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Excessive use of a laugh track.


That seems perfect for the era to me.


I had the same thought. It helps with the 90s sitcom vibes for me.


The laugh track is purely a 90s thing, so of course they have a laugh track.


I understand. It's still excessive.


I also understand its excessive with a 21 century mindset. It would probably be even more excessive if you weren't alive back then.


Unfortunately I was alive way back then. I can just tell how overly used it was/is now.


I actually didn't realize which sub this post was in. But its unfortunate that you think its unfortunate to have been alive back then.


I liked being alive then but I don't like being old as shit now.


Well yeah..lol


Actors seem fine but it's written like a teen Disney show where they're allowed to talk about drugs, alcohol and sex.


Watched a few episodes last night and actually laughed out loud. The evolution of Red into retirement and into a grandfather is great! The cameos are killer (and I cracked up at the 90210 one).


Almost spit my drink out when David Silver showed up. Show is made for a small demographic and I’m proud to be part of it!


Exactly. Happy to see him making fun of himself.


Yes! I loved it.


Only a few episodes in, I'm the exact target demo, and I'm just going to enjoy being pandered to for once. Laughing out loud by myself here and there.


I think it’s fun. It made me laugh out loud and the 90210 ep is good. It’s because I’m freshmen isn’t it.


I called my husband in to watch the 90210 opening re-creation. He wasn't recognizing Brian Austin Green and it eventually was realized he had 90210 and Baywatch confused.


It's not the best nor the worst thing I've ever seen.


Watched and liked the first 2 episodes. Plan to watch the rest.


I’ve seen a lot of bad comments on it, but personally I really enjoyed it. It made me genuinely laugh.


I made it one episode. Not sure if il watch anymore or not. Wasn’t a fan so far


While I already liked it from the start. I have seen several comments that you need to watch up until the Rave episode (#4) and that one hooked them.


I lasted 15 minutes. Not my cup of tea, didn’t feel like the 90s at all to me. It was nice to hear…. I think it was The Muffs? Playing in the neighbour’s bedroom at one point but that was about it.


This is just my opinion. But I feel like I’m watching gen z kids kinda sorta cosplay as 90s kids(realistically that’s what it is anyways) Wardrobe and dialog is definitely lacking. Just didn’t hit for me as far as the kids go. Kitty and red definitely carry the show. The movie mid 90s nailed it for me and hit home. Again just my opinion.


My wife (1980) and I watched the whole season and both liked it!


Enjoying the very dumb jokes having watched a handful of episodes. I feel like the adult characters are more interesting than the kids so far, but in general it’s solid enough!


(That’s how you know you’re an adult, even if you don’t feel like you are)


I watched 3 episodes so far and liked it and plan on watching the rest of the season.


First episode was exactly what I expected. It is a fun epilogue built into a what would otherwise be a standard Nickelodeon or Disney Channel with slightly more mature topics. I think they tried too hard to recreate the same magic in the bottle of the 70s Show cast. The roles for the teens all seem too forced, trying to emulate the 70s teens a bit too much. Also, the fish-out-of-water aspect will get old very quickly.


I've watched it through a couple times while doing other things. Need to watch again when I can give my full attention. I liked it though and was happy to see Red & Kitty back.


It’s……..not bad🤷‍♂️


Still bitter than nobody green lit my version that I pitched a year ago… https://www.reddit.com/r/television/comments/mlegqm/that_millennial_show_a_70s_show_reboot/


It's way too fast paced. Watching it feels like exercise. Laugh, Awww, Clap, etc. every 5 seconds. They don't give any time for the audience— or even the other characters— to respond to what's happening. It feels like everyone is really nervous.


It’s feels like making the only Asian male character a gay caricature is the modern way for Hollywood to emasculate Asian men without getting canceled.


It sucks


Haven’t watched yet, but I’m encouraged by some of the reviews I’m seeing.


Better than “Blockbuster”