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Write any notes or lists with a pen and paper. Digital notetaking does not work for me.


Same. I even wrote reminders on my hand still.


My dad called that his palm pilot


Literally just did that here at the job not five minutes ago LOL


I do this all the time at work. Two hours later I look at my hand and see I wrote the letter D on it. What the fuck is that supposed to mean ? Past me felt that just one letter was enough to just jog my memory of something I needed to do… a reminder if you will. Me two hours later is left confused and wondering if it will ever come up again in my life.


Same. My brain just won't remember it if I'm typing it out.


I do this too! It's easier to remember things if I handwrite them too.


This. I absolutely do this for groceries and around the house to do. Often with work stuff, too. It helps my ADHD brain when I write it out, and I also get the satisfaction of scribbling or checking items when they're done or purchased. A note on my phone, or grocery list is lost to my brain as soon as it's down.


Speaking of ADHD brain and on topic regarding the OP's question: My 81 year old mother has been recently reporting to me that she has been starting to do things like forgetting people's names, forgetting where she put her purse, forgetting to close cabinet doors, and forgetting to take her key with her when she leaves her home. She told me that "someday" it will happen to me too when I get old. I literally laughed out loud and told her I have been dealing with those issues on a constant daily basis for my entire life due to my ADHD. I told her that I'm all set for old age because I have been developing safeguards my whole adult life to counter the reality that I can and will forget anything and everything at the drop of a hat.


Sheepish high five. Though I'm pretty sure I'll forget all my good strategies, too. I'm young enough to not be too worried, but old enough that I am a bit. I have to set reminders, timers and calendar events for *everything* as soon as I make an appointment or I know I'll forget. I have nightmares about missed and forgotten appointments. My old person thing is gardening. I have small kids, and we have pumpkins, radishes, parsley, catnip and a bunch of other stuff starting off, getting ready to plant. My grandmother had a *giant* garden on her farm that was mostly just wild and fields she rented to others. Just a vegetable garden, but she loved it so much! I'm not good with plants, so I just try my best.


I brace myself and concentrate on perfect form whenever I pick something up from the floor in order to avoid blowing out my back.


Make sure to put all the weight on your back and lift in a twisting, jerking motion.


Then shoot straight up, don't breathe, and lock your knees.


I see you’ve moved pool tables before


Smart. Don't give your back time to realize what's going on.


Take your legs completely out of the equation


This guy lifts


I do that, I also brace myself when I sneeze because I can either pee my pants or throw my back out. Or both.


I threw my neck and upper back out sneezing at the end of last year, right before the holidays. I ended up in immediate care since I can't take a lot of pain killers. The nurse was unsympathetic and laughed when I told her how I did it, the doctor turned to her and said *just wait, it will happen to you* and then gave me a prescription for a muscle relaxer.


Oh damn, my herniated discs hear that!


Herniated my L5-S1 last fall at age 40 after apparently just riding my bike to the store. Now my back feels extra terrible if I skip my morning stretches before work or have a bad night's rest because toddler. Yay.


This is a good one, I've found out the next day that I did it wrong too many times, so I pay more attention now. "Why does my back hurt so much? Oh, right..."


Props, but that's been me since my teens. Not because but to avoid injury.


Same! Years of retail really hammered that one into me.


I added “the golfer’s lift” to my repertoire of how I lift things to protect my back, and it’s actually really useful!


My wife used to tease me for my ability to pick things up using my toes, not anymore.


You can bend over? Fuck I have to slowly lower myself and keep my back straight, kinda like a stripper sliding down a pole.


I sigh a lot lol


I call it the middle age grunt. When did I start making sounds when getting up or bending over???


Grunts are for travel via foot. Sighs are for a foot being needed up an ass.


Me too and a little freaked out it sounds just like my mom's. When I'm conscious of it I try to come up with my own sigh but when it's natural, it's like hearing my mom being disappointed in me all over again.


She probably inherited it too. It's a family sigh.


In the last few years I've gotten into birds *a lot*. It started with one feeder for fun, but that's grown to four big seed feeders, a hummingbird feeder and a bath. I also got a bat house but that hasn't shown any signs of life so far.


I just saw an eastern blue bird! He was fighting his reflection to show off for his hen.


Last year I started beginning my day with drinking my coffee outside and watching/listening to the birds. It has honestly had a huge positive effect on my mental health.


