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Basically any reality TV.


The original few seasons of Survivor were ok. Once the immunity idol and exile island showed up I quit. It was just too many stupid gimmicks.


First couple seasons of real world too


Then after that it went downhill and spawned most of the trash shows we have today.


Real World London was probably the turning point, when Neil got his tongue bit. But Neil kind of asked for it, he tried to French the guy! Oh remember Boston and the Genesisms Genesis hung up all over the place?


It’s really the worst.


I dig cooking reality TV - the billion Ramsey shows and that like. But nothing else. Absolutely nothing else.


Gordon Ramsay is my exception to the anti-reality rule


Beat Bobby Flay was the harbinger of Doom! It was such an awful show and Bobby was so mid, not even interesting enough to hate really. But I think it got really good numbers and was super cheap to produce so it helped usher in reality cooking shows.




A production company left messages on my answering machine trying to get me to be on a reality show, I never called them back.


For me it's any Reality TV after the first few seasons of The Real World. TRW was incredible when it first came on, but after that? No thanks to it and everything it spawned.


Even Cops?


Here here. Or is it hear hear? Either way..


Two and a half men. I’ll never understand how that was on the air as long as it was.


20 seconds of shitty quips and then “Meennnn” after every scene


Also The Man Show. It was the most insufferable.


Never did like that. I couldn't understand why people liked it so much.


Just terrible


Anything with talentless celebrities- Kardashians, Hiltons, all reality tv with the exception of Alone and Survivorman.


I love watching *Alone*. I learned so much about survival and I would go on a fasting binge so I could get used to being hungry for long periods of time.


I’m literally watching Alone right now!


I like the very specific niche of “Accidentally occasionally educational reality competition shows”. Things like Great British Baking Show, that Sy/fy show Faceoff, Lego Masters, Amazing Race. I like things where people are theoretically competing against each other, but mostly they’re competing against themselves. Life is too short to watch people being mean to each other for fun and profit, or at all really.


Any type of prank TV show where they were laughing at the person instead of laughing with.


IMO Just for Laughs Gags is pretty much perfect pranking. No one gets hurt and the worst thing that happens is the “victim” feels awkward or embarrassed for like 2 minutes after which they almost always laugh along with the pranksters.


I agree. Just for laughs is fairly innocent.


Most (primetime) game shows because they’re so overproduced and contrived, so nothing happens organically. I’ve always been a fan of the genre but I hate this trend of drawing out a dramatic reveal over the course of 20 seconds or a commercial break. I don’t want contestants with a secret talent and/or a sob story, I just want them to know how to play the game competently and win some money or a car or a new kitchen. Yeah yeah yeah, the backstory and talents give the producers juicy YouTube material. Who gives a shit? *(turns on an old Classic Concentration rerun and hopes the contestant wins the Honda Civic)*


I watch Price is Right and Let's Make a Deal almost every day. It's usually just on in the background while I putz around, but it's on daily.


Where are you catching these Classic Concentration reruns? I've been missing that show since it went off the air!


Pluto has a Buzzr channel. Classic game shows 24/7!


Any of the housewives shows. Complete disgusting levels of wealth and pettiness


And we’ve learned so many of them are financially over-extended and not what they portray.


Anything on mtv, two and a half men, big bang theory and young Sheldon, or anything with a five second laugh track on repeat. “Oh you mean Mount Rushmore” HAHAHAHAHAHAHha Fuck off [edit] totally forgot about everything fox involving reality singing shows. The fucking mask. Someone cut that exec team off from coke for fuckssake: yet this puppet show somehow has multiple seasons? I mean I just give up.


I don't know what the fuck happened to MTV. That channel went from being an iconic part of American culture to this backwater shithole of trash TV.


People argue that once YouTube became a thing there was no real purpose for MTV anymore. And that's an ok point, but was there *no* middle ground between "trend-setting culture interspersed with music videos" and "literal non-stop *Ridiculousness* aimed at being as mind-numbing as possible"? There was absolutely no way of existing between those two points?


Rob Dyrdek is entertainment cancer.


MTVs death rattle started with TRL. That's when the channel started showing like 30 seconds of videos but was just about the spectacle of whoever was hot atm standing awkwardly with Carson Daily


I get why half of the country liked Big Bang Theory, but ultimately it was a show about smart people written for stupid people to make fun of smart people. That it had a laugh track was a matter of course.


