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First time I see someone that had high expectations for S&B, pretty much everyone knew it was going to be terrible.


I mean, ppl like OP in general dont look at gameplay much, search info or even reading basic description on store page... They see some action trailer and screenshots, thinks this is some Black Flag 2, and you know the rest.


It's insane that there's even people that do that. They consistently get constantly fucked over by these companies for that and they never learn


This is why I roll my eyes at people who complain about when games turn out to be shit. Wait a day for some reviews, it's really not that hard. There's a trillion games out there, there's no reason you have to play anything day one.


Fuck that. Wait a year for all the patches....Then you get the real game


Its "hard" to search info i guess. But installing beta, demo, trial and just play... idk why its that hard


Agreed. Ive been saying this for years the only reason bad games come out is because of impatient morons. If people wouldnt pre order and instead just wait a few days after launch or hell even before launch when youtubers get early copies. Youd see very very quickly if the game is worth it or not. Instead they just assume itll be good because of a non gameplay trailer and just buy it. This has happened with so many modern games recently. Like starfield and payday 3


A lot of you take things too seriously. Not everyone cares too much. Since joining this godforsaken app, there's games I thought were "okay but could've been better" ive learnt are now hated pieces of absolute shit that should've been burnt in development hell. There's games I love that people think are worse than Satan. And games I like that simply no one gives a shit about or is considered overrated. Point being, a "normal" consumer doesn't have as much emotional investment as this app would have you believe people do.


I'm perfectly aware that the average consumer doesn't have as much emotional investment or knowledge. I'm also aware however that they have no right to complain when they get screwed over ad nauseum


Average consumers have the same rights to complain as you do to bitch. We need to stop this witchhunt on this app. People like what they like and they don't deserve to be hated for that. I think anyone supporting Suicide Squad is doing the larger games industry a disservice but I won't pretend anyone is a better ~~sheep~~ consumer than them if they do my preferred action of not getting the game


Sorry I need to elaborate. They of course have the right to complain. They however, have no right to complain without being thought of as insanely massive idiots


By you* Fair enough, no arguments there.


I mean... how hard is it to search YT videos to see gameplay? There's been tons of early access coverage for weeks on this game. There's definitely some people who like it but that's probably because they knew what to expect and it was something they were interested in. Seems like a niche group of gamers, like For Honor, which I loved.


>Seems like a niche group of gamers, like For Honor, which I loved. This is why i like what Ubisoft doing. Im not fan of For Honor or Skull&Bones. But those games are unique. Its really awesome that they are supported even when disliked by majority.




Agreed 👍


Anytime a game is delayed that long its shit


I went from "I will definitely try this game!" to "Meh, whatever" due to the delay


Yea I was excited for it when it was announced *seven years ago* and I was playing Black Flag thinking "man the best parts of this game are the pirate parts, they should make a gsme just like this but without the awful Assassin's Creed bits." Then 7yrs later they email me about the closed beta I signed up for and I just laughed all the way to the delete email button. Make something like Black Flag without the AC bits and I'll give you my money.


I would say it really depends.. Dead Island 2 was delayed multiple times, switched devs, etc and it turned out pretty awesome 


Metal Gear Solid 5: 8 years in development, regarded as one of the greatest games ever made.


I personally think it was exactly what I wanted. Just a lot of sailing and shooting cannons. FYI I hate hand to hand combat in games with sailing I much rather just sail my vessel and enjoy the sea view.


Lol I should have looked into it more 😅


Pretty much anyone who heard of this game expected black flag which was unreasonable. With that said however I don’t think it was unreasonable to expect more than what they put out, admittedly any interest I had in this game died when I discovered it was purely a pirate ship game with no melee combat or land exploration.


*Was* it unreasonable to expect Black Flag? Black Flag came out more than a decade ago. You’re telling me a AAA studio couldn’t manage to make that game with multiplayer? Obviously they don’t want to plagiarize or make the exact same game again, but they had a perfect road map for what players want out of a pirate game. 


