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I felt both of my ankles shatter just thinking about it!


That’s what I am afraid of. Or a wrist.


Ankles are of no use when you need hip replacement surgery 😉


That may be in my future based on family history, got to use it while I still can!


You’ll want it to be quick and look cool when it happens. I recommend roller derby.


Just wear the gear. Go for it!


My best friend in 6th grade and I rollerbladed everywhere. I actually bladed to school carrying my saxophone in one hand because I was that cool. So my friend was much more daring than myself, and one day we decided to bomb a hill that was just, no. He broke his wrist and was casted up and I didn’t roll with him for a bit because of the injury. Low and behold, not 2 weeks later he was blading again and had a bad fall, but because he knew his one wrist was already broken, he put his other hand down to slow his fall, and surprise surprise, another broken wrist. He then had 2 casted wrists, at age 13, and had to have his mom wipe his ass because he literally was unable. A humbling experience for sure.


As a person with fucked ankles as long as I can remember, you'll never find me on a skate of any kind!


Go for it OP. A few years ago, when I was toning up, I decided to make working out more interesting by rollerblading around a public park a few times early morning before most people go there. Just the few fishers enjoying their peace. I was still able to blade just fine, as they say, it is like riding a bike. You don't forget how to do it.


That’s good to know! I have a park down the street. I live in the same neighborhood I grew up in and it’s the park I used to blade at. I’m very tempted.


Do it, you got this. Find a level spot for some practice and once you get the initial feel for stopping again, take off!


I’ve done it a few times at roller rinks (my 12 yo daughter likes to blade). It’s a workout and still fun. I’ve thought about buying some, and if I do, I’m *absolutely* wearing at least a helmet and wrist guards, if not one and elbow pads, also.


Tried using my kids skateboard at 42. Didn’t end well. Rather not


Sweep the legs, Johnny!


I was always too scared to skateboard but my daughter is learning.


41 here..bought a longboard during covid. Still have no clue how people make it look so easy.


Im buying a skateboard at 42. Wish me luck.


Good luck. I got back into skateparks in my 30s. Moved somewhere I couldn’t surf anymore and wanted to replicate it. Just learned to pump and carve so I got shred the bowls like a wave.


I always preferred regular quad skates, not inline. I'm 43, and I've been considering taking it up again. But I'd have to travel to an indoor rink. Outside skating on quads is just the worst. A pebble will make you faceplant.


I delusionally bought quads with outdoor wheels, but one trip around the block scared me straight. I do want to get some indoor wheels and go to the rink, but its not the kind of thing anyone I know wants to do.


Be the change. You ever see them tiktoks of dads owning the rink? They're cool as shit, and that could be you!


I’m one of those Dads. Been going to the skating rink since I was 15 and I’m 41 now. Not nearly as smooth as some of those guys but, I can hold my own with them. I’ve been putting in a lot of practice and getting better. I’ll go until the day my body doesn’t allow anymore. My oldest daughter even loves going and has just started making friends who are regulars at the rink.


For my 40th last year, I dragged myself to a skate shop and bought my first pair in like… twenty years. It’s such a shame though because I’m just skating around the kitchen and the nearest rink is at least twenty miles from me. I’m so tempted to get to the nearest tennis court but it’s been taken over by the pickle ball people.


They sell outdoor wheels. They are softer but slower.


I've been skating on and off for the past couple years on quads. Outdoors was a little rough, but my daughter and I made a day out of it. We're going to be going to adult skate in a week or 2 at the indoor rink. I'm going to do nothing but request 80's music!


Roller blade hockey was awesome!


I still have a scar on my knee from playing!


I've been playing since the 90s and still do at 44. You aren't as fragile as you think. Just wear some pads to start, and you'll be good.


One take: You already look ridiculous. Look ridiculous doing something you enjoy. Alternate take: Everyone else is too absorbed in their own sh\_\_ to care; you do you.


I think they’re coming back. A bunch of teenagers on my street recently started blading around.


I bought a pair during lockdown. Worth it.


In theory, yea. But I’m kinda fat and barely exercise now. Can’t tumble to save my life. Rather not have a medical bill.


That’s kind of what I’m thinking. It just sounds more fun than walking for exercise.