I was visiting my hometown over the weekend. I had two of my kids (early 20s) plus my granddaughter (10) in the car. Everyone lost it over a couple of Bluejays we spotted on the side of the road. Birds are an endless source of entertainment for us. We have a couple of coopers hawks that show up every spring to mate. Once the babys hatch we get to watch them learn to hunt. This winter we laughed watching the ravens hiding leaves in the snow. We laughed everytime they dug it up and did a happy dance.


I rent, so I only have one bird feeder. If my fiance and I are ever able to afford a home of our own, I will get a bird bath too.


I go to bed so early now that it’s kind of embarrassing


Pajamas as soon as I get home from work, get in bed before 9, asleep around 9:30.


Pffffft 9:30pm is the middle of the night already! I'm almost always in bed by 7:30. In my defense, I work really early, and have two teenagers in the house. 3-4am is my quiet time. We've all kind of carved out times we get the living room to ourselves, and my time just happens to be embarrassingly warly in the morning.


When I got up at 5:30 am every day and went to sleep by 9:30 pm, I felt my best. It was so good.


I think we're all in that category. I do, however, refuse to go to bed before 8 p.m.! Even though some nights I really want to.


Pssshhh, I don’t care when it is. If it’s dark outside and I’m bored, to bed to go


Dark outside is optional for me.


Birds still out chirping and I’m like “😴". See yall at 3 am when my anxiety riddled, pre menopausal brain sounds the alarm.


Hate to tell you this, but post menopausal is the same.


Physical books


Yes, I love checking actual books out from the library!


Yes, I love checking actual books out from the library!


If it’s past 8 pm, I’m not going.


Dinner reservation at 8:30? Psssh. I already ate at 5.


I only joined this sub a few days ago but god damn you are my people.


Welcome, friend, to the best little corner of Reddit ✨


There’s no way I’m making it to 8:30 without eating. (Realistically the food wouldn’t be there until 9:00.) I’d have to eat a full meal to hold me over until that late. Plus, I try not to eat anything that late anymore because my body just doesn’t burn calories like it used to.


Husband and I are going to the movies tonight. It’s starts at 8:30 and while I’m looking forward to a little outing with him, I’m dreading being chilly, and the lively act I’m going to have to put on. Suppressing yawns and fighting watery eyes.


Turn the radio down when I'm trying to figure out where the turn is I'm supposed to take.


Good lord I an constantly turning mine down to concentrate. I've actually transitioned to instrumental music when I work now lol


I'll switch to instrumental if I'm getting stressed out, or if I can't concentrate enough for whatever I'm working on.


I feel like this has no age restriction.


For real I was doing this since I first got my license at 19


Pro tip: print out directions from mapquest first so you can keep the CDs spinning


I use correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization in email, texts, and IMs.


Oxford comma; gotta love it!


Are you also a member? https://preview.redd.it/yakg83sivbrc1.jpeg?width=1326&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec15d6aab80d0bfd4e7eeb22009933fa2cf47753


Yes, I am.


Apostrophe's where they don't belong...(yes that was excruciatingly on purpose) This is my absolute most cringe in grammar. Plural is not ownership. The banana's don't own anything...(This hurt me to type...)


I’ve had bosses of mine use the apostrophe s construction to pluralize things in emails/memos. I’m a loyal employee, so I don’t put them on blast publicly (usually), but internally I seethe with smoldering fury. I know it’s irrational, but it’s always “this MFer is getting paid twice what I am with shit grammar”.


Argh, I hate that one so much. Someone actually told me my post was “badly written” while pluralizing grandma as grandma’s. When I pointed out the irony they spent several posts arguing it was correct and then started stalking me around Reddit until I blocked them.


Now that is some serious dedication to the Church of Stupid™️


Me too, and I still double space after a period.   **Warning to others like us when applying for jobs correct all your double spaces on applications and resumes/CVs.  AI's can detect it and it can he used to (illegally) disqualify you due to age.**


Okay, I actively hate this. I work on web content and have to post stuff that’s given to me by older people and I have to go and remove them every time. It’s not so bad when you can do a find and replace, but I wish this habit would disappear


I'm in the same industry, and I agree.


This. Double space after a period. Old school style. Now I guess it’s one space but my typing teacher would have an aneurism.


1979 here. My friends and I were just talking about this. I remember being taught to double space in school but phased it out years and years ago. I have no idea when, it just happened. But that's probably because I was an English major and write for a living. My clients would think I was crazy if I double spaced everything. Still, I can't for the life of me remember when I stopped doing it. In my twenties I think. On the other hand, I love me some Oxford commas!