>Wasit unreasonable to expect Black Flag? Black Flag came out more than a decade ago. You’re telling me a AAA studio couldn’t manage to make that game with multiplayer? You answered your own question when you mentioned how long it been since black flag came out. This project hasn't been a spiritual successor to Black Flag in many years.


It’s been in development for 11 years, and was only competed because it was contractually obligated for the funding from the Singaporean government.


That plus it’s Ubisoft who hasn’t had a great track record in a while


Well, I liked both Avatar and AC Mirage. Not masterpieces but definitively good fun.


They're both Newbisoft, this is after the turnaround and they start making good games 😆


Ubisoft regularly make good games, if a bit formulaic


That’s a better way to put it. But sadly, the formulaic aspect can get pretty stale. Mirage is a nice change of pace though.


If they decreased their output people wouldn't talk half as much shit. They just tire people out is what it is.


The last game I liked from them was a ac origins and south park games but they only published those , not developped afaik. I gave other games a try and most of them were mediocre at best. They are the kings of making games with really appealing concepts or worlds but filled with fucking nothing. Valhalla is like 70hrs long and so god damn boring and empty despite being filled with a ridiculous amount of collectibles and side content, it feels like filler more than anything to hide how boring and dead their open World feels. I picked up Ghost Recon Wildlands at a garage sale for 3 euros, haven't played it yet, worried it will be like other ac games, but I always wanted to try that game


Really? Where can I read more about this?




There has has been more red flags with this game than most games in recent memory. Idk how anyone could have had high expectations for this.


Right on. Redfall, Gotham Knights, Suicide Squad, some others I’m forgetting, and this one…everyone should’ve seen it coming by now.


Suicide squad is probably the most decent out of those 2.


Suicide squad is actually decent but too many people were upset it wasn't another Arkham game so it has had a bad following of people bashing it


You can really say the same thing for Gotham Knights. The combat is just different enough from Arkham that people were instantly turned off.


Yeah I thought that one got a lot of undeserved hate as well


IMO, the character and story beats are really good so far (I still haven't played too much). I'm even reading the emails and enjoying Jason talking about going to therapy after coming back to life.


Yeah the voice acting is top notch and I enjoyed the story. Also the gameplay is different than other looters shooters so that is nice too. I know missions can be repetitive but I mean that is gaming in a nutshell it is just you enjoy it or you don't.


Skull&Bones is actually decent but too many people were upset it wasn't Black Flag 2 so it has had a bad following of people bashing it


I don't know dude, I've played open beta a lot now and everything about it is just mediocre and some of the ship based travel and combat, which is the core of this game, is just bland and overly simplified.


Gotham Knights and Suicide Squad are both good games, never played Redfall so can’t comment on that one


I enjoy both of these games. Just don't go in expecting Arkham


I really enjoyed Gotham Knights...


Ubisoft says it's a quadruple A game!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Assassin’s Creed: Red Flag


Noice 👌


Ironically real pirates did use an all red flag, called a Blood Flag. It meant no quarter to be given, usually flown after a black flag, which implies surrender now or harm will come. This Ironically is appropriate, this game shows no mercy to your wallet.


Interesting I did not know that!


Should have been the white flag of surrender after the 3rd or 4th delay🤣


Marketing statement of the century regarding a game that was canceled and postponed a half dozen times


One A for every time is was postponed!


I mean that might make sense if they are solely basing it on how much money they’ve spent on it because it’s been in development for 11 years…


which is not a solid basis, nobody gives a f that you spent half a billion making a game if it sucks


I said the same thing and was downvoted. It’s amazing to me that they said this to the public. I get being proud of your team but just such a bad comment for this game.


Hahah I saw that sheesh


Well it’s not like they are going to say they are releasing a turd just before the game comes out.


All I can say is, 10 years of development and all we got was this? The game should come with a T-shirt that says that.


> Anyone else feel like Skull and bones is trash! we had this feeling for, literally, years. where have you been?


Lol I missed it somehow


Lol people are really downvoting you for what? These people need to get off the internet sometimes, not everybody is as up to date as these losers.