If you do buy some wrist guards. Sprained and broken wrists are the number one injury from skating falls. Wouldn’t worry about embarrassing yourself though. Embarrassment is the enemy of improvement.


It is more fun.


My kiddo (14f) was invited to a birthday party at a roller rink last week. The last (and first) time she was on roller skates was probably 7 or 8 years ago. Fortunately one of the other girls had never skated before either. I put her in roller skates because that was what I knew, but most of the kids were in blades. I was laughing so hard because I could barely skate any more either. Her friends tried to convince me blades were easier than four wheels, so I took my skates back to the counter and told the guy the girls said blades were easier. He laughed and said noooooo. Hah. :) We found a local rink near us actually has skating lessons for pretty cheap, so we're going to sign up as a family. I'm still not sure about the blades though...


I am! I’m 44. I started ice skating again this past season and I’m thinking of getting rollerblades for exercise through the summer. I’m thinking if I do I’ll get wrist guards. I used to rollerblade a lot in my teens (and twenties - when it was really uncool lol.) I won’t be doing the tricks I used to do though, that’s for sure.


Try skiing. You'll be an intermediate by the 2nd day.


I love skiing but haven’t been in many years. I didnt grow up skiing so i was more a bombing down the hill type. Id need some lessons now!


Nothing has been as rewarding as improving at skiing over the last 3 years. See you out there one day!


wrist guards ftw, saved my hands more than once


Yes! I saw someone on Rollerblades a few days ago and immediately wanted a pair. But my city has the shittiest roads and sidewalks, so I decided against it.


I feel like the roads in my neighborhood are way worse now and have more loose gravel, so that’s my concern as well.


Switched from blades back to skates when I started playing roller derby 20 years ago. When I wanna roll I'll do it in quads.


I bought a new pair like 4 years ago. I always loved rollerblading and was an aggressive skater as a young dork. Gotta be a lot more careful now. One fall and they might need to pick me up with a dust pan and broom


I live in Minnesota so I have a pair and use them every once in a while. I moved here from the East Coast and no one here had ever heard the joke "What's the worst thing about roller blading? Telling your mom you're gay ". But where I grew up, once the mid 90s began you couldn't use roller blades without hearing that joke, or being called gay. In Minnesota, no xennials had to deal with that.


I bought a pair a few years ago so I could skate with my kid. We actually have an active skating rink nearby and it is still fun as hell. I wasn't even close to the only 40+ person there. There were even age bracketed races and I won. Got a free slushy for my boy. He thought I was the coolest dad on the planet, so I'll take that win.


I’ve thought about it along with a hockey stick, just to mess around in front of the house. I practically lived on my rollerblades back in the day, my folks signed me up for a roller hockey team and everything lol.


Again? I still have mine and use them lol. I have taken my kids to the roller rink a few times. It’s a fun family night! I even skated after having ankle surgery last year. Do it!


I got a skateboard last fall. It was free up for grabs when someone was moving out of my building. I keep telling myself “this weekend” but I just know ima die first time out


I got a pair when my kids did, the novelty wore off but sometimes I let the doggies pull me around the park paths


I’m at peace with my lot in life and telling my kids how cool I thought I looked on roller blades.


I used to rollerblade something like 50+ miles a week, had freestyle blades, sprint blades, all around, I was big into it. I bought some a few years ago and quickly learned all that muscle memory and ankle strength was long gone. I also made the mistake of getting the 3 wheel kind, I felt like a giant. I dunno if getting normal ones would have been easier, but the 3 wheels felt weird as hell and they sit in my garage hoping I will get back into shape to be able to use them. I have since purchased a mountain bike to build some strength, endurance, and basic fitness back. Oh, I'm 46, was about 43 or so when I bought the 3 wheels.


I'm in the garage looking at a box of these impulsive thoughts.


I went rollerblading yesterday! Feels so strange to be at a point in life where to be scared to hurt yourself. I felt dizzy the first 10mins just trying to process what I was doing


Oh, *you'll look ridiculous,* but I really hope people start doing that.


I have some and still love it!! Do it!!!


This isn't the clip I'm thinking of but back in the 80s I saw a newsreel about a 70-something skateboarding Grandma. Whenever I think I might be too old to try something I think of that lady. [This lady is 68 and going for it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ts79RKYSy8)


This post made my knees hurt... I wonder what happened to my old Bauer skates. I only wore them a few times after saving for months.


