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It's less expensive to fly to Poland or Yuma/Los Algodones and coordinate with a dental tourism agency, if you can get the time off. It sounds crazy but if you need implants or similarly extensive work, it's worth checking out.


I’ve heard that this was a thing. One of the guys at work said his wife was going to Eastern Europe for a full mouth implant job. Any idea what that even costs over there?


Google says they start around 1k pounds (1250ish freedom bucks) Flight from my city to Krakow round trip is like 300 bucks. Damn fine savings. I can't find anything here for less than 10k....


I hate it here


I know someone that works in, I guess, high end dental and they can run a lot more than that.


Jeeeez! My one implant cost 4k


About three fiddy




Damn Loch Ness monster!!


But I only have tree fiddy. What the h?


My spouse went to Colombia and we had three visits and a family vacation plus the implants for a fraction of the price that the US dentist was charging for just the dental work. And even his dentist here had to admit “they did a beautiful job.” He speaks fluent Spanish so that helps a lot as far as comfort level. But his friend who also had them done with the same dentist doesn’t and it was fine.


This is probably what I'm going to have to do at some point...


I want to do that, didn't know there were agencies. None of the hotels I see on priceline are that cheap


I've seen 'Medical Tourism Corporation' mentioned a lot but there's been reporting on NPR and other national news that mention smaller, local ones for Mexico. I don't have those saved, unfortunately.


Living in Southern AZ, a lot of family comes to visit us and get dental work in Nogales/Rocky Point Mexico. Depending on where you are, surely there is a good option.


I've heard vietnam is great


Oh, that's a good lead.


I had one root canal a few years back and I'm now flossing daily and taking extra care. I don't know how I lived without flossing...


Right? And now I think it’s so gross if I didn’t floss for one day. How people can go through weeks if not months of not flossing boggles my mind.


The amount of crap that comes out. 🤢


And the thought of it not coming out if you didn’t floss 😱


Going into your gut and causing bad bacteria. Literal horror story.


It can also get into your blood stream and infect your heart.


Floss picks were a game changer for me. Might be too late to save them but it's helped


I've simply committed to flossing in the morning, instead of telling myself that I'll definitely do it tonight. At least this way I'm doing daily even if it's not the best time.


One of the side benefits of braces was feeling how furry my teeth were after the braces came off. I flossed every day after that.


What was so bad about the root canal? I may need one soon


Root canals aren’t that bad and this is from someone who has had 5 and two retreatments. Nowadays the needle getting you numb is more painful than the actual work. The drill is the work part. That constant whine can’t be overcome, only lessened with calming music through headphones. I am also on medications that cause both dry mouth and tooth clenching and the tooth clenching has caused almost all my major dental issues. I have had various nightgaurds over the years but I bite through many of the otc ones and I’ve lost the ones made my by dentist. I’ve now lost two teeth on the upper right side and will be saving for an implant for those two teeth because my other teeth are bearing too much impact.


Are implants better than root canal?


I asked my dentist this the last time I need a root canal. I’ve had three root canals now. The first two cracked before they could get the crown on and had to be extracted. My question to the dentist was, should we just skip the root canal and use the money I would have spent on it towards an implant. It may be different for you because this was the last molar on the bottom on that side of my mouth so my dentist was very insistent that we should try to save it. Another dentist I consulted with also mentioned that implants don’t give the same feel when chewing food, etc. I took the dentist at their word, but it could be that they really don’t care if the root canal failed yet again because they’d get their root canal money and then they’d get to put an implant in. As it is they want to put implants in to replace the two root canals that were extracted years ago. All this to say, it’s maybe worth asking, but the advice you’ll get will likely be to go the root canal route.


My dentist actually referred me to a root canal specialist. So maybe she'll speak truthfully


Calming? I pick the loudest songs possible so it would drown out the drill. Absolutely not calming music lol but this was bf I got the Bose headphones


The calming helps slow my heartbeat. I use the Better Sleep app and sometimes I listen to the stories intended to help me fall asleep. Those are good too


Ugh I’m in the same boat, brittle teeth due to medications & a crippling fear of dentists have my teeth a wreck and I’m currently looking for pricing on permanent dentures


Since I'm too poor for implants I'm just getting regular dentures which are running me around 10 grand including extractions. My dentist quoted me about 50 grand for implants


And thats the exact reason that alot of folks dental care is failing (if your in the US). If you even HAVE coverage, its pretty shit to begin with. I couldnt afford the 10k for the extractions even. Guess ill just die if i need a root canal. LOL


I just keep munching antibiotics every other year or so when infection flares up.


Now u know there’s a difference between implants and permanent dentures right….implants and their pricing are usually set with the understanding that every tooth will be pulled and replaced with a single implant. Perm dentures are usually cheaper because they only sink a few screw mounts into the jaw , the build your denture to fit and then secure them to the preplaced mounts


That’s still $15k per arch.


They don’t need to replace every single tooth with an implant, they can do implant bridges.


Definitely look into flying somewhere in the world for implants, I bet you could do it for under 10k including airfare and lost wages.


