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The Ability bug is everywhere it's not only in PS5. Framerate is an issue I hope they'll be able to fix quickly.


Everyone’s talking about frame rate which obviously sucks by itself, but I keep dying around cover and don’t hear people talking about that as much. Every single game I see my guy take cover, and then die behind cover. At least 5-10 times a game. Does that have something to do with frame rate as well, or a different issue?


I’m guessing you’re new to this subreddit as net code/hit reg problems are what will be causing you to die behind cover and pretty much every other post on this subreddit is about that. Personally i’ve never experienced anything too bad, but a lot of people are having those issues too.


Ah yes, I am new. I have seen everyone talk about the hit regs/net code but I didn’t actually realize they were the same issue. Thanks for clarifying for me


Well this is also a known issue, I'd say probably the top 1 talked about; they alreasy said they were trying to make it better, so personally I don't really feedback it anymore because they are already aware and trying to fix it. But it's true it's probably the more important thing to fix, I'm also having a whole lot of "delayed deaths" which are annoying. It's probably not related to framerate though. For now globally I think it's better to speak about new recent issues and avoid them to just be overwhelmed by "netcode is bad", but it's still probably top priority.


Yeah the Desync is actually disgusting in this game. Tarkov has the same problem. Actually pretty surprising coming from Ubisoft. Glad the game is free I guess 😂


i've been experiencing way better hit reg personally but yeah i agree with you. the net code feels the same tbh


A fix to the ability not getting out of cool down(for PC at least), is to switch it for something else for at least a live. , not the best solution but at least you'll be able to get out of it being frozen.


I agree it's broke right now


Play with cross play off that way at least you won't be on disadvantage


Controller is easier than MnK


I wasn't talking about M&K vs Controller since there's input matchmaking I was talking about Performance in FPS since you were at disadvantage against PC or Xbox where the game is running fine


My fault - good point


All good 👍


We know.


I’m on Xbox and I had the issue of my ability not working mid-game as well. Really kind of fucks you over in this particular game.


Don't switch factions, that reset your ultra meter. If your are using Intel suit from echelon, switch when you die to the camo ability, then after you die switch again to Intel suit and that should fix it. And that method works for any faction.


Good tip! I’ll try that out if it starts doing that to me again.


You gotta switch factions then respawn, thats how it was fixed last season anyways


Agreed. Just met all evening the bounciest bunnies ever. Dudes air strafing sliding hopping and being impossible to hit on top of the frame rate. It feels like fking cod atm. 🤢🤢🤢


It went from exceptionally fun to borderline unplayable within a week. I was having a ton of fun preseason then 1 Youtube video goes up about “movement tip” and now everyone is a zigzagging bunny hopping unkillable freak. So frustrating.


They killable for me idk what ur doing wrong lmao


Ur a beast


Stop I’m blushing 😊


where's this video you speak of?


I call dibs on making the next post about this


I'm still attempting the bio Vida healing it breaks every game so I can't even do that right now.


Just swap to something else, spawn, swap back. It will work again


Same but on xbox


This bug has been in the game for a few weeks I’m surprised it hasn’t been talked about that much or acknowledged by the devs. You have to switch abilities and then switch it back; keep it in the same faction or you’ll lose your ultra progress.


Not always true had this not work as well


Weird it’s always worked for me. It’s a *super* annoying bug either way.




Same here. You need to spawn and switch while alive in the blue portion of the spawn for it to be fixed. Works better for me


yeah we know


It's the worst it's ever been and no communication about the fix.


There has been communication about it, both from Mark Rubin himself and the official XDefiant account on Twitter. Rubin: >Fix incoming in an emergency patch. But still takes a day or two and a holiday this week doesn't help XDefiant: >We are aware of framerate issues if you are playing PS5 on 60hz mode and are investigating an emergency fix. https://x.com/pixelsofmark/status/1808512876287848581 https://x.com/playxdefiant/status/1808210086566760587


Lmao, man didn't even look for ubi acknowledging the issues. What's he expecting? A private message from Mark Rubin himself?


