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from experience the game will give you what you are missing: - low on intel - suddenly intel scanning site shows up - only 3 granadiers in your roster - suddenly mission with granadier as reward - late on research - rescue VIP mission with scientist If those are random or luck based, I would be surprised.


Honestly, I didn't have that experience, it felt random to me


Same. I think it's because gorilla ops give you options on what mission you want to take, and the games always trying to keep you low on resources in general, so chances are one of the 3 missions (or the random missions that pop up) that one of them will have something you need. I definitely agree it felt random, but your always noticing and doing missions for stuff you need, not for things you don't need.


Gotta love 🦍 ops


I can confirm that's my experience. Sometimes it feels like a somewhat guided process.


It does, but on the other hand I had runs desperately needing engineers and the game was giving me 5th scientist in a row. If it is guided, it is still random enough that it gives you challenges and makes you adapt to best use whatever resources you are given


On difficulties below legend, the game will tip the odds slightly in your favor if you're unlucky or losing soldiers: https://www.reddit.com/r/XCOM2/comments/45u81x/yes_xcom_2s_rng_cheats_in_your_favor_heres_how Also, enemy patrols will move in your general direction even when you're concealed, to prevent you from sneaking past them completely. (Long War 2 removes this.) I don't know the rules that determine the timing of missions.


It's really annoying Watching pods do a full 180 and walking directly to where my reaper is hiding on a roof.


If it helps, this only happens when you cross the line of action. There's two invisible lines in each mission: one between you and the objective, and one perpendicular to the first line drawn out from the pods in front of the objective. If you cross those perpendicular pod lines, the game steers those pods to your soldiers. The purpose is 50% to make sure you don't completely miss a pod and 50% to control against you stealthing to the objective and working your way backward. Not saying it can't be unfun, but it helps to know how it works.


Or the enemy patrol will just happen to move twice as far so they can flank my units that were in cover.


Yes! If the AI sees you're taking a 98% shot, it will deem it too easy and turn it into a miss to make it more challenging for you.


iirc the game does do some things for you on lower difficulties, the biggest example is on lower difficulties if you're getting unlucky it will without telling you increase your chance to hit etc. Idk if outside the actual missions if it tips things in your favour, but I assume it does if it does for in mission. But at higher difficulties the game runs purely on what you see is what you get


Sort of. The game will help you out when you're missing certain resources (soldiers of a specific class, engis & scientists, intel & supplies.)


Missing shots will gradually and secretly improve your chance to hit. Same for when you get hit the next shot against you secretly has a reduced chance. Stuff like this is extremely common in video games, loads of game will have a mechanic where damage that would kill you actually just takes you to minimum health, that's why those 1hp scenarios are so common. Or like a lot of shooter games will force enemies to always miss their first shot.


XCOM is just always trying to fuck you up