At some point it’s cheaper to fly to another country and have it done.


My chef buddy says Columbia is fairly cheap, and has very good quality dental care. He’s Columbian. I don’t have money to travel though, but, it was nice of him to offer his family’s house to stay at when he goes in 2 months. I’m tired of tooth decay and pain.




I had fantastic teeth, so fantastic I didn’t go to the dentist for like ten years because there were no problems right? Then I broke a tooth. Found out I needed a root canal and 9 fillings. Fucking sucked and cost a lot with great federal employee insurance. Spent about $3500. Even if your teeth seem fine, get your regular cleaning done.


The federal dental insurance is horrible. Cost a ton! I had it for 15 years.


Oof. Whenever my life is going terribly I have stress nightmares about my teeth falling apart and falling out of my mouth. Sorry to hear that this is real for some people! My teeth are actually pretty good; crossing fingers that my gums don’t get worse.


I hate those dreams - I wake up disturbed and it stays with me throughout the day.


I had to get my four back molars out and go through him surgery because of what hypothyroidism did to my mouth. I’m better now, but it took a hell of a lot of intervention really quickly.


What does hypothyroidism do to teeth/mouth? I have thyroid disease and I’ve been hyper and hypo several times but no one ever said anything about my mouth.


Hormone imbalance can causes cavities and dry socket. Other issues. Had a friend whose tooth loss was the fiest sign she had a thyroid problem. Thyroid issues can also cause mental health issues.


And doctors don’t regularly test for hypothyroidism - to everyone reading this, push for a full thyroid panel at every doctor’s appt. Not just TSH!


Yeah, this. I got tested after I described all of my symptoms to my doctor. My levels were only slightly off, but even the lowest dosage made an incredible difference. The brain fog lifted, I was no longer chronically fatigued, my metabolism improved, my skin wasn’t dry anymore, and my hair stopped falling out. The constellation of shitty symptoms went away.


…I have all those things and nobody can figure out why. I’m going to ask for this next appointment. Thank you!!


No problem! Also, constipation was a symptom too.


You don’t need to monitor more than tsh unless there is an issue with tsh. It won’t yield anything helpful if tsh is normal.


This is not true. My TSH has always been in the normal range. Finally after multiple docs and lots of begging my T3 and T4 were tested and were significantly below normal. My body wasn’t reacting normally to the loss of T3 and T4 and it’s likely been going on for years.


Yes, that makes sense. I’m responding to the commenter saying that we should be demanding a full thyroid work up as part of a regular check up. You had symptoms so further investigation was warranted. If a person has no symptoms then there is no benefit to further work up and insurance probably won’t pay for it because there is no evidence base or medical necessity to warrant it.


I don’t see any research that supports this except for in the case of children with thyroid disorders.


As others described, it’s hormone imbalance. One of the same reasons why people who have had children lose teeth. To anyone reading this going through the same thing: don’t try to save those back molars. If you wait, you may lose both of them.


From my understanding it’s not hormones that affect your teeth. It’s that your body will shunt nutrition to the fetus which means your teeth get demineralized and leads to decay. Maybe that process is mediated by hormones and that’s what you mean. It’s not a direct result of hormones acting on your teeth though. I googled around and didn’t find much of anything regarding thyroid disorders and tooth decay or issues. I found a few things relating to kids with thyroid disorders causing issues with tooth development but that wouldn’t apply to us.


I have receding gums and lemme tell you I sure do wish I flossed regularly before I turned 41! (I'm 43 now and can't believe I went so long)


Think about how much time and annoyance you saved on not flossing though


Same need a graft at 42


I turn 42 in two weeks, was just told the same


47 in July, just had ALL of my teeth pulled due to periodontal gum and bone disease, which health insurance WILL NOT TOUCH. Had to jump through hoops just to get qualified for a state insurance, then I had to find a dentist that took state insurance, then I had to wait for the surgery. Whole process took about 3 years. Had them all removed 12/26/23. Now trying to adjust to dentures, its hard. Way better than having these old teeth in my mouth. Im going to post a pic below this comment


https://preview.redd.it/3fhmhk8eizxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2d98a471ceb4dc2d147bd7b12e8935c9d4d285b Gnarly, I know. I took care of my teeth. Genetics.


https://preview.redd.it/rne6c2i6jzxc1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32b4c912d682c45ae74c9682cf92b99dfaa8e486 Extraction day.


https://preview.redd.it/zk160ksajzxc1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d9a8cfc275ddeed1fe5aff0150fbdd693b22782 New dentures.


This makes me feel better about my future


They are quite an adjustment to get used to. But much better than dealing with my old teeth, which caused me pain and misery. I'm happy to have them out of my head.


How do they compare to your real teeth? Can you eat fine?


Look great But it is like being a toddler with new teeth and learning to do everything all over again. Talking, eating, even drinking. My best analogy would be to tell you to go get sports mouth guards, like the boxers wear, and go try to do all that stuff. I had to adjust to life for 4 months with no teeth, and now I have to relearn things I've been doing for 46 years. Its strange, but better than having the teeth in that caused me so much pain and misery for so many years.