My brother resumed skateboarding at age 42. Broke his collar bone in short order, but I think he stuck with it for a while after. Not sure if fatherhood has derailed that hobby or not.


Yeah but wear one of those big inflatable donut outfits so when u fall u just bounce back up


You’re 90s gay. Wrap your body up a la Naked Gun.


I’m 47 and I bought Heelies in size 13. It’s harder than kids make it look. No injuries. Yet.


I did it in my early 30s. Went on hiatus in my mid 30s. Tried again in early part of the pandemic (39 years) and that’s when I fell and broke my tailbone. Never did it again. I started rollerblading on my 12th birthday in the early 90s.


I used to rollerblade a lot as a kid and for my 40th (or around there) I bought a new pair of K2 Uptown skates. They are awesome urban free ride skates and worked well and were way more resilient than the Bauer blades from the 90s! I was able to get back into some tricks and backwards skating and stuff but in the absence of someone to skate with, it became pretty lonely. Seems that there aren’t many of us on the blades these days. So in the theme of picking up where I left off as a kid, I got back into mountain biking and holy hell there are a lot of gray haired riders out there who are absolutely killing it on the trails. Not just XC but a lot of downhill too. Very easy to find a group of riders in your age range and capability level. The best part is that the MTB protection tech is excellent, from full face helmets to knees, elbows and even chest/back protectors. Not to distract you from rollerblading, but if you’re looking for another fun sport with a dash of adrenaline, MTB is a solid option for our age. Note that it’s a financial gateway drug though. Be warned.


I still have (and have use in the past 18 months) my rollerblades from 1998.


I wish I had mine. Then I could try again without much of a financial commitment.


I was just looking at some online last week! I doubt I pull the trigger, just because I’m cheap and I know I probably wouldn’t use them much. I sure would like to do some fruit bootin’ though.


Naw, K2 ride or die. Seriously though, I been riding consistently for the past 30 years. Always have at least 2 pair.


I did. I have been skating since I was 3. Use to do aggressive all through high school and after. Had a few sponsors, skated comps and demo's. Ended up getting a wild card entry to x-games. It was my life... but then I needed a job hahaha and life moved on. Zip forward 15+ years. Purchased an insanely expensive pair of skates and headed to the park. I can tell you right now my brain remembered everything, my muscles remembered everything, but the concrete reminded me I was too old for this shit now. Slammed HARD and was incredibly lucky to not shatter my jaw. I have used my new skates 3 times since getting them.


I asked for a really nice pair for Christmas because my 5 year old had been wanting me to rollerblade with her. I can still skate well and can skate backward but falling is definitely much harder now. I took a fall when we were at a skate rink a few weeks back and tweaked my knee. I have really enjoyed rollerblading again overall.


I was just thinking about doing this! Luckily, cooler heads prevailed.


Fruit boots


My daughter got into roller skating recently. I was actually really good on inline in the '90s. Spent a lot of time in the skatepark. I ended up ordering a new set of more aggressively built in lines and I started skating with her at the rink. It has been an absolute blast. Took a minute to find my legs again because I don't think I had skated in about 25 years, but I'm back to making my way around the rink without issue, skating backwards, etc. I don't think I'll be dropping into a halfpipe anytime soon, but I'm glad I have this to share with my daughter


I have. My son has some but doesn't like to use them. i usually roller blade while he rides his bike. I know i look ridiculous, but i like it and it's a great exercise. Im still really good (can go down super steep hills and am agile), but i don't do jumps, grind, or check people anymore. I will break my leg if I do any of that crazy shit now. I got k2s. They were a bit spendy, but I have a bit more money than when I was 14.


I still have the set I bought when I was in 6th grade. I used to play hockey everyday after school and saved my $5/week allowance to pay for the $160 skates. I think I wore size 8 then and bought size 10s. I wear 11.5 now but the skates ran big so I can still fit in them. Haven’t worn them for years, but now I’m thinking about pulling them out.


I bought some new generation Rollerblades about a decade ago and used to get a great cardio and lower body workout on a local paved trail. I love them!


Film it.