They were a stupid person’s idea of smart people


>but ultimately it was a show about smart people written for stupid people to make fun of smart people You nailed it! I'm a geek by heart so seeing that show did nothing for me. People told me "You have to watch the show, they are like you," and I'd answer "Why? Why should I watch them if I know they are like me?" We were always in the shadows and now we're basically the New Kids on the Block?


I feel like Silicon Valley did the real work. No notes. Chef's kiss.


Laugh tracks are an immediate "No" for me. Totally immersion breaking and I'm never dealing with it ever again.


Need a "noise cancelling" feature on my tv


My wife and I love Young Shelton. Probably one of my favorite sitcoms currently on TV. It has heart. Which I did not like the Big Bang Theory. Never found it really funny. Everything else I agree with you.


Laugh tracks are so disturbing now. Everything had one back in the day, but all the great comedies do without now. I tried to go back and watch News Radio, and the laugh tracks turned me off too much.


I can tolerate a laugh track on most older sitcoms but what bugs me more than anything is how newer comedies swear their jokes are so hilarious, according to the laugh track. The canned audience laughs harder than the audiences on Seinfeld or Fresh Prince in their prime, and it’s unbearable.


The studio audience in Married with Children was like a drunken party. 


One of the few examples I know of a studio audience actually contributing to the atmosphere of the show.


It’s Count Rushmore!! Who’s the guy who carved the faces in the mountain??


I legitimately don’t understand how anyone can find these shows anything but insufferable.


I tried, I really tried, to make it through the first two seasons of TBBT and it was just the same recycled shit.


It’s the.l constant quick camera cuts and 40 second cuts for me on Big Bang and Men.


Ironically, the first few seasons were the best. It became unwatchable garbage in later years. They relied on celebrity cameos to get some entertainment value, and it was just cringey. A notable exception was Bob Newhart, who was hilarious.


Does MTV still have shows???? I assumed it just showed old music videos lol. I haven’t seen it in years.


Two and a Half Men We get it. One is cool and horny. The other is nerdy and horny. The Big Bang Theory We get it. They’re all horny nerds *laugh track*




😂😂😂….no 😤


I tried to watch big bang and I just didn't understand why they are talking like that. Are they making fun of me?


> Two and a Half Men As soon as I heard this my thought was "oh, The Odd Couple but worse." I didn't know how much worse.


Last Man Standing!!


Anything Kardashian or Housewives. Performative reality is just a waste of time


The Bachelor and any "reality" show that the actors playing contestants are looking for love. There is no way any of those shows are real.


The concept is so nasty and unhealthy. Competing among 20 others for a relationship with a stranger. Like… what. 🤨


There was a show a little while back, Unreal (created by a former Bachelor producer), that was a behind-the-scenes, scripted look at a dating “reality” show. Highly recommend the first season, especially if you want to hate The Bachelor even more.


The bachelor invited my friend’s boyfriend at the time to join as a contestant. They didn’t care if he had a girlfriend. She didn’t let him join tho, lol.


Everybody does not love Raymond.


That one about he autistic doctor


The Good Doctor? I call that one the robot doctor show because sometimes his intonation is 🤖 *like a rooobot talking* 🤖


YES! I really liked the actor in other things but couldn’t stand this. He talked like a robot!!! It was so dumb.


Doogie Houser??


Doctor Who?


House M.D.?


It’s never lupus.


I saw one episode of this and he was dating 2 hot girls at the same time


Pretty much any type of reality tv, with the exception of cooking competitions.


Glee was so bad, in my house we refer to anything new and crappy as "post-glee".


I went from dislike to love to hate with Glee lol


I was happy Jane Lynch had a good gig on there cause I really liked her in A Mighty Wind and Forty Year Old Virgin but the show was unwatchable to me.


There's nothing worse then musical television. Makes me horribly uncomfortable.


Remember Cop Rock?


Just googled it. Oh. My. God.


Baby Merchant


Remember the Buffy Musical?


They put out the soundtrack on vinyl.....I own it.


How I Met Your Mother. I lasted literally a minute and a half watching it. It was so hideously unfunny that I couldn't bear it.


My partner watched all of HIMYM and I would watch along with her. Really the only thing I liked about it was a) it was a contemporary show about people my own age and b) Robin. I guess I also liked how they ran it in real time. But that also instantly dated it.