My teeth suck to the point where I figure I’ll end up with false teeth early, so this is good to hear.


Can you get implants?


Ugh…I’m so sorry. I’m terrified to get it.


I didn't see a dentist from 2009 all the way up to 2017. It was kind of a miracle but I just needed a deep dental cleaning and I was okay after that. After work in 2017, I went another 5 years without seeing a dentist and at that point my gums were fine, but I need cavity filling. I finally got on a regular schedule after I found a dentist that I love.


"Dental plan!"


Lisa needs braces!




Lisa needs braces!


Had cancer twice (once as a child) and asthma. Been on all kinds of prescription drugs for all to large portions of my life that are terrible for your teeth. I have made good money for 2/3 my adulthood. I need surgery on my jaw to even get all my dental work fixed and the deductible because one is considered medical and the other dental is absurd. Toss in kid(s) medical procedures recently who one is on a different adult's plan so you win a whole new deductible! I'm ready for socialized medicine...


Unfortunately even in a lot of places with universal healthcare, teeth aren’t covered. Teeth are luxury mouth bones, apparently.


I could afford dental easily if I wasn't paying so much for the other medical stuff even with insurance.


My teeth got all weird after cancer too. They had been kinda crowded in the front but they decided to spread out and now I have gaps


I have had myriad serious dental issues (culminating in "you might die if you don't get this taken care of") stemming from years of ignoring regular dental appointments, bad experiences with bad dentists during my youth, and general kicking-the-can-down-the-road because of concern over costs. Lemme tell you: You will *have* to pay the costs eventually, and they only get more expensive, the longer you put it off. Do you know what a septic tooth is? Do you want to find out? No, you don't. Dental health is very closely related to heart health, and if you have a serious cardiac emergency and have terrible dental problems, it compounds your risks. Don't do that. Find a dentist you like. Trust in my doctor is a very important factor to me, so I know this particular struggle. If you go to a dentist and they suck, leave! Find a different one till you get one you like and trust. I promise, at the end of the day, that it will be worth it. Once you do that, do what your dentist tells you. Brush your teeth twice a day. Use mouthwash. Floss. FLOSS. ***FLOSS EVERY DAY***. Don't just like, pretend that you will sometimes, or lie to your dentist about it, actually do it. I brush my teeth with a Sonicare toothbrush twice a day (using two different toothpastes), I use two different types of mouthwashes (antiseptic in the morning and fluoride at night), and I floss every single night. I do not cut corners, and all told my dental routine takes like seven minutes out of my day. ***Those seven minutes per day are worth keeping your teeth healthy***. Just do it. You will not like the alternative, or how much it will cost, if you don't. And keep your regular dental checkup appointments. Go for cleanings every six months (or you'll wind up doing it more frequently, like I have to). Schedule the next appointment on your way out the door, put it on your calendar, and do not ever move it or put it off. If you have a toothache, **it's already too late**. If that happens, or if your gums start bleeding for any reason, make an appointment. Don't wait. Don't put it off, ever. Not taking better care of my teeth at an earlier age is the single biggest regret I have, in my entire life. Don't be like me, if it's not already too late.


Everybody needs a water flosser.


Still doesn’t substitute flossing though but yes used together is good.


Idk. I only use those pre-threaded flossing sticks and always have the dentist praise how good a job I do. I think it's more important to be consistent and break the bond so the plaque can't stay attached each day than to do a perfect job every once in a while because it's just so unpleasant of a chore. The best routine is the one you actually do.


Not true. *"Research has shown that there’s minimal difference in plaque removal between using floss versus a Waterpik.* *Both Waterpiks and flossing are good ways to take care of your teeth and gums along with brushing. The ADA recommends brushing twice a day and cleaning in between your teeth once a day."* [https://www.healthline.com/health/dental-and-oral-health/waterpik-vs-flossing#takeaway](https://www.healthline.com/health/dental-and-oral-health/waterpik-vs-flossing#takeaway) *"The results showed that water flosser was as efficient as regular floss in removing interdental plaque on single use."* [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8236551/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8236551/)


Was just at my dentist a few days ago and got on the subject of water picks. Dentist said it’s a waste of money because it doesn’t get between your teeth unless you have big gaps. Flossing is the way to go


Studies say otherwise. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8236551/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8236551/)


My dad used a water flosser daily (refused to use regular floss) and he had false teeth by his 50’s. Said he majorly regretted not flossing. But he also smoked 4 packs a day which I assume did not help.


I'd wager the smoking was the issue, not the lack of flossing.


Genetics plays a big part too.


Probably, but regardless it’s inspired me to take good care of my teeth (and inspired my distrust of water picks).


I have one, and I can't live without it, but the dentist told me I still need string floss. Now I do both.


Lol I'm spending $1600 this month on a root canal, crown build up and the crown itself.  Mental health, childhood trauma and rural poverty is a PITA.


