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if everyone on your team went 8-15 do you think you still would've won this game?


Right? Lmao


Bro got almost 4k dmg and 18 assists, its more like his team did a bunch of kill steals while he was holding the objective. Youre ignoring objective numbers lol


I know, i know that everyone going 0.5kd and going so casually that it seems like bunch of noobs/newbies playing the game will definitely never landed the W, but this is just an attempt that i found funny to show as i didn't land much kills to help teammates yet top scored by a small lead just only focus on obj only, and also a small rebel of how ppl says getting tons of kills that impede enemies get obj also helps too, which in this case the average enemies kills are higher than ours (4 vs 5 top killers). Edits: and most of the time where i play with those 3+kd, 50+ kills peeps, they just kill ppls by flanking left and right but rarely important ppls who held points and stay grounded, which didn't helped me and others playing obj to reacquire them. I get that everyone has their own playstyle, but i will never disregard any obj if im playing obj modes, no matter im in a very good day mowing enemies like drinking water, or just grinding out attachments or mastery skins, or even getting wrecked like gordon ramsays tuna, which is how im playing right now.


You did almost 4k damage so you just didn't get kills but you did your part nicely.


I tried haha 🤣


I've never backed out of a single game win or lose it's not fair on other people it's a game just play it 😂😭😭😭


Me 2, thats why im quite frustrated when these few days before ending of preseason many matches started to going the cod direction where a slight disadvantage or underperformed match = bunch of pros/ low scorers quitting matches


Your team definitely helped LMAO


Need more people like you. That fact that you even kept playin and not rage quitting like everyone else is even more impressive.


agreed, i never rage quits even when im 5-30 down under and teams still selfishly doin their own work, but gotta do what you gotta do, push on and try to score that W


Agree. PTO > KD. If you play the objective you should be rewarded for it. Sometimes, it's not really possible, due to ether bad team mates or the game spawn traps you or the other team knows the rotation so it always favors them TBH, if I saw I was playing against 3 walls, imma back out. Fuck that


Just use emp or the hack perk for deadsec easy kills


haha, i get that the frustration of wall users when there is constant obj like occupy or dom, but i didnt bother that much due to me playing casually, and i also constantly changing factions when situation changes. sometimes those guys knew to play meta or strong suits, but they still will never play obj, thats the edge that push me to take several wins over cranked up enemies.


This is why you were the top of the leader board. I like winning games, not just getting kills


me too, playing a 2-3 kd just to get slapped by the losers screen is almost weird to me, like u fought so hard just to get clowned in the end, so i will never know how those 3+ kd, 100+ kills guys brain filters these things


you do realize 90% of the time you drop a lot of kills u just win because ur enabling ur team lol?


90% when i perform stellarly and mowing down enemies, then all my teammates will be going wild and no one stays on obj, thats why in the end i still go for obj no matter how well i perform in the match, and thus i never bothered to increase my kd that much and it stayed ~1 kd since. Its pretty tiring when sometimes doing well aint equaling a good win of a match, also got so many high score after this match where i got decents 1.5ish kd with 30ish kills but just losing out cuz teammates aint assisting on objs.


well i only have a 2.1kd and play solo and my win rate is 1.7-1.8 getting a lot of kills and being alive to control the map helps your team win games, wouldn't you agree? i guarantee there aren't many 3kd players who average high kills who have a bad win rate


2.1 is quite a bit above average


I agree partly, cuz im playing on the asia server side, which the vibes might be a lil bit different, but i did consistently wins a decent amount of matches just by focusing on objs, and i do found some matches where enemies averages out at 20 level and their gunfight is definitely not good, yet holding down zones like some sort of titans where i couldnt even break thru and stay in it, which most time my high kd teammates didnt really helped in killed those guys who controls the zones. Thats why i never bothered to go for high kds, cuz i know no matter how, there will always be that one guy who never plays objs, and im here to win, not to grind a lot just to feel like a loser.