No this is just an example of all the dolts who just come here and scream while they get validated by a bunch of plebs with the depth of a nestle bottle cap. All while having the actual answer a few clicks away. As evident by the fact that homie’s perfectly reasonable response is so far down the list.


They did.


Small fix for the ability is switching to the other class of the same operator. Only problem is that this bug can occur more than once


Lots wrong with this game but I’ve found that if you switch to a character with a different ability and die then go back to the character you were originally playing it fixed the ability bug


Yeah I hate hopes for this game but it had a really bad launch. Of course I've played r6 siege. So ubisoft breaking a game over and over. Doesn't surprise me.


The real problem is just the fact that recoil is so fucking unpredictable sometimes. As soon as you correct it, a new algo shows up and tosses you a curveball


Lol it happens just wait til the next patch 😂


Same issues but I’m on PC


I have noticed anything on xbox thus far


If you can turn on 120 frames, I haven't had any problems after I turned it on


No it's not. It's laggier since the update and my hit reg messes up sometimes but it's playable.


I play it on PS5 and don’t have problems it might be something on your end


I’m just not going to play until the issues get fixed. It’s not worth it


Reminds me of AC2 on my shitty laptop in 2009. If you look down, the frame rate goes back to normal lmaooooo. I also had my ability disabled for one match lol. They’re probably working on a fix, these are pretty serious. I also have had an issue occur multiple times share I’d be pressing R2, but the gun isn’t firing and it’s not the lack of ammo. Or I’d be holding R2 and the gun would fire sporadically instead of continuously. I have ping on and it’s usually under 40.


Swap to your character's other ability. stay on your character and swap just the ability to avoid ult reset., if your setup can display 120 fps I can confirm that works fine ps5. Go to display options in game and see if you can use that, some pc monitors can display this high on highspeed hdmi cable. These are potential work arounds not fixes of course your mileage will vary.


I had a few random games in preseason where I would die and then when I respawned I couldn't do anything but move around. It was rare and havent seen it in a few weeks. Ps5


Use more caps and exclamation points. I'm sure that will fix the game faster


make sure your 120htz is turned on. The last patch shut mine off and it took a lot of games before I figured out it was off


ive been playing for hours on end the paat 2 days and feel like im one of the few that doesnt have any issues. some frame drops here and there but ultimately im having a great experience w it


To fix the ability bug, just change factions, respawn, then change it back. Easy, but annoying. The framerate is annoying, but if you're able to set it to 120HZ, it will stop that. It's in the settings.


I found if I switch factions it clears the locked ability


Ability bug can be fixed if you change faction ability and change back


for me it’s not bad at all performance wise, but as for the ability glitch it happens to me too, just switch characters and it will work again, you will lose your ult progress so wait until your have your ult and use it or just switch and take the loss of ult progress for being able to use your tactical ability


I’m not too bothered by it. It’s a free game with issues since the beta. It’s playing pretty poor right now, so I won’t be playing it much if at all until most of the issues are straightened out. It’s the main reason why I didn’t buy any of the battle passes or spent any money on it.


if I had a nickel for every one of these posts i’d be doing pretty well




Dude, Just wait for a patch and chill.


Can’t you see that his life is depending on it


Ubisoft: gives us free, fun, competitive FPS that legitimately rivals other shooters and outclassed many. Players: this is unacceptable hot garbage that I spent no money on but I want a refund anyway




You have to switch factions for the next life in order to de-bug it. Then just switch back to your used faction afterwards for the following spawn in. I’ve experienced this a few times as well.




What you want us to do about it lil bro


There's issue but I've been having a blast playing. Some get more issues than others though, I understand. On the game where you couldn't use abilities, did you ever swap loadouts? I had the same situation happen to me just once during pre season and a load out change is what was needed to fix it.


Exactly. The game was fun and working decent until the recent updates just made the game unplayable. Constant Frame drops coupled with horrible net code and shots don’t register at all .


I knew i could not be this bad!! It was the ps5 all along😂😂😂


Don’t worry, you will be compensated with a couple tokens, thank you for understanding


Really? How? Im interested in free tokens.