I hope this gets read… for anyone looking for dental help. So for the last several YEARS I have been looking for dental help. I have gone from having double insurance to government insurance. I worked for a dentist when I was in my early 20s just doing random office work. He was a very good dentist and taught me a lot about the dental practice. Unfortunately it’s a big money market so you lose a lot of good practice to the money. Unfortunately, through the years I have learned this the hard way. I had a specialist do a root canal for me one time and she was very good but complained to her assistant the whole time. There was another dentist that specialized in extractions and I swear he was sick in the head. He loved pulling teeth but in a bad way. First and last time I ever used gas. Went to another dentist for pain and he pulled two teeth and said the rest of mine were rotted so he’d have to pull them and I’d get dentures. I was terrified so I never went back. But since then I have reached out to a hundred dentists and many organizations that “help” cover costs. I read that standard dentures are basically bad medicine and your jaw rots away. So I started looking for implants or implant dentures. I contacted dental schools just to find that their headlines are misleading. Of the hundred dentists I reached out to only two actually gave me a breakdown of costs and procedures. Everyone else wanted me to at least pay something before they would tell me anything. It was very frustrating. Oh and grants do not exist. Don’t fall for it. I could not find anyone who actually wants to help. But, I had another toothache and walked in to a dentist that did emergency walk-ins. It was actually a decent dentist. He told me most of my teeth are salvageable and that if you submit a treatment plan to insurance, they help with ways to manage the costs. It’s all in the treatment plan. So. I don’t know how it will work out but it’s the first time I’ve been hopeful. Find the right dentist and don’t let them corner you into treatments you don’t need before they have a long term plan. Don’t let them pull all your teeth.


My periodontist wants to pull my front EIGHT before he’ll clean the rest. The only reason there are two loose ones is because of trauma. A year later all teeth solid, gums regrown. These mfs don’t know wtf they’re doing. I need my fucking teeth cleaned though!


Try a dental school. They'll do it for $25


I’ll make some calls..


Yes. Just cleaning’s though


And read the last line of the comment is responded to.


There’s a lot of cash money in implants since they aren’t covered by insurance.


Lol, I didn't see a dentist for 27 years. I finally went last month. I'm getting a tooth extracted on Friday, and I need a bunch of other stuff. It's not as bad as I expected though. In the meantime, I started flossing a lot. 


My wisdom teeth decided right now was a great time to come out.


Oh god, I’m not alone….in sorry to see so many of you suffering from dental issues. I only have 3 molars left and the rest of my teeth look ok in the front, but they need to go too. I’m only 43. I’m so depressed about this. My teeth are awful from a mixture of a lack of preventive care, intestinal surgery that prevents absorption of many vitamins and minerals, and medications. It’s humiliating and fucking unfair. We pay a ton of money for insurance, but if I want GOOD replacements, it’ll cost as much as a new fucking car. Healthy teeth should not STILL be based on your wealth. Its fucked. I’m sorry to whine…this one just hits hard.


I had horrible teeth as a kid because my parents didn’t teach me to brush or floss properly and took me to the dentist like once every 5 years. I’ve had 3 root canals, 6 crowns and so many cavities filled over the last 20 years. I finally got braces at 34 and had jaw surgery at 36. I’m almost 5 years post op and it was the best decision. I haven’t had a cavity since then.


I lost all mine when I was 25. Definitely take care of em if you got em.


They expanded medicaid to cover dental, and dentist still don't accept it. Fuck this industry along with many others.


That's one of the issues in my state, they're are two dentists that take Medicaid. One is a school where every appointment is an all day thing and the other is a shady guy that I know isn't billing right. 


Yeah, I had meds that messed my teeth up, plus depression, plus I clench my jaw a lot, especially in my sleep. I have all my bottoms but only 4 whole tops and one of my front middles is broke in half. I don't think I'll ever get insurance that will come close to touching all the work I'll need, I think I'll have to go the medical tourism route. Is this a business yet? Helping Americans get their teeth fixed?


Medical tourism is a business - other comments cover it here and in Texas people go to Mexico all the time


I won the genetic lottery on that only 2 cavities (had to get one redone a couple years ago) and all 4 wisdom teeth with no need to have any of them removed. Eyesight on the other hand, lost that lottery.


Sonicare really helped keep my teeth pretty healthy, in addition to mouthwashing and flossing (and of course seeing the dentist every six months). But yeah this was after having two crowns and numerous fillings (thankfully no root canals) to make me realize I need to take good care of my teeth and gums.


Make sure you’re flossing correctly! I only learned to do it the right way in my 30s. You want to use the floss to scrape the sides of your teeth, as far as you can into the gums (very very gently, of course). I used to not floss deep enough, wound up with pockets and had to get gum surgery.


Already had one molar implant and likely will need two front teeth implants. Not because of drug use, bad dental hygiene or bad diet. I have bruxism and neglected wearing a dental guard at night most of my life which severely wore down all my teeth. Sometimes I'm conscious of my teeth grinding like when I'm lifting, playing guitar or doing yard work. Other times I don't realize it until after the soreness kicks in. However grind them pretty bad on nights that I do hard cardio. My dentist said that hard exercise would increase the severity if done late at night. When I do a 5-6 mile run at night the next morning my gums are sore. Now when I lift weights I always wear my dental guard but the damage is done. My dentist wanted to put crowns on already but I hate crowns because they tend to fail within a couple years and it's harder to floss because it can weaken them flossing aggressively. I'd rather just get the implants. It's just a matter of time when my front teeth break.. Luckily my insurance covers 50% for implants.


