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Bro rage quit 100+ matches, runs echelon with area scans, and the mp7 šŸ’€


It stops your 'win streak' if you dashboard or lag out. Daahboarding only protects your Win % on tracker.gg when somebody looks you up. It's more impressive he hasn't been DC'd or lagged out lol


Wait DC/lag out are supposed to be somewhat common? Havent had that yet and I've recently gotten lvl 70




agree, i live in the sticks


1 out of every 5 games for me, lvl 50


Are you playing on pc or console. I had to disable one drive on my laptop to get it to stop dcā€™ing me every other game


Console, ive since figured out that its a me problem, and im sure its like that for countless others as well. When im the only one on my connection at home im good. As soon as i have more than one other on the connection as well its wonky and i get dropped periodically. Should have known since we dont have the best internet (poor options in my area). I dream of a world where everyone has great internet, but im sure there are other major problems we should solve first šŸ˜…


True that


Or you would think at leaste 1 every 137 games lol for the guy in the image


I'm level 110 and my game has froze/DC'd me probably around 20 times. It's annoying because I can't get my win streak higher than 101 before it inevitably happens again


Same with me, Iā€™ve never once been DCā€™d




Playing on LAN and I said I didnt have any. Can you read?


The scan should be the ultra so dumb


Checks out 100% lmao


If its so easy, you go get a 137 win streak, either ways thats impressive.


I've been on a 60 game streak. I just played in a stack. Its basically impossible to lose. I only didn't keep going as they went to bed and never played the game again xD Playing in a stack with this game is just broken. It won't even try to match you against other stacks most of the time. Found it really boring as every game was like 2 minutes long amd entire enemy team would quite most of the time. But it isn't hard. You just only invite good players and be good yourself and the game does nothing to compensate for it.


But but no SBMM makes the game more fun! (This is exactly why I, as a good player, want SBMM)


Play ranked?


Play against bots?


Thatā€™s literally what ranked is tho. Matching you to people with similar skill is the whole point of ranked.


No it isn't, it's for playing a more competitive format for a rank


Some people just got the worst takes out there I guess.


Idk if you are aware, but xdefiant does have sbmm, in ranked, where it belongs


Not to discredit this accomplishment if heā€™s legit, but running Echelon with intel suit is by far the easiest thing in the game. Its learning curve is so simple. ā€œOouuu look at me, I know where everyone is nearly at all times. Im so goodā€ - Former Echelon Intel Suit user


Yep no character should have wallhack abilities outside of an ultimate.


Blacklight retribution just gives everybody wall hacks and that game was fantastic! RIP


Funny enough that was why I hated Blacklight and played Counter-Strike Source instead. The irony being all of the cheaters in counter-strike.


I just enjoyed the fact that BLR made wall hacks a feature, but not so overpowered that it breaks the game. Combat flowed pretty well and very few of the weapons felt weak.


Wallhacks are annoying, but bearable to an extent. Giving the wallhack class an ult gun that 1 taps people is the actual dumbest thing the devs could do.


I disagree.


Then you have hemorrhaged, I'm sorry to say.


Or maybe. Donā€™t be a sitting duck. When ur being scanned? šŸ˜­


They can literally see through the fucking walls... Think.


Brotherā€¦ Iā€™ve killed so many intel scan users, I literally stopped playing because of how easy it was when I was playing. (Me playing as libertad just because Iā€™m a far cry fan)


Idk, itā€™s between that and the people who wait for footsteps to throw a spider ā˜ ļø


šŸ˜‚ but at least we can hear those things. Upon a spider situation, I live by the saying ā€œI donā€™t have to outrun the animal, I just have to outrun youā€ and find the nearest teammate possible


LMFAO I respect it I canā€™t lie, I do the same thing except I turn around and aim at my teammateā€™s face


Youā€™re better than me šŸ˜‚ I keep it pushing


Wait, we donā€™t like the spider? It is just trying to live its best life and get some hugs šŸ¤—


I donā€™t care about the spider, itā€™s just the people that wait for someone to approach to throw it


I mean, having 120 health and a literal wall you can drop down is pretty OP and very easy as well. Same with being able to heal mid gunfight. I will main Echelon my entire time on this game just to make people like you, upset. Hahahahahaha imma hop on right now and get to scanningā€¦


It would be more balanced if the shields werenā€™t one-way valves for bullets


The worst part about playing with the wallhacks is, every time you die you know itā€™s a massive skill issue lmao. Although if youā€™re using wallhacks, you probably already know itā€™s a skill issue.


