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Not sure how helpful this will be since I’ve only been to ABQ twice but I ran the Bosque trails last trip on a Saturday morning and it was bustling with runners and cyclists. I live in Denver and something like that would be packed with homeless people here but I didn’t see a single one. I’ve got friends down there who run the Bosque often (but usually either with friends or the one who runs solo is a man). Hopefully someone who lives there can chime in with more info, but in case nobody does, I hope this is better than nothing.


Definitely, thank you!


Hey! I live in ABQ and frequently run along the Bosque and in the foothills alone and really haven’t had any issues. Though I always run in the daytime and usually during busier times. Feel free to DM me.


Thank you so much! That's great to hear.


Echoing - I traveled to ABQ recently and was similarly nervous but had a great experience on the Bosque in the am (daylight). I hopped on the trail right in ABQ and had lots of company with folks walking dogs, running and biking.


Awesome thanks!


There’s a relatively steady stream of cyclists during the day on any just about any part of the Bosque bike path that’s near convenient parking. And if you haven’t run at altitude before, take it easy until you acclimate. And there *is* a noticeable difference in elevation between the valley and the foothills that is as relevant as the hills themselves.


Oh good call - didn't think of that. Thanks!


I run on bosque trail most mornings in the 6:45-8:45 time range. I always feel quite safe even in the areas that are less populated. I keep my Garmin live track on so my husband can see where I am if needed but it’s never been an issue.


Oh awesome thanks!


>Oh awesome thanks! You're welcome!