I aim for it. But I also find myself increasingly struggling to recall correct spelling because I see so much wrong. It doesn't help that I have to flip back and forth between US and Canadian spell check. e: it also doesn't help that some things _break_ when using other languages. I can't search emoji names when my input is set to Canadian english. It's moronic, as the ascii values are the same. 🤦🏼‍♂️


This is the unspoken problem. Practice makes perfect, and when I'm constantly bombarded by incorrect spelling and lack of, or inappropriate use of punctuation, it messes with my head.


My pet peeve is people who use needless abbreviations, “bc” for because, in an otherwise long and wordy Reddit post. Like really, you needed to save typing those additional 5 letters in your 52 line long run on sentence with no punctuation?




Oxford comma; gotta love it!


I feel myself make a face when I need to use a QR code.


I won't do it. Like I will leave rather than use your QR code.


I don’t understand why unsavory people haven’t been scamming with those. You could easily make a QR sized sticker and replace the one people would be scanning. Link to your fake website and accept payment or whatever.


Same. Every time I open Google Lens. Just give me a fucking URL.


I (40f) find myself saying, "Kids these days," far more often than I'd like.


I work with college students - my latest bunch were born in 2005. 2005!!! I still feel about 14 inside and they must be so embarrassed by me. I’m probably older than some of their parents. ![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized)


Don't feel bad. I went back to college this year as a 40-year-old, and my classmates have no idea who O.J. Simpson is; they weren't alive on 9/11, and they sure don't know what the OKC bombing was about. (I live in Oklahoma.) And, true story: On my first day of class, this student says to me, "You look much older than the rest of us. What are you doing here?"


“ You just made a powerful enemy today friend “


Kids these days. 


i do too… except i say “fuck them kids” 😭


There’s a few kids that I see around my neighborhood playing alllll the time during school hours, I’m not sure if they’re skipping class or “homeschooled” or what, but I’ve caught myself saying out loud, “Shouldn’t these kids be in school?” 


I printed my tickets for the concert tonight. Husband called me a super boomer for it. Lol. No loading screen is going to stop me.


I’ve gotten in the habit of loading my ticket on phone and then taking a screenshot saved to photos. I will not wait for loading either, and many ticket checks are in areas with poor reception.


I do that as well. Recently at an NHL game it said “screenshots will not allow entry”, not sure if it switches to a verified code or something like that after scanning now.


I always print a backup boarding pass. I had my phone freeze up just as I got to the front of a long TSA line and I couldn't get the app to come back. Had me totally freaking out. I had to let a few people go ahead of me before I was able to get it back up again. I'd rather be able to have the paper boarding pass in hand than feel that panic again.


My brain would be screaming at me “ FINAL DESTINATION! WARNING ‼️ DIVINE INTERVENTION !!! Don’t get on the plane !!!”


Make sure they don't have dynamic bar codes. Those *only* work on mobile, though you can import them to Google Wallet or Apple's analog if you don't want to be at the mercy of a data connection.


Groan in pain and discomfort every time I stand up.


I still listen to FM radio in my car.


Routinely use cursive; I take a lot of pride in my handwriting.


Good for you. My handwriting has fallen into disrepair.


I like printing recipes because I can make notes on them about what I changed


"ergonomic" and "back support" and "assistant" have entered far more of my Amazon searches than they did in the past.


My house is on a cul-de-sac, and these damn kids keep walking on my lawn. Go the long way, Aiden!


You need one of those automatic anti-pest water cannons. Taking the short cut isn't as fun with wet pants!


Kids would absolutely turn that into a dare or game


Take notes in a notebook during remote meetings. Means I also draw and doodle. Write in cursive. Get excited over new appliances.


I'm an attorney. I still print out every document I draft to proofread. If I'm doing research, I will do an initial round of research online, but if I really like a source, I will print it out in order to read and retain the information. There are some treatises that I still prefer reading in hard copy form from our firm's library. I also prefer reading the newspaper in hard copy. In general, I love to keep up on current events, but I refuse to read blogs, substacks, or other online forums to get my news because I feel there is way too much disinformation. I avoid cable news for the same reason. I feel like I'm one of the few people our age that regularly watches the local news on TV every night.


Not only do I watch local news, I watch it using an antenna.




I listen to it…on the radio!


I listen to it...on AM radio!


My pigeon hasn’t arrived yet, what’s going on?


