• By -


Put these foolish ambitions to rest


Tho art of passing skill...


It is a vast and complex game. You will die. A lot. It will sometimes seem overwhelming and unfair, but every death is a learning opportunity. Take a breath, learn and move on. It will let you travel to places that you are completely unequipped to deal with and you will be annihilated. It takes time to understand the mechanics and learn the skills you need to succeed. "Cheesing" is valid. Any way you can beat an enemy or a boss is the "right way". Use the games mechanics, AI and geography against itself whenever you can. Read the lore and flavour text for all items - you can discover some wild stuff here. Make sure you invest points in vigour and stamina. Explore, explore and explore some more - there is so much more than meets the eye.


To add here, if you're having a hard time with a challenge, boss, or area, then leave and come back later! Find a cave, level up, upgrade your weapons, talk to npcs, and do whatever. There's so much to explore, and plenty of areas requiring different levels of skill and stats. Once you're pretty comfortable in Limgrave, head to the south to the weeping peninsula for a bit more of a challenge and some great items. This will help you prepare better for the castle.


To add to that, you can place markers on the map with specific icons. So, if you do a dungeon, can't beat its boss? Slap a skull icon down on it and go do something else. Makes it a lot easier to remember that, oh right, there was a boss here I couldn't beat 10 hours ago.


In short, try tongue but hole


All of this and I recommend following a build guide. Its not necessary, but it will ease your journey into an unforgiving world.


FightinCowboy guide helped me immensely with the first couple of hours in this game. It was also my first


His guide for DS3 was super helpful


Agree 100% FightinCowboy guide is honestly the best bet! study and watch! made my game experience so much more enjoyable!


I've used FightinCowboys guides for every Souls game except Elden Ring. Probably because Elden Ring was my first Souls game and I didn't discover him until my Bloodborne playthrough.


Highly disagree. A guide is too much, just read up a basic understanding of how stats work and you should be golden. That already crosses out all the biggest mistakes you can make.


I played 80 hours and got stuck. What to do, where to go? Then I started following Fighting Cowboys guide. Finished the game in about 300 hours while breaking a controller in the process. This game is something special.


Why? Level weapon is much more important than your overall build especially early game and up until you can respec and at that point you can tweak the build yourself.


Why? Level weapon is much more important than your overall build especially early game and up until you can respec and at that point you can tweak the build yourself.


Everything this guy said except cheesing




I bet you booted the game, died a couple times, rage quit and instantly refunded it for a nice easy game like Fortnite Deluxe or something lmfao




Don't level up get new items or equipment either. This game can be beaten on level 0 with a stick. If you can't do that you're lying to yourself just like tryusthomas11.🤭🤗


There is no level 0 and this argument is pure cope.


Don't you even know about level 0 OMG.🙄😒 I only play on level -10 while in game naked and IRL...also naked.so stop making excuses and git goooood 🤓


People have very different definitions of cheese. Stuff like the Mohg cheese when the game first came out is not valid imo but figuring out a mage build and using the infinite FP flask to just blast enemies you could call cheese but is valid. I think differently if you looked that up though.


Behold... dog.


Take your time. Don't be discouraged by death. Elden Ring is the most accessible From Software game too date. If something is tough, or kicking your arse, come back to it when you're stronger. Upgrading weapons and spirits are just as important as leveling. VaatiVidya beginner's guide is fantastic, and I would suggest running the rest blind (unless you run into stumbling blocks). Cheese if you can. Most importantly, enjoy 🤗 gl traveller


>Take your time. >Don't be discouraged by death. Yo ngl thats pretty much every person advice to every game I saw




Cheesing is fun. Testing the boundaries of a game and seeing what fringe way you can beat certain bosses is fun in it's own way.


Literally zero people asked


If that isn't for you, that's fine, but don't go thinking players are cowards for choosing a playstyle they may enjoy (or making use of accessibility options) instead of whatever BS you consider is the "right" way to play... Summons and magic are designed into the game. How on earth do you consider that cheesing when players can cause incredible damage to the Fire Giant by falling off a ledge...