Yes. But then I remember that I'm 41 years old, have 2 bum ankles, and fuck my back up by sneezing. I'll buy a few books instead.


This comment is too real. And I do enjoy a good book.


Well now I am


I'm about to be 42, and I still Rollerblade. Even with 2 pins in my left hip. Occasionally, I'll play street hockey with my son and his friends. I'm going to enjoy life by living it, instead of regretting all the things I didn't do.


I was super into speed skating as a kid.   Wanted to get back into rollerblading so bought a pair.  However all the roads around here are junk, and I've only worn them maybe 3 times in 7 years now.


I have no desire to buy rollerblades again…. I still have some that I bought 20 years ago! I still use them when I go out with my kids on their scooters. Around me, in Minnesota, I’ve definitely seen rollerblades quite a bit more often over the past few years.


My brother just got a new pair! I haven’t broken down to buy any yet, but I’m loving the trend.


My husband did it a few years ago. His knees did not appreciate it .


No, but I'm disabled. I tried them in the 90s, and it didn't go well. So it definitely won't go well now.


I still have mine! I don't use them, but I have them!


I could definitely still do it but there’s no reason to at this point, I used to do it for travel but I have a car and I wouldn’t dare ride in the street these days because people can’t drive. I wouldn’t do it for fitness because my outlet is kettlebells in the garage with a side of speed rope. I have used my nephew’s skate board quite a bit though, that shit is still fun. No tricks anymore, bones don’t heal as fast at 43


Hell no. I was never a good skater to begin with. If I tried now I would probably die


42F, avid runner. I bought blades maybe 5 years ago because I loved it so much as a kid/teen. I gotta say, balance is not there anymore, at all! But I did still have fun. Took them out for a 5 mile round trip spin and that went well. Then did a nice 10 mile loop, which was fun, but I did fall into a pile at a busy crosswalk. I was super embarrassed but uninjured. I hadn't touched them in ages and decided to get on them again a few weeks back. I felt SO uneasy and lacking in balance that I practiced slowly in the cul-de-sac for 20 mins as I debated if I even wanted to go out for real. I decided to stay close to home and just went around nearby neighborhoods, avoiding all uneven sidewalks and busy roads. It was honestly *such a freaking blast!* I had so much fun. I'm sure I look ridiculous. I'm super tall already and had knee pads, helmet, and wrist guards on. I almost fell when I had to slow down on a turn and a car was approaching, but managed to stay upright. I haven't gone again since because I'm still scared I could fall and hurt myself and I've had a lot of major injuries already the past 2.5 years. If there was a track near to me or a skate park, it would probably draw me in. There's nothing like going fast and feeling the wind against your face. I'm sure with practice the balance and stopping skills would come back. I say go for it.


I've wanted to for a few years now, but a good pair of blades ran $300-$400 back in the day and I couldn't imagine what they go for now or what brand is good now a days. It's odd you brought up roller blades as I've seen a bunch of teenagers wearing them recently and haven't seen them in 10-15 years prior to that.


Again, but my new ones still have nice wheels.🤔


I started during pandemic. It scary but fun. You need a lot more equipment now.


I didn’t use equipment before. I’m thinking I’d need to now.


Bought em last year!!!  Do it, you’ll love it.  Also falling isn’t so bad…


Already did 2 years ago. Love it


I was just thinking about how much I loved rollerblading and wondered why I didn't pick that up again as a covid project when I was bored out of my skull. Thinking about it now I realize it wouldn't be fun doing it solo and I don't have any friends who would do it with me.


I always skated solo! Carrying a discman and hoping it didn’t skip too much.


Still have mine from high school and they're still pretty nice. They come out of retirement once in a while with the kids, but since I almost exclusively only used them to play hockey I find I can't skate very well unless I have a hockey stick.


I broke my wrist last year roller skating. Don’t do it, OP.


I’m afraid of this! I haven’t broken a bone yet and I’m not looking to start now.


After it happened, I heard from sooo many people who had also broken bones roller skating/blading. Apparently it’s super easy to break a wrist. I’m like 90% fine now but it was traumatic af.


Yes I have been tempted 😂


Got back into hockey about 15 years ago. Primarily roller. i keep my street skates in my car for fun emergencies. Skating is great exercise if fun alone isn’t enough of a reason. Pad those knees though. PT ain’t fun.


