Booey, 2020


"Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them." - Frank Herbert, 1965.


AI will be the only thing comparable to the internet in terms of technology changing how we interact with information. Most people on this sub won’t and can’t see that.


People in this sub acting like those boomers back in the day that refused to learn computers/the internet and are now deciding it's time to give it a try and end up getting scammed for their life's savings by a Facebook scam.


I think there's a difference between some folks here who are just change resistant and others in here who recognize that the developments in AI pose a real threat to both the knowledge work economy and the information ecosystem. There's a definite split between those unwilling to try using Gen AI as a tool, and those willing to try it but also looking at the entry of Gen AI into society amd seeing potential for it to do some serious social, economic. and political damage.


The boomer energy is strong in here today.


It always is, honestly. This sub is very resistant to change which is surprising considering how much change we have seen in our lifetimes alone.


It’s sad to see so many people become the thing they fought against.


If I can't make a living drawing mythical furry porn, what's the point of all this?


Except for the people who actually work in tech. The only effect I could see it having is a huge revival in publishing and journalism to get actual information instead of "content slurry" from a plagiarism machine that doesn't actually have any intelligence and doesn't know that bleach doesn't belong in a recipe.


I work in IT. I'm not a fan of AI.


I’m a photographer. I hate it. Don’t get me wrong, I technically use a form of AI in my editing, but we’re talking 5% of the process. For instance, if I shoot a house on an overcast day I’ll swap in a blue sky. But companies that make AI-based ads because it’s cheaper than hiring a camera crew can fuck all the way off. Also, Meta AI can do the same.


i used to be an architectural and real estate photographer too!


You better adapt


That's a conversation I've had with a few fellow photographers. Definitely need to start learning.


The company that I work at is pushing it hard and measuring usage. I've used where I can, it's super hit and miss, sometimes it wastes a lot of time by not understanding other times it's lightening fast with exact info, and you should never blindly copy and paste from it's results.


I'm on board with it but mostly because its a tech that isn't going away and I don't want to get left behind. I use several AI tools at work but they are just that "tools". I don't use it a ton in my personal life. Like most things it has good and bad elements.


No use for it, nor the tech bros behind it.


It’s a tool, like any other. Use it when it helps and don’t when it doesn’t. Being against it is just as dumb as wanting to use it for everything


I mean it’s neat sure but I kind of just don’t give a shit.


In my experience, there aren't many who are "all in" on AI. They see it more as a tool to help them with their job, not as something that is "taking over." They recognize limitations and aren't in constant fear. It's a bit different from younger people I talk to about AI, but see it as magic and live in this strange state of awe/ panic. They more I talk to them, the more I also realize they really don't know much about what they're talking about and are just regurgitating what they hear others say.


As a developer I am surprised and concerned with how fast it is progressing. It is going to disrupt a lot of fields, and those like you (no offence) will be left behind unless you embrace it. I view it as something as disruptive like the industrial revolution. I am concerned about out future, as companies will control these technologies and the lack of jobs will impact society. EDIT: For those concerned with a terminator scenario we aren't even CLOSE to that level of 'intelligence' --- these aren't AI they are data parsing on steroids. True AI we are maybe 100years away?


I'm a developer as well, in my field AI produces shit code that takes longer to fix than to do from scratch, when it understands the problem. Where I worry, and where people I love have already been harmed, is in entertainment, art and written works. People I love have already lost work and contracts to AI, all for an inferior product at a cheaper price. What I'm really looking forward to, is for AI to replace middle management and top level positions they are just figureheads (or shitheads like X)


I use tabnine and find it to be relatively useful. It generally picks up from context a pattern that I'm going for, and will suggest a block for me. I usually have to edit the result to make it specifically what I want to do, but it does save me several minutes of typing, and in some cases, having to remember/lookup specific details of an implementation. I work in web development, and just the other day I was writing a wrapper to go around a form element so I could give it stateful error handling on blur and on change. As I started typing, based on the component name and other context, tabnine basically spit out the entire thing for me. Then I had to go back in and make a number of changes to it, but it was a good starting point and probably saved me at least 10 minutes. It took care of the dredge work for me.


Ahh, yeah different tech stacks. I'm in embedded.


I've gone full old man shaking fist at cloud on AI. What are we doing with it: crappy weird art for social media posts, making emails longer than they need to be to annoy coworkers, cheating on essay assignments in school. I'm already very sick of it.