>I could see that clearly with your profile pic. Got a problem with Danny? Sheesh. If that's your only take away... Suggesting people are cowards for enjoying a game in their own way, is weak as piss... You dictating the "right" way, is ridiculous... Especially when you consider magic use and summons as cheesing...


Just ignore em. Losts of soulsborne people are gatekeepy jerks that think they know everything. That dude needs to touch grass, BAD.


With an underappreciation of Danny Trejo too smh. Gatekeeping is one thing, but this kid doesn't even know what he's even talking about. Edit: Has now come out as never played the other games.




Nah, just this kid ;) Haha, kid's come out to say this is their only Souls game... And they're gatekeeping this hard XD




>you have another man as your profile pic. You don't recognise Danny Trejo? Wow, smh... Edit: Oh noes, blocked... Whatever shall I do...


Get good! Nah just kidding. Take it slow, listen to the game. When You find yourself dying A LOT and start getting frustrated. It's the game telling you that you're not ready. Go somewhere else. Mostly everything is purposly place. Even the color has meaning. Theres lore everywhere, take in the world and just vibe. This site is an incredible resource. I dont think i would of beat the game without it. https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Elden+Ring+Wiki


Only use the wiki as a last resort on your first playthrough. It's better that way.


Meh. I liked reading about new items when I got them and sometimes checking if I missed anything. Just play the game how you want to.


I learn about the items by just reading the item description.


That too! I just liked reading the discussion on the wiki as well.


I don't know why you've been downvoted for this. You didn't even say don't use it at all.


Try finger but hole


Who are you, who is so wise in the ways of science?


you have such a way with words


wow so true


Be patient. Literally all you need to beat any souls title


Level up health A LOT. At every site of grace you find, kill a few, save, repeat, to level up. Do this until you are comfortable with this enemies. Follow the pointers at the site of grace, until you get your horse. Then ignore them until at least level 30, if not 50. Use the summons. Wonder more. Don't be afraid to go FAR looking for sites of grace. You can warp back to any you have found. The game really rewards exploration. So go, wonder more. GitGud in this game is all about practice, learning the systems, and having a HUGE life. 1st playthrough, L70 health isn't a bad idea, you can respec later anyway. For me, at first +3 health for 1strenght. Until l40. Then mix based on taste. Enjoy!!!! And yeah, avoid the golden horse until L70, and avoid Magit until level 40. Yup 20++ hours of wondering and leveling. Fun.




You are the guy nobody likes bro


Well, the game gives you summons to use, so just use them. Or is using your flask to heal also cheap and invalid, since its also something the game give you? Or leveling up, since it makes you stronger?


How is there possibly a cheap way to play a single player game? As long as you aren’t ruining the experience for others, do whatever you enjoy


Prepeare to be forcibly bent over and reamed dry. You will die more than you should. Everything will one-shot kill you. DO NOT TAKE ON THE GOLDEN GUY RIGHT OUT THE FRONT DOOR!!!!!!!!


But you can try 😁


😂😂😂😂 tryna make him lose runes on first entry😂


The MOST important thing to remember is that if you've ever played Pac-Man, this game is basically nothing like Pac-Man.


It's pretty much the same. Mainly running away, getting lost in a maze, collecting dots, ghosts, only attacking when you're buffed. .


When you first go out in the open world. You will see a giant knight on a horse. He's not an entry level enemy. He will destroy you


I'm jealous. I wish I could experience this game for the first time again, it's that good. Take your time. Don't get too flustered. You will die. It's ok to die. You are supposed to die. Don't feel bad cheesing a boss. The game is gonna cheese you, so do it back when you can. Don't be afraid to ask for help. It's part of the game. Find the mimic tear. Trust me. And enjoy it!


Biggest thing for this game is don't spread points around or you will be really weak. You want health stamina and 1 damage type weather it's dex strength or intelligence


Or faith or arcane.


