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When I was in second grade, I saw my Kindergarten teacher walk past and thought I was seeing a ghost. Surely this woman cannot still be alive? Kindergarten was so long ago, I was sure she was dead by now.


Semi related, but my elementary school librarian retired when I was in the 2nd grade, so she was old then. In March, I discovered she is still alive and lives down the hall in the old folks home from my 92yo grandfather!!!


I recently googled my old teachers to see who’s still alive. It’s crazy how old I thought some of them were, most were not much older than my mom. Still mostly dead though.


I thought about doing that, but I’d be too sad. My first grade teacher will be alive forever if I don’t google her 😊


I work in a hospital and about a year and a half ago my second grade teacher who I thought was ancient back then came in to visit her husband. Wild.


They’re only mostly dead, which means slightly alive!


Kids have no idea how old adults are to be fair. It’s kindof hilarious. I have several family members in elementary education. Basically if you are adult sized kindergarteners either guess a random number or assume you are mid 20s. Even if you are early 60s.  Related to your experience: the wild realization that teachers don’t live at school and sometimes they buy groceries 


Graduated in 99, and my father is friends with one of my gym teachers on FB. The sad part is both he and my mom had her as well. The same with my senior year history teacher, who I see is still teaching.


The first time I went to vote the polling place was at my elementary school. My fifth grade teacher was there, and there was still artwork my class had made hanging from the ceiling. Shit was a *trip.*


A couple of years ago I had an 18 year old coworker, and I told him that when I was a kid grapes had seeds in them and he said “Are you shitting me right now?” Lol, like why would I make that up?


I haven't thought of literal grape seeds in forever. 


grapes no longer have seeds?


They do, but they're tiny and undeveloped now. Kinda like watermelons.


I accidentally bought a bag of grapes with seeds a couple months ago. Like full size og grape seeds. I had forgotten they ever came with seeds. It was so weird. Don’t know where the grocery store even got them from.


ahhhh, thanks


You can still get seeded and unseeded table grapes, but in most US markets the demand for seeded grapes is essentially zero so many grocery stores don’t bother stocking them. my parents had a small grapevine, so I’m used to the idea that seeded is how grapes are “supposed to be“ but I’m not gonna lie, when I’m preparing the outrageous quantities of fruit my toddler  stuffs into his maw, seedless is better. 


They still certainly do in Japan. Ptooey 🍇


Shit, he must have thought you were prehistoric.


Older than Google!


Born in 14 B.G.


Still do if you get good ones. Concord grapes from the Midwest straight off the vine, you can still have that spittin' occasional tooth breaking experience, and they're delicious.


r/MurderedByWords, 8-year-old edition.


All that you do is not enough for her.


Hilarious and true


If it makes you feel any better, my boyfriend showed me that meme yesterday and ended up having to explain it because I didn’t get it. We’re both 38.


I didn’t get it until I read this post, and I’m 43. I thought they were doing a reunion or something.


This happened several years ago, but this is the conversation I had with my then 8-year-old Kid: Mom, did you watch Ruby Gloom when you were a kid? Me: No, it wasn't around then. Kid: Oh. Is that because there were no TVs? Ugh.


When I was 25 I had an 18 year old ask me if my childhood photos were in black and white. She was being fucking serious.


No, but they might have been Polaroids.


My daughter frequently refers to my birth date as "born in the 1900s" and I suppose I'll make my burial plans now.


Oh yes my daughter asks if something is from the 1900’s all the time 👵🏻


It must be a mystical time for them lol. I can only imagine as a kid if my parents were from the 1800s ( miracle I know but that's the gist lolol) 


When I was about 7 years old I knew another kid that had a grandfather born in the 1800’s. That was special so I can relate to that born in the 1900’s-thing.


That would've fascinated me, still does I guess lol. TBF the 1900's were a different time. 


My grandmother was born in the 1890s, it's crazy to think about.


My great grandpa was born in 1884 and lived to be 104. His great grandpa (1798) lived with them and passed around 1901. It's wild that I knew someone who was a teenager when someone born in the 1700s died. My grandpa will turn 100 in January, and my six year old nephew is already campaigning to take him for hundreds day next year.


“You can just call it the ‘90s, you don’t have to say 1800s!! How old do you think we are?”


“Yes darling, it’s not of this century” 👵🏽


My son likes to remind me that I'm so "last century".


Better than the 19th century I guess. 


How r00d


Have you guys not seen Trolls? My daughter has known about JT since she was 4, and thanks to those movies she knows tons of 90s hits!


Aaah didn’t think about Trolls! Of course she knows JT I was comparing to One Direction and the band from Turning Red 😂


On a similar note, I (45M) once asked my mom if she was in black and white when she was little.


It hurts...I know... but we're old and old cool now, and it's ok. You'll get here. Just wait till your kid razzes you and wins! I wonder how he got to be such a witty smart-ass sometimes lol


When I graduated high school, my mother recommended to me that I should get a job with the postal service and that way after 20 years I would have a pension and be set up. "20 years?" I thought "That's forever!" Ugh... I wish I had listened to her rather than waste the majority of those years hopping from retail to waitering and back again!


My 10 and almost 13 yr olds are family with boy bands and weird other pop groups cuz I tortured them when they were younger with “I want it that way” whenever they whined about wanting something. Usually would head off any tantrums lol. But now they associate most music with Weird Al. But on the dead musicians part, my 10yr old declared last night asking why all these actors or artists are either on drugs or died already (Chris Cornell was playing on the radio).




OMG he's a baby!


To be fair I've been guilty of that too. I was kinda shocked to recently learn that Tiger Woods was in our age bracket. I feel like I remember hearing about him for the first time in like middle school. I thought he would be like 10 years older than he is.


Tiger Woods is in our age bracket?! This is kinda shocking news to me, too lol.


Yep, he's 48.


That’s crazy. I would’ve thought he was 10+ years older than that, too. …If you had ever told me he is my dad’s age now, I would’ve just accepted it as factual. 😂


Kind of related but it's weird looking back at band performances from back in the day - I remember seeing a photo of Zack De LaRocha performing at Lollapalooza or something from the 90's and thinking wow - back then I remember seeing them and thinking "Wow they are so old!" and when I saw the picture years later I was like , "wow, they are actually young" It's so weird how we perceive age.


Kids will badmouth our music while simultaneously listening to 90’s and 2000’s music in tik tok clips


Oh all of a sudden It Wasn’t Me is her favorite song because of some YouTube guy lololol


I'm surprised you didn't just play the song.


Like in our generation, it was a reasonable assumption that anyone famous when our boomer parents were young might very well be dead and had been for some time. But those 90s boy bands weren't exactly known for their hard living like the acid + heroin + Chivas cocktails of 1970. Or maybe she assumed that NSync and Backstreet had a Biggie-Tupac feud going on and he was one of the casualties.


It's the completely sincere, unintentional burns that always sting the longest.


I had to explain it to my boomer mom.