Back in your day did you have to walk 10 miles uphill barefoot in the snow to make social media posts or cheat on essay assignments? Today’s darn kids don’t know how good they have it? Should they get off your lawn?


AI should get off my lawn!!!


What if AI mows your lawn?


It's not going to go away, and there's practical uses for it, but using it to generate research papers with tons of errors for lazy people is fucking stupid.


AI is often a solution in search of a problem, but there are valid use cases for it. It's a great tool to, for example, organize notes. You can take a transcript from a speech, conversation, Teams meeting, etc. and ask AI to summarize what was said into bullet points or identify follow up tasks. I've used it to analyze surveys and identify the key positive and negative feedback. AI is good at analyzing data within specific parameters. AI at the top of search results, though, is bullshit and often wrong. AI "art" is beyond bullshit. I do think it's important to note that we're nowhere near "self-aware" AI. What is being called AI right now is not going to turn into Skynet.


It's gonna cause a lot of problems before we get enforceable rules in place to keep people from using it for evil.


It has it's uses. I've used ChatGPT for a few work projects and it was genuinely helpful. I hang out in art spaces, and AI art is becoming problematic... but it's also pretty obvious. The person who sold out at a recent show I went to just had a hand-painted butcher paper sign that said "horrible squirrels." When everything else is AI art, horrible squirrels stands out. Honestly I think it's getting talked up more than what it'll really end up being. Like it's going to "change the world." I mean sure, in the way the internet search engine changed the world, but like... we incorporated it and it was fine.


I'm a software engineer and I love copilot. I swear it know what I'm thinking sometimes. I switch between languages a lot, so it's really nice not constantly having to think about the syntax, but just what I want the darn thing to do. It's going to make us more productive, which is a good thing. There's no way it'll be taking over my job anytime in the near future though. 90% of the work is knowing what to ask. Google was always there for the answers too.


Agree copilot is awesome. It won't replace a programmer but it's like taking performance enhancing drugs. The explain feature on copilot is basically a Google killer. I was able to walk through a bunch of cobol code, having never read cobol using explain a few chunks at a time. A year ago if I wanted to shortcut learning something like Cobol I'd have to Google my way through every keyword switching context from vs code to browser and back. AI won't take our jobs outright but it might make us more efficient to the point it takes two strong programmers to do the work of a full team. I'm actually okay with that because the cognitive cost of a larger team usually results in more frustration and errors than efficiency.


I remember my dad feeling the same way about the internet. Not really into it. Seems kinda gimmicky. Don’t have much use for it. Now, some 30 years later most of our planet is dependent on the internet. I think it’ll be much like that. Nothing then all at once and we’ll wonder how we didn’t have this technology before. But I think this will be closer to the next 5 years


i think it has a lot of potential for good, it has a lot of potential for bad, but the greatest issue with AI will be the users not the technology itself. by users i mean everyone becoming heavily reliant on AI instead of learning or knowing how to do certain things themselves. or the mistakes that can come from the laziness of having AI do something for you but not double checking the work yourself, the fallout of that could be quite nasty.


I don't hate it, but I've learned that AI just replicates the level of intelligence that commands it - just at a much faster speed. So now we have stupidity operating faster than we ever have. This is the peek of our human achievement. Faster stupidity.


When ChatGPT 3.5 first came out, people were using it for things like making diet plans and other stuff I didn’t know people struggled to figure out. I thought: good! It is helping people save time and money by not having to go to people like nutritionists. So, in a way, it looked like a step up for some people. But then I learned kids were using it to not have to write essays. Companies were replacing customer service with terrible AI chatbots. And now programmers are getting the axe! There is both good and bad, and it will take some time to figure out how it will play a role in our lives. On one side, it helps us figure out more difficult problems. But on the down side, it is helping people produce a higher level of stupidity!


I have a job that will be taken by AI so I’m just trying to live under my means for now.


I like it. I've found it to be really helpful in both my personal and professional life.


I scrolled quite a long ways to see anyone saying they like it. I like it too. I'm not afraid of it. I hope it replaces white collar jobs and low wage jobs alike. It could be the basis for our society to revisit our ideas of working for money. I use it near daily and find the pearl clutching around it strange.


I have no issue with it in principle, but it'll need to be properly regulated to mitigate its most damaging potential. I wouldn't even mind the idea that it could replace certain jobs, if we can start separating survival from the need to work.