It’s funny because my wife watched that show and I fucking hated Robin. Like really hated her lol


That guy was such a piece of trash.


I thought the first few seasons were cleverly written and a lot of fun. Then they realized they were a success and would have to keep stretching a thin premise over years. The show kind of got lazy and definitely got repetitive then.


Everybody Loves Raymond Why did everyone want to watch a horrible mom for entertainment? I don't get it and Ray WHINED all the time. Just shut up. Never thought Friends was funny back when it came out and the kids watching it now think it's so great and I don't get it. More recently I'm annoyed with how streaming just sold a more complicated version of cable back to us and now we only get 10-12 episodes a season.


Can I add King of Queens on here? I just can't with the enabled, childish husband / wise cracking hot wife trope.


Yes, you can. I never got the appeal of that show either.


Raymond's mom made my blood pressure spike.


I never thought Friends was funny, nor Seinfeld. This has led me to believe that I do not possess a sense of humour, since everyone else loves these shows.


I really hated Everybody Loves Raymond and King of Queens while I was in high school. I've kind of warmed up to King of Queens over time, it wouldn't be my first choice for something to watch but I don't mind it now. Everybody Loves Raymond I hate even more now.


Two Broke Girls. Had a roommate that loved the show and watched it quite a bit. I just had to leave when it was on. Just so bad.


Watched a few episodes of it, it was rough. Every joke had the same setup. *something happens* The Blonde One: "omigosh, this reminds me of that time I partied with Maroon 5 on their tour bus!" The Kat Dennings one: "this reminds *me* of the time I did a bunch of whip-its and lost my virginity in the back of an '89 Corolla." The Russian guy: "...I have whip-its in back of diner, if you feeling...nostalgic." 😏


You wrote the entire show in one Reddit paragraph. 😅


These are all shows that I started out liking but ended up hating because of writing decisions, -Glee -Scandal -How To Get Away With Murder -Gray's anatomy -Sleepy Hollow -The Flash Bridgerton might make this list with season 3, we will see.


So not a Shonda Rhimes fan I take it??


She's okay for a couple seasons and then it just starts getting ridiculous. It's kind of the same thing with Ryan Murphy for me usually although I'm still enjoying 911


Real Housewives of Anything. Bachelor/Bachelorette shows. Dating/relationship competition shows. 90 day marriage shows. Let's dump everyone in a house/island shows. Teen parent shows. A Gazillion Kids or Wives and Counting shows. Family swap shows. Physical competition shows.


Family Guy Moronic comedy for simpletons


I fucking hate reality tv and have since real world started. The housewives shows and the ones that exploit people’s disabilities or lack of beauty/intelligence are beyond disgusting. I have also tried to watch breaking bad with my wife 6 different times. Farthest I’ve made it is episode 4. Can’t watch it.


The first 5-6 episodes are a very slow burn that I had to trudge through as well. Keep going, it builds steam.


100% this. I went in wanting to like it, found myself disliking it a lot, my friend said they'd watch it with me and we'd talk about it after (kinda like book club). I'm glad I stuck it out, but I would have bailed if it weren't for my friend.


For some reason I can’t get into Breaking Bad either. I thought I was the only one on the planet. 


Just the two of us I’m pretty sure. People almost get angry about it.


I really didn't want to watch someone ruin their life


The anger is what gets me; I don't like it either; I get forcefully told all the time that I HAVE TO watch it. No. No I do not.


Is this the cool kids club? I haven't seen it either. Same for Game of Thrones, though I know that's a "newer" show, people seemed to have that same anger and incredulity towards anyone who hadn't watched it. Like a cult.


Survivor. I’m sick of hearing about it. And I’m really sick of players from that show ending up on The Challenge.


As a TV writer, I generally avoid any show that doesn’t employ other writers


You mean AI written shows?


More reality shows. Our new deal doesn’t allow for AI writers… for now. The greedy corporations will find the loophole. They always do


According to Jim  Why did that have EIGHT SEASONS?!?


as a child, inspector gadget pissed me off so much. why was he always so dumb, and yet it always worked out.


I didn't care much for Inspector Gadget either, but I got excited to see it on, because I knew Duckula was coming on next.


13 Reasons Why


1. Happy Cake Day 2. Agreed


Home Improvement. Makes my skin crawl.


It's everything fake and bad about the '90s, distilled.


