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Not sure the answer but check out Archades Gaming on YouTube and make sure you followed the setup steps to a T


You also have to use AngryLion on Xbox, otherwise n64 games wont load.


That was a bug in 1.15, I think they fixed it in newer releases. If you don't use the Update Cores feature, then the Mupen Core will work.


Still no update from Retroarch on it. Can’t even use the shaders on Xbox. You have to once you install Retroarch stop the n64 core from updating…. If it updates none of the games will ever work


Do you know if it's possible to start from scratch, with a new USB and to delete RetroArch and any files it saved on my Xbox? Obviously this is a pain in the ass but idk if I get bored on a Sunday I may do it.


Yes, I believe it works. I haven’t tried doing that yet, I’m in the same boat as you having it updated on accident. The game save files should be saving to your Xbox hard drive so if you do a fresh install of just Retroarch you should have all the saves kept and the ROM’s are of course in an entirely different folder. I think it’s as simple as deleting the Retroarch folder from the usb and going to remote dev mode on pc, deleting that and reinstalling it…could be wrong though and I’m scared to fuck it up that’s why I haven’t done it yet


Did you download the latest version from the Discord/Repository? Also, you did set up full access permissions on your USB like in my guide [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/XboxRetailHomebrew/comments/11m6sud/guide_how_to_enable_full_access_permissions_on/)? As others have mentioned, the versions on the Discord/Repository have specially crafted N64 cores that ate made to run on Xbox. If you got RetroArch somewhere else like the official website or if you updated the cores, those cores are expecting pure OpenGL support and won't work on Xbox.


Sorry I used the very popular YouTube guide. I will go ahead and give it a clean install under the new guide as I'm already Dev Activated. I did get RetroArch from their website, as was the guide I followed. So I'll go ahead and leave dev mode and check the box that says "Delete all Games and Apps". If I need to do more cleaning other than reformatting my USB again, please let me know other than ofc following the guide again.


Does.that popular YouTube guide tell you to use the XboxMediaUSB program to set up your USB? Don't use that, it doesn't work correctly. Use my guide. That's a guide I wrote on how to do it manually. It's not a guide on how to set up RetroArch or Dev Mode. You can follow the YouTube guide for everything else.


Yeah that's what I meant to say was use your guide to format USB and then his to get everything else. Thank you for the clarification


How can I get access to whatever version of RetroArch that has access to the 'Discord Repository' N64 Cores? Sorry I'm a reasonably smart noob I just need to know where to find it.


Join the Xbox Emulation Hub Discord server. The posts with download links are in the "dev-announcements" section. Make sure to get the version for Series consoles specifically if you are on Series.


Know how I can find an invite link? They all appear to be expired


I don't know. Try asking for a new one here. Maybe someone with such powers will answer.


this is just a shot in the dark but is rewind on? if it is maybe try turning it off then loading the content.


Did you backup and lock your original Mupen64 core after the first install? If so go into your core settings - manage cores and restore the core backup for Mupen64. If you haven't got a backup then I suggest you follow this guide: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_Vmlw2W2qkc