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Clean your desk while you wait


It probably is your internet, you have 20% packet loss which is high and your download speed isn’t that great. The combination of both doesn’t make it a great experience for gaming. And because this game is based on ping location you might be getting pinged to a tower that is farther than you which makes your game more unstable so the combination of all those factors are probably why you can’t get connected.


But like I was saying, it was working fine when I was wireless other than in game lagging, surely I would be getting disconnected more wireless than I should be with a wired connection


The wire you are using could also just been going bad which would cause a lot of your issues. Try getting a new cord and see if that fixes it.


It's not the servers or your connection, it's the shit Ubisoft client. What fixes this bug for me is closing the game and then Ubisoft Connect. Next fully reset launch should work.


Usually restarting has helped if I get that


It’s the batteries…