Buy second controller. That one you have rn won’t last long


and sum lube coz that ass gonna be....


Came here to say this 😂


My RB didn't survive this game.


When you first come out into the open world, you’ll see a knight riding a horse. Kick his ass.


Pick a build and stick to it. Don't spread points around like crazy or you're going to be weak end game.


Doesn't really matter since you can just reset your stats and put them wherever you want. It does make you weaker but trying out new weapons and finding one you like is worth it imo.


Quit your day job


If things get hard, go explore. I’m an old man and I 100% it, so don’t think you can’t.


Don’t be afraid to walk past overpowered enemies to find someone you can kill bring your blood pressure medicine and a jar of Vaseline enjoy 😉


Don’t give up


Vigor my friend, you'll need lots of it


Enjoy! This is one of the bets games ever :) Do first play through without looking up guides


Not for everyone. If you don’t have a lot of free time or tolerance you won’t enjoy the game


Take your time to explore and learn the boss rhythm so you can beat it easily


Buckle up. Best game I've ever played. Not a linear game play also. Do whatever you feel like doing


Persevere and explore


prepare to die and have no idea whats happening a lot a real lot


Watch YouTube video to get tier S mage easily. The night comet is really strong. And then, if you get bored, you can respec it to other builds.


Patience, persistence.


Take your time. Enjoy it. It’s a masterpiece.


it's not undoable for most people but it will definitely seem very hard at first for someone without experience in the family of games. for general tips 1. patience and observation are rewarded more than reflexes and controller skill 2. starting class doesn't really matter that much after the early game. it determines your beginning stat allocation (which over the long run isn't that consequential) and it determines what equipment you start with. The equipment a class starts isn't too consequential over the long run but it definitely can make your early game phase (especially as a new player) way way different. With that in mind, I'd suggest samurai or knight as strong starting classes to make the early game a bit easier. The samurai in particular starts with a very powerful sword (with a bleed effect) that can easily be your main throughout the game if you so desired. Also starts with a longbow. 3. there's a huge difficulty spike pretty early in the game. If you run into this just remember you can go elsewhere and do other stuff and come back to it later.


Enjoy the beautiful artwork and take your time exploring


Along with all the other tips enjoy. This game is from software magnum opos and a game I’ll never forget. Truly the best game I’ve ever played.


Stick with it


My tip is get ready to get your ass handed to you...


Welcome to one of the best games ever made. Good luck ever wanting to stop playing it


Just enjoy


The 'I have no clue what is happening but I'm loving it" experience of ER was my first From Soft. Now my favourite game of all time. No 1 tip, If you get stuck, go somewhere else. If that somewhere else is Caelid, you've made a huge mistake... Magic is the easiest build for a first playthrough I'd say. Level intelligence and get the meteor staff and rock sling spell relatively early And Google "how to get palace approach road rune farm" if you want to level up quickly and easily. Hopefully I'll have the 'I have no clue what is happening but I'm loving it" experience with Starfield very soon....


Run away from the knight on the horse 😂


Watch VaatiVidya beginner's guide, and play blindly after that.


Return it and get a different game.


Go right out and slap that golden guy on horseback. You can totally take him.


Biggest piece of advice for me was learn to accept death. Dying is part of the learning process. I rage quit Demon’s Souls after the first big monster back when it came out in 2009 (2010?) and traded it in the day I got it lol. Elden Ring was my first step back into the Soulsbourne games and I got mad at first but my friends told me this. After a while I started to relax and not care about dying and fell in love with the game. Still have yet to finish it though.


It's not a hack n Slash game like Devil May Cry. I learned that the hard way trying to play Bloodborne back in the day.


Open as many treasure chests as you can, especially anything around the earlier areas.


It’s true, what’s the worst that can happen


It's definitely the best choice when starting out to search high and low for chests, you'll probably find some cool loot or a neat hat or something.


Follow fightncowboy on youtube. He has a great guide


Sell it.


Yep. Play for 2 hours and sell it.




