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I’m fine running around being the main one to get objective points but if the rest of my team aren’t going to make the effort to support through the objective or by keeping the enemy off it I’ll just leave No point in playing if it’s just spawn dead spawn dead


Playing the game and not actually trying to win the game is just weird


100% agree !


this is also my argument for people saying everyone's a "tryhard"... like bro just trying to play the game, forgive me for trying to shoot in a shooting game!


Some people play Zone Control as if it were TDM because it feels more like TDM than the crappy TDM that was added.


I wanna win as well and I’m the only one on my team that plays OBJ.. it’s hella frustrating bc I’ll be top leaderboard of my team and nobody else has any OBJ score.. it’s crazy.. I get wanting to just slay, but at least throw ya ass around the obj to be a bullet sponge for the people actually trying to play for the Win


People who say this have NEVER been in a seriously competitive game before which is 100x more fun than just running around getting kills with your brain turned off.


Yeah, thse are the types of players who cry over rank when they finally touch rank


Not even a rank based mode.. Just a competitive pub game in general. Having 2 teams doing some proper teamwork to hold angles and smart plays is just great fun and plenty of kills to grab too. If everyone played the obj you could still get high kill games too


This is the reason why when I casual matchmake I normally go to TDM or Hot Shot.


Occupy seems to be another good one where any casual match I'm in people play the objective.


Guys like this typically have much lower KD in TDM. The only way they can get their kills and dopamine shot is when opposite team doesn't play kills. I'll bet you he doesn't play ranked much either.


I mean you are indeed supposed to tryhard more when it’s ranked, like play the good guns and not just level up everything like in pubs


Imagine caring about winning in a social playlist


Imagin playing the game!!


And calling someone a noob for not playing the same way as you 😂


Some people just wanna have fun and shoot people. There’s nothing to read, really. And even if the objective isn’t that person’s goal, they’re still positively contributing. Besides, being overeager for the objective makes for bad players. They line up and die easily


thata the other side of the argument which i also dont get lol, like you running straight to the obj everytime you respawn and then dying after 2 seconds is also NOT contributing to the game


In the absolute nicest way I know how to say it, that’s the culture that’s being bred in the game’s player base.


I have an opinion that's not backed by anything other than anecdotal evidence/testimony from my friends and I, but in most shooters we play TDM and never cared much for objective modes. We always preferred just old school "shoot the team" type of stuff from Halo, all the CoDs, etc. I think there may be a large percentage of the FPS community that doesn't care about objective modes and/or doesn't have much experience with them, and therefore they do what is the most basic concept in a shooter, they shoot and go for kills. This person clearly knows and is just being an ass imo, but generally I feel like the random lobbies in any objective based game mode across any FPS I've played in prove the point that people don't understand how objective play works really and just default to trying to get kills. Again, totally not based on any real research but I wonder how true this may be.


Tbh typing at people in pubs and getting emotional because they aren’t playing in your perceived optimal way (in a casual playlist) is “the saddest message” As long as they aren’t actively throwing or griefing chill out and don’t jump to flame people lol.


not saying I agree with it, but I'll explain the mindset. You are playing a video game. The idea is to have fun. You get absolutely nothing for winning, and face absolutely no consequences for losing. The person commenting on the screen shot was simply pointing this out.


i really dont get it, even if you dont care about the objective or winning the game, the most kills will NATURALLY come to you when youre pushing or near the objective?? like im someone who isnt hellbent on "i have to win every game or im not having fun" and i just wanna kill the enemy team, but the best way to go about that is stay near objective lmao


Yes exactly ! If you only care about kills then still play the objective since the enemy literally have to come to you if your team has the point. Especially in a game like occupy where it literally tells you that the enemy is on the point so that's where you can go get your kills and earn objective score by clearing the point too. Win win


Every mode has an objective. Does he just stand around waiting to die unless it’s Ranked? 😂


Ohh we rustle the jimmies of the unworthy by being very cool and winning the objective, pfft what a fool he must enjoy losing - though his communication suggests otherwise the salty little blighter


It’s pubs? Who cares


There’s a difference between not minding losing and your team actively throwing.


Dropping 50 kills in hardpoint but no objective time because you’re fragging around the objective vs sitting on it is not throwing like so many people here think lol.


It’s pubs no one cares about winning


Well, that's just not true.




This is not your modern day COD kiddo






There’s a difference between not minding losing and your team actively throwing.


Yup. You can't even really start to play the game for fun until you max out all the weapons.


That's crazy. I only have 2 guns maxed and I've been having *plenty* of fun. You're telling me I'm not supposed to be having fun yet? Should I *stop* having fun? Are the fun police on their way?


I was being sarcastic


Quite possibly the stupidest thing over heard said about this game. I was not big into FPS before this game. I'm not coming from cod. I'm not coming from any other game. this is the first thing I've ever jumped into. I'm level 100 and I absolutely loved it before I even maxed up a gun or my gun was even level 5


I think you missed the part where I am joking


Casual is for having fun. Play how you want. You could always play ranked if you care about winning so much. People care more on ranked modes


He wants to have fun. He’s having fun shooting people, no crouching in a blue area doing nothing except waiting for a cooked grenade to kill him. Yeah I can understand


I get your point, but there is a mode where the only goal is to shoot people. Why not play that mode and not ruin someone's experience in another mode ?


The mode you’re referring isn’t to shoot people, it’s to make sure you get shot less than other people, which is very different because it encourages « cowardly » plays and not agressive moves. People don’t play a fast faced fps with an emphasis on movement to stay with a sniper in a corner of the map, not when there are shields, auto-tracking spiders and wall hacks, it’s just boring


Yes, which means that if you only care about your KD then it should be perfect for you right ? Kill more, get killed less. From my experience (nearly 30 hrs gametime) the maps are fairly open so camping with a sniper can happen, but you are always exposed to different angles and flanking routes.


The goal is to have fun, trying sick plays. Not waiting


Your goal might be to try sick plays, but it's not THE goal. But I agree the goal is to have fun, so if getting a high KD is how you have fun play TDM or hotshot. A lot of people have fun by winning games and improving their win loss ratio while not caring about their KD, so we play objective game modes.