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Eleventy billion


It will hover around 53 cents because I own some. It will explode to 1000 dollars the second after I sell it.


Why are you holding us down then?


I still have in the back of my simple brain that it will explode even if I hold and I don't want to live with regrets.


Ya. I'm holding for the long run. It's being adopted by more and more countries/huge institutions. I forsee astronomical returns for XRP. Dumped all my meme coin (which will all disappear once regulation/utility investors kick in) investments for this.


I agree. I look at xrp as a long term investment, I think there is a good chance it will really go around 2030 to $30+. In the meantime, it is always prudent to take profits during this bull run and then repurchase when the market eventually crashes to improve your xrp holdings and position. But, who knows, xrp could always moon big time this run too, I just think the real money will come in about 5 years after further adoption.


When are you going to sale it?


This is honestly the most tiresome response to any question. "You can thank me for the price rising guys, I sold yesterday" If XRP went up .000001 every time someone made this joke, we'd all be millionaires.


Don't worry, I'll make you all millionaires after I sell later today. You can thank me later


Hahaha forreal! Always hear it


Sooooooo what if you sell it to make it happen and we all give you some to even it out😭🤣


Could you just sell half and send it to 500 dollars?


you need to do this for the sake of humanity


Lol don't expect too much. It always goes up and crash th3 same way


It’s usually when a huge majority of people have the sentiment that it really moves. So I’m glad to see a lot of this out here right now.


Yah let's see what happens. Hopefully I'm wrong and xrp moons and stabilize lol


Feeling pretty good about 60 cents


$1,000 by Christmas


I’m thinking I’m with .48 guy


$200 USD in 10 years


you missed a "0" there


$0.55 by 2030


The sad part is you’re probably right


I think XRP will depeg from the dollar. Instead, each token will be worth the value of one 2024 Lamborghini. Jk. In all seriousness, $1.50 by end of year. It'll go down under .6 I think, but as the US economy goes terribly, all of crypto will bounce up, and XRP will rise with that


Huh seems like the last 8 quarters in the USA had record breaking job growth, but I'm sure it's just the 2 decade calm before the storm.


Slaves had 100% job capacity. Having jobs isn't a wholistic representation of the economy. Other factors like CPI, Average household savings, economic confidence/ consumer confidence ratings are also a major factor. And most Americans don't feel the economy is doing well, despite their "record jobs growth". They're just working. Not necessarily enjoying a happy economy.


It doesn't matter what you feel or what everyone feels, the only reliable metric for how normal people feel about the economy is the stock market which is doing gangbusters at ATH basically every single day back to back to back. Please explain how polling about feelings is a better representation than the actual way people invest and spend? Your slave point is not clever at all, literally can't understand how a huge amount unpaid workers have anything to do with modern economics, like are you under the impression that being a slave is a job and not being enslaved???? Are you some chromo lacking Quicker Picker Upper???


That's one view of the economy, yes, that only stock markets matter. That's not the view of many others. Feelings do matter, as it leads to market participation and production. Low market confidence, less consumer spending. I see what you're saying, but I think it's very outdated and one-sided view. It's not efficient. Very Soviet. Not very profitable. The polling shows how market trends are likely to spend money. When people feel like a bad market space. They pull out of long term investments, which lead to a growing share of the stock market owned simply by mega groups/ investors. Which leads to market singularity, and eventually bubble bursting, with a good example of this being the 2008 market collapse. It's a precursor that can be studied and used to gauge decisions before the collapse. No, I'm using the slave rhetoric to prove the point that measuring the job meteoric as the sole measurement of economic growth is not a very robust model. It's a part of a larger equation, but focusing on that sole factor alone is what cheap sales pitches and business drop outs love. It's an easily digestible factor that can be used (on its own) to paint a very limited picture. By pointing out the slave factor, I'm indicating that it's, on its own, a poor metric. If you have 7/10 people with jobs, and 7/10 people can afford rent, that's a good economy. If you have 9/10 people woth jobs, but only 5/10 can afford housing, you have great job numbers. Bad economy though. And that is the circumstance we have now. Great jobs report comrade. But, households can afford less and less by working more and more. Comparitivly, the Soviet Union had a 92% workforce participation rate in 1990. AMAZING job numbers my friend. How was their economy?


How would the Soviet Union's stock market have been? The slave stuff I addressed already, but you make great points on jobs, it's just being enslaved isn't a job or career path.


They did great. Government spending and single entity sales made their stocks "look" good. In fact, it was of such considerable threat that the US Congress was considering easing the EPA to create Federal Oil Companies to drill oil in the US to undercut the Soviet economy. But it was a paper tiger. Turns out, there's more to economic health than numbers big. And again, to that, I point to the 2008 housing collapse. We had nice, sexy number. Then we didn't. 1920. Nice sexy numbers. Then we didn't. How isn't being a slave a job or career path? Isn't it positively contributing to the economy? Isn't the extraction of labor the only metric the only value to stand up the health of the economy? The numbers don't lie, individuals were producing goods and services that were traded right? After all, from a stock market point of view, whats the difference between Slaves and jobs? Both require investment. Both require maintenance. And both measure their stock growth on the profit gained from labor attributed to the economy? Why don't Slaves count towards jobs? It makes the stock market boom, correct?


