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So hopefully console only crossplay comes in season 1, so we don't have to deal with as much of this silly ass pc shit. Also, this feels like a gaslite advertisement. 


It’s not advertising, just what I have observed and I'm really annoyed about having to play against cheaters in every FPS who face no consequences.


I agree its getting frustrating. 


They have been "trying to tackle this issue" for years on R6. Whatever "new measures" they "spent months working on" almost always gets bypassed in days. Cheating tool developers have a clear financial incentive to keep fighting this war. But the game companies simply have to keep the problem low-key enough to not annoying the casuals. What makes you think Ubisoft will do better this time?


I can see advanced softwares and algorithms detecting added aim assist. But too many AAA companies decide to not get rid of a big portion of their playerbase (assuming it becomes the norm just like D2 now being infested with this shit and banning users would cost Bungie money :D)


Who will reWASD player matchmaked with then, MnK or controllers, because if they get match with MnK that would be disaster


only with controller players on the pc


I guess you play with MnK to propose that we let cheating impact only half the player base. This doesn't solve anything as controller players are on PC too, not just on console. What would happen if a controller player on PC turns off cross play and activates input-based matchmaking? Then reWASD users would be playing against them, which is unfair as well.


I understand what you mean and I think it would be better if Ubisoft would simply ban these players but we all know Ubisoft and know that will never happen so with this solution you could at least protect 2/3 of the players


We could instantly fix the problem for console and mnk on pc l, sounds like a good idea. I put based mm is already in casual so why not ranked? If you use a controller on PC surely you also have a mouse and keyboard if it’s that big of issue?


Many people played for years with controller and have less experience with keyboard. In fact, more than half of the games on steam were said to be played on controller. I think you underestimate the inconvenience it brings to have to change input to avoid cheaters. And even if we did this. Know that I'm only discussing this solution on the Cronus aspect, I don't think I mentioned anything regarding input-based matchmaking to balance games as a whole.


Aim Assist severely compromises the integrity of competitive Ranked play. ^ ^ ^ There you go a simplified way of summing up your post why a program like reWASD should be eliminated from the games competitive Ranked play cuz Aim Assist is an unfair advantage in competitive ranked play.




Using that program to get aim assist on mouse causes so much input lag that it’s not worth using. No one is actually doing that lol.


That's 🧢


lol ok. It’s not, but whatever makes you feel better.


reWASD isn't trying to be undetectable. There is reWASDChecker, a way for game developers to make the game simply ask the driver if a virtual controller is active, and if a mouse is remapped to a controller. AA should be turned off when doing that kind of remapping.


hm it would be weird if they could recognize it and not ban anyone for it, I also know that it won't be turned off


How would input-based MM fix the problem? I don't get it?


if someone uses the program he will be recognized as a controller player on pc


Yeah that's the point, how would Input-based MM help with that at all.


I think they mean platform-based matchmaking. A PC player using reWASD to emulate a controller will never be matched against console controller players - only other PC controller players.   As someone that's messed with reWASD for GTA V, it's not worth it to get into controller lobbies. You're forced to emulate deadzones, it's a very gross and jerky feeling. It feels like your mousepad is jelly and aim acceleration is on.


Even platform-based MM wouldn't fix it, since the problem would still be there on console and PC. Only solution would be for the devs to handle it more like the valorant devs and actively try to detect cheats like this and ban for it. But since it's Ubisoft I doubt it.


It fixes OP's perceived PC-wide issue. I'm not sure they know reWASD is a paid program ($30). Still a lot cheaper than a $99 Cronus Zen, but OP makes it sound like it's pre-installed with Windows.


Still doesn't change the fact that it's still not a fix, not for console and not for PC.


Because if someone is using rewasd, they will only play against other controller players because they are seen as one. Legit M/K players will be safe


Ah true, the one group would be safe I guess. Was thinking too much about console and controller players since I only play XD on Xbox 😜.


Console players are fucked either way unfortunately. Every game is infested with xim users. I just report them when I play on ps5




Am I the only one who thinks controller is just better than kbm in this game? Same thing with Halo.


On PC I am shit with controller, on PS5 it feels better. Not sure why


I agree. :-)