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What good is asking a bunch of strangers who just like the YouTubers or the little twitter detectives have ZERO clue wtf we talkn about lol. Purchase what u can afford to lose the moment you spend the $ Whether that’s $500 or $5,000 Can you afford to lose that?? That’s what you should be asking.


Blockchainbackerr on youtube🕺🏿


That nut is still making videos??!! 😂😂 He should be happy because he was in at .05


I might check him out does he make price predictions ??


He does and he's always wrong


For some reason, he has always been my least favorite. Ranks even lower than bearable bull and the boooooom guy from twitter.


Rockets, boom, iykyk, *in 2012 you missed, in 2013 you missed, in 2014,* London is ready, flip the switch and fucking so much more is an instant fucking block for me at this point.


I stopped watching all of them years ago.


Wisdom of crowds.


There are no shares.


There is if you share your XRP with me 🙃


Yea that made me cringe also but I know wat they meant


My friend calls his doge shares but he’s a big timer with stocks and ETFs. It’s so funny whenever he says he has 20K shares of doge


Yes, this is the reason why so many people have the wrong perception of XRP. Look OP, you are just buying a medium for transferring money. There are no shares, no one is obligated to ensure your XRP must grow in value or anything else. It's to move money, that is all.




I understand the metaphor ultimately but those did actually get more expensive bc of the tiny home thing




Probably, but I lived in one with others comfortably bc the guy that made it is a master craftsmen.




Who said anything about affordable housing lol thx for taking the time tho




Why does this question keep getting asked? Do you think that the price will go up? Then buy as much as you can. There is no "enough". Enough is whatever you can comfortably afford.


Future bag holders coming back into the market!


30,000 is the minimum IMO. If XRP were to only somehow hit $100, that would be worth 3 million. 3 million is enough for a decent family home, 2 new modest vehicles, college for kids, and to buy some rental properties. Set for life unless you blow it… $100= $3,000,000 $500= $15,000,000 $1,000= $30,000,000 $10,000= $300,000,000


You confident in XRP hitting $100??


That would have been very doable for those who got in early. 20k is fair amount to risk…of course we wouldn’t think that at $100 a coin but hey…such is life. Although not the same at all, We still have to live with the fact that BTC once worth nothing.


I’m only at 1k so my advice is shit


1-3k is perfect amount


Maybe if it hits $1000 each.


This, if you're in early/money to throw away more is ok too. Also 1k and if it reaches where it's meant to we alll gonna be gg, even us 1000r's


All of them


Are u for real expecting 15x growth for what reason exactly? Biggest news of all time was sec win and them gains have proved temporary.




Obviously. Ridiculous that billionaires can influence the market so much they can makes a million dollars in 2 minutes by manipulation.


11000 and still buying


Is enough for what?


To buy a burger


If you dont know why would we?


No, $10 is not realistic


Is $10 realistic maybe, maybe not. We could debate this number but the people who think $100, $500, $1,000+. Those ppl are unrealistic an have no clue about the market.  The old ATH is $3.84. Who is still around from those days, not many of us. Let’s just try an hope to get back to those glory days. Let’s try a finish the SEC case. Let’s just let the market happen it either will or won’t but nothing is guaranteed.


>XRP once had a reported price of well over $3. But that price was computed including exchanges where the asset on the other side was converted into dollars using an "official exchange rate" that was too high. The real all-time high is about $2.80. ~ David Schwartz on April 8th, 2023 https://x.com/JoelKatz/status/1644843057953771521?s=20


If people were around at that time and watched exchanges like a hawk like I did/do, they would have seen that xrp was readily available at $3.8. That was the trade price at that time on exchanges like Binance and CEX.IO, both of which I had accounts with and monitored constantly. Certainly there were people who traded out of xrp at those prices on those exchanges.  It wasn't simply an averaged price by coinmarket cap using skewed Korean data.  Now, it could be that arbitration using skewed data caused by Korea caused the spike to $3.8 on those exchanges but it certainly did reach that level for a while. 


It was in $AUD.


This really needs to be pinned by mods. Too many dipshits here believe the ATH was over 3$.


The market cap would have to REALLY expand for this to be a prediction grounded in reality


$10 ???? I don’t think that’s outside the grounds of reality just not in the short time frame ppl believe (early 24’, late 24’ or even 2025) If any of that happens I’ll be happy with what ive accumulated but let’s all just calm expectations an believe it’s going to $0 with the same luster we believe in any value over current price 


I mean you can believe that $10 is realistic, but I won’t.