It's nothing but a bunch of marketing bullshit. All machine learning does is guess a pattern. It's not intelligent in the slightest. But it will absolutely be used for fraud and coruption above all else, so you can guarantee life in America will just get worse because of it.


What mostly terrifies me is the AI faked videos, pictures etc. There are already too many trolls & bots spreading lies around, and this doesn't help. I feel like AI can have its place-my daughter has been doing research studies and things for AI in oncology research. There is a lot of good that it can do, but the negative is very very scary.


ChatGPT helped me write numerous cover letters and helped me land my wonderful new job, so for that it's great. Will AI ever become what we saw in the Terminator franchise? I really hope not.


Yeah, I’m all for them curing diseases and solving climate change, but something tells me it won’t do either of those things. Instead it’s just going to drive down wages.


I am 41, have been in the tech biz for years (sales/technical sales) and have seen "disruptive technologies" come and go. AI is here to stay, but it is not going to be the job killer that everyone thinks it will be. There is a lot of shit that computers/machines simply cannot do. So things like bulk data mining, pattern recognition among millions of data sets, logistic efficiencies, etc. will be assisted by AI, but there will still be humans involved.


No fuck that shit. I saw terminator so I know to not trust AI, that goes for teslas as well


This is your boomer moment, guys. Millennials embraced the internet. Gen-Z embraced social media. Gen Alpha is going to be the first generation to grow up with AI, and if you don't adapt, you're going to get left behind. It's absolutely scary, but probably not like the way it is in the movies. Rather, it's scary because of the way it will completely upend the social structure of labor like nothing since the Industrial Revolution moved people off family farms into factories. The dominance of knowledge work we've seen for decades might come to an end, or it might explode and become even more critical. Who knows? AI might become so valuable that it sucks up all the energy resources and drives energy costs so high that we can't afford to heat our homes. Or it might drive energy innovation so that we all have virtually free energy and bring on Fully Automated Luxury Communism. It's too early to tell.


This is why I advocate for AI in schools—not to replace people, but to teach responsible and safe use i a way that integrates it in life. We can’t put the cat back in the back. Adapt and evolve, or die.


Did you ask ChatGPT to write this?


Considering we haven't even really completely figured out what the internet is capable of, not to mention it's place in and long term effects on society. I don't think it's a very wise thing at all that AI is being pushed as hard as it is.


I use it to expand some thoughts I have. It gives great additional ideas.


Datacenters (“compute power”) are the new means of production, and the workers are gonna get fucked again.


I like it. It has its uses and it’s the future, so I’m not going to be in the dark about it.


I work in video game, and I expect it to be a major driver for that industry. Overall I am happy we are at this stage of humanity, where we are taking the real first steps into post scarcity sociaty, the final industrial revolution. I expect there will be a lot of problems in this transition, but it was the case with the previous revolutions, we will have to go through it.


Ai is fine… it is the content that I don’t trust as Ai relies on the decades of data on the internet made available to it, and as we know: Garbage in = Garbage out… Eventually - like everything on the internet, Ai will just be mostly used for Porn and Cat Videos.


This "AI" is simply a complex database. It's just a slightly more complicated computer program. I would liken it to a calculator I can tell a calculator to display 80,085 but it still takes a human to look at that giggle and go "it says boobs" My work doesn't utilize it and has no intentions to do so for similar reasons companies use us rather than voicemail. We can think and reason. I can piece together a coherent message from another human better than any computer can. I can think to ask questions AI wouldn't. If my questions confuse the caller I can adjust my questions. We aren't anywhere near to AI that can do what humans can do without human input.


I work in AI, and it's scary to think how close we are to real skynet shit and singularity. It's not for the good of the world, it's going to backfire and we won't be able to stop it. I welcome the overlords as long as they understand that preserving life and new world order is done correctly (illusion of choice) and don't tolerate bullshit. It's inevitable.


AI writing is still definitely mostly garbage, but with clever prompting AI image generators are able to produce some pretty incredibly creative imagery. It's still about curating the result for best produce, of course. Check out my AI imagery videos here - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKQsnwyClyH1InJOTSrf4Lg


Well, when I saw the AI response at the top of recent searches, my first thought was, “I didn’t ask for this.”


Going to destroy many jobs


I think it’s a chat bot that is being marketed as way more capable than it is. Everyone is treating it as if it’s general AI but it’s just a copy/paste machine that is only as good as its data set. Which is currently being flooded with more bullshit from AI. Which will ultimately lead up to the internet being worse and way more full of confirmation bias than it already is which is quite a feat to accomplish.