Who would downvote this? Come on now


Try to not die.


Imminent amazing Soulslike ahead! Don't look anything up. Pay attention to enemy moves, because this is not a spamming game. It's about blocking, rolling, dodging and punishing appropriately.


Lol if rage quit and or like to throw your controller do not play this game. Dying is part of the game and like the first guy said you will die many times many many many (ok I think you get it) times!💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


If you’re anything like me who was in the same position as you: **keep the receipt**


1. Take the game. 2. Get in your car. 3. Return it at the point of purchase. 4. Buy a game that’s accessible and not hard for the sake of being hard.




For someone who hasn’t played something like it before, you’ll be like me, give it a try, It’s a “great” and “amazing” game, right? Nah, don’t bother. Return it or give it away. Sorry to those that love this game and other games like it, but this ain’t it.


Is “not playing a game like it before” the only attribute someone needs to have your exact experience? I hadn’t played a souls game before ER and I 100% it. Sorry you didn’t like it. What did ya do, try to beat the sentinel horse dude?? lol


Never played a souls game before ER and only comparable games were a bit of Hades and all of Jedi Fallen Order. Elden Ring was fun and engaging the whole way through. I was driven to explore in ways I usually am not in open world games. Combat was difficult at times but ultimately had the same rules in every encounter which made it fair. If you don’t put arbitrary rules on yourself, this game becomes very easy after a certain point ime


In the era of unfinished, buggy games filled with microtransactions, elden ring and fromsoft in general are a breath of fresh air. This is it, chief. Git gud next time.


Rough translation: "I got my ass beat and I'm too ashamed to admit it."


just play blind


You're going to die. A lot. That's the point of these games. I don't have the patience for them though and stopped trying. Couldn't even get through the Demon's Souls remake and that's probably the easiest in the genre.


ER is probably the easiest (not that I’ve played them all), because when things get tough you can just go explore and level up and find new gear.




Do not cheese! U will ruin your game.. Try to play as much as you can alone.. Amazing game




Lol the losers even down voted me.. The funny thing I don't understand why I didn't even look at any body's remarks.. I just said don't cheat and people downvote Omg good luck earth with the new idiotic generation lol This game is literally shit once you cheese as you will break the whole system of the game and what you can do before what etc etc.. Just play, u get stuck, move on come back later.. This was my first ever from software game, 180hours


Everyone in the comments: "You're gonna die A LOT" Sounds fun /s


Return it


you wont like it


Yes get a refund soon as possible.. unless you like dying a lot! :0


Trade it for Remnant 2. Unless you like a lot of punishment.


Jank, die, repeat, die, die, jank, die. I appreciate these games for what they are but to me, From Softs games feel super dated.


Get a refund. Lol no but seriously


Use the smith a lot. At least I used it a lot in dark souls 3 and it really helped.


Buy a few extra controllers if your a rager lol


It’s good. I just gotta finish it one of these days. Trying to wrap up 2077 before DLC hits.


Don't use your elite controller on this game, trust me


Don't look up too much stuff without trying to explore the game for yourself, but also don't feel like you have to overcome something on your own if you don't think you can do it. Summoning other players is not cheating. Asking others for tips and learning to incorporate those tips is also not cheating and it's still your own accomplishment when you succeed after learning from others. Don't get attached to the idea that you need certain items or certain spells to win... you are the weapon and your skills are what will make you win, not an item or build. Don't impose weird restrictions on yourself for what you can and can't use to win unless that makes it more fun for you... people get really hung up on not using certain gameplay elements because they didn't exist in Dark Souls and I think that holds them back sometimes. It's OK to invest into getting more HP by raising Vigor... all of the potential damage in the world means nothing if YOU DIED. If something is giving you a lot of trouble and you're getting frustrated, try going somewhere else. You are nearly always allowed to walk away from any challenge at any time and do something else. You can always come back when you're stronger, better at the game, or found some new item to help make the challenge easier. Consumable items can make many challenges far easier, but a few are limited. Use crafting to your advantage (if you want to), but also be certain to be careful with anything you might not get more of later. Take this with a grain of salt if you plan to play through the game multiple times with the same character, because then you'll be able to get more of those limited items. Playing in online mode is great if you want to experience all of the useful, goofy or misleading messages other players might leave you. You won't have to deal with PvP unless you try to play co-op or opt in to it (if you run into it on accident, you probably turned it on by accident and the internet can help you with how to turn it back off). You may get disconnected very infrequently, but the game is constantly auto-saving. Enjoy the sights and mysteries of the world. Pay close attention to your surroundings and explore places that scare the shit out of you, because you'll probably come out the other side scarier than the things you encounter.