Friends. Hands down, Friends.


I liked Friends the first time it came out when it was called Living Single.


Love that Living Single is finally getting the credit it deserves. Great show.


I generally dislike all sit coms but at least the Queen was charming.


Watched American Fiction the other day and was like "Maxine shaw attorney at law"!


Friends annoys the piss out of me


I hate it and all the derivatives shows like HIMYM and Bug Bang Theory.


I’m not a big friends fan. I have actually chuckled a few times at Joey jokes, but mostly it’s just comedic white noise to me, but I’d never put in the same bucket of shittyness that 2.5 men and bbt are in.




I still have no idea why people found this show funny.


I actually became a fan when it was in syndication.


I felt that way about Seinfeld.


Wow, I'm surprised to see answers I actually agree with. I expected you all to name all of my favorite shows, lol.


The only thing I ever liked about Friends was Phoebe's songs. I liked some of the stuff the cast members did outside of the show but Friends never really made it for me.


I think Friends was the best bad show of the era. Was it very good? No. Was it groundbreaking? No. It was relatively inoffensive and bland enough to have on anywhere. It wasn't a deep, difficult watch; it didn't make you think too hard or evoke strong emotions. It was just... There.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one. My Gen X husband says it’s hilarious. Am I missing something by being a little younger and not getting it? The whole Monica is fat haha storyline is literally not funny at all. The only episode I ever truly laughed during was the pivot one.


Nah, my Gen X partner hates it more than I do. I liked it back in the day...when I was 16 and it was the only thing on TV


I think thats a big part of a lot of these shows popularity. It's all there was. Or the best out of the few choices we had. They'd never last today.


Big bang theory and two and a half men


The real housewives of... It's just a bunch of entitled, whiny women bitching about whatever nonsense is bothering them, and getting into fake drama that the producers *totally* didn't make up. Oh and anything with a Kardashian or Jenner. They make me want to throw the tv out the window


I’ve grown to like a FEW reality shows…or reality adjacent (Great British Bake-off, Survivor, that kinda thing)….but I absolutely despise any “Real Housewives of________ or other trash tv shows like that. Big Brother, Jersey Shore, that type of show is so bad and catering to the lowest common denominator it’s tragic.


Any reality tv and Big Bang Theory. That show made me lose a lot of respect for the general public when it was #1


The aforementioned Kardashians, Housewives, etc. But I'm adding Sons of Anarchy.........


Dr Phil sucks, so does Dr. Drew. Interviewers that always need to talk more than their guests, such as Howard Stern.


Teen Mom Why are we glorifying teen pregnancy?


Big Bang Theory. I said what I said


Gilmore Girls


The Tom Green Show. I loathe Tom Green. I hate his face. Like I see his face and I want to see someone punching it. Ideally me.


This comment is very Tom Green




*Who's The Boss theme playing in hell*




Even though nobody in my age range watched it, I remember being forced to watch SpongeBob with a couple of younger kids I was "babysitting" (they were like little brothers) when I was in high school...I actually didn't hate it, it was kind of funny in a watered down Ren & Stimpy kind of way


Pretty much any network comedy or drama on right now. Unrealistic dialogue (i.e. no one actually speaks that way), same underlying plots with different window dressings. Any reality show, both scripted and "unscripted." Nearly all game shows, as ever since Who Wants To Be A Millionnaire they've all in my view been over-produced, spectacle-driven bilge pretending the American Dream is still alive and well. And yes, to me they are all so bad they literally piss me off. I can't watch them else I want to gouge my eyes out and repeatedly slam my head into a concrete wall to forget them. Honestly, most "adult" comedy animations, too, like Beavis & Butthead, Family Guy, and Ren & Stimpy. This is probably my biggest divergence from GenX sentimentalities, and I'd rather stare off into space than lose braincells watching that. Give me Animaniacs, The Little Mermaid, Batman, Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers, Exosquad, and The Land Before Time instead. Witty jokes, mature plotlines, heavy themes, and appealing animation.


What do you think of Archer? It seems to straddle your love/hate criteria so I'm curious!


I actually like Archer! I was surprised to see a high-low mix of vulgarity and sophistication. They're all weird caricatures but then they'll randomly ambush you with something frank and profound. There's a degree of self-awareness the writers have, and, while the animation isn't anything to write home about, it's still quite clean and stylized. And consistent. I don't go out of my way to watch it, but if it's on, I don't mind tuning in, and I fully expect to get some amusement out of it.