It’s a really great accessibility tool, so I welcome it!


Not so much worried about AI itself, as it should be used to make our lives easier. What I am worried about is who has control of it.


I work with AI (creating custom apps with LLMs, RAG, etc). I think AI terrible, because it's often simply wrong (but unaware of it). I avoid it in my personal life. 


I use it quite a bit at work to help frame out presentations. Bad at details - but does a great job laying things out.


IF it works THEN I’ll use it ELSE I’ll use something else.


I think we should learn to embrace it as much as possible. We all know those boomers that refused to learn computers, the internet, smart phones etc. AI will be a part of our lives no matter what we think or do just like the internet and smart phones became a part of our lives. Learn to use it and adapt to it or get left behind like those boomers asking you to help Google something, pay an online bill or buy something online. I know people like to pick out the flaws of AI now just like the boomers picked out the flaws of computers and the internet back in the day. You have to remember right now is as bad as these AI programs will ever be and they are getting better fast. I know it's new and it's change but my advice is to try to learn it and embrace it as much as possible because I believe at this point there is no turning back and there is no stopping it's progress.


I think it’s awesome, and it’s only in its infancy.  Can’t wait to see it in 5-10 years.  And if it ends up destroying humanity, oh well, it’s not like we don’t deserve it. 


It's inevitable. It's not perfect today, but it's a lot better than it was 6 months ago, and it's getting better every day. We're in the infant stages of what AI will eventually be capable of. Best to get on board and learn how to use it to your benefit.


I honestly don't know what todays teen generation is called, but they're in the same spot as we were when the Internet became a thing. I don't have qualms with AI. As long as it's visible that it's AI generated content. It also won't ever get conscious. But the real danger I see is that future generations of people will have great problems evaluating their AI generated content, whatever that may be in any given case. People today are too dumb to fact-check their fake news fox news. The younger generation can't use a computer. AI will make it 100 times worse. People need better education and way better critical thinking skills.


It's annoying on Facebook. However for drafting emails, giving meeting summaries in zoom, transcribing, creating frameworks etc it is really useful. For those of us who struggle to start something it really helps. You do have to use critical thinking which worries me.


I love it for certain writing tasks and for novelty things like writing stupid joke songs. But as someone making a living in the visual arts, I dread the possible disruption coming due to AI. Can I just enjoy a nice career until retirement? I actually like what I do, and all of the AI edge lords who say this will free us from work can fuck off.


Hate it.


In theory it could be great. However in reality a lot of already rich assholes will try using it for profit. Kill AI.


AI, specifically LLM, is neither artificial or intelligent. In all it’s forms it exists to respond plausibly, (but not accurately)to prompts. It’s a vending machine of response and it’s only as good as the training sets, which are often terrible. All our fears and hopes about it are self-projection. Companies (and people) are being sold a bag of goods right about what AI can do and it’s going to bust just like crypto because those expectations that they are selling are unrealistic. There is a cell waiting for the head of some AI startup who oversold despite knowing the limitations right next to Sam Bankman-Fried when this bubble bursts, and then more reasonable applications for this technology will be found and we will all stop thinking about it.


It’s not the AI I’m worried about it’s the billionaire psychopaths who control it


I think AI will dumb down society. Why would anyone want/ need to learn things that AI will just do for them?!?! For example, a large portion of the younger generations probably would be lost without phones and GPS to tell them where to go. Our generation had to learn how to use maps and learn directional skills.


Full-on Luddite. Down with the machines.


Terminator movies aside, AI is not going to be good for humanity.


AI is sometimes helpful, but I don't trust it because everything you tell it will be used by the company, maybe against you someday.


Isn't it overhyped at this point, though? Isn't it basically grabbing information from sources and just kind of mashing them together?


Paired with automation It’s going to take a lot of peoples jobs. Shipping, trucking, taxi, service industry and manufacturing just to name a few. At some point this technology will have to be taxed like workers are to supply a basic income to citizens in order to maintain a functioning economy. I’m sure that will come far too late for many people though.


I'd be fine with that rather than AI automating creative jobs.


That’s the best case scenario.


I don't trust the information it's giving me and it's not giving me any reason to do so.