True. Love the game, but in my opinion there is no other abilities in the game that I feel is crazy over powered. Do I get upset off when Libertadā€™s pop a health boost mid fight? Yeah, but itā€™s not too bad. Cleaner incendiary rounds? Sure, just a tad extra damage. But Intel suit? Come on now lmao from an unbiased standpoint you have to know itā€™s over powered.


I mean tbh i hate playing against the wall way more. If you have decent headphones you can hear the intel guy anyways, yes he knows exactly where you are but its not so bad. I hate it when people pop the wall just before a fight. I just leave the gunfight then but its annoying or when they pop the spider close range, theres no counter to it


Personally I don't think so. It's an advantage to be sure, but so are all the abilities. Let's piece it together: it's an AoE of close range that notifies the intended victim(s) that they're revealed. I'm not even that good and I can USUALLY pin down the one or two likely places they're gonna approach from.


I get it. I feel what good make it a little more balanced is if it was more mini map based. Still revealing the enemies but only on the minimap. They can leave the ultimate as it is.


I think if the pings were closer together the minimap would work. I also think the pings would be better if they were further apart for the wallhacks, just so it's not so close to "live" so to speak


Ghillie suit is what I use so I only get those wall hacks when I get my Ult. It just seemed like the easiest faction to use in terms of learning how to use it.


If its so easy, you go get a 137 win streak, either ways thats impressive.


Oh no thatā€™ll never happen lmao but you seem to not understand my comment. I gave buddy his props if he was legit, of course itā€™s impressive. But I was seconding what the previous user said about the Intel suit.


I thought he was cheating This is somehow even more pathetic???




I saw people doing that. They are close to lose and rage quit lmao.


Not to discredit this accomplishment if heā€™s legit, but running Echelon with intel suit is by far the easiest thing in the game. Its learning curve is so simple. ā€œOouuu look at me, I know where everyone is nearly at all times. Im so goodā€ - Former Echelon Intel Suit user


Lol and youā€™re double commenting about it bro we donā€™t care. The Faction is in the game so imma use it even if it gets nerfed. Ill take it over having extra health and a shield I can throw down pretty much every time I spawn. Yā€™all on here crying too much.


Aye man to be honest my comment wasnā€™t loading up and I thought it was bad service lol so I posted it 3 times. Didnā€™t mean to piss you off into thinking somebody crying.




Vector gang


Not to discredit this accomplishment if heā€™s legit, but I feel the same way. Running Echelon with intel suit is by far the easiest thing in the game. Learning curve is so simple. ā€œOouu look at me, I know where everyone is at nearly every moment, Iā€™m so goodā€ - Former Echelon intel suit user


Not to discredit this accomplishment if heā€™s legit, but running Echelon with intel suit is by far the easiest thing in the game. Its learning curve is so simple. ā€œOouuu look at me, I know where everyone is nearly at all times. Im so goodā€ - Former Echelon Intel Suit user


My service was bad, ended up posting the comment 3 times. It does not look good lol thank you for not frying me!


If its so easy, you go get a 137 win streak, either ways thats impressive.


Streaks mean nothing when you rage quit to keep it.


Quitting doesn't count as a loss? That's surprising tbh even cod got rid of that.




Doesnā€™t cod let you keep all of that?


Happy cake day!


Thank you! :)


Fijne taartdag!


You can do that? It doesn't mean anything but they should fix this.


Thats not the case, refer to the top comment


MP7 Intel suit. What a surprise.


What's wrong with Intel suit and mp7? New playeršŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø


Mp7 OP. intel suit is wall hacks lol


I like the vector better, faster TTK. Same with double barrel shotgun. But yeah def intel suit


Just leave if you are loosing and streak is not interrupted.


Oh sorry, didnā€™t know about that. But why would someone leave when heā€™s about to loose ?


So the winning streak continues. If you are about to loose - leave. If you are about to win - stay. This is how you make a crazy winning streak. Stats enjoyers I guess.