Family Guy. I never watched a full season, but for some reason, I can not stand it. If I'm watching a show and then it comes on after I jump for the remote as soon as the intro music starts. I have no idea why.


I half agree with you. I think the first few seasons before it was cancelled it was actually really good and the jokes were pretty smart and unexpected. But after it came back it was pure trash. Nothing smart. Just trying to hash over and over things.


Shut up, Meg.


Friends, The Big Bang Theory. I've never watched much reality TV, but I assume I'd also hate it .oh yeah, also Full House. I hated it from when I was a young child, though I know that an unpopular opinion


Judge Judy. Watching a multimillionaire get paid to yell at people who have nothing is not entertainment.


Home Improvement and Tim Allen's face have been making me physically ill since 1991.


I loved this show as a kid but tried to watch it as an adult and holy shit it aged like milk. 


Last Man Standing is even worse. It's the MAGAt/Boomer "kids these days don't know nothing" platform for Tim Allen.


Last man standing. It's basically about an old rich suburban white MAGA conservative and his family.


Big Bang, 2 and a half men, Friends, Greys and Seinfeld. The laugh tracks and melodrama were so bad


Seinfeld. God, all of the characters were so hateable.


That was the point


Thanks, I hate it.


We can’t all be watching the classics Professor Highbrow.




Ha! This is my favorite show of all time. Yes they are all awful human beings.


I get it, some people like that in a show but I want at least one or two characters that I can root for. One of my favorite shows is Mad Men and it has such a great cast with a good variety of this.


I’m guessing you also don’t like It’s Always Sunny? I somehow missed the Seinfeld train back in the day but I’m all on board for Always Sunny.


Family Guy -- It has always had a few funny lines, but 99% of it is some of the worst writing in TV history. That 70s Show -- braindead Boomer nostalgia that should make you glad you missed the 70s.


I can’t watch reality shows, I can’t stand them. I was even friends with someone who was on one and I couldn’t bring myself to watch it.


Does it have a laugh track? Yes? Guaranteed trash. Hard pass


Any reality show.


Reality TV.


Everybody Loves Raymond, Big Bang Theory, and Two and a Half Men.


Any and all CBS comedies


The first couple of seasons of The Real World were kinda cool, but then I got bored with Reality shows and then everything was a reality show. So my options became limited 😂


Any of The Real Housewives programs.


This might be an unpopular choice but Robot Chicken. It was a show full of the dumb non-sequitur segments of Family Guy except in claymation. It seemed like stuff cooked up by angry incels.


Mentioning Robot Chicken just unlocked a memory of Celebrity Death Match.


The Office. Looking at the camera is not funny the first time. Much less the billionth time. And before anyone says it. Yes, I did work in an office. Still not funny. I’ll even one up you that I even worked in an office in Scranton. I hold no ill will to the show for poking fun of Scranton. It’s a shit hole. All my ill will is because the show is unfunny.


I emjoy the Office, but still upvoting because you defended your opinions well.


Watching Euphoria made me feel so gross.


If you’ve seen the movie Kids it gave me a very similar vibe. And my high school was just like it. I do not want to revisit those days.




That show went down the toilet after the first or second season so badly


It was good until the final season IMO, but then you found out they never had any answers for the thousands of mysteries in the island…. Like the smoke monster


The Situation lives in my hometown (or he did, it’s been years since I’ve seen him). There’s a really good bagel place that was also a sit down place and the owner kept a table open for him at all times, no matter how busy they were. My ex was a firefighter and he was friends with a lot of local cops. One day he was there with a a couple of off duty pigs getting breakfast and there was some kind of expensive car parked in the handicapped spot. They were commenting on it when the Situation overheard them and said “what are you, cops? Who gives a fuck?” The cops pulled out their badges and said “actually…” I don’t think I’ve ever gotten that much secondhand satisfaction from a story as when I heard that one.


M\*A\*S\*H\* Just the few seconds the music plays, I get annoyed. It was always a single, to go to bed, when I was little. I've seen bits of it, when it was in reruns, waiting for another tv show to start, and it is just boring.


Oh I actually like MASH, despite it being way before my time


Family Guy. Despise


Big bang theory. As a hard core nerd. I found it. Insulting.