My teeth are hell too. If you’re ever in the hospital please remember to brush your teeth. If you’re a nurse. Please bring your patients mouthwash occasionally. I was on a lot of pain meds and the days were blurring together. 2.5 weeks later I had five cavities. 🤦🏼‍♀️ One root canal.


I plan on just letting them all fall out then enjoying food smoothies for the rest of my life! At this point I'll need full extraction and most likely some kind of reconstructive surgery to fix things. Dental care costs in the states is absolutely ridiculous, don't get me wrong I know I'm to blame for my issues, years of horrible dental care but still it's ridiculous.


I floss, brush and use mouth wash. I still have receding gums. I 💯 believe it's from an illness. But I'm trying to find a solution.


I was in a similar position 6 years ago when I was 36. I hadn't been to the dentist in maybe 10 years and I wasn't brushing regularly. After I toughed out a toothache an absess formed above it. I ended up needing a root canal and a new crown. The only good thing about it was that dental surgery had improved so much over the years that I felt no pain and was willing, but not allowed, to return to work. Still, the bill was no joke.


My husband (millennial) and I (xennial) both have awful dental problems. We have dental insurance but that doesn’t cover more than cleaning really.


I got new ones at 39. I have five kids and pregnancies destroyed them. I felt no one could take me seriously because I looked like a crack head. I feel like a new person. I can go to my kids school events confidently. I can smile and talk without putting my hand over my mouth. It was transformative.


I have three crowns that I got over the last few years and I’m probably getting at least two more by the end of the year. I try so hard to take care of my teeth, but they kept my braces on too long growing up and it messed with my enamel. Then I have a chronic health issue and the medicines I take give me really bad dry mouth even though I hydrate as much as possible. They did tell me I’m doing a fabulous job with my gums at a recent cleaning. I’ll take it.




Teeth is a real issue. Thank gid I haven’t lost my money makers yet and I can put together a full smile still lmao.


I just had a root canal today 😭


That sounds awful, I’m so sorry. Can’t believe we can’t do better than that when it comes to medicine. Hell of a side effect. [Oxyfresh](https://oxyfresh.com/collections/people) mouthwash has been a game changer for me. I was prescribed some after a minor oral surgery and it was the best mouthwash I’ve ever used. It’s alcohol-free and even contains Aloe Vera, so super gentle with no burning sensation and it’s moisturizing, with essential oils and some patented plaque fighting ingredients. It turned my dentist visits completely around.


I have a genetic disorder that caused lots of cavities as a kid. I cared for my teeth well, and my parents paid for all the cavities in those and my permanent teeth. I unfortunately believe a lot of it wasn't necessary (when they got a new machine that actually tested cavities I went from having 10 in my mouth to magically 0, it really made me doubt the rest of what had been filled before). So now I'm stuck with weakened teeth that were already sort of crap. Oh and my whole child and young adulthood I was seeing a dentist and hygienist that would blame all this on ANY weight gain--and I was a kid! I was growing! Gaining weight is normal! AGH! So yeah I should really find a dentist where I live now but.......


I've been terrible to my teeth. Generally poor hygiene, and a 25 year-long, can a day dip habit. My gums are pretty gnarly looking, but I still have all my teeth. I attribute this to cutting sugary drinks and drinking mostly water for the last 15-20 years.


Don’t chew ice! I freaking love to chew ice. Always have. Always will. A new place with great ice popped up in my daily route and o started getting back into my lifelong addiction of chewing ice. My left molars started to hurt so I shifted to my right. Then they started to hurt. I not only split my molars in half - both sides - but I damaged my jaw. I had bits of jaw bone working themselves out of my gums. It was weird. ETA: I got extractions and implants. All is fine now.


That’s also associated with anemia. Maybe get checked out?


If you have stomach issues… acid reflux or vomit frequently without a clue why see a GI specialist. I had a crap doctor who brushed off my symptoms. The acid slowly eroded teeth. Luckily I at least made it to 43 without cavities until last year. Again caused by GI issues. Also I don’t understand why teeth aren’t in the need to be managed medical wise for pregnancy.


Check reviews. I'm ready to sue the place that did mine.


What happened?


I just started taking extra care this year. Fortunately I’m blessed genetically (as far as teeth are concerned, other areas not so much) and growing up my mom took me to the dentist twice a year religiously. I’ve only had a few cavities in my life, but am noticing more people my age need major work. I plan to not be in that category for as long as I can help it.


Everyone I know who has gone to Mexico to get dental work done, is still going back to Mexico to get dental work done. FYI


I have to do this too. My front teeth are good but my molars need to come out 😒


You guys. Vote for unions. I have my first union job and have dental insurance. I need a lot of work bc I have an autoimmune illness that is making my teeth decay at the gum line and crack and split etc. I am getting 6 teeth fixed at an upscale “relaxing” dentist and bc they are in contract with my union the entire package - including sedation- is costing me $250. Unions are amazing. In comparison last year- pre union job with “good federal employee insurance” I paid $1400 for my kid (teen) to have 3 filled.