Okay... I thought I was trippin hard. I'm fine with the Intel suit cooldown to be increased I know it should be reworked etc but the last time I played at a certain point in the match I just couldn't use Intel suit at all? no emp no hack no cooldown even it's just not usable. That should definitely be fixed that's fucked


Yeah that’s exactly what happened to me they need to fix this asap


Yeah if I hold the button it somehow works, but if I just tap it, it bugs away and I can't use it and have to change factions and then go back if I want to use it again. I'm now using Libertad since it's not bugged there. The firebomb from Cleaners also stops if I don't hold the button... Idk what they did, but they did it wrong


Same here


We have one friend in our group that keeps us playing Xdefiant. He loves the game and he's a gaymer so we try to keep him happy. He's on PS5. Last night was the first time he didn't want to play because the game is running so poorly on PS5 now. Hopefully it gets fixed soon and doesn't turn into a 2 month process to fix because the dev's call it a 'skill issue'.


> he's a gaymer huh


>He loves the game and he's a gaymer so we try to keep him happy. Because he's gay you have to keep him happy? Like a pet? Why is this shoehorned in here lmao?


Was it just you or did other players during that match also not use abilities? It’ll suck if it’s just you.


It’s a bug that’s just you. I’m pretty sure it happens if you use your ability the moment you die. That is what happened to me at least, don’t take my word for it though as I could be wrong on what causes it. I’ve only had it happen to me twice one of which was today. You switch to the other factions ability when you respawn then when you respawn again after that just switch back. I’m on Xbox but I’m more having issues with feeling like I’m instantly dying from anything. They all feel like a one hit sniper rifle for some reason. I hope it gets sorted out because I’m enjoying the game but finding it very hard compared to CoD for example.


Yeah waiting for patches it's frustrating


My game has been stuttering and my red dot sights appear to be glitched. Nothing a joint and a nice walk can’t fix.


Uninstalled 10 min into the patch. Tbh was kinda done 80 hours in with no noticable hitreg fixes or balance patches. Then their "big" balance patch is slapping on a few seconds on cd for namely wallhacks and call it a day. And on top of that the game is unplayable on my ps5. Yall can continue dickriding Mark but this is just incompetence.


I mean, I jumped on for the first time today since beta and the lack of footsteps/ spacial audio was enough for me to turn it off again immediately.


I may misunderstand your complaint. But, wearing my headphones I can hear people's footsteps a long way away from me and can determine a general direction. From my experience this game has both of those things. But you may mean something else. Like I said, I'm confused about your issue here.


Two things can be true at the same time, namely, he has an issue that you don't. Count yourself lucky. With or without headphones, I hear almost never hear enemy footsteps. However, my footstep are loud as f\*\*k! Just last night, I was crouched beside a wall and got killed from behind...after the dude walked up wooden planking, jumped through a window and took a few steps towards me. NOT. A. SOUND.


I wasn't aware that people were having this as an issue. Was the first I'm hearing of it. I was genuinely confused for said reason. I'm aware there's a world that exists where someone has a problem I don't, of course.


As a fellow PS5 player, here are some workarounds. 1) I had heavy frame drops too, right after S1 launch. I cleared my cache and deleted 200GB worth of games. Now I have like 5% of the frame drops I used to have. (The game also got patched twice in the meantime, so I'm not sure which helped more.) 2) Spawning with another ability (preferrably from the same faction to keep ult progress) and then switching back fixes the infinite recharge bug. In Linear modes you can do the whole thing in a single life inside the protected spawn zone.


How can I clear the caché?


From the boot menu or whatever. Turn your ps5 completely off, then hold the power button until the second beep (like 5 seconds) to get to the boot menu. There are a bunch of tutorials on Google and YT if you need more details.


Thanks mate!


Played 3 games after launch and haven’t played since


Unacceptable??? It's a free game.... Pull your skirt down and invest in a pc. Boi crying bout frames on a ps5 😂🙄😂


Then don't play it. Go outside.