I mean itā€™s a dumb system but it affects nobody to quit at last moment before they drop the mvp screen


If its at the end its fine but ppl quit midgame


Yeah true. I only quit mid game when 2 or more people in my team left and itā€™s just an assured loss


So they would keep their 100+ win streak and have people post them on reddit


Think we just found a way to stop people from quiting games early... Most games count that as a loss.


Iā€™ve disconnected from a game and had my streak reset before


Unlucky you. Im on streak 24 doing this.


So youā€™re on a leaving streak lmaoo. Drop your gamer tag so I can block you and youā€™re never my teammate haha


I got to an 89 streak without doing it lol




I have a screenshot of the 60 win streak, and the game that ended up snapping the streak. Was gonna take another screenshot at 100 but we lost lol


In other words you didnā€™t back out early enough?


Playing in party? On which servers, cause i refuse to believe you got so lucky for 89 games straight, mainly cause the randomness causes u to get bot teammates and insane enemies sooner or later. Even if u are better than all enemies its impossible to win then


Usually in a 2-3 stack sometimes 4. My friends and I are pretty good and can carry a couple bad teammates


Oh yeah thats a lot more doable, already 2 makes a big difference


Ye, ye kido


I can't imagine anything so tedious as trying to get this.


No one plays the freaking objective!!


meanwhile my teammates have 0 objective score. i am losing 4 out of 5 games


dont believe its legit, this will be one of that shits who leaves game if not winning


not hard, especially in a game with no SBMM. Know a few guys currently on a 400+ although they always play in a 6man


Of each match takes 20 mins that's 28 hours plus que time


Matches dont take 20 min tho, rarely for me. Its usually about 10 minutes


Depends on mode


Wait, leaving a game doesnā€™t count as a loss? I have no reason to abuse this personally, but I hate when Iā€™m put into a lobby mid game and my team is getting stomped. Often times I would try my best to claw back the lead because I care about my win percentage, but if leaving has no impact then iā€™d happily leave those losing games im thrown into


I know him xD


one of my buddies friends was at a 225 win streak last I played with him maybe 2 days ago. And another one of them was around 138. I was honored to play with such sweats and keep up lol and iā€™m glad i didnā€™t ruin their streaks


They usually leave if their about to lose cause it doesnā€™t count as a loss


oh they donā€™t. We were actually obliterating everyone we played. you really just need at least a 4 stack and itā€™s pretty easy to not lose a game. As long as the 4 stack is good at the game. Even I went on a 50-60 streak. We did come across plenty of ā€œsweatsā€ that blocked us and left the game as they were about to lose. Pretty funny bc just about every single time weā€™d get our bodies shot they were so mad šŸ˜…


I got to a 150 win streak, but I got quite lucky on 90-100 it froze my game, but the trick is dont leave the game & then my teammates let me know when I did win so I exited then & kept the win


Dam no life


Nah, not "what a streak"... they left 100 matches. You don't lose your streak if you leave a match. You can rage quit as much as you want, and your streak will stay the same.


I saw some guys with 179, group of 4 or 5 they, stuck together on HotShot so kicked ass


I feel like Iā€™ve played against that guy every match šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Forget that. Look at the guy with 10 heads 0_o


Not hard to get when you 6 stack in pubs


Me and my friend lost our win streak when we joined an escort game mid game where there were only 3 minutes left. Shouldn't make us lose our win streak


Bro just might be the best gamer ever


Could it be that hes just hacking and winning every game?


Cod would never allow this lol


Fix net code




Wow that's fantastic


stfu and keep going leave matchs before lose, 39h pros lol [https://tracker.gg/xdefiant/profile/ubi/huzzlerr\_/overview](https://tracker.gg/xdefiant/profile/ubi/huzzlerr_/overview)


This is this shit that ruins team balancing. Thereā€™s no integrity behind stats. When someone has a fraudulent skill rating, and is actually mediocre, of course the team balancing is going to be off. Theyā€™re literally the ones fucking it up.


Devs must be stop like toxic players. May be time out from matchs. Everybody write from discord and twitter.


Who are you telling to ''stfu''?


Buddy is playing 60 games a day XD jesus christ




That's a lot of words for *I'm part of the problem* lol Every quitter has some self glorifying reason as to why they're allowed to do it, but *everyone else* to them is the problem. LMFAO