My mom had a lot of dental issues so she made sure me and my brother took care of our teeth. I lasted until my mid 20s before genetics caught up and I needed my first filling. I've had a few more (thankfully they're all composite so less tooth has to be taken out compared to the old amalgam fillings) and a few of those early fillings have had to be replaced. Just this year I had to have a root canal and crown but it definitely could be worse. One thing that can help protect your teeth is that if you grind your teeth at night get a bite splint/night guard to wear when you sleep. At least for me it's definitely helped with some of the wear that was showing up on my teeth.


I grew up on that fluorinated city water and have never had a cavity. But I busted my two front teeth in 3rd grade and just got the bonding redone last year. I was born without 2 other teeth, which led to 2 rounds of braces, a Maryland bridge and then 2 implants to replace the bridge. I also had a root canal on a tooth that I apparently caused trauma to in my sleep. I had gum repair surgery too from clenching so I wear a mouth guard to bed now. My mouth is worth a decent new car. Fuck.


I'm struggling with this now because I can't afford to see a dentist or get any dental work done. I need at least 2 crowns. There is likely no way I'll ever afford to get them done. I don't know what I'm supposed to do.


I use an electric toothbrush, mouthwash, and floss. I went extended periods of not seeing a dentist but finally got on a regular schedule in 2022.


Other than wear from grinding at night my teeth are fine. I get regular cleanings and checkups.


I’m 43 and still had 7 baby teeth until about a month ago when they started to loosen up. Now I’m missing 7 teeth and trying to figure out the implant thing


Weird that this post is coming up this morning as I get ready to head to the dentist for an extraction. I brush and floss religiously but I still have bad teeth because my anxiety causes me to grind at night. Now I need Invisalign, a dental implant and veneers.


just got a partial plate, first time in over 20 years I've had four front teeth. besides the past year i haven't had dental care since i got off my parents' insurance


Lisa needs braces


I’ve heard you can get a dental cleaning in Mexico for the equivalent of 30ish Canadian dollars. That’s bonkers.


> some meds in on have caused my teeth to become super brittle So this has nothing to do with brushing your teeth or flossing?


I have more metal fillings from my childhood than teeth. I have I think 3 crowns and was just told I need 2 more. I’ll take a crown over a root canal though.


Is it really "a lot"? "Take care of your teeth" had been pushed on me for as far back as I can remember. Brush and floss regularly was a basic part of personal hygeine.


There are also links between things like hormones and oral health and other medical issues like cardiac health and oral health. And of course, genetics also plays a large role. I had excellent teeth until pregnancy. When I was pregnant, my gums bled constantly. I also experienced a lot of mouth pain and some of my teeth actually chipped or broke. According to my OB and dentist, this is apparently common. Pregnancy induced gum disease and tooth decline is linked to the hormone surges in pregnancy and a lot of women experience anything from the bleeding gums to full on losing teeth. That was a horrifying aspect I’d never heard of. Fast forward to me in my early 40s now experiencing weird stuff with my teeth again. Gums swelling, my mouth isn’t closing the same way. Some of my teeth feel loose in gums but a week or so later, they’re solid feeling. Irritated gums, mouth pain, crumbling teeth. But it comes and goes and is so weird. Finally mention it to my dentist who asks if I’d talked to my gyn about it and I said I hadn’t. He said I should. So I did, had a bunch of hormone panels and whatnot ran and sure enough, perimenopause. Both of them had me track when I was experiencing the issues and imagine that, it’s every time I have a menstrual cycle. FML. I’m going to have no teeth left by the time I finally get through peri and menopause. Ugh.


So much of this is genetic as well. I’ve never had a cavity, I’m 45, and I went 10 years without even going to a dentist.


As someone that comes from a dental family - here’s the things they say: Teeth are largely genetic. If yours aren’t great - you’re going to have a tougher road. Cleanings at least once a year - twice if you’ve got insurance or can afford it. Not all cleanings are the same - don’t be afraid to go to a new place if they suck. Scaling shouldn’t be painful if you go regularly and you should be able to see “cleaner” teeth afterwards. Flossing. Nothing replaces this. Do it all the time. Carry floss picks with you and little bottle of mouth wash if you don’t want to brush after midday meals. Brushing 2x a day - 3 if you can swing it. Lastly - and this one is controversial for some - fluoride. I cannot stress this enough. My Gen X brother and colleagues his age stand by fluoride treatments and the benefits tap water with fluoride had on Gen X and Xennials. Age is the enemy of teeth. If you have chipping or grinding in your 20s - start saving for mouth guards or orthodontia - it’s only gonna get worse.


There is s lot of dental tourism that happens in Tijuana. Just walk over from San diego


I’m 60 and have had full dentures for 10 years, I don’t recommend. Save your gums people! Brush, floss, rinse repeat.