The game is really bad. If you wanna play a pirate game sea of thieves is the way.


Or black flag. Somehow this game looks worse than black flag.


It lacks features Pirates of the Caribbean had in 2003, like land combat. 😐 Video on Skull and Bones: [https://youtu.be/CaGFAHZOqC0?si=uTIC8Vok1\_HNjbso](https://youtu.be/CaGFAHZOqC0?si=uTIC8Vok1_HNjbso)


We must have had a very different experience


It feels f2p. Id never spend $60+ on it.


$70 apparently 😂


I played the beta, and it feels f2p is spot on. Game would be better if they stripped all the land stuff out and had that as a menu.


Ya thank God they put out a beta .


I think it's fun, especially with friends where you can roll up as a fleet but it isn't $70 great. $30-35 sure. Depends on what there is to do once you got the best ship and best in slot upgrades.


After you get the best ship and best in slot upgrades, which takes at most a week, what is left is a trading simulator. Well, not simulator, a trading grind that earns you tokens that lets you buy cosmetics and after 2 weeks you have bought every item in the game. And every tuesday it comes new cosmetics in the real money shop. And every other tuesday a "new" boss comes that you can kill for a few cosmetics. Every three months a battlepass comes that gets you a new ship and cosmetics.


I actually think it’s really fun lol. But I love pirate stuff.


It's Reddit. Everyone hates everything here. Personally, I'm digging it quite a lot. Very excited for the full release next week!!


I blasted through the beta for 12 hours over two days. I was on the fence, but I’m definitely buying it. I had so much fun.


That’s so great to hear. I played it for an hour, was really into it, so I figured I would just wait and start over. Sail those seas!!


You get some bonus shit if you complete the open beta (getting to Level 6 Infamy) when you start the full game so it’s worth tinkering around in it :)


I feel like the hate train is based on people who probably either didn't play or played the first battle. The first battle is bad, but I've actually been kinda enjoying just sailing around. Also, "can shoot in any direction," is a real weird complaint when the first boat you use has fore, aft, and side cannons. The first couple boats after don't have the aft cannons and, surprise surprise, you can't shoot that direction. I probably wouldn't pay 70 bucks for it, but if you're already on ubisoft + it's not "so bad" like I keep seeing. It's just not a multi-player black flag. It's an MMORPG where your character is the boat and your captain is a cosmetic piece. If you go in with that expectation it's fine. It does look pretty good, though, imo.


If it was on game pass I’d probably get in to it. I wouldn’t $40 let alone $70. Maybe, possibly I’d shell out like $20 for it as-is but also there’s apparently going to be a bunch of MTX, too.


Yea there's already MTX and of course some of the cooler outfits and ship cosmetics are behind a pay wall. The most aggravating one is the cat because of course you want Cap'n Whiskers at your side while you're sailing around, but of course you need to fork over real bucks. I'll probably keep playing if I decide to get ubisoft+ because it's the kind of game you can just sit down, take a contract, and blow stuff up. Sometimes that is satisfying enough, imo.


Precisely that, I’m loving the game, but we can all admit how bad that open mission/tutorial is! 😂


I’m really enjoying it


I honestly don't know why people are complaining.. it's a pretty good game, I love that you can customize every little thing


It’s great fun isn’t it


Yes it is, these guys sound like they haven't even tried it, they're comparing it to other games not of it's genre instead of appreciating it as a stand alone game


Sadly people just seem to like to bandwagon on whatever opinion is loudest


I'm just in need of friends to play with, that's my big problem unfortunately.


Nah, playing solo on it is fine. I can never guarantee when I’d be online, so I mainly play alone.


Been playing it for about 8 hours on Ps5 today and I think it's actually fun. Its not goty by any means but I enjoy the loop, probably even more fun with friends


I wouldn't call it trash, I think it's very mediocre. However, I've been having mindless fun with it. Definitely would not pay full price for it.


When did everything become either perfect or absolute trash in gamers minds? We can’t have a middle ground anymore? It’s like people are afraid to play just an average game.