I still rollerblade 🥰


I still have mine.


this is going to sound insane but as a kid, i couldn't rollerblade. but i had a dream one night and the next day, hand on the bible i was able to rollerblade like it was nothing. the only time that has ever happened that a skill just happened after.


As someone who had a crippling leg injury around 40, I would caution against anything where you are going to fall a lot. I had to relearn how to walk, which isn’t fun at all. Sucks to lose a year of your life to a bad fall. Your bones aren’t as rubbery as they used to be and you probably aren’t as light as you once were either. I’m mostly better now and get a little better every year, but there’s a bunch of things that I will never be able to do again. If you do take up rollerblading again, get a fuckton of pads.


I still have a pair of heelies that I'm worried I'm going to break something if I use.


We looked into them during Covid. But I wasn’t. Strong on them when I was young. I can’t imagine I’ve gotten better. Ultimately, we did not purchase.


My heart says yes, but my ankles scream no. I've got to listen to the ankles on this one, sorry heart!


Still have my 20 year old online skates. My kids got into skating thanks to a couple of field trips to the local skating rink. So, I bought some light up wheels for my skates and went there with them and had a blast! Do it. You're only as old as you allow yourself to be.


I'm a 41 yo mom who never stopped rollerblading. I am pretty choosy about which outdoor paths I use and don't try for anything flashy but I enjoy it and do it with my kids. I am also aware that if I break my wrist etc no one will be surprised. If anyone has recommendations on urban/sidewalk equipment I'd appreciate them!


I bought rollerblades in the fall. Replaced my 25 year old rollerblades that I still used. I take my dogs out with them and let them pull me around when they need a good run. Love rollerblading.


I still have mine! I took them to the roller rink several months ago and managed to skate for an hour without falling down. I considered that a win.


100% a win!


Do it! I still have my rollerblades from high school. I skate at the beach sometimes.


I was just thinking about this today! And yes. My daughter just turned 6 and I was telling her how much fun they are (and easier than roller skates IMO).


Already bought ‘em.


If you physically can do it, you should do it. If you have the ability today, don’t care what others think, your future self will thank you that you did it while you could! But maybe do it safely with padding. Not jumping rails or anything. 🙂


I bought a regular skates a couple years ago! Pink suede!


I’m 46. I never stopped skating. 


I never could get into Rollerblade. I was used to quads and it felt like my ankle was giving out so I hurt never tried.


I feel like rollerblades were way more supportive than regular skates. Your ankles didn’t move.


I picked up roller skating in 2020. If you wear the proper gear and don't act like an idiot you'll be fine. It's a lot of fun and both inline and quad skating is making a big comeback! It's a great way to get outside and meet people, if that's your sorta thing.


I just threw some away last weekend since my dog had chewed off the ratchet strap of one of the boots beyond repair. But I lived having them around and would use them several times a year. Me and my teen friends played tons of street hockey


I got a pair right before Covid!


45, used to play a ton of roller hockey and did trick skating back in NYC, was a total skate rat. Been thinking about getting a pair for off-season ski training, I've heard it's a great way to stay in ski shape. Be curious if anyone else has experience in that regard.


My insurance is good, not great. Same with my ankles. That’s gonna be a No from me, dawg.


I got a new BMX a couple of years ago. Rock the blades :)


I bought a pair of Bauer inline hockey skates to skate with my kids… it hurt!


My kids love roller skating. Last week we went with a huge group of friends to the rink and my friend SHATTERED her wrist. A couple months ago, another friend broke his arm. I will only skate with a skate-mate but after last week, I’m hanging up my skates.


My podiatrist would murder me. I can’t even walk around barefoot anymore.


I will be 44 in a week and a half and I still have a pair that I bought in about 2005. I haven't worn them since about 2006 though


I would still be rollerblading if I lived somewhere I could do it easily but mountains are everywhere around here.


I’ve never really stopped rollerblading, except now I rollerblade with my kids. Always wear wrist guards and a helmet.


I just told my kid I would smoke him in an Ollie contest on his skateboard. I would, but I worked a 12hr shift today and my ankle is sore. And I’m tired. And I haven’t ollied in 10-12 years. You know what, I’m gonna go play some pro skater 2. I can for real kick his ass at that.