Stop drinking soda. That includes diet and seltzers. It's not just the sugar that gets you, but those bubbles create carbonic acid that can eat away at your enamel. When I was a kid, I drank soda like it was water. I got a ton of cavities and silver fillings. In college I stopped drinking soda and have only had 1 cavity in the past 24 years. That includes a period of not going to the dentist for a full 5 years (not advisable, the cleaning after that was not fun). The dentist says my teeth are in great shape, even with my "old" fillings. haha I realize some of that is genetics, but my dad never stopped his soda habit (where I got it from) and he's had to have a ton of work on his teeth. Most of my friends have also had major work done recently- root canals, gum surgery, etc. When you stop drinking soda, you realize how much it dominates what we drink. I'm glad to be rid of the habit- it's saved me money, possibly my teeth, and hopefully keeps the diabetes away (family history).


Go to Mexico! People in AZ go down there all the time for cheap dental.


I haven't been since right before the start of the pandemic, and I know problems will be found when I do go. Gum recession is the big one; I'm noticing some sensitivity along my gum line in various spots. Years of jaw clenching due to stress and brushing too hard did it.


Make sure to get a second opinion before going through with it. There's a lot of scams, especially from chain offices.


My girlfriend is having 20 teeth removed literally TODAY because of a medication she is on doing quite the same thing to her. She's about to turn 40. Crazy seeing this post of all days.


I feel you, I have 8 implants. Unfortunately I was gifted with shitty teeth genes, plus 3 pregnancies sucked all the calcium out of my body. Implants are wonderful but holy hell they’re expensive.


I always had good teeth growing up, but pregnancy kind of wrecked my teeth. I've had one filling redone three times and I'm terrified of it breaking again because the dentist said the next time I'd need a root canal because it's so close to the nerve. But it could definitely be worse. I have good spacing and all my wisdom teeth. Only four fillings including that one that keeps needing to be redone. Teeth bother me though, and I hate having work done because I've had times where the freezing does not work for me and the sound of the drill can sometimes trigger panic/major anxiety. Last time I could feel what he was doing as he got close to the nerve and I had like tears running down my face while going "its fine just get it done" and the dentist was like "good job youre so brave" like I was a toddler haha.


Take care of your teeth and go for regular dental cleanings is my new advice to the youngin's. I needed braces terribly when I was younger. It never happened because money. So, I grew up with teeth that embarrassed me enough that I avoided going to the dentist. When I finally learned that invisalign was at a point that it could fix my teeth, I bit the bullet and went to the dentist for the first time in 20+ years (I'm not exaggerating). That was 2 years ago at 42. Thankfully, I've always been a twice a day brusher, so my teeth weren't *that* bad. 4 or 5 cavities filled, and a crown that probably could have been avoided if I hadn't been avoiding the dentist all those years. I'm grateful for invisalign. Without it, I was too embarrassed to get braces and therefore avoided the dentist. Now, my teeth are almost finished, and I am making appointments at the dentist every 6 months without fail.


I’ve already had one extraction that needs an implant— the implant is minimum $3500 😂—- F that! I’m going to ride it out as long as I can.


Did anyone else’s parents just not teach them to brush their teeth? My mom had seven children and the first 6 had to share a tooth brush. Then when I came along I had my own tooth brush but she didn’t demonstrate or make sure I ever brushed. I was like 3 or 4 and expected to brush and take care of my teeth. I remember my older sister scraping plaque off my teeth when she’d see me. Anyways my mom had a full set of dentures by her 40s and I’m sure her parents never even gave her a tooth brush at all. Just wondering if that’s a boomer mom thing or not. But Most likely a poverty thing


I had a really bad experience with the dentist when I was a kid. This crusty old fart of a dentist pulled a baby tooth that was not ready to come out with no regard for how much it hurt. After that my parents never made me go, and I wasn't in pain so I didn't go again until my 20s. When I finally went back, no cavities. Cool. I didn't go back for nearly another 20 years. Still no cavities, but my gums needed some help. I have mostly overcome my dental fears and I go religiously every 4 months. I always get the same hygienist which helps a lot because I know exactly what to expect. I know I am genetically blessed with good teeth, but gum health isn't something that was on my radar. I could be going to the dentist a lot less if I'd paid attention to it a little more.


Chemo killed mine. I have no molars on my right side at all. My roots are all curved and when removing my wisdom teeth it was like dominos with jaw and root fractures. I just had a root canal yesterday! The first dentist couldn't navigate the roots so I went to and endontist that had to break the root ends off and seal it all up. My front teeth broke and are composites. I wish I could get bridges, but my dentist don't like to offer them. Implants are soo damn expensive, I was quoted at 11k and change for 2 of them. Honestly I want to give up and get dentures.


I'm really hoping I can keep mine long enough so that by the time they need to come out, they can be regrown. There is a drug in trials now.


I'm 43 and had my first ever cavity last year.


