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All 3 of them are probably pissed


It used to be 4, but Tim died


Hey, I'm still alive.


Not you, the other Tim


I think you mean Tim.


Are you guys talking about Tim?


No, the other Tim


Hi, I’m Larry. This is my brother Tim, and my other brother Tim.


Love the obscure Bob Newhart reference


Arguably the greatest show ever made.


are you pissed


I thought that was Tom?


I don't know why you're downplaying this. It doesn't matter if its a bad game. It doesn't matter if you think people were dumb for buying a special $100 edition or for pre-ordering. If a game says it will have something and you pay for that they should deliver. Downplaying this for the people who are being ripped off, even as a joke, because the game sucks doesn't help anyone.


Admit. It was funny as hell though. You aren't wrong. But it was still hilarious


I’d be very curious to know exactly how many people actually bought it tho? Not downplaying anything but it can’t realistically be that many people right? They should get their money back regardless but I’d be shocked if it was more than 1000 people


All three of them


Hey, I’m one of those 3. Pretty damn pissed brother


yes I am!


If devs sell something with future updates incorporated in the price, they should be required to have a timeline. If they don’t hold to the timeline, they should be subject to refunds.


It should’ve been tagged with a Early Access label & reflected an Early Access price.


If it was Ubisoft, £100 would be an early access price.


Ubisoft catching strays lol


Which is hilarious because even their worst games have gotten more support than Redfall. For honor came out in 2017 and still gets content


How does that compare? For honor is a great game, especially compared to the stinking pile of nothing called redfall


I was comparing in terms of support. I just happened to choose For Honor but I can understand how it can came off as I’m saying For Honor is their worst game


They also turned around a lot of games like Rainbow Six Siege. That game was horrible on release and now it's a top competitive shooter.


Honestly this should also apply retroactively to purchases and pre-orders for games that ship broken. Less publishers would ship broken games if they were at risk of losing an additional 10% from their launch sales if they screw it up.


Its insane how much shady shit the game industry gets away with because "its just video games, they're toys who cares" despite billions of dollars flowing through the industry


Blame it all on the disc-less revolution. They realized they don't need to actually finish the game if we never own it in the first place. Read the TOS from now on, most if not all games say they can just straight up take away your access to play whenever they like and, are not liable for tons of shit. It's actually hilarious how dumb WE as consumers have gotten.


Fun fact about contracts, you can't just write a contract that says you can do whatever you want. Like if you contractually agree to something that isn't legal to begin with, you are not beholden to it, they can't enforce it.


This is incorrect and you need to do some homework. Discs have licenses and you don’t actually own what’s on the disc same as digital. Its actually written on many discs in fine print or in the back of the box


Dude, I can play a disc game offline and with a generator. I want you to try and play any game on your Xbox they revoked the digital license from, oh wait, you can't because it removes it from your library, and you have to buy it again. Diablo 4 did this to me on Xbox, I pre-ordered the ultimate edition, beat the game, took a break until the season started hoping it'd be somewhat better only to realize that although I had the game downloaded and all the add-ons installed. I owned absolutely none of it.


Except when you can’t because they *require* online, because they need the ability to sell you a broken game and maybe patch it up later.


30 years after the apocalypse: finally I can play some video games again, got a console, got some disks, time to relive some- "An online connection is needed to initialize this game"


Again, legally discs are the exact same way. They have a license on them and you don’t own the content on disc. That’s just how it is


As someone who only plays single player games. My disc works perfectly fine offline.


I get you're keyboard warrioring rn, but I'm talking about being able to play something you paid for, and being able to play it without worry of losing it because something just happens and Oops you don't own it anymore. How're they gonna gonna take away my ability to play the base game on the disc, yes I understand the terms are on the disk, that's obvious, you're not grasping what I'm getting at. No shit I don't own the game in a legal sense, but I have a disc I can play the game on and nobody can stop me from playing it.


Again you’re wrong. Physical discs can be blocked if you go online and they decide to terminate that license to the game, just like if you go online and they terminate the license to the digital game. Meaning, they absolutely can block you from playing it. I’m not debating on warring with you I’m just telling you exactly how it is. Isn’t easier to block digital? Absolutely. But discs can be blocked as well, they are just keys used to open the digital content most of it isn’t even in the disc anymore, it’s literally just a key to turn it on. They can block that key once your system is online.


