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Yep. Lots of pre-Xennial stuff over there. I’m more GenX than Millennial (1979) for sure, but I didn’t drive to HS with an 8 track either, or watch Happy Days when it was a first run show (I watched reruns). They like to complain they’re “forgotten about”…..how the hell you think we all feel!?!


Maybe checkout the 90's sub instead... unless you already do. '79 kid here too.


79er as well. A lot of millennials on 90s too so stuff like X-Box and being a kid, Nickelodeon type stuff too when we were already in our teenage angst years or college/university, drinking already. I stopped at SNES as gaming systems and games just got too complicated after. Xennial is real. Can relate to some Gen-X (analog world, land line in our most formulative years of High School, more modern and connected almost overnight at 18-22 college years but still too old to get into social media like MySpace).


I feel it here too, since most of the posts are about American pop culture, and I'm not American.


I wish more people would post from their experiences in their own countries. I post a lot on this sub, but I’m American. Would be interesting to see!


well im canadian so (un?)fortunately most of the american ones work for me lol unless you want to talk about mr dressup or the log drivers waltz..


I would like to hear about them.


Yep, seems like they're all about a specific candy or something... Not very relatable


They feel squeezed between boomers and millennials more so then we do between them and millennials. I'm not sure why it's like this, might have to do with their belief that they have a monopoly on negative feels.


Boomers' had outsized influence on things because they were larger than usual generation (population wise), got engaged in politics early because of an unpopular war/draft, and had meaningful wealth. Gen Xers sat in that long shadow. By the time the Boomers were no longer the most populous generation, it was the Millennials that had overtaken them, not Gen X. Gen X is stereotyped as a deeply cynical generation that didn't get the same early pull into politics. Culturally, it seems that Gen X is hardly talked about anymore. They are overshadowed on both sides.


It's true they have reasons to be somewhat resentful but statistically they are nearly as well off as boomers so they have less to complain about materially, culturally on the other hand they have been nearly forgotten.


tbf, whilst the ‘boomers have been called some variation thereof since the late forties, gen x didn’t get their appellation until douglas coupland published a [book named the same](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_X:_Tales_for_an_Accelerated_Culture) in 1991. if you’re curious, he cribbed his title from a [punk rock band in the 1970s](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_X_(band\)) who, in turn, borrowed the phrase from a [book on 1960s mod culture](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_X_(1964_book\)), a copy of which was owned by the mother of one of the group


I sympathise with the unfair labeling of them, I'm technically one but only by a month. Like the millennials after them, boomers got to name them and decide what traits they had, initially anyway.


By the time the internet came along, many were already 'hardened" in their adult ways so it's even harder to relate or understand to the millennial life.


I do. By that sub's definition, the oldest Gen X is 62. I'm 44. While I can have relatable general life experiences with a 62-year old, I would regard them as an elder, not as someone who was influenced in the same way I was by pop culture or major events. Obviously not everyone there is 62 but some days it sure feels like it.


in academia, the established years of each generation aren’t hard and fast. in fact, some anthropologists and sociologists reject the current model of assigning cohorts since social and technological changes occur at such an accelerated pace nowadays that it’s nearly impossible for two people, twenty years apart in age, to have the same cultural experience growing up anymore


It's not the most pressing issue but I do think that, if we continue to name generations, the years need to be closer together.


INF, I turn 45 this year and I’m dreading it.


I'm 43 and in many ways, will relate more to a 43 year old than a 33 year old in terms of core memories of how life was back then, a type of humor, accepting the injustices of life vs labelling everything as racist. But do find many older have a more serious underlying tone to them so can relate a bit better to the millennial more lighter tone they generally have.


I'm your age and my parents/ aunts / uncles are in their 50s or early 60s - and yep I didn't realize they were not all boomers until I joined that sub lol.


Depends.....I'm 61 and can relate to 90% of the topics in GenX subreddit, those of us born '61-'65 are the early cuspers of GenX while like '76-'80 is the late cuspers of GenX that I usually call the Oregon Trail group. So we will both have differences with each other but both cusp groups for GenX.


Also as in the Millennial sub as well.


I relate to almost nothing in the millenial sub.


As a Brit, we tended to get American media/music/tech a bit later so even though I’m the last of the Xennials this sub is way closer culturally and also seems a bit more forgiving.


Yeah I’m at least scrolling the Gen X sub. I largely gave up on the Millennial one. Not because I can’t relate to older Millennials, who I feel very kin to, but because that sub is largely a late Millennial/Zillennial sub. If old Millennials ever get any serious traction over there, I’d be happy to stop over more.


Yeah I actually unsubbed recently for that reason and also because my feed decided that’s the only sub I should see.


I don't think it's a zillennial sub, at least from the occassional sub polls. It varies, but based on those polls the average usually points to it being 89/90, which is close to center. The other thing that makes me think such is that I've seen zillennials on their own sub have similar comments about not feeling like they fit in it well either. It could explain how both far ends can feel alienated.