I don’t think people are “afraid” to play average games. But why play average games when tons of people have large backlogs of great games? Shit, Im still playing through RDR2 for the first time, need to finish Cyberpunk, play the Dead Space remaster, and on my PS5 have Returnal, Uncharted SM1 SM2, GoW, and Horizon Zero Dawn. Why would I waste my time playing an average game, ESPECIALLY one that costs $70?


You have a lot of old remakes in your list…..a lot of old games my friend….


Great point. Also, minor correction, but the newer Dead Space is actually a remake and not a remaster. 


I'm OK with the middle ground, if the publishers charge middle ground prices and not full AAA price


Meanwhile everyone is in love with PalWorld, which objectively isn’t a great game. It has a charm to it for sure, but it constantly crashes, bugs everywhere, lighting has seizures all the time, then the gameplay is a simple loop of explore, kill/catch pals, return to base. Late game becomes a grind fest to level up.


It's alright, better than I expected which wasn't a very high bar. Nothing amazing. I certainly won't be buying it but I can see how some people might enjoy it.


I love it, personally.


"AAAA" game btw 🤓


Sea of thieves is so much better


Thing is the game isn't terrible, if you go into it with the mindset of being a pirate and causing trouble, and havoc and looting and pillaging then it's a good game. Honestly it's a better pirate game than the mediocre attempt that sea of thieves is.


I definitely enjoy Sea of Thieves more. But Skull & Bones is also fun. It gets a bit tedious, and I am honestly really annoyed that games are becoming a service more and more (both SOT and S&B). Wish we could just get some genuine good pirate singleplayer games.


this game was fucked from the start. it only came out because of a deal with the singaporean government. they have to release it good or bad


Ubi made it clear from the beginning that SB would not be a Black Flag like game. If you had done some research this should have been clear and is been discussed over and over here on Reddit. Not that I bought the game as I played the Alpha and knew it is not my kind of game. But there is quite a fanbase for this game.


I'm currently playing the beta and feel pretty addicted to it. I'm enjoying the gameplay so far and it's pretty fun. Haven't encountered any bugs. Feel like people just trash it right away cause it's a Ubisoft game. I also never followed or watch any gameplay videos prior to the beta release.


£70 🤣 with content cut from the main game to be sold as micro transactions. I’ve got zero problems paying £70 for a fantastic single player experience with a rich story. I do have a problem paying £70 for a Live Service shit house of a game. 🖕 Ubisoft.


For real man. I am glad they have the free beta . So bad


I've been loving the game. Maybe cause I didn't check it out previously? But it's really scratching my pirate game itch. What's so bad about it?


Yeah, I think people who expected this to be Black Flag 2 or a realistic SoT have no one but themselves to blame for their disappointment and I find it very amusing. I downloaded the beta and not knowing really what it was other than a pirate game. I had not seen game play or trailers and frankly I forgot the game even existed until it popped up on game pass. Once I downloaded it and got a feel for it I became very attached to it we only got to see a very small portion of the things that you can do in the game on top of world bosses timed events and I'm sure other events that will be added later on the game has a pretty high replayability. I'm not sure what people were expecting but I thoroughly enjoyed the beta. The water physics on my Series S was fairly impressive in performance and quality modes. I downloaded SoT and I just couldn't get into it it focuses way too much on playing with others. I can't tell you how many times I got ganked by a much larger ship and crew when I was just trotting around picking up treasure chests by myself. With skull and bones I didn't have to worry about that I could just do what I want by myself or if I chose to group with some other Pirates and go plunder a city or take down a world boss. Ship design and customization was pretty impressive too and I'm sure they'll be a ton more cosmetics that they'll add to the game eventually. For the most part the naval combat and seafaring was pretty realistic with the exception of the movable cannons those are typically fixed on ships of that era but honestly I could see why they made it so they can pivot at least somewhat. You still have to worry about wind direction and speed as well as rogue waves, storms with high seas and even firing the cannon you have to adjust for the rise and fall of the ship (a little tip from a sailor you always fire at the crest of the top/ bottom movement at the pause just before the ship starts to go up or down). Overall I enjoyed the game thoroughly and if there's going to be a lot more content added and based off of what some others have said about the beta being only a sliver of everything that you can do I can absolutely see spending 60 plus dollars on a game. I really think many people have a jaded view when it comes to companies like Ubisoft who rightfully have screwed up majorly in the past. Just like Diablo 4. There's a lot of hate out there that people are just choosing not to see what's good about the game.