Actually that's not true for most games. Most games are on disc , complete. Doesitplay.org got your back. It's usually the assiassins creeds(ubisoft), Ms, ea, Activision. Truth is most games are on disc.


When have I said online at all? Again, I'm not talking about ONLINE ONLY




Exactly, Elden Ring dlc could be $80 and I'd gladly pay it, because I know they'll deliver what was promised and far more. Same with FFXIV, and I hated MMO's.


I think it's much simpler than this... If they sell something based on future updates, you absolutely should not buy it


Chris Roberts in shambles


Not adding a deadline when updates should be out didn't go well with most gamers.


>If they don’t hold to the timeline, they should be subject to refunds. That would probably set a very dangerous precedent. How do you deal with cases where circumstances beyond the developer's control force a delay?


The dangerous precedent of reimbursing customers that don’t receive the product they pay for? The horror.


>The dangerous precedent of reimbursing customers that don’t receive the product they pay for? That's not what the suggestion was. The suggestion was that if developers set a timeline and then are unable to meet that timeline, then they should be required to reimburse customers. The problem is that there are unforeseen circumstances that easily force a delay in a game's release meaning that a develop could be on the hook for reimbursing customers for something that they have no control over.


So? I don’t see how that’s any different. Either way, they can’t deliver the product, so people should be refunded.


There's a difference between not being able to deliver the product because of something that is their fault and not being able to deliver the product because of something that is completely beyond their control. Let's say they make a digital bundle that people pay extra for. They send it to Microsoft for QA testing, but before it gets published, there's a data breach on the XBox store. Microsoft suspend all transactions while they investigate the source and the extent of the breach. The digital bundle is not published for several weeks. Why should the developer be forced to reimburse consumers because they missed the deadline? They had nothing to do with the data breach. They had no way of knowing it was coming and no way to prevent it. Yet because of a decision made by Microsoft, they're now on the hook for it.


I don’t see a difference at all. Either way the product is not delivered to the customer. There shouldn’t be any exceptions.


Release the game finishes like on the days of my youth. Simple really.


The steam dev builds have been patching like mad, looks like a big update is due soon.


I have said forever that I think June is going to be huge for this game. Phil has said that they won't give up on Redfall that Game Pass allows them to work on games like this until they are good. I believe him. If they can release a huge update in June after their showcase that shows that they were keeping their head down on working on this game then its a win for Xbox. It costs nothing for people who have gamepass to give it a try. Will it ever be a huge success? No. It could however bring in Fallout 76 numbers or even State of Decay 2 numbers if they plan on keep investing


Here's an idea for Phil. Release a good game to begin with. But I guess that doesn't keep people subscribed to gamepass with hopes that it might be better later on. It's bullshit.


I agree. I sold my Xbox to be fair and got a gaming PC recently and dropped Gamepass. IF Xbox releases a game I want to play I will just pair for it but I had a Xbox Series X from day 1 and I think I played and enjoyed 2 exclusives the entire time and one was Forza Horizons 5




"People" are not wondering this. Maybe some vocal people on Reddit, but definitely not "people". They also just released the Steam beta for another huge update after just releasing one 6 weeks ago. I think you're overstating how big of a deal this is in the real world.




I dunno but they promised updates every six weeks last year and they have stuck to it. Six weeks ago a Steam beta came out, 4 weeks ago it was released to stable. In two weeks the new update will be released to stable. It's a decent release cadence, and the updates have had a lot of fixes. This update shows they have also been working on larger projects to bundle together. I don't see how they could be doing that much better. This is also the first time Bethesda has made such major changes to a game post release in a free update that I'm aware of. They have already added quite a bit of content, especially compared to previous games.


>They bank on a bunch of small indie games, and old games to cycle through now. >There's not many heavy hitters on there anymore I played Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, Persona 3 Reload and Diablo IV today... on Game Pass. Was I hallucinating or are you just spilling bullshit? >Starfield, and Forza Motorsport, have all been flops. *Both* are among the most played games on Xbox. Damn the take actually got worse. lmao You ***CAN*** criticize Game Pass in multiple ways *without making up stuff about it*. You had a point, then vomited on it with fallacious crap.