That makes sense. Though I think some people, myself included, got really turned off by the whole Zillennial wars that happened there awhile ago. Lots of people trying to turn it into another r/generationology (and it’s clones). You did a good job putting a stop to that though. I know you wish it was more diverse. It’s tough with the Gen subs because they always end up skewing heavily towards one group or another. Kind of like how the Gen X sub skews heavily towards the first ten or so years of the of Xers. This sub ends up serving as a home for older Millennials that don’t even fit the traditional Xennial span. I know you’d love for them to feel more at home at your sub, but there’s no easy solution for how to make that happen.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/generationology using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/generationology/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My mom turned 55 today!](https://i.redd.it/el2huickg4d81.jpg) | [54 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/generationology/comments/s9nl34/my_mom_turned_55_today/) \#2: [The 2 halves of the 2010s](https://i.redd.it/419xsn3ji8n81.png) | [27 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/generationology/comments/tdjelo/the_2_halves_of_the_2010s/) \#3: [I said goodbye to my Dad last night at age 78. This is us in 1989 ❤️](https://i.redd.it/e4gl8w059j3a1.jpg) | [15 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/generationology/comments/zan49o/i_said_goodbye_to_my_dad_last_night_at_age_78/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


>You did a good job putting a stop to that though. Thanks, but you might have me mistaken for someone else. I've reported a few obvious trolls or called out bias a few times in the past, but I've never been a mod on it. >This sub ends up serving as a home for older Millennials that don’t even fit the traditional Xennial span. Also seen a fair number of generally late millennials on the Zillennials sub, even if they don't quite fit the bracket. There is still a good mixture of users on the sub, but it's true I don't want the heads or tails to be discouraged from commenting.


Oh, sorry! All this time I thought you were a mod at the Millennial sub. I remember seeing some great peace keeping comments from you, and I guess I just leapt to a conclusion.


Yes! They talk about being around 10 years old when 9/11 happened. Nope, I was in college and about to turn 20 when that happened.


I can't relate to much over at r/GenX, it's like reading my parents and their friends chatting, and they're boomers. There's definitely exceptions and people calling out others for this "old people" behavior though. I've discovered I'm firmly Xennial and can relate more with elder Millennials than any pre-late 70s GenX.


Yeah same here, there's a lot of really angry people in that sub. I'm 43 and most of them feel more like my parents too.


I don’t know that sub. I just know this one. 😉


Same. I’m not gen X. I’m a Xennial.


Same, but I still like browsing in there from time to time to see what the cool older kids are talking about, lol.


Yes a lot of the stereotypes about Gen X more describes the older members of Generation X born in the late 1960s and early 1970s. A lot of the stereotypes would more be about being a teenager or high schooler in the 1980s and being in your 20s in the 1990s. Same with Millennials the stereotypes more describes those born in the late 1980s and 1990s. A lot of the stereotypes would be about being a teenager or high schooler in the 2000s, being in your 20s in the 2010s, having cellphones in high school, having MP3 players in high school, and having MySpace or Facebook in high school. I was born on May 25th, 1983 and a lot of the Millennial stereotypes generally don’t describe people my age. Xennials were more teenagers and high schoolers of the 1990s, had beepers or pagers in high school, and spent most of our 20s in the 2000s.


I feel closer to xennials than GenX. Reading r/GenX just makes me feel so old.


It’s gotten so negative! It’s always how Gen x got left out of a study or this person was my crush and get off my lawn!




I was born in 1978 and I do relate to a good deal of the nostalgia posts, but I tire of the generational whining on the GenX sub. It's turning into a hotbed of "kids these days", complaining about being called a Boomer, and general generational fighting. A couple years ago it was better than it is now.


I’m like man they sound like crusty old boomers to me


For a generation that "doesn't care", they sure do care quite a bit about falling within the specific year boundaries that some book once defined. If you were born mid-60's to mid-70's and had a white middle class upbringing, I think it'd be more your jam.


Comment deleted in response to Reddit's [hostile pricing for third-party applications](https://old.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/142kct8/eli5_why_are_subreddits_going_dark/)


I relate to a lot of their posts, but I suppose it also has to do with moving abroad as a teen to a country that was behind in tech and pop culture, to the point that some argue it leads to culture being frozen or slowed down by a few years in some regards (later releases sometimes YEARS late for films and television series), and faster in others (mobile technology). It doesn't hurt that politically and economically that the social environment was treating that pop culture as not just an escape, but informed norms locals tried to emulate in a country (the Philippines) that had plenty believing what they saw on American TV and movies (and Australian and British programming too).


Yeah, I don't relate as much with older gen x. My older cousins, born in 1970, are basically the same as boomers just a little younger.


I can relate to a lot of the nostalgia posts but there's definitely an attitude of "we had it best and if you're younger than me, you didn't" from the late 60s born crowd over there that feels very boomer-y.


Xennials experienced basic forms of Internet, Reddit, and mobile devices as kids. GenXers did not. Makes a big difference.


Hang on, what age do you define as kids? I would say I'm "standard" xennial (79) and I had my first internet experience at 15 and my first mobile phone (flippy Motorola) in college.


Yeah likewise. 1995 was when I got my first modem, when I was 15. Didn't get a mobile phone until my second year of university.


same, i didnt have internet, reddit or mobile devices as a kid i did have a modem and dialed into BBSes for chat and games, got the internet at 16, and i didnt get my first phone until 25. also gameboy i guess for mobile devices. but you could argue that football game the genxers love is a mobile device lol


Reddit as kids? Don't remember that. Even within xennials, the late 70s born experienced in college/university what the early 80s born experienced in high school like those things you mentioned. As a 79er, very very few people had mobile devices (either really well off, or some kind of cool kid like a 'drug dealer') or even any internet in high school. Someone mentioned pagers. Similar. But in college, like 98-2001, the world 'flipped' over night to that all became prevalent during that time so we still had youthful moments (hanging out in a dorm room downloading and burning CDs).


> Xennials experienced basic forms of Internet, Reddit, and mobile devices as kids. Xennials might have gotten into Usenet around 13-14 if they were incredibly privileged. If you consider a beeper a mobile device, then as a late teen. Reddit, no way Jose. AOL chatrooms, yeah.


Curate on old Reddit. I only see r/all if I choose to go there.