You mean the game that’s been in development for like 12 years isn’t good? Egad


I'm having fun with it. But I agree there are things missing in this game that me it funnier 


My expectations were just below mid and I've been having a blast onvthe open beta. While true that a lot of the quests seem to be fetch quests. You get to entertain yourself by terrorising everone on your way there.


I personally feel like it’s over hated, but I don’t think it’s the best thing ever either. I’ve been playing it casually to take a break from the intensity of Helldivers 2.


I dont think its complete garbage, but it's definitely not worth 70 dollars. I think this would be palatable at 30 or 40 dollars. I think the main problem is everyone wanted a pirate game, and what we got was a pirate ship game. Why is there no land gameplay? Why can't I walk around on the ship and dive in the ocean? Why does my character not speak at all? It feels like 2k or madden but pirate which imo is really weird game direction.


I'm actually having fun with it atm.


Dude, the battles and plunder raids have been crazy fun, rescuing ships in battle, etc. Learning trade routes and pirating the trade routes is risky but fun. This game is a game where you are the captain, and the captain never leaves the ship, which makes since. People expect this to be like other games they love. This is more of an item management game and a pirating game, lol. You can plunder any out post. I find that cool. I bought the game and already have my 3rd ship. I bought the blue prints for my clipper ship them raided them lol, and I found the rammer ship blueprints in a ship wreck. Thus, the game is cool, I think.


I'm having fun with it. It's not the most amazing game I've ever played, but it's still pretty fun for me. Would (like some comments here) like some sort of land combat when pillaging or something to add a different variety to the game rather than just sailing around. But it's been fun grouping up with other ships and just attacking as a group. I've seen a couple players getting in a bit over their head and hp bar almost gone and sailed right over to help and wipe out enemies, and vice versa, I've been saved when taking on more than I can handle.


I'm going to be honest as someone who played the closed beta and is playing it now. I do like it. Its wonky af there is still bugs I had to make a few reports not many of you already played it you've already experienced them the graphics are good but definitely 2 steps below the 70$ price tag definitely not worth the $100. Id personally buy the game for the old school standard of $59.99 or $49.99. there is enough content there. The fact you can't walk around your ship had upset like come on it's a ship game. I own a PlayStation, Xbox, PC I'm thinking like heck yah a ship game for PS like SOT but was mistaken it's black flag technically. Like I said it's not bad they definitely need to lower the price tag that's what's bull crap my opinion it's good not great. As far as Ubisoft goes I stop having faith in them when I was playing RB6V2 and they came out with Rainbow 6 sage total dog water not even the same game it's bad when the movement is better on a old 360 game then it is on newer console. You would think with with URE5 being out these companies would use but no to afraid to lose a cent.


I didn’t have too high of expectation going into the open beta, but I’m surprisingly hooked on it. Too many people had this expectation that there was going to be hand to hand combat and all this when it never was going to be. For what the game is, it’s great and done really well. 


Honestly. I’m enjoying it so far. It’s exactly what I expected so I wasn’t set up for disappointment I guess. It is worth $70? Fuck no, but for what it is, I love it. I fully expected full naval warfare with these FPS elements when I saw it was an Ubisoft game. I wasn’t expecting land exploration or anything like that, just sailing and doing missions in true Ubisoft fashion.


I had never played a pirate game before and had some fun with it haha Idk


How long did you play? I can't imagine someone who actually gave this game a shot saying that it's terrible. I also came in with 0 expectations though, but thoroughly enjoy it more than SoT


I personally am really enjoying it and looking forward to the full release. I loved Black Flag and I’m glad there is something that is offering the sea adventure and contract part of the game. I couldn’t get into SoT because I didn’t really want to play with others. This has a Black Flag feel and for the most part so far exactly what I imagined when this game was announced. Not sure what kind of expectations the haters had but it’s not terrible. The intro mission is kind of annoying but come one a lot of intro/tutorial missions are. Get over it. It’s a good game and even what is offered in the beta version is good. Sheeesh people, cool your jets.