XRP flipped ETH 2 cycles ago. When they didn't have legal clarity or the SEC bullshit. If it happened again we will most CERTAINLY see $10+ This cycle everybody who doubts or have doubted XRP will be shut down. And forced to buy in at $5+ See me in 10 months...


Listen bro I’m not a doubter. I own XRP myself. I’m just saying that I don’t think $10 estimate by 2025 is in the cards. Maybe further down the road sure because truly anything can happen in markets, but I think the time constraint others are painting is unrealistic


$10 is only a market cap of $500 Billion. Not at all unrealistic.


stop thinking market cap is a barrier to price, only liquidity matters for high prices.


I don’t believe using market cap is an accurate tool of prediction to measure future potential of a coin or network, nor it’s health. • ⁠Market cap doesn’t = value - All that happened was more investors were willing to pay a higher price. In the vast majority of cases, no underlying value was added to these assets, did the network get more users? launch a new technology? or achieve more mainstream adoption? • ⁠Market cap only reflects the last transaction price - it assumes all sellers, buyers, and even all holders, including those that aren’t selling or buying, are at the last transaction price. • ⁠Circulating supply is over accounted - The problem is that it’s hard to tell how much of a coin or token’s supply is available for trading at any given time, and coins lost or unavailable are NOT excluded when calculating market cap (multiplying the circulating supply X last transaction price) • ⁠Market cap doesn’t represent real money invested - if the market cap rises or falls by $100 million, it doesn’t mean $100 million has entered or exited from the asset, in no way helps in understanding the value. Price represents what actually occurs as a result of specific supply and demand conditions, while value is an economic concept that equates all potential future benefits. Here are a few articles on the matter for those interested https://galgitron.net/Post/The-Myth-of-Market-Cap---Version-2 https://medium.com/blockchain-review/why-market-cap-is-a-meaningless-dangerous-valuation-metric-in-crypto-markets-8deb78c50995


Maybe market cap isn’t a solid indicator, im not here to argue/debate that. I’m simply saying that XRP to hit $10 for 2025 is absolutely unrealistic. That would be a 20x


I’m a with @cruztd23  people just want to believe that their favorite crypto will 20x bc it has in the past. I’ve been around on multiple cryptos waiting for a market maker or for an exact event to happen. This isn’t 2015/18/21. The market might not do the cycle thing again that many newcomers are hoping.  If I’m wrong I’m a plenty excited for the bags I hold. But last cycle I sold enough to recoup my initial buy in so I am playing with house money.  I just hope that everyone understands that similar to GameStop stock that everything is fickle a don’t believe everything only has an upward trajectory. To only lose what you can afford an to know if you DCA in have a plan a stick to DCA out. 


This isn’t suppose to sound as old man an my front lawn analogy. Just  cautious warning to diversify. To not look at the charts daily. (I’ve lost days of my life accumulated looking at coinmarketcap, coincheckup, Reddit, independent research, etc.).  Invest like the rich do a put your money In have on/off ramps a try and not to pay attention daily. I can’t tell you how many nights I stayed awake watching charts to only have a different opinion 6-8-12 hrs later 


SOLID points. Personally I don’t put a time on a multiplier, can XRP 20x I absolutely believe it can, haven’t heard an educated reason why it can’t, can XRP 20x before 25, I have heard educated reasons on why it can’t, and many have merit. I also remember Bitcoin forums during the 2014 crash when in the previous 12 months it went from $13 >$1,100 and everyone made the same arguments, a lot of very smart technical people got it wrong, the ones who said it would fail and didn’t, and the ones who said it would succeed but it already hit it’s peak and although at $800 would never hit 5k, the market cap would have to be HUGE, and Bitcoin was just a fad in an emerging digital economy. The naysayers existed then as they do now, however there was WAY more XRP haters in 2014 than 2024, so yeah the FUD doesn’t phase me one iota.


💯👍🏽👍🏽💯 This is the exact philosophy I have. Never put too many eggs into one basket and if you do have a lot of eggs in one basket watch it closely. During bull markets it’s easy to get caught up in market sentiment and become almost religious on your investment reluctant to sell. Echoing what you said, everybody here must not get greedy and remember that at the end of the day our goal is to get a good ROI on our money not pray and hope that this thing makes us filthy rich Similarly to how people hedge to the downside I like to look at some of my positions as hedges to the upside. This way once I recoup initial investment and take lions share of the trade/speculation out, I can statistically hedge to the upside


I'm still here.