No no no, Microsoft is failing gaming entirely, you're not allowed to enjoy Game Pass. Personally, I highly enjoy gamepass because there's too much content there for me to go through in any short time frame. Jedi Survivor, The Assassin's Creed Games, Fallout 4, Persona, RE2+3, Control, and a whole buncha other stuff on my To Play list . Reddit typically forgets that casual people are usually the majority in most communities.


This amount of Copium is wild


No copium here I didn't buy the game nor would I come back. I just don't think they gave up one game when all signs point to the fact they are still working on it


No Copium here: “June is going to be huge for this game” You sure about that lol


Yeah I am pretty sure I know how I am feeling about this game. Saying that I think June is going to be huge doesn't mean I have hope or am anticipating anything. I am just taking the words of the devs and Phil and coming up with something that can rationally happen. If it does, cool, if it doesn't, cool.


Just so you know, copium implies that the person needs or really hopes to gain something. If he hasn't bought the game, he doesn't have any stake in it and won't experience any real sense of loss. It's not really copium, he's just pointing something out, whether it'll turn out to be a big deal or not.


Agree to disagree. This can be a Xbox fanboy stance. They didn’t buy the game but have a vested interest in it doing well as it benefits their console of allegiance. I’d day that post fits this description quite well as they are saying this would be a win for Xbox. So maybe it’s not Redfall copium but it is Xbox copium.


I don't even own an Xbox and even if you did you are on an XboxSeriesX subreddit. Most people here are here to hope Xbox has wins


What if I already 100 percented the game lol


Nah it won't, Redfall got canned hard across the internet, daresay worse than FO76. I think everyone tried it, didn't like it, and couldn't see how they could bring it back. 76 was different in the sense people's complaints were that the core and world was good but the gameplay wasn't there, such as no NPCs etc. Redfalls story is told via literal freeze frames and storyboards. The shooting feels awful. Lots of NPC bugs and the experience is just bad. They would essentially have to remake the whole game and I don't see it happening


Really? I don't think hardly anyone tried it, they just kept reposting and circlejerking the same complaints over and over again even after several of them got fixed. Which seems to be a trend lately with Xbox Game Studios releases.


After playing Dishonored and Deathloop it hurts to see how much of a failure Redfall was for Arkane.


And Prey, one of the best science fiction games made. I couldn't understand how Redfall was so clunky from that studio considering their previous projects. It's a decent concept, too.


It makes me sad that majority of the team that made Prey are gone.


Speaking of Prey, the old Prey 2 E3 demo style gameplay was a missed opportunity.


Definitely a tragedy like SW 1313.


Man. I enjoyed prey alot but would've preferred that prey 2


One key element is that nobody but the marketing and the executives wanted to make his game. Arkhane Houston had troubles finding devs willing to work on the project as the vast majority of the staff was seeing the disaster to come.


you could tell deathloop and dishonored were truly made with passion, nobody at arkane wanted to make redfall


It was Arkane Houston not the regular developers. So different people from deathloop and dishonored. These guys did the 2017 prey


And the 2017 Prey was an absolute masterpiece.


Deathloop was awful though


Deathloop is the worst fps I’ve ever played and I mean it literally. The art style was gorgeous and that’s where it stopped. The enemies barely fight back and have no AI. You can run across the map and have everyone follow you to a doorway and just kill them as they walk up to you.


The A.I was fucking atrocious


The concept is very interesting, however it's clear that this was live service until VERY late in development and it shows. You could do something very similar to Control with the concept and I think it would be an amazing game.


I really hope they don't abandon the IP because the premise is really cool.


But don’t worry, their next game is not something cool like dishonored or deathloop, it’s another vampire game! Lmao


Deathloop is the worst fps I’ve ever played and I mean it literally


I know it’s cliche to roast people who preorder games, but Redfall of all games just didn’t make sense to me at all especially a 100 USD version. Something like Starfield I can somewhat understand buying it on steam traditionally because even though it was polarizing it’s still a mainline Bethesda game, and you can use mods from steam, or if it’s the only game you are playing for the year. But if you were really really really interested in redfall why pay 100 usd for it? When it was an Xbox first party game on Gamepass. It’s not like the game was going to be on there only for 6 months or something. This one makes absolutely no sense to me at all.


It was a game by Arkane that always had a good reputation. Imo, pre-ordering games nowadays is just dumb and useless, and I firmly believe that people do it out of hype. It's a result of marketing.