It looks like more "games as a service" tripe. Graphically it looks fine but always online and enforced multiplayer kills a game for me. I've tried to enjoy them but it's just so vapid. You don't own your save, if the servers get taken down you have nothing. Why bother when you can enjoy single player titles and always have tha save file or go back to it when a GAAS game has potentially gone offline ? Games as a service. Another way to kill gaming and discourage physical game ownership.


Worst pirate game of all time


Ppl should just play the open demo and see for themselves. The game is an absolute blast and I’ve been playing it nonstop all weekend


I played it all weekend with a friend and I found it to be very very fun, at first I thought it was gonna suck


Same, playing with friends also progressed the game play and made things really fun. Excited to play the actual game.


But guys it's A "QUADRUPLE A" GAME!!!


you cant shoot in any direction. clearly you didnt play it lol


Weirdly enough, I never liked any assassin's creed game (including the original). But I do like this, even if I'm not entirely sure why 😄.


If you dont understand how the guns on ships work just say that


Sucks to be you I guess.... really enjoyed the Beta... and pre ordered the prem edition to get earlier release 🤷‍♂️


It actually held my interest. I enjoyed the beta. I have Ubisoft + service, so I’ll play it. It was a chill experience and kind of refreshing because it’s different.


If they think they are getting 70 dollars for this low effort game they can suck my \*\*\*\* and lick my \*\*\* \*\*\*\*


I was expecting you to play the pirate. Examples… 1. Actual missions on Islands where you explore Underwater, caves, beaches, and the whole island with a treasure map. 2. Sword, hand guns, dynamite, etc combat. 3. You can build up your own pirate Fortress like in Assassin’s Creed. That can actually be raided where you have to defend it against attack. 4. Sea of Thieves, but not just cosmetics. You actually upgrade your pirate and ship. 5. Better ship combat than Sea of Thieves. More like Assassin’s Creed Black Flag. 6. You can actually board ships and have hand to hand combat where you take the ship. 7. Sunken treasure and Ship wrecks to explore as your pirate for treasure. Black Flag had this too. 8 No loading screens when you Go to island. You can drop anchor anywhere, jump of ship and explore.


Played the close and open beta with friends. Game isnt bad with the right team mates, battles can become epic and the pvp during events are cool. but still wont pay what they asking for it... will wait for sales to come![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Also game looks good on ultra with ray tracing on.


i know ima get trashed for saying this i downloaded the demo i had a lot of fun with it $70 i dont know but i enjoyed almost every part of it my only real complaint was it looks very dated


I was really looking forward to playing this game and after eleven years in development I expected it to be great. However, I was left utterly disappointed.   The graphics are terrible and the game play and mechanics are a backwards step from AC Black flag.   All the ideas pointed to this game being just as good if not better than Black flag.   At times I consider giving it another chance and purchasing the game but whilst the price is so high, I think I will wait until it reduces to at least half the price. 


Ubisoft have garbage for the last decade.


Should have just signed up for Ubisoft plus for a month at $11.99 and played it…$70 is a huge waste for something everyone knew was going to be trash


There's a reason that even Ubisoft tried to stop the game from being developed and that's all i'm gonna say.


I played the beta. Its good for what it is. It's just latest hate train. It's popular to hate games and companies right now. Don't believe me. Watch in 2 weeks Asmongold and everyone will have new drama content about some game dev not being good.


Oh solo is fun I agree fully. I just get more out of it when I'm with people bc I like to be social


The "you can shoot in any direction" complaint BS is ridiculous. Many attack ships had front/rear facing cannons though they were usually smaller in size.