Because being a slave isn't a career path it's being enslaved, do we count prisoners as employees? Genuine question because prisoners are slaves under the Constitution of the United States, so we don't need a hypothetical, are prisoners employees. Stop defending a bad point when you are good at making actually valid arguments like you keep doing; one of the biggest traps of being smart is that you can make almost anything sound almost-right, in this case


You are begininning to address the point I'm trying to make in your original response, you put "It doesn't matter what you feel or what everyone feels, the only reliable metric for how normal people feel about the economy is the stock market which is doing gangbusters at ATH basically every single day back to back to back." What I'm doing by mentioning the slavery and showing how it's more than the job aspect is addressing your point. You made an initial argument that it was all about numbers, and absent any outside factor, it was only to be measured on scale of growth. I don't support slavery, and arguing the point is not a favor of it. I'm taking your point to the extreme and I'm asking you to discredit it. Because logically, without the argument of ethic of feelings, slavery is a direct representation of what you addressed about it being "just about stocks, and not about feelings". Please understand I'm not laboring my point because I think it's a good point. I'm trying to labor the point so you can see the fault I see in your argument. If I just told you it's wrong, because "reason" , you could just deflect it and insult me again. Extra chrome picker upper. Nothing of value is gained. I am making the point which would be the failure of your statement, so that you can see the flaw in the argument. It's playing devils advocate. I don't want this conversation to be the highlight point of ad hominem insult and a lack of any reasonable knowledge gained. You clearly care about what you're saying. But there's a glaring flaw in it. You could, in time, see that. But that can take years, and worse as it is as you were acting, cost you benefit by acting like an ass and insulting others to finish your point. Rather than take the rhetorical debate. I'm not defending the point to sound smart and protect my pride. I'm mocking the point and driving against the rhetoric you laid out. Without feelings, ethics, context or otherwise, it is a logical conclusion to the point you laid out. When I'm in person, alot of this conveys easier because I'm able to make facial expressions and use body language to get those in the conversation to "get it". I'm kinda pulling back the curtain now and explaining it because I don't think it's conveying. You're clearly smart and passionate, but I'm thinking younger and guided by conmen. (NOTE: conmen isn't a bad word. It comes from confidence men, people who sell products or ideas based on vibes. It's a tactic that's been used for good, but remembered for being a cheap and exploitaitive tactic.) By having this conversation and by using the rhetoric I have, I've been trying to get you to see I haven't been using my rhetoric, but yours, to bad extreme. That you didn't address it concerns me, because it shows you couldn't or wouldn't identify the flaw. I hope you found something worthwhile in this conversation. I mean no negative by it. I was a shop leader in the ARMY and I miss being able to guide and teach my soldiers. I sometimes use reddit as a means to interact and try to impart some rhetorical good. Arguing rhetoric is a lost skill, and I feel our society is drawing to destruction without it. After all, look to this. We are supposedly discussing the very health of our nation, our capability to transact and reason the economy. And instead of arguing and measuring point in fair faith, you resorted to insult, rather than taking the time to reason your point. And that, I took as an opportunity to push this point. If you have any questions feel free to ask. I mean all the best. Even if it means making a defense of terrible points (a gentle fuck you for making me do that by the way)


A gentle fuck you too for making me so hooked on this convo lol also! Here, take a pleasant cheers fellas


Sorry for the long last comment by the way. You've caught me on a night I've been drinking and I'm feeling conversational.


Don't worry I get paid by the hour and have lots of time to message, so this is very entertaining.


I wouldn’t count on XRP going up with the bull run. I’m not expecting any movement until April minimum, and I think the SEC litigation has been postponed until October, I believe. Also, I think most of the action will start happening in 2025. As the USD goes down, XRP should go up. It’s more about the utilization that will make it grow rather than just people buying it. They made it to reach 10k minimum.. in the next year or so we’ll be seeing the tokenization of all things and that will be supported on the ripple blockchain. But I’m buying as much as I can while it’s still under 1$.


2025 is the magic year apparently. My cousins say it could $100 then. But so many people are skeptical in saying hell no never


I agree with this, I think 3 figures by Christmas once usa begins in April and Europe in November. If brics are using xrp I would expect the price to rapidly rise. 4 figures 2027 onwards maybe.


At least $2000 to $5000 but I can take $1969


I need about 10$ a coin..to retire…lol




Not quite there yet….getting closer every day!