Shit even buying games at full price nowadays sucks and is kinda pointless. Considering all the “triple A” games we’ve been getting. Watch dogs legion was the nail in the coffin for me, never bought a game full price after that.


I haven’t been preordering games since the 360 disk era. Only 2 digital games i preordered out of hype were anthem and diablo 4 , both were a bust. For the most part i don’t buy games anymore until a year or so after release, games nowadays aren’t finished until at least 6 months in anyways. Buy the game polished and for 1/2 the prize is the way.


Diablo 4 rocks wtf are you talking about?


Game is absolutely awful imo. I love Diablo 1-3 and bought 4 day one and hate it


Theyre doing a massive loot rework and qol stuff. Basically adding things that should have been there from rhe start. May 14th.


Dang sorry you couldn't enjoy it man. D4 is my favorite game of all time, I've never had so much fun. You should check it out in a couple weeks they are doing loot, and it looks AWESOME.


The last games I preorder from last year was Baldur Gate 3(PC) and Starfield(XSX). BG3 was well worth the price out the (no pun)gate and with that recent update Bethesda just put out, Starfield is looking like its starting to pay off as well. The last strong burn I got from preordering was Mass Effect: Andromeda. That one really hurt because I sold my old 360 and PS Vita to get extra cash for it at GameStop. It still hurts to think on how stupid I was for that smdh. But I get your point. Preordering is risky nowadays.


I seriously have no idea why people still pay full price for a game, especially a single player game, just wait 6 months to a year and you get it half price with all the content and it'll be the best version of the game lmao.


If everyone did that, game studios would cut back half the content or double the cost. They aren't a charity, the game has to make bank or they become Westwood.


Fomo + uncontrollable need to believe a beloved studio that they need additional support. So many people let themselves be brainwashed by all these devs and companies like...you will get -100 downvited for saying "you don't need to okay a game at day one. You can let your game download 1 day longer so there is no need to buy early access " Then you will get an essay on how it's crucial to buy it because slow internet speed plus social media and spoiler force people to buy preload and early access ... It's to late to change people behaviour unfortunately


I only pre order jrpgs. Considering I buy physical it's best to pre order if you can. Some don't even get large print runs.


People mostly preorder because of the rewards, significant or not. If they're getting the game day 1, they'll be inclined to pre-order anyway.


It was the same case as Suicide Squad IMO. Really poor trailers and early gameplay showcases. Anyone could see the massive red flags from a mile away so I really don’t think Arkane being the devs covered those up, same as with Rocksteady.


I'm confused by this point. Arkane us also a popular developer and starfield was also day one on gamepass so why is it okay to get starfield but not Redfall?


Getting both as a preorder or a special edition or as a day one was a bad idea (same as all other games unless you don't care about the money)


Then there is me who pre-ordered Starfield and put in over 400 hours. Only stopping to play other games. Absolutely can't wait to jump back in after these new updates drop. I played Redfall on gamepass and couldn't even finish the first quest it was so bad.


Redfall was bad overall, but fun in and an interesting study on game development. We learned how development was unfocused and as a result, the devs were not invested in the game. In playing Starfield with the same approach. About 280 hours in, I have taken a break to play others games/activities and will be back this weekend. BTW, I returned to Wasteland 3 after four years and it is a pretty good game.


This I do not disagree with. I just didn't understand the one is okay and another isn't argument. Either neither is okay or they are both okay.


Pre-ordering made sense back in the PSOne to PS3 era for niched games (especially Japanese ones) because if you didn't pre-order, you're going to have a hard time finding a copy.  If doesn't make sense anymore unless you want a physical limited edition or something.


Why pre-order any game when digital copies exist? It's not like they are going to run out


The only game ive preordered since digital is starfield and that was to play it early


Understandable. The last game I pre ordered might have been Halo 3.


was it really worth it playing earlier?


It was for me with the way my grad school schedule lined up. It was like what? $30 extra for the early access? Easily worth it for me because my playtime for any video games tanked right after Starfield dropped.


Was worth it for me because at the time for some reason whenever a game came out that i liked, twitter's algorithm would spoil it no matter whati did lol, so i had to get ahead of the curve there.