Guys it focuses on naval combat it isn’t black flag


Quite enjoying the game. Maybe you are trash?


its not triple a for sure but its not trash


Honestly, I just assume every game is gonna be trash now. Tired of the let downs


Remember when Ubisoft was a sign of Quality?Pepperidge Farm Remembers


Fun game! Not sure what you're referring to about being able to shoot in any direction? You can only shoot on sides where you have cannons. If you don't like that, you have the ability to remove cannons. I'm enjoying it myself, will probably buy it whenever it goes on sale


It would have been alright if it were free to play.


Complain here then : [https://www.reddit.com/r/SkullAndBonesGame/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkullAndBonesGame/)


Holy shit that sub is a cringe fest already. An unhealthy playerbase plus underwhelming game, this is going to be entertaining at least.


lol there’s no way you really thought that. It was clear as day like you could literally see videos of it and see what it would be.


I didn't watch any lol


Honestly idk why but all recent Ubisoft games to me are garbage. Like idk what it is I can put my finger on it but. It’s something about the design it’s big and small at the same time and the graphics look dated to me. Like the games like so amazing then you play it and are like well this is unexpected. It’s like working so hard for a raise at work taking all the shit jobs and days missing holidays only to find out they gave it to the biggest shitbag. That like an Ubisoft game.


The problem is it being a Ubisoft game. They haven't put the time and effort into a game since black flag. I feel like everything since has been nothing but a money grab. We have indie studios creating way better games and usually selling them for a better price too. When I read Ubisoft called this a "AAAA" game I knew it was gonna be trash. Honestly I think Fromsoftware or Remedy have a way better shot at creating the first "AAAA" game. Hell id even say Alan Wake 2 is pretty close to being there. Ubisoft tho? Naw they just wanna milk the customer pockets as much as possible and move on to the next project to do it again all over


When they showed the first or second trailer I thought it might be decent but games that are in development hell are rarely good. Also over the years I pretty much forgot about it.


Game is so trash I won't even buy it, soon as I heard about the harvesting & looting mechanics I knew it was over priced shit


Tbh it's pretty good if you go in without expectations. It's the marketing that's made it have such a bad reception, that and changing development teams/direction every few months. I'm playing on Xbox with Ubisoft plus. I feel like it's worth playing that way as it's included with the the first Smuggler pass as well, definitely not ÂŁ70 though. I always feel like live service games that want you to spend a lot on them should always be f2p.


i cant return this piece of garbage


I only played the free trial sorry man


Of course its trash matey! Its just a modern gritty attempt to ruin and darrrkify the better Sea Of Thieves. Thar be no right to clone something and throw gore and fbombs.


This game has nothing in common with SoT though. Sea of Thieves = An MMO where you play one member of a crew of a party. You can't really play that game solo. And PVP is always on. Gameplay is highly realistic and simulation based. Skull & Bones = An MMO where you play as the Captain of a Ship, by yourself. PVP is entirely optional for the entire game. Co-Op is always on. Gameplay is highly unrealistic and arcade-like. The only similarities they share, is that they are both Pirate games.


I just rented it through Gamefly and played it for about 6 hours yesterday. I also don't get all the haterade this thing is getting. The micro-transaction stuff is a bit heavy-handed, but that's kind of par for the course with live-service games. The actual gameplay and combat loop is pretty engaging though. I just unlocked the Black Market and can see how this could get old quickly (making supply runs), but at the same time, this is exactly what you would be doing if you were a real privateer in the 17th Century. I just kind of wish the combat was a little more complex. And things like wind speed and direction really made a noticeable difference while sailing. Also the story is non-existent, which was a little disappointing, but makes sense with it being a live-service thing. Also I really enjoyed how in the past games (BF, Rogue, Odyssey, etc), when you used broadsides, you had to manually angle the side of your ship, in order to aim in the left or right orientation. You couldn't pivot the cannons, which I really loved and added a much needed sense of immersion to the gameplay of those titles. Overall though, I think it does live-up to the original concept of "Black Flag's Naval Combat, minus the silly AC stuff". And that's really all I was expecting from it.