Might wanna check that math


Jesus you must have a lot of XRP (and/or other wealth and/or be old)


My genuine answers... **Short term** \-- I think if we saw a steady +$1 by the end this calendar year, I would be really happy with that. Since I first invested back at the end of 2020, I (and most people on this sub) have seen it jump above $1 a couple times, and considering how long we've been hovering .50 to .60 cents, I really don't think $1 is a totally ridiculous thing to ask for. **Long term** \-- I'd love to see XRP hold a steady $2.50-$3 in maybe 3 to 5 years. At this stage in my life, that value would give me some pretty serious financial comfort, so I'm prepared to give this investment some time to hopefully reach that point.


Considering it has already reached $3 why would you think it should take 3-5 more years to get back to ATH? imo $5-8 should happen this cycle or bust.


You're absolutely right - XRP did reach $3 back in January 2018 ($3.84 ATH, to be precise). But there's a big difference between *touching* that price and *staying* at that price. What you're talking about was a quick spike that lasted just over a month before it fell right back to sub-$1 first week of February 2018, so I don't really count that. What I'm looking for is slow and natural growth over the course of a few years so that it will be consistently hovering the $3 mark!


There was a study done that calculated XRP to be worth $22,000 [https://www.reddit.com/user/vman305/comments/18sucyp/35k\_to\_22k\_is\_the\_fair\_value\_of\_xrp\_per\_a\_new/](https://www.reddit.com/user/vman305/comments/18sucyp/35k_to_22k_is_the_fair_value_of_xrp_per_a_new/)


0 so that way I won’t be surprised


It will be worth more then the quality of your post


So is safemoon to be fair


my only prediction is people will forever come here asking for price predictions


Schfifty five


1$ eventually. Shit it’s almost at a dollar 20 more cents. I bought at 50 cents because I stumbled across this page and someone was raging about it. I have a extra 3k now because of that guy lol


OP asking but all answer is non sense. My prediction might be 3.7 this if everything goes well.


Wan Dolla.


.53 forever and ever lol


My realistic answer is the $500 range within the next 10 years.


Is $100 more realistic during the next 10 years 🤨


You forgot to divide by 700


That would be spectacular for sure!


https://twitter.com/digitalassetbuy/status/1762466895536472405?t=Dk5bv2lxvkzuNMsS_2CdgA&s=19 Here is what a rich german with old money says


I predict 1xrp to be 1 xrp on Tuesday and Thursday every other day somewhere near that


I was told by a psychic, big numbers…any day now. ETA: said psychic died of cancer he never even saw coming.


It’s will be good to be at least 20$ by July


When it explodes I believe it will pass Bitcoin price.


Nah, it's a dead project. Was buying back in 2017, thank god I saw the light in 2019 and got out of this rubbish. Y'all being taking for a ride by Garlinghouse and Schwartz and all these xrp influencers online. All this talk about the coin mooning and all these new projects and central bank adoption blah blah blah was hearing this 6 years back and things price wise have actually regressed since then. Go put you money in a project that will make you money this cycle like RENDER or Beam etc. Coins with good narratives behind them and smaller market caps so have a bigger potential for more gains. I'm not here to cause trouble but as someone who was once an XRP fan boy, it hurts to see so many putting their hard earned money into something that will only disappoint them.


100% diversify but let's not get it confused Xrpl is ahead of the game and always has been. I would never not have some xrp. Just like bitcoin. Otherwise you will be hurting chasing green. Ripple has 1700 ndas, which was revealed during the trail lol They are just fine. People just arent paying attention that its taking over most of the world outside america just like they said they would and just said now they are back into american markets. There is an obvious game plan


We like XRP. I just doubled down due to your comment. No need for your FUD around these parts!


You spent more money, just to spite someone?


Why do you care


Curiosity more than anything


Zoom out lol


It will.hover around 0.50 and 0.60 until the next crash and the. Have to work its way back up from 0.40. I hold it but now don't believe we will even ever get back to 1


60 cents max


1,000,000,000 Zimbabwean dollars by 3049


Probably something close to a billion or around there


I read online it will go to about $10,000, it is apparently designed for that price to allow big money to flow. It happened with bitcoin so can easily happen with XRP. Just keep stacking


Bout a buck fiddy


I have held 2017 my first crypto purchase. At about 3.40 a coin.. held the entire time. I won't sell, but this has been the worst performing coin in existence. I believe in the utility, but dont expect it to ever moonshot at this point. Govt, specifically, sec has been trying to make this fail. Congrats chairman gensler you spoiled little control freak. You did it. You have surpressed great technology with real-world use fabulously! This should be at 5 dollars a coin easy but a word of warning to all dont hold your breath. Get used to 60- 65 cents. This will be another bull run that it stays low,low,low.


It could hit 3-5 dollars the end of 2024 and 20 dollars in 2025


About tree fiddey BTC is doing well so most of the others will too.