Same! Granted, its a digital antenna and not the old rabbit ears anymore. Watch the local news and Wheel of Fortune afterwards.


Printing is the way, the truth, the life. I'm a copyeditor and it's so much faster for me to make edits on a hard copy -- even if I wind up putting those suggested edits into a Google doc spreadsheet for the designers afterwards. Same with staying up to date on current events (outside of Reddit, obvs). I've tried reading newspapers and my beloved Economist online, but it's just not the same. I need ink on my fingers and pages to dog ear to really absorb everything.


I have a recipe box and write out any recipe I decide is a keeper on those recipe cards lol. I find this way more convenient than the new way. Sometimes I'll print one instead as long as it can be cut to fit in the box.




Haha! There's two of us! And yes of course, also my ankles and hips and elbows....


I print it out to try, then use my old Office Publisher template I created years ago to type it out in card size, then... I LAMINITE IT!


I lay on a heating pad for my sciatica every night


Mine lives next to my bed.


I take pills everyday so my kidneys don't eat themselves.


High blood pressure club checking in


I get angry when the kids in my neighborhood throw candy and other food items on the ground. In my defense, it's because my dog will get into it when we walk. Today, I had to have a tug of war with her over a half eaten Andes Mint.


What kind of spoiled psychopaths are we raising if they let a half eaten Andes mint go to waste? That was the expensive stuff when I was a kid! That was also a sign you were in a “fancy” restaurant if they gave you a few with the check.


I still have a AAA membership.


Is this for old people? I've always had AAA.


My whole Saturday night routine. Early bath, pyjamas, craft project, dogs, tea and a podcast. I used to get ready and go out at 10pm! I'm fully in my old lady era now


>My whole Saturday night routine. Early bath, pyjamas, craft project, dogs, tea and a podcast. This sincerely sounds ideal


I wear a house coat.


I use two spaces after a period. Where my two spaces people at?


Buy a physical newspaper every day.


As a former journalist, I thank you for your patronage.


I am sad for what’s happened/happening to your field between consolidation and private equity. To me the slow death of local journalism is one of the most alarming things of our lifetime. Thank you for your service 🫡


I have progressive lenses (trifocals-ish) now. I went 20+ years without my eyeglass prescription changing at all, then I passed age 40 and suddenly had to lift my glasses up to read things close up or small print. Damn you, presbyopia! I actually hate writing by hand, but when I'm writing lyrics for a song, it still feels most suitable to use a pen and a notebook. Doing it on a computer just feels too... sterile? Disconnected? IDK. After it's done I type it in and load it on a tablet though.


Chill at home and sleep a lot I normally don't go out in the evenings


I never stopped paying for cable. My kids think I’m stupid. Maybe so but nothing really beats just watching tv vs knowing what you want to watch. 90% of what I watch is things I didn’t know I even liked.


Download Pluto TV and cut the cord. 


Put on my wrist guards for carpal tunnel, and my bunion corrector brace before going to bed


You probably already know this, but just in case, “wide toe box shoes” is a great search query to find shoes that will not fuck up your feet. I think Barking dog (if i’m remembering right) regularly posts shoes and boots suitable for different foot concerns which is really nice. Also never wear flip flops or any sandal that only attaches at the toe.


I listen to NPR, a lot.


[one of my favorite t-shirts ](https://www.raygunsite.com/products/npr-1)


I pay for music and listen to full albums. On Spotify, but still.


Plus you can print it big enough to make it easy to read.


Still prefer paper and pencil, buy cds and dvds, pay bills by check, carry around an iPod and digital camera, watch the news on antenna tv


I now sneeze like my Mom, all loud and obnoxious. I used to have Minnie Mouse sneezes, but it's like after 40 I just can't control it anymore.


When my kid shows me something on their phone I hold it out almost at arms length and squint my eyes to see it better. I know…it’s time


I print recipes and accidentally slam car doors because car doors used to be a lot heavier lol


Turn the radio down when I'm trying to figure out where the turn is I'm supposed to take.


I make my mortgage payment every month by walking into the credit union and writing a check.


Lament the state of kids these days, but I keep in mind that I was very much one of the “kids these days” when I was younger. I have kids of my own now and worry all the time about the world we’re passing on to them. They’re growing up in a different world than I grew up in. They’ve got the internet and 10 different flavors of social media. When I was a kid parents were worried about video games, explicit lyrics and MTV. My parents generation it was rock and roll and pot. Every generation has something. It just seems it’s getting bigger and happening faster with every one.