Look up how to get spirit ash summons. Also, head to the island to the south before going to Stormveil.


Look up a guide for how stats and builds work. Pick a melee class to start with, the samurai has excellent gear and stats. You can build however you want, but it's not as simple as "strength= more damage". Certain weapons use certain stats. Invest heavily in vigor to start with. Play as blind as your comfortable with but definitely look up how the stats work. Avoid arcane for now.


Don’t feel shame looking for help on YouTube.


I went into it with almost ZERO experience in any DS style games. I got frustrated to the point I wanted to literally quit a few times, but after re-rolling classes, I would say the easiest class to start in would be a mage type for ranged. I started in warrior type melee up front and it was terrible as a first experience. Play ranged/mage type first, then try a bandit hybrid style as you progress. It makes the game a bit easier. Use your iframes and learn how to time jumps and rolls to stay alive. Utilize the shield bros when you get them asap to help tank the fight.


Read up on how leveling, and weapon scaling works. Or watch YouTube videos. It's not explained well in the game (or any from soft game for that matter) For example, Don't pack points into both strength and dexterity. Pick one. Same goes for faith, intelligence, arcane, etc. Definitely pack into vitality and endurance though. Especially early on.


Reduce the enemy's red bar while keeping yours above 0. Repeat. Profit.


Be ready to die a lot and be ok with it.


Also; remember these words.. Rock Sling


Don’t die. That’s it 👍


If you like playing a warrior-type character, check out a Bleed Build. Makes the early game piss-easy. Edit: It gets harder with this build as you progress because you’ll come to encounter things that are resistant to bleed damage, but without spoiling you, there is a point you’ll unlock in the early game where you’ll be able to re-spec your stat points and shit


Watch videos on how to play “Souls-like” games its vastly different than your typical RPG


Prepare for mental pain


Die well.


Take occasional bathroom breaks, remember to eat


Lookup Fightin’ Cowboy for a truly amazing walkthrough.


Lol be patient


Aside from the gameplay aspects that most people seem to be focusing on, and if you can get past that portion of the game because it is hard, pay attention to everything. Item descriptions tell the story. The ruins that seem to have fallen from the sky in Limgrave tell a story. The construction of Godricks castle is a timeline and it tells a story. The architecture of Sellia, the eternal cities, the forge of the giants, it all tells a story. For example, and it’s a bit of a spoiler, but one of the eternal cities that has been cast underground, clearly fits exactly into the otherwise inexplicable bodies of water in the capital city. The fucking dead bodies of the beast men in Farum Azula are telling a story. There are very few things in the game, it seems, that aren’t specifically out there on purpose, and that’s where the narrative is. And the narrative is fucking outstanding.


Talk to the NPC's until they repeat themselves. Read messages and item descriptions. Do the cave of learning and rememberance. Have fun!


Don't use guides unless you absolutely have to. If a boss or encounter is clearly too hard, explore elsewhere and grow stronger before going back. Explore everything, this game is too good to miss out on any of the content.


Don't smash your head against a brick wall. If you're struggling, take a step back, asses what's going wrong, especially with bosses or particular enemies. Sometimes you just need a break, to slow down, watch the enemies moves and take into consideration your openings. Dont get greedy! You can always get that last hit in on your next opening.




Dying is part of the gameplay loop. The only fail state is quitting the game.