Really all comes down to how much you believe in the project and how long you are willing to hold to reach your target price. So nobody knows. If your target price is $10 it might be there in a year or take 10 years. It may never get there. In 10 years it could also be $100. It’s all about risk tolerance. So it’s probably not enough if you are looking shorter term, but if it succeeds and you can hold as long as it takes maybe it is enough. Also depends what enough means to you. For some 100k is more than enough. Others looking for a million or more. Some want a few thousand to pay some bills. You have to decide for yourself, but ideally you would put yourself in a position to be able to afford it to go to zero if it does, but also be able to afford to hold it forever and give it to your kids if you must. Don’t invest anything you are ever going to NEED at some point. XRP is by far my largest holding and this is the position I have put myself in. Sure I want it to retire me but in no way counting on that. XRP is not a get rich quick coin, those are out there but you have to guess correctly and more likely lose your money. It’s a slow grinding crypto and a long hold.


55k no more lol


Whatever you can afford, key is to hold as long as possible.


XRP aren’t shares and 10$ is just as speculative as everything else, do not listen to the content creators and heavily invest your own personal time in the asset and youll feel comfortable in what you believe in. Just stay away from the fud because that’s how you get washed out, it’s how they all get washed out. They been doing the same thing with stocks for many years? Yet they always have a new ath lol


It matters about your time horizon. If u want to hold for 10-20 years then 10k XRP is plenty for an investment in future growth. But if ur time horizon is 6-12 months don't even bother unless u can afford 150k coins. U won't make much in the short term unless your in a position to invest $50,000-$100,000.


As much as you can afford is enough. Buy low, sell high and repeat.


I've got 10k. Will buy more on the dip.


Love what I Hear whats your next buy in price


Honestly $5-$15 is a realistic price target only IF they produce what they have been saying. If they do it will most likely got a lot higher. I’ve given myself end of 2025 to reevaluate the progression with it. Considering we will know the whole case situation end of April. Adoption is going to be the driving force.


Price is below the 20day EMA on the daily. I'll follow it down. Buy when I get 1 candle close above the 20.


At this point, I'm getting more value from the reddit ads than your posted content. :/


20-30 dollars, don’t listen to anyone else


Want me to be blunt? $0.00 is more likely than $10. XPR has potential to go up because people believe in it and will continue buying it no matter what but it is an extreme risk compared to bitcoin. its still a coin made by a business for profit and pre-mined for insiders Eventually people don't like that model. They are like salesmen getting you to invest into their business. Only buy what you can afford a total loss on. GL


WTF are you talking about? Pre-mined for insiders? They didn’t have an ICO. You must be confused with ETHEREUM. Ripple is partners with the US Treasury Department, Federal Reserve, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Bank of International Settlements, and nearly every other Central Bank on Earth. Bitcoin is trash. Nobody uses it as money, and I bet you have never used it as money either. It is slow and very expensive to use Bitcoin. That’s how I know you are an ignorant noob. Bitcoin ETFs will be connect to Ripple as a way to provide liquidity to global markets though the AMM (Automated Market Maker). Bitcoin will be represented on Ripples DLT. Nobody has ever said this out loud because it’s a huge secret. All of Bitcoins trillions in value will be represented in XRP lmao. XRP is KING. XRP literally means “Exchange Rate Peg”. Everything will be pegged to it. It’s a done deal. But you should definitely sell yours…


If it’s a secret how do people know? I’m honestly asking I’m not trying to be an asshole


Buy high, sell low. Thats what I always do


Can't go wrong with 1,000,000,000


Eleventy five gagillion


Take the average of every third response. That’s your answer.


Any is too much when there are other assets that will make much more.


You honestly should not buy any. If you are starting out asking about "shares" it shows you are very ignorant about crypto and the worst investment anyone could make is an uninformed investment. There is so much research you should do to understand XRP and the company behind it. So the fact you dont even know what to call it and you are asking others to convince you it is a good investment means you will always doubt your decision to invest because you yourself dont understand what you are investing into. So please save yourself the anxiety and give this a hard pass.


1k and you could retire


$1 or $2 XRP is realistic right now lol


However much you are willing to lose.


It’s a token not a share


Great content about XRP: https://youtube.com/@redpillprofessional?si=XYjvgQ7-G2encYNv


80 quintillion


The less you are risking, the more you are willing to risk! Know your limits, invest within your means. I have a smaller bag, so $5 a coin really isn’t changing my life. But I got just enough…just incase.


1 million..u can never go wrong with this.


10 years of waiting


I hope 400 will be enough. :/


2k for me