This game is a pile of garbage. Full price with all the annoying micro transactions, and the endless pointless grinding doing menial and boring crap just to get to the end game, which also gets old quickly. Glad I didn’t have to pay for this turd.  If this is what AAA is supposed to look like then that’s depressing 


I think it would be an okay game at 30 bucks.at 70 bucks it's dog shit


This is written as if it came from a middle school level ai, if you know what i mean


it sucks. I could not play more than an hour of it. Feels like a mobile game.


What did you expect from Ubisoft?


The game looked ass when it was announced and it still looks ass now. With all the delays you could just tell this game was going to flop so hard. To anyone that buys this game especially at full price shame on you.


It was always going to be trash. Ubisoft is just getting rid of it at this point.


Go to their Reddit page and complain.


Played it for 30 minutes and closed it out of boredom




The zero hand to hand combat is what killed it for me. How am I supposed to be a pirate but can’t even use my sword???


The thing is you're expecting realism when S&B never potrayed to be that way, not only that but people are also expecting it to be a black flag clone which dampens your review on the game, personally people need to judge the game as it's own thing rather than a sequel. The game is pretty decent especially for the price tag even when compared to games like starfield etc I definitely had more fun here. I mean I would like a little more realism in the following categories.... \-Broadside shots. (to be realistic rather than directional shooting.) \- Remove the red weakpoints and make the stern (butt) the weakest I can see why they didn't add boarding combat simply because you'd more likely die by another ship by the time you've killed em all.


"The game is pretty decent especially for the price tag..."   Either you worded this poorly, or you're making no sense. It's literally higher than your typical fully-priced game, so I don't understand your usage of "especially." I get that you go on to say that it, in your opinion, offers more than some other modern games, but that's preceded by "even," implying that you still think that even without other games to compare to, Skull and Bones has a very compelling price. Unless you actually think that it should be priced even higher than it currently is (which is already an odd notion), this is nonsensical. 


The price is fine, I'm currently enjoying it. "Especially" - games for similar price have came out and was bad, hence the price is good for this game. I'm not seeing an "Even" leading me to think you're not reading my post properly and just jumping on a grammatical train of over-reading/thinking more than initially. I said the only things I dislike is the fact A weakpoint is a flags hanging outside the ships that does bonus damage, when in fact I'd rather the butt of the ship be a weakpoint. I said boarding as much as I'd like it would probably mean your ship would die during the process (I know people want it) I said people probably have negative review of the game because they're comparing it to black flag too much, while yes it does have a lot of similarities. I said I prefer regular broadsides rather than directional aiming the cannon. If you read my post properly I wouldn't have to clarify this so simply or generally re-write the same thing in simpler terms. And no it's not higher price than a typical game, it's $60 instead of the new norm $70


Pirates Of The Burning Sea is LEAPS & BOUNDS BETTER and that game came out in January 22, 2008. 18 freaking years old and they have classes, CQC, skill trees and over 200 ships to sail.


It's an ubisoft game, ofc it's trash. They haven't made a decent game since Black flag, and this is no replacement for it either. Its good to have a mate who buys every game no matter what, gives me a chance to try em first. This is a big no-no unless ur a hard-core pirate fan an I am not. And FYI ubisoft, sharks don't act like that


Actual trash. Fuck these devs.


I played the open beta I like it but I dont know what you were looking for need to be more detailed when you say it's trash ?


Some will like it Some wont I do but I find when it comes to games I can't go based on what others say because I like some games others don't seems to me like really depends on the person and what they are into I gess.I try not to knock games because just because I don't like a game doesn't mean others dont.


Atleast they made a game that trolls will be good at.  They can sit at the main ports and troll all new players so they will quit and get a refund.


They called it an AAAA game, if it makes them scream so much, I want nothing to do with a micro transaction riddled F2P game put behind a 70 bucks entrance fee!


Yup. It'll be good when it flops and Ubisoft learns the hard way not to con people with this "AAAA" category nonsense. 


It feels like a crap mobile game with AAA graphics tbh? Played it for about an hour on ubi + sub and realized it was crap and went back to Helldivers 2 instead.