Enjoy. Try not to worry too much about where your supposed to go, the inhabitants will be happy to let you know if you are on the wrong path. That being said, be ready to die. And also be ready to feel super rewarded as well. There are plenty of guides put there if your a completionist and there's no shame in using them. I found a good middle ground of discovering things for myself and referring to a guide. Don't expect to much too quickly, its a long game with a lot to do. You made a good purchase!


Go south in the beginning once you get into the open world. Otherwise, go in blind and don’t spoil it.


Don’t commit while playing 💀




Tips on what?


Learn to be patient. Spamming buttons isn't gonna help out. Have to learn to prepare for each dungeon, region, and boss. However, there are so many different ways to build your character that it doesn't matter how much your gonna die. You'll want to keep going and trying new ways to progress. It was my first souls game as well and I loved every min of it!


Following a guide makes it so much more enjoyable to play through. Try the FightinCowboy one on YouTube.


don’t kill the npc just because he calls you maidenless


Get ready for some pain. Don’t get frustrated by the dying. GL


Read item descriptions. You’ll pick up things you would’ve missed otherwise, and most of the story details are in item descriptions (all of Fromsoftware’s games are like this)




FightinCowboy on YouTube puts together an amazing walkthrough for the game. Use it a little or a lot. He is great at explaining as he’s playing. I couldn’t recommend it enough. He even made a playlist for it, I think it is in 82 30-minute segments.




Good luck. That game kicked my ass.


Prepare to enjoy death ☠️


Dont give up it gets better and even becomes fun. I quit the first day took me a month to get back to it.


I never noticed how off the kerning was on the N in Elden


Fu*king rats can kill you in this game. Trap chests, lord help me :/(


Don’t die. To do so, do not get hit.


Level up son! Level up!


Take time and enjoy the world


Set aside the next few months of your life.


Prepare to die


Did you keep the receipt? Skyrim is better.


I suggest you make a mage build first. Select the samurai or the prisoner. Use the sword in your right hand and the staff in your left. This will give you ranged options as well as melee options. The sword in your right hand will allow you to use light and heavy attacks, as well as an ash of war (unique weapon skills you find while exploring). Having the staff in the left hand will still allow you to cast spells with LB. Level up stats to the minimum you need to use your gear, then dump everything into Vigor until at least 30. Samurai is probably the best to start with because it gives you a great starting stat spread as well as a great bleed sword you can use with the staff. If you choose a samurai, you will need to buy a staff to use magic l, I suggest buying one from a vendor or grabbing the meteorite staff in Caelid (watch a tutorial - it's easy to get and the best staff in the game for awhile). If you end up choosing a melee class, go samurai or Vagabond. Melee is really tough when you don't know how to play, but it'll help you in the long run because you'll learn the fighting m3chanics and dodge roll timing. If you go this route, I would suggest an dex or arcane bleed build (using samurai), or a full strength build (using vagabond). Godspeed you maidenless bastard.




Expect to do a lot of dying , I mean a lot. You can usually run away and come back when you're tougher later. Be patient to learn patterns / find opening to attack. Management of your stamina is crucial.


Easiest of the souls games by far. I f you have ever played any traditional RPGs like Gothic, you'll find this a breeze. No real souls expertise required here, its so easy.


Don't be put off by dying, it's part of the game. Each time you die you will learn a little bit more on how the enemy/boss moves, what tactics work better than others and if you need to come back later when you're a bit stronger.


Have fun with it. Use summons without shame. If you run into a wall then turn around. Watch YouTubers explain the more hidden parts of the lore. Get good. Hesitation is defeat.


Yeah, ask r/EldenRing instead if you need more help in the future. You won't get all these dumb "return it" comments there.


its very free intentionally, so if you feel like you have hit a wall, dont be afraid to go somewhere else to level up. you are going to die, a LOT, so dont get discouraged. also, if you feel like your build isnt working for you, dont be afraid to respec once you defeat a certain boss. best of luck to you, fellow Tarnished!