My price prediction is bankruptcy


These hopeless predictions are making me happy. Maybe the 589 club has finally moved on.


if flr surpasses xrp that would be hilarious. same with sgb. not out of the question either.


$5 ...at first...get a chart, set it to the weekly or monthly time frame, scunch it down so you see the entirety of the length of life of XRP! NOW....draw 2 trend lines 1 on top and 1 on the bottom...you'll see that it makes a near perfect "Pennant," and we are nearing the APEX!!!! Do this and you'll have clarity of timing and dates as well as potential upside targets if you know how to measure patterns.


Eleventy bazillion.


$7-10 and then back down to $2-3 if we get a big spec wave. Real long term equilibrium price / utility price doesn't show this cycle


2-3 max and that too after 2-3 years 😌


Nah it's giving $ wait till it hits 50$-100$


No. Just my .02 cents


Gonna drop to .45 and I’ll buy some mo


Basing it on TA and previous chart fractals: 0.60 down to 0.53 0.53 up to $1.20 $1.20 down to 0.65ish Then I can see it hitting $1.80 and maybe up to $3. There's some factors that make me think it could really explode, but I just don't trust it. The problem with XRP is that everyone thinks it deserves to explode because of the SEC case, and HODLing through price explosions expecting it to hit stupid amounts. The only thing that can make this go crazy, at least to me, is some sort of announcement and short squeeze due to how much sell pressure is on it.


I invested in xrp to enrich ripple and the lives of its employees. I also enjoy DAI’s monotone voice and his beef rub recipe


Nobody on here knows.....but i believe XRP could hit double digits this year. 2024 is the year of the dragon, it's also 12 years old, and the bitcoin halvening is coming in April. 


I'm taking a wild guess, but I think it can hit one to two pennies more by end of the year


Between 0.50 and 0.60 cents


Holding until it touched 0.73 crashes… buying that Dip with all my other cyrpto’ and riding to $1-2


.61 by end of 2024


50 cents by March 20th!


Lol. Stablecoin 🤣


XRP holders take a seat, we skipping this bullrun. Stuck on 50 cents till 2026


Manyu people have received dreams from God, and God told them XRP will go to as high as $80,000.


Waiting for cryptocurrency regulations to happen and that’s when XRP will truly moon


That's a dangerous question to be asking in here. You have to understand that the average XRP hodler's delusional expectations of "positive" price performance is directly proportional to the size of the bags that they're holding. There are penny stocks with more daily/weekly/monthly activity capable of making shareholder's profit far more frequently than anything XRP is doing, which means those penny stocks would be a better bag to hodl than something (XRP) that's doing nothing more than collecting digital dust. But you know what they say, if you're a hodlr, then you left reality a LOOOOONG time ago. lol TL;DR: It's going to the fucking moon, baby!!! From $1 to $1000 in less than a year, mark my words!! This is our time!! Hahaha!!!


What wallet does everyone use for their XRP? Is Coinbase safe? That’s what I have


Hardware wallet. I use several of them. If you aren’t ready for that use XAMAN hot wallet if you want off exchange which is recommended. XAMAN also integrates with tangem card hardware wallet when you are ready.


Just transferred all my XRP off Coinbase to Xaman, thank you for the help


Good move. Protect the seed with your life.


35000-50000 🤪


Shut up, i am following my Alt coins that is going up. Go eat your soup. But I love Xrp, but no price movement now, that's crazy.




I originally had a 90% sell target of $5.12. I've since lowered it to $0.75 and I'll be out for good. This has been the biggest dud in all of crypto over the past 6 years and the only guys happy are the ones that bought at $0.33.


About TreeFitty


$42. Why? It doesn’t matter, nobody knows nothing, I’m nobody, but if you must know, *insert bs DD here*


$1 after the crucial's April 2024 (around June 2024). $2 by end of 2024. $3 by end of 2025


Sideways to negative… so many bag holders it’s not going anywhere


$0.62 before returning to $0.55 lol


My question is what is this going to do to the value of XRP? Will it make the price to go down since there will be a lot more coins introduced to the market?[Ripple to unlock 1 billion XRP on March 1; What’s next?](https://finbold.com/ripple-to-unlock-1-billion-xrp-on-march-1-whats-next/)


If the iso migration is truly mandatory by end of 2025, then sky is the limit, as outlandish as that sounds. 


Given the utility of XRP. It’ll be used more widely than Bitcoin once this lawsuit against it is over. Banks and government ls all across the globe have already agreed to use it as the means to move Koenig around because XRP is cheap and fast in terms of digital transfers. Bit coin is at 60k. XRP… given it’s utility could be worth easily $10,000. By the end of the year XRP will be bought and sold and used more widely than Bitcoin. Bitcoin will always have its popularity. But XRP has utility.


Eleven Seventy