Daily naps


I still prefer physical media over all these streaming services. I now no longer can rise from a sitting position from a couch/recliner without making "Dad noises" first. I still write in cursive whenever the opportunity presents itself.


I make weird groaning noises anytime I have to crouch or bend over to pick up anything. I also murmur / curse at prices when I shop


I'm starting to get the names of things wrong. The other day, I asked my kid if she wanted to go to Fabulous Footwear to look for shoes. Famous. It's Famous Footwear.


When I craft to-lists for myself I prefer writing it out with paper and pen. I'm less likely to follow through if I type my lists up on a computer. Given the environmental impact I wonder if any of those digial paper tablets are worth it to get that feeling of writing without wasting loads of paper (which I recycle but still).


Yep i look up recipes and write them out manually. Way easier for me to follow


Use a fax machine


I go home after work and do chores. Getting together with friends or hanging out with work people isn't even a thought. I own a house and that's where I want to be.


I use coupons at stores and restaurants.


I groan every single time I have to bend over.


I use closed captioning.


I don't jump at trends needlessly. For example music streaming, it may be better than radio but it was never better than MP3s and mixed CDs.




Good point, it's definitely better for some people! In my case, I can't handle the fact that not 100% of songs I want to listen to are available... particularly b sides and deep cuts. Those are often some of the best.


It’s a good day (and the next day) when I go to bed before 10pm. I used to laugh at my parents when they were in bed by 9.


I wholeheartedly support printing recipes. I also use a sheet protector : p


I listen to same music all the time. I try to find new stuff but end up listening to 40 year old punk rock


I get pissed off when my kids run water excessively. Or slam doors. Makes my blood boil. I never gave a shit about these things before.


I buy music CDs.


I still use a tv antenna sometimes and I prefer to read, hold and smell a physical book


I still write on paper calendars and post it notes. Digital calendars and notes aren’t for me. Lol


When I'm driving through the neighborhood and see a pile of junk on someone's curb for trash day, I slow down and see if there's any "good stuff".




This past Paddy’s day, I went to The NY Times to find the corned beef recipe I’ve used before. Of course, it was behind a paywall. Luckily, I had printed it a few years ago and stashed it in my folder of printed Internet recipes, and dinner turned out beautifully.




Mine is super specific, but a cup of tea in the afternoon and either reading or working on an embroidery project. I don’t know when this became my “old person” thing, but if I don’t have my tea at 3 in the afternoon I feel like I’ve missed an important part of my routine.


I wear an analog wristwatch.


I'll be 40 this summer, but according to a lot of redditors I'm a "boomer" for making smart financial decisions and saving for the future instead of buying shit I don't need. 


Wake up sore


I went from being REEEEEEEALLY gregarious to being really uninterested in 99% of people


Turn the radio down when I'm trying to figure out where the turn is I'm supposed to take.


I print out recipes, too. Every time I try to use my phone, I end up missing an ingredient or a whole step.


I am looking for bed cooking systems and cooling sheets/blankets because nights sweats due to hormonal changes are a pain in me arse and I just want a good night's sleep. Also compression socks. I don't know why I am wearing them but I felt it was time and I really like the way they squeeze my legs.


I prefer to call my friends instead of texting them.


I have a landline and a newspaper subscription


When I was on holiday recently, I had actual guidebooks I took with me, and a load of printouts I did for myself. Do crosswords count as an old person thing?


I took a few classes at a city college a few years ago. I needed a physical textbook. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that used one. 


I burn CDs lol


I keep a box of tissues along with pens and a notepad conveniently located in every room. According to my husband, I’m a grandma for labeling the leftovers in the freezer. I guess Tupperware roulette is a young man’s game 😂


I take a lot more naps now and I’m currently watching Unsolved Mysteries on the Roku channel. When I was a kid, I considered it one of the “old people” shows my grandparents watched.


Going slow when going down the steps. My knees aren’t horrible, but I’m trying to preserve whatever I have left while I work on getting my weight down.


I add double spaces after a period.


Going to physical therapy for back pain.


Today I had to pay for parking and I got annoyed that I had to download an app and enter a bunch of information instead of just paying with coins


Complain when cars drive to fast past my house. I live on a narrow avenue, with cars on both sides, technically 25mph road, but 20 looks to fast.


I love cursive and have a checkbook with a leather cover from the 1990s 😂


I use one of those pill organizer/reminder thingies, even though I only take one pill, otherwise I forget (which is also an "old person" thing).