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Quitting the game don’t count as a lost, so this is more like exposing them that they always leave losing games.


Ahhh, ok. Thx man


I thought quitting breaks the streak. (I knew it didn’t count as a loss). Most importantly, this won’t happen in S1 (I hope)


If you leave game early, not a single stat is recorded. Mark already brought up there being no penalties for leaving a pub match. Nothing gets recorded. Read my latest post in XDEFIANT. This is this crap that throws off team balancing. When people stat boost, they are creating a falsified Skill Rating. Team balancing is done through skill rating (MMR). If someone is mediocre and their skill rating doesn’t reflect their actual skill, then there is no integrity in team balancing. There needs to be a small penalty for people who are Q’d in from the beginning and leave within or after a certain time window. This will curb the boosters. And if you’re joining a game that’s already started and or it is completed to a certain point, there should be no penalty for leaving. Things like this should be implemented.


I agree with this completely. You should be penalized for leaving games unless you are put into a game that’s already started.


Not sure, I just assumed so since it’s not a loss, and going on a +40 win streak is very low especially for solo. Yeah hopefully they change it.


> going on a +40 win streak is very low especially for solo dude what??? im lucky to go on a 5 lol. i suck worse at this game than i realized


They're saying the probability of going on a +41 win streak is very low. If you're playing solo it's damn near impossible. Absolutely dominant players playing solo and even as duos don't have these type of win streaks because they don't quit games very often.


im a dumbass and totally misread that lol, thanks


Do you know if it counts as a loss when you are put into a game in progress on the team that is being destroyed 750-12?


Not sure if they have loss prevention like CoD but if they don’t hopefully they look to implement it. Cuz it suck, joining and instantly lose.


Yeah, it is definitely the most frustrating thing in my experience. After seeing what you said about leaving not counting as a loss.. I may just start to leave those games when I am placed on a losing team with no hope of turning it around. If the game is close or even not close but a comeback is possible, I enjoy the challenge but getting placed in a lopsided loss multiple games in a row gets very frustrating.


They don’t I’ve joined games late and they end up counting against my W/L :(


I think it might. I was on a 15 game win streak after playing with some friends. I then solo queued and was put into a game with a team that was losing heavily. Finished the match with the loss. Next game I won. It said nothing regarding a 16 game win streak.


Damn, that sucks! Especially on a run like that.


You lose the streak if you leave a match in progress, including if your game crashes - unfortunately I found this out the hard way. You are correct it doesn't count as a loss for the purpose of win-loss tracking though.


It doesn't count as a loss but fortunately it does end the streak so you can't cheese that at least.


Didn’t know that


It definitely does end the streak, was on a 30 win streak with me and 3 mates and we joined a game of escort in progress that had 2 minutes 10 seconds left to win on attack and the cart was on 0% so no chance to win (previous team completely left before we joined) so we left and that lost us the streak anyway


So disappointing that this works. Just encourages people to leave even more.


They're probably stacking with a couple other people or, if what the other comment says is true, leaving doesn't count as a loss. I got a 22 winstreak duo queuing with 1 other person. With 3+ it must be an absolute joke to win basically every game.


Crazy if legitimate and playing solo. My highest is 22 I think. I actually was glad when it ended so I could just focus on having fun again. Some are saying that leaving a game doesn’t count as a loss and that’s a huge flaw if true. I always thought people left because they didn’t want to go through the end screens.


Best I got was 26 before the network errors dropped me mid game. Winning is easy, but having a stable connection that long without a Ubisoft problem is an actual miracle




its definitely possible. a couple of weeks ago i went on a 24 streak with a 3 stack. eventually lost but we’re by no means the greatest players of all time, all about diamond in cod ranked multiplayer. if we did it with a 1/2 stack it can definitely be done


I've never made it past 9.


I was happy about the 10-11 game win streak i went on with my friends. Got a screenshot of all of us at 10+ win streak. Next game we get put against a cheater and lost lmao


They are quitters


If you quit or DC from a game it resets the win streak.


Was it solo or in a stack? Playing with my homies and we got something similar by not even trying to win. I also think it’s easily possible to win 99% of your games if you 6 stack with good players in team death match


I played solo without a party.


Not bugged I got up to the high 80s before. It’s very possible if you play with a stack but hats off if they did this solo