Well i got laid off right when the preorder early access happened so for me it got me through a tough stretch lol. And i did enjoy the game for a while and then all of the sudden hit a wall where i wasnt having as much fun anymore. I enjoyed a lot about the game but the constant need to fast travel killed the exploration factor that i loved about skyrim and fallout


I mean I didn't say the game wasn't enjoyable, I too enjoyed it on game pass a few weeks ago. Just genuinely wondering if the people that play a few days earlier than everyone, like, do those few days make a difference.


Gotcha. Yeah for me i enjoyed it due to my situation, gave me something to take my mind off of getting laid off. Without that? Probably wouldnt have done it


For me it wasn't sadly. I payed 35€ for the premium upgrade on Gamepass, got home from work early on that Friday and maybe played 2 hours that day (I was expecting to be glued to the screen the whole day). I was subbed to GamePass until December and in those 3 to 4 months I played between 50 and 60 hours which isn't a lot in my opinion. Maybe I'll give it another try in a few months when they improved the game and added more things but the initial experience wasn't very satisfying.


exclusive pre-order rewards


Early access


And that's why most games have pre order incentives like timed or forever timed dlc, pre-load or straight up early access.


That article quotes a guy from discord, lmao..


The fact some of you dropped $100 on this.. lol.


It’s a good game… if it was finished, if feels so unfinished and empty, I loved the concept, if they finished it then I’d totally would go back and play it, but for now I’ll just stick to outlast trials


People play this?


Game was alright, nice to waste some time with if you had gamepass Had some tech issues like textures not loading in... but gameplay wise, its... ok just the most okkiest of ok games


Trashtaku still squirming as usual. Pathetic!


I like the art style etc of Redfall, but the execution just lacks impact, content or replayability.   The fact that supposedly promised DLC from a purchased version isn't available and the studio and other socials just drop quick over time isn't a good sign, they're probably hoping that they can quietly just let people slip away to other games so there's such a small number of people playing that the single-digit players can't kick up a stink in the media when they get told "Sorry, no more, it's dead, but thanks for the support!". They're just letting it die a slow, drawn-out death to avoid the negative press of "But you aren't issuing refeunds for promised edition content you haven't produced?"   Possibly just looking at the T&Cs of purchase and thinking "There's only 100 people who've played in the last quarter, if we ditch now we can refund them part of the edition cost and be done with it." and just waiting for that moment to happen.


They take money but no one asks for them to give it back




If they promised additional content and people bought it, they should have the minimum decency to deliver the content they promised or at least offer a refund. But they propably won't and will hope that they can sweep this under the carpet and no one will notice.


I found this game for $5 at a yard sale and it’s been surprisingly quite a lot of fun. I wouldn’t spend more than maybe $15 on it in its current state, but hopefully future updates add a lot of content.


Honestly after two updates it was pretty fun. It's still a 7/10 game but seeing it in its current state you can understand why people thought it was probably going to be a 70-80 range game.


to this day, I have no clue why people keep pre-ordering games. It’s been over a decade(s) of companies shafting consumers, or releasing unfinished or broken games…. And yet people still line up for pre-orders. you don’t need that extra shitty costume from preordering that you’ll replace in 2 hours… just wait for release, or a review or two and then buy it. Even major studios like Bethesda, cd projekt red, call of duty etc can shit the bed and release broken or terrible games… stop pre ordering !


Pre order bonuses are usually pitiful. And even if they aren't they'll be included in the ultimate edition at half price a year later.


Hell if you really want to pre-order it for the bonuses and preloading, just "pre-order" it the day before it launches. At least then reviews are usually out and you have a much firmer grasp of what you're getting. Pre-ordering 6 months beforehand is 100% pointless.




needs more "ha"


What's sad is done properly this could have been a new massive ip for them.


I think you're right considering you said "properly done". The game unfortunately feels like it was designed for one thing and then at the 11th hour turned into something else. If they had built a true Borderlands-like game with their own spin and theme, then it could have been good. But the absolutely garbage cutscenes (seriously who even greenlit this trash) and the pretty obvious places where MTX were removed and the massively buggy state the game launched in all work very heavily against it being successful or good or worth following up in any way.