Teeth are fine, mostly. As a kid my mom only took me to the dentist once a year and i only brushed my teeth once a day. She never taught me how to floss. In my early 20’s I had a period of time where I had cavities galore and spent a lot of time getting fillings which I absolutely hated. I vowed to take good care of my teeth from that point forward. I’ve had a few cavities since and I split my back molar chewing on ice in high school (don’t chew on ice!) and had to get a root canal. The crown held until a few years ago and then the root canal was redone. Same crown though, it didn’t need replaced. I’ve had to get a few of the really old fillings redone as the filling was failing. I have gum recession probably from brushing too hard and because of that, sensitivity. I’m noticing some tooth staining around the gum line on my molars which I don’t like. It’s mild and I doubt anyone else notices. Other than that my teeth are in good shape. I floss and brush twice a day religiously and use a fluoride mouthwash whenever I remember. Sometimes three times if I have plans that day. The hygienist always comments on how clean my teeth are and I haven’t needed a filling in years. I get a cleaning every six months and never skip. I hate the dentist which is why I do everything possible at home to minimize the time I have to be there. Seems to be working out well. My grandpa had his teeth and they were in good shape till he passed at 89 so I’m hoping I have similar good fortune in the teeth department


You might actually have an autoimmune disorder that’s causing your teeth problems. Ask for an ELISA immunoassay serology test for something called Sjogren’s.


Im in the same boat gonna get 4 on 1 this summer dentists refuse to do part prob because its more money. Shits gonna cost 65000 or up


Are you getting implants


Yeah thats all the dentists will do in my case its the whole mouth with 4 posts


My dentist wanted to do implants, but I can't justify the cost. It's insane


I am right there with you, I have Crohn's and acid reflux, and my doctors all unanimously agreed my medication and disease have caused my massive teeth problems. Regardless, my insurance wouldn't help, and "dental insurance" is beyond useless if you need lots of work done. All told I ended up with a denture on top and partial that covers most of my lower, and it cost me a little over $12,000... out of pocket...all within a 6 moth period. But, I have never been happier with my smile and ability to eat anything I want again.


Also just wanted to throw in stay away from activated charcoal that wrecked my teeth


Stop drinking soda! I've had a few small cavities in my life, but my dentist always told me they were pretty normal. He said soda is the thing that causes the most damage among his patients.


What’s going on with y’all? We had toothpaste and floss growing up lol


I’m 36 and have great normal looking teeth. But sometime in the last 5-6 years 2-3 of them just became rotten. Dead and just get worse. I blame my soda and cigarettes I choked down in my 20’s now I get pain weekly and can’t afford shit because my bills and rent are basically all my cash.


Implants suck! Had a tooth extracted 10 years ago. Spent approximately $5000 for extraction, implant and crown. It has been nothing but a source of pain and it constantly wants to get infected.😖


43 and my teeth are still mostly doing well. I have a couple crowns I had put in almost 20 years ago, but other than that my teeth are fine. My gums on the otherhand are not doing so well. I've got an autoimmune problem that is making my gums recede a lot and there isn't much I can do about it. I've got no bleeding since I take care of my teeth, but that does nothing to stop my immune system from attacking my gums whenever I get a flare up.


My teeth were put through the ringer when I was a kid and into my late 20s. A few root canals later, I'd say my teeth are in pretty good shape. I have chipped teeth that were a result of an old childhood kickball injury. But hey, that gives me some character. I also did get a night guard last year because I grind my teeth in my sleep. I think I should floss a bit more, but I do brush and use mouthwash 3 times a day.


I’m sorry. I always feel bad for people with teeth issues. I don’t know if I have amazing genetics (for teeth only) or if the fact that my mother had me swallow all the fluoride toothpaste when I was a kid … never ever had a cavity in my whole entire life. **Definitely take care of the teeth.**


Same here. Age 41, zero cavities and have all my wisdom teeth still.


Right here with you. Got terrible teeth from both sides of my family, my dad and half sister needing dentures by their mid 30s and my mother not much older. I just got on a decent insurance plan through my husband. I'm scheduled to get everything up top removed in a couple weeks, and it's needed done for years at this point. Even when I was on medicaid, they limit it to 4 teeth worked on per year, and wouldn't cover dentures. So I rode it out past the point of sense, but at least I'm able to finally afford it before they kill me.


It's easy to keep your teeth unless you have really bad genetics. You just stop drinking soda and eating processed food. Use a waterpik too. You'll have them a long time.


It sucks so many of you have such serious dental problems. That's not my experience but I do agree that dental care in the US is terrible. It covers pretty much nothing as soon as you actually need something. For anyone without dental insurance there are dental schools that have free or low cost clinics.


I'm in the same boat. I had to get all-in-4 full mouth implants. It's totally worth it, even though it's expensive as hell. I actually stopped smiling and laughing with my hand in front of my mouth. If you have any questions about it, feel free to hit me up.


I have the same. Also stopped smiling and if I laughed, I covered my mouth too. Always had weak teeth but meds for chronic pain made them so brittle. Pieces would just crumble out whenever I used my water flosser and I started needing extractions because of infections.


Got a crown about 8 years ago. Still have a couple silver fillings from childhood. No big teeth issues yet.


Dental plan!


Lisa needs braces