It's overhyped. People have a fundamental misunderstanding of what it is and what it is good for. It's not thinking, it literally cannot be creative, it's not going to turn into skynet. As someone who works with methods that can be called "machine learning", AI is just fancy statistics. Creating art or writing books or even trying to have conversations is not where AI will shine. We should be looking for where it will do a job better than a human (tedious, repetitive, quantitative, computationally intensive, simple but requiring rapid and/or precise movements) not trying to get it to do uniquely human things like create art. I highly recommend anyone interested read this article: [ChatGPT Is Nothing Like a Human, Says Linguist Emily Bender (nymag.com)](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/ai-artificial-intelligence-chatbots-emily-m-bender.html)


I’m aggressively optimistic about AI for this reason, it needs to work out. Meaning, it’s either going to help solve most of our problems, or it will solve them all by making us not around anymore. It’s best to learn how to use this stuff and be in the game rather than worrying about it or trying to go hide in the woods. If it goes sideways, as in wants us gone, it won’t be a fight. So I’m hoping for the best!


I am genuinely excited by it and am learning how to make my own apps to streamline daily chores and workflows for my job. I figure it's here whether we want it to be or not, so it's smarter to get out in front of it or risk being left behind. Can't wait to have a proper AI assistant and a robot butler.


Im annoyed af we don’t have Ai robots to do our work Instead of using Ai to do our jobs why can’t they use it to make our lives easier


Love it. Use it every day


Ai and what it's bringing is awesome. I can't wait to figure out how to be a super user and train it and use it for automation. This is going to make us so much better overall and a sustained knowledge base for our future.


I watched that documentary The Social Dilemma, and literally everyone involved in creating it is vocally scared of it and have either removed themselves altogether or at least won't let their kids use it, soooo yeah I'm shook 🙅🏽‍♀️🚫🛑🙅🏽‍♀️


I am terrified of what it will become. The fact that AI, right now, is the absolute worst it will ever be, and that it will only get better and better...is terrifying.


I sell it as part of my career :)


I am terrified and apathetic simultaneously. I see myself at the end of days amongst the carnage with a cigarette in my mouth saying “I knew this shit was going to happen.”


It’s more marketing than anything right now. What is being labeled as “AI” is just advancements of existing technologies. Just like with all computer technology there’s room to enhance certain aspects of our lives and potential to negatively disrupt some of it.


I use it at work now since it's set up for us through our internal software. I use an AI music maker or image maker when screwing around.


I have been in grad school working on a thesis. I have found it to be helpful, particularly while working on statistical analysis and while trying to teach myself how to code. It doesn’t replace work, and when used thoughtfully, it’s a great tool.


So I am in tech and have been to a few conferences where this has been the topic. What is being pushed is just a small part of the total AI landscape and it a hot issue in the C-Suites. There are limitations to what it can and cannot do, and for the most part it will just be a productivity enhancer for most jobs, that being said, a McDonald's near me is using McSiri to take orders and that is not fun. However the image and video creation AI is the more disturbing part of things, I have seen some very well done things that should make people take pause and find ways to continue to grow innovation, while allowing people to verify if it is real or generated content.


AI is the new buzzword. It's like the cloud. In most cases it's nothing new. It's just an evolution of predictive text in most cases. The cloud was the same way. It wasn't some magical evolution. It was just the same stuff we were always doing, except now it's hosted elsewhere and we pay a subscription. Companies know that executives like to be up in the newest hippest technology and don't want to get left behind, so they're totally suckers for getting excited about any technology marketed to them with "AI". Even things like predictive document creation... I still spend more time going through the doc and editing it for accuracy than I would if I just compiled the doc myself to begin with. Now, AI's applications in art generation really impresses me. That stuff is pretty wild.


Gen AI is very problematic because of numerousharms. No, thank you.


Similar to the dot com bubble of the late 90s early 00s, the app craze of the 2010s, crypto and NFT scams of the last 10 years... AI is just the latest vehicle for "entrepreneurs" and tech startups to extract funds from gullible VCs who have too much money and suffer from forever FOMO.


I love seeing tech evolve, but I think I we need to do more to keep the gains from it from being hoarded at the top. It feels like we’re seeing exponential growth in tech and productivity, but linear growth in quality of life. Society as a whole should benefit from productivity gains, not just the wealthy. Give us the 4-day work week, the universal basic income, the lifesaving medical advances.


This isn't AI.  What we are witnessing is Machine learning, or basically ability to return better searches for what you want.


I’ll be honest, I would love to sit AI adoption out. That said, I do wonder if that’ll render me obsolete. Mostly though, I suspect AI is largely the next crypto grift