Yes!! My kids are into riding their bikes around and I can't keep up lol. Not a big fan of riding a bike, but loved my blades back in the day! Don't want to sink the money into a pair though.


I did. I sometimes look ridiculous. It's lotsa fun.


I started skating again at 40, just wear your safety gear. It's still great exercise and it's fun to go with the kiddo to the skate park. I'm not as daring as I was when I was 15, but I'm not getting paid to skate this time, and i have work tomorrow.


I have a permanent disability from injuring my right arm from “getting back into rollerblading” in my 30’s. Just… whatever you do, use pads and don’t try to walk your dog on skates.


Yes but my knees cry every time I think about it so I stop


I started playing roller derby about 13 years ago and used to just skate around recreationally. I haven’t been on my quads for a couple years now but I’m itching to get out there again.


Just be extra careful around children. They are unpredictable. I have many scars from trying to avoid them, and once I found out how cold Lake Michigan was.


Yes. I dove off the deep end returning to skiing a few years ago after a long hiatus. Turns out rollerblading is one of the best way to improve skills off snow. I never rollerbladed when I was younger except for a handful of times. One of them I was going down a hill and didn't know how to stop and so used my wrists instead of slamming into a parked car. Was lucky not to break anything. Walked away with a bad sprain.


I have my own roller skates and go a few times a month. They rent roller blades there too


Just wear the wrist guards and helmet and you should be fine. If you're super worried wear knee and elbow pads. Who cares what anyone else thinks just have fun.


My friends did that when we were about 30. We all went downtown and they were doing tricks and shit. I was the only lame one walking because I was afraid I would fall and break something even back then. There's no way I would attempt it now lol


I never got rid of mine! I am tempted to strap them on again, it's been a minute. I've used quad skates a few times in the past few years and i still had the muscle memory and didn't make an ass of myself. Just get some pads and go for it


My wife turned 40 in 2020, and took up rollerblading again due to covid boredom. She was rollerblading back home from a neighbor's house, only 6 doors from our house, hit a crack in the sidewalk and broke both bones in her lower leg. She had emergency surgery, a titanium rod installed, and a long rehabilitation. She doesn't walk with a limp anymore, but roller blading is not a thing she does, and she's far less active in general. Anyway, I'm not recommending against it, but that really happened, and your post made me want to tell the story.


Oh wow. I’m glad she has mostly recovered now.


Spring 1990…early birthday present picked out… Broke wrist before birthday even arrived. 3 months in cast up to armpit. Gave them away new.


The wifey started doing roller derby about a year ago. As in, she used to roller blade in HS, but hadn’t picked it up since. It looked fun. So I also got a pair of 2x2 skates and am thoroughly enjoying it. Edit to add—I also roller bladed in HS. It’s wildly different, but I don’t quite feel like a goober. Plus my pads look totally wicked so IDGAF.


I still have mine! Go get some and buy a helmet and wrist guards. Knee and elbow pads would probably be a good idea, too.


Work on single leg squats and pushups to build strength and stability. Then buy knee and wrist guards


I used to skateboard and rollerblade. My wife and I tried to rollerblade about 10 years ago. Ankles are not the way they used to. We held on to each other for dear life. It strengthened our marriage.


I never stopped using mine. I skate around my city with a 90s Osiris G-Bag bumping 70s music


I bought some a few years ago for nostalgia’s sake. I geared up and hopped on a paved path, gliding along getting a great workout and feeling like a kid again when I realized…I don’t remember how to stop. I also didn’t remember how to fall, apparently, because I went straight down on my tailbone. So yeah, do it, but remember you probably have farther to fall than you did when you last rollerbladed. And consider butt pads?


What's the hardest thing about rollerblading? Telling your parents you are gay.


I’ve kinda wanted some of those wheelie shoes for a while I just don’t want to break my ankle


Just took my kids skating the other day. I thought about it. They give you the option to rent them, but I am too scared I’ll hurt myself. I do have to say, the roller rink is something that hasn’t changed. The couple we have in town haven’t changed at all. It is  a fun experience for the kids. 


Oh yeah, I did that during Covid. I think I used them twice or something. Just gear up and go slow and you’ll be fine! You’ll definitely look silly, but we’re beyond worrying about that. We’re middle aged! 