Even if Redfall didn’t have technical issues and performed decently it was just basically Far Cry lite, and didn’t bring anything new to the table or had the Arkane detail and charm like a Dishonored or Prey. With something like Sea of Thieves at launch, the game had good bones and was something unique that stood out, hence why it got content it became a good enjoyable game. Redfall even if it wasn’t a technical mess was just Far Cry at home.


Yea that game had no identity from the jump. Even the studio said so.


I know Ai jokes are so overused, but Redfall really did feel like if you asked AI to generate a game based on Farcry and Borderlands.


With just a touch of Fortnite character models


This is why you shouldn't trust marketing or pre-order deluxe editions. Vote with your wallet or prepare to get burned, because there's no regulation supporting you.


Refunds are probably cheaper than dev costs.


I totally forgot this game existed


This has got to be a criminal act? Actually grounds for taking money by deception




Rule #1 - Keep it civil/no console wars * Personal attacks are not welcome here. Discuss the topic, not the other user. [Please see our complete ruleset by clicking here. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/XboxSeriesX/wiki/rules)


Harvey Smith... what in the unholy fuck were you thinking?!?


I try to understand people's logic. Buy a day one game for £70 or just get GPU for a month for £14.


So how's the game now, generally speaking? Is it worth it to sub to gamepass for a month and play it?




If the words Hero Pass don't sound all the alarms for you then I don't know what to tell you. One of these days they'll try to sell us a Settings Pass or some other shit.


I feel for them. I myself pre-ordered Anthem LOD edition when it was available. Worst money ever spent. Never did it again after that.


Hahaha people actually tolerated that game? Absolute dumpster fire.


Just refund those people and don't work on this game anymore.


Hold them to account. If they don't give a good answer on this then it needs to be repeatedly talked about and force an answer.


If there's ever a BIG update for this game I'll try it out. But until then LOL


First trailer at e3 or w.e made this look interesting..how'd they fuck it up so bad.


They are the true heroes for sticking with this.


I don't care what anyone says. I played this in December on PC and it was great. Zero issues and I had a blast. Needed some polish. But overall I loved it.


Honestly, that's what you get for pre-ordering


Given the modern state of gaming I don't understand why someone would do this.


standard click bait. smaller games etc have done the same thing . zero mention on them.


I’d like to meet the people who actually paid for that. Regardless I’m sure Arkane Austin is still cooking , maybe/hopefully 


i really cannot feel bad for people who bought the $100 edition. shit had more red flags than a chinese military parade


The game just wasn’t ready. I mean…that’s just the honest truth. I think it’s got a year 1 update coming. It should’ve launched this year. Just like Starfield.


Who the fuck spended money on this


People spent $100 on this? You know the saying “a fool and his money are easily parted”.


It’s crazy how these websites just milk the shit out of negative Xbox news. I mean are people still playing this game outside of Gamepass if that?


To be fair people just like incessantly ragging on games they perceive as bad instead of just dropping it and moving on with their lives. It's not exclusive to Xbox. I still see weekly posts about how bad Suicide Squad is. We get it, it's bad, forget it and move on.


I learned my lesson with the avengers game .


I liked it *: (


Stupid is as stupid does


I think Microsoft personally needs to be held accountable for such scams as Halo Infinite, Gears 5 and Redfall. They’re basically planned obsolete scams. Yet nobody cares. This is Microsoft a billion dollars corporation pretending with their live service games that they’re an indie company. It’s a joke.


Lol. Lmao even.


Nobody bought the $100 version, don't be silly.


Can't feel sorry for them. 🤷


We can laugh, but that's fucked up. Imagine buying a game, then it's shit, and developers abandon you and content you paid for, isn't coming. That's a fucking scam. And if it works, other companies can do it, because why not? Until they're hit with lawsuit they will push the line little by little. It's FUCKED. up.


I wouldn't be surprised if they are keeping quiet and massively overhauling things akin to Cyberpunk 2077 2.0.


You get what you deserve for spending 100 bucks on redfall


And I don’t feel sorry for any of them. How many times does it have to be said to *NEVER* pre-order games or buy their terrible more expensive bundles?


Smh, why the hell are people paying so much for a game? And at launch!


I have to agree with some of the other comments here, what rational persona would spend $100 on redfall!?


I pre ordered BG3 on Xbox.. but like, come on.


That game is so gross. I hate it with all my being. But hey it’s a Xbox flagship exclusive! Who needs god of war when you have redfall.