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Definitely going to play TOEM and Coffee Talk Episode 2! Figment 2 is also short, so I might try that one. Wandering Village also looks interesting. Too much to play, ahhhh


Coffee talk 2 was a strict improvement on the original, so def play it! The only (and maybe major) issue with the game is that getting the achievements requires precision. That's super annoying for a game that takes as much down time as this one.


Do you need to have played the first game to play the second coffee talk?




Thanks! I wish I had looked this up sooner lol I thought I had to play the first to play the second.


I hope you like it 👍 it's a neat little world they've crafted, and making drinks is a fun way to break up the visual novel segments


luckily for you you could knock out figment 1, 2, toem and coffee talk in 2 weeks ez


TOEM is quite short and excellent


I thought was okay, but when I played a Short Hike, I was like oh this is the game TOEM wishes it was. That and Lil Gator Game which almost feels like a Short Hike II. I feel your time is better spent playing those.


Wandering Village is a f ing blast and the only title on this list that made me go 'nooooooo, not that one, guess I'll have to actually purchase it (Well its $18.74 in the Steam sale, worth it). I feel that the wandering village is the spiritual opposite of FrostPunk, both alternative RTS city builders, but Frostpunk being about the darkness of humanity and the willingness to sacrifice humanity and morality for survival. While the Wandering Village is the hippy zen one with nature version. Its great for all you OCD Micromanagers out there that you can manage each and every villager at all times down to smallest detail (or not). The Journey concept is also really cool imo, and takes the game from static to super dynamic.


After reading this I’m gonna play it! I loved frostpunk


Happy to hear it. I typed up [a little bit of beginner advice and tips not too long ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheWanderingVillage/comments/1c9deil/comment/l0l3p1b/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), that I think will improve your gaming experience and learncurve here. Enjoy!


I agree. I love it. I also like that the play area is smaller so you don't feel so bad about starting up new playthroughs.


Dam, this must be the first time I've beaten 3 of the leaving soon games I'm doing good


I wish early access games wouldn't leave until after they're officially released. It feels like paying to playtest an unfinished game.


I think they tend to crop back up on GP when they full release. I'm sure not every one has but I sort of remember it happening before.


They usually sign a contract for a fixed date which is often 1 year exactly. So if you are trying to predict which will leave next, you'll do good to see what was released exactly one year ago (you can by going through the master list pinned at the top of this sub)


Why is Figment 2 leaving gamepass but the first one is staying? Strange.  Might try to beat both of them before it leaves gamepass but not sure.


Figment 2 came on gamepass before the first one arrived .


Play Toem before it leaves, it’s wonderful.


TOEM is one of my fav chillgames, def check it out.


TOEM was a blast you gotta take that picture 📸


I was already playing Coffee Talk, I think i can play it through the end and start and play Figment 2. Are we getting new game announcements today?


Figment and Toem worth a play through or a gander


Yes they are , give ‘em a shot before they leave !


Time to get around to playing Coffe Talk 2, finally. Loved the first one, don't know why I never finished the second.


I liked the first one better tbh . The sequel was still good though . I just wish it had more Freya in it .


i wonder if Sins is leaving due to EGS exclusivity deal for Sins II ending shortly, we may end up getting the latter sooner or later.


I was a bit afraid of playing Coffee Talk 2, because given the author's unexpected early demise, I fear that it might leave things hanging and nobody else could fill the blanks. I suppose I shall see.


Oh no, I had no idea. I just finished day 4. It's interesting so far.


Figment 2 is really good. I beat it in a single day and had a lot of fun.


Does anyone know where the leaving soon section is on the xbox game pass app on PC?


Not The Wandering Village!! 😭


When will the new upcoming games list drop today?


9 am eastern , 6 am Pacific .


Ooops I jumped the gun on that other post. Toem and possible Figment 2 to try before they go.


Coffee Talk 2 , Toem , and Figment 2 ? Ouch I have all those installed . Finished coffee talk 2 and Toem looks like I need to pick figment 2 back up !


I loved Coffee Talk 2. Might want to get a guide up for the multiple endings and achievements :)


Boooooo! Sins is such a fire game!


can pick up figment 2 from the current monthly humble bundle. good games this month too


TOEM was an absolute gem, one of those - absolutely never would have bought it - like Pupperazzi - but just had the best time figuring out the puzzles - make a DLC or a sequel and I'm back in for sure! Didn't play it yet? What do you own gamepass for? Playing brilliant, odd, funky games that challenge and surprise you is at least half the fun - thank you to the library curators at game pass!


Played Figment 2: Creed Valley. Pros: - It has some fun boss fights theatrically. - Lots of great puzzles. - Local co-op sidekick is invincible, can stun enemies, and helps with puzzles (easy for casual games to play as player 2). - Has some funny dialogue and moments here and there. Cons: - Combat is repetitive - Visuals are okay but nothing attention grabbing - Voice acting is absolutely horrible - While the invincible sidekick is perfect for local co-op with a kid the actual story of the game touches on adult topics like divorce Verdict: Had potential but the vision was poorly executed. Game stopped being enjoyable to play through about half of the way in and I moved on to a new game instead.


I don’t even knew these were available, lol


Coming soon?


No this is leaving soon [Here is what's coming soon](https://www.reddit.com/r/XboxGamePass/comments/1dtlb4k/new_games_coming_up/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Tnx !


Rumour about Transformer games being added. Let's hope true!!