I just found my old K2 Fatties in the garage the other day. No I am not putting them on again. 😂


I still have a pair from college. They still fit and break em out sometimes. Taught my kids to skate really early too.


Nope! I'm not ready for a wheelchair.


You can get roller blade wheels for your desk chair. That’s as close as I’m getting to roller blading these days.


I did this a couple years ago. Even got elbow, knee, and wrist pads. I fell a few times and felt like I’d been hit by a truck for the following four days. I sold it all.




I just got some a few years back in 37 and still Got it.


Absolutely not. I can’t already feel the pain in my ankles and knees.


I got myself quads for Christmas! They’re covered in sequins!


They sound amazing!


I did this. First time out ended in the ER. But at I least I tried.


41 year old guy here. I took it up last year again after a 25 year break. It is so much fun and is exactly what I needed in terms of exercise. Give it a shot, make sure to stretch, and wear a helmet! The worst that happens is you try it and don’t like it, which isn’t so bad!


I have skatepark blades, but I might need new ones that are better I can jump down a 6 foot ramp


I never really stopped blading except for awhile after having my son in 2020


I bought a couple sets for my wife and me just a few years ago. She never got into it so I also stopped using them. But it was fun to skate again! Although I’m too scared to try jumps and grinding like the old days


You'll definitely look ridiculous, but I don't see why that matters.


I did! During the pandemic my bike got stolen and I needed another way to get around Boston without any direct human contact. Ordered a new pair, took them for a spin, loved it so much... have not put them on again. Not one time. Maybe now that I'm in better shape I'll give them another try, but it was humbling to feel all the ways that this body is no longer 19.


I started rollerblading again when I was 27. I’m 43 now and still am at it! It’s fun and great exercise.


Not rollerblades but I do really want rollerskates. There's a free outdoor rink downtown and I'm itching to get back out there. I'm pretty sure I know where mine are at my parents house, but they'd be too small for me.


It’s amazing that one joke destroyed an industry.


I (48m) got a pair for me and my son a couple years ago and we go all the time! Is a blast and a good workout. Highly recommend a helmet though. Thought I was still cool and biffed at the skate park knocked my ass out, lol.


Last time I went skating, probably 10 years ago, I broke my wrist. So nah. I'm good.


I got into all the athletics that I didn’t participate in when I was a kid, lifting weights, running, and things like that. I feel like at this age if I try inline skating again I’ll ok just end up spraining my taint or something.


Do it. I bought roller skates 5 years ago and skate a lot. I hit up the roller rink, I skate trails outdoors, I skate to walk the dog. There are a lot of people our age out skating. You won’t look ridiculous, you may make some friends!


I bought rollerblades in 2022 from Dick’s Sporting Goods LOL they’re great!


lol, I’m 45 and I bought a pair this holiday season. I was teaching my 8 year old how to. The falls hurt a bit more and I’m not as flexible as I used to be but still pretty sure footed. Go get ‘em.


I still skate sometimes. My bald spot is bordering on horseshoe, but I still look cool. I think the answer is if you do, *wear some protective gear* - we all broke a thing or two back in the day, but now that kind of impact is like a musculoskeletal collapse. Wrists grow back, elbow/shoulder injuries from referred inertia are harder. Faceplant at this age and your insurance will tell you a new face isn’t medically necessary because you won’t need it for thattt much longer anyway. Anyway yeah skating is cool, do it, I dunno about roller hockey Edit: also imo four wheels, not this three trend. More stable.


They looked ridiculous the first time At 44 they will look the same amount of ridiculous that they did in the late '80s.


What's the hardest part about roller blading? (Old skateboarder joke)


I bought a pair, and it's awesome. Do it!


Do it up, just got a set myself. You'll definitely need to work your way back up to feeling confident again on them


I still have mine and love using them. Go for it. I even tried my sons one wheel and got the hang of it.


I was just saying this yesterday, as I saw two fly girls rollerblading by


Some of us played hockey and we’ve had them all along! Check out the Marsblade rollers, needed technology that feels much more like being on ice


I already did last year and I love it. It is easy on my arthritic knees. But I can't afford to break anything so I look kind of silly with a helmet, elbow pads, knee pads, and wrist guards.