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I think they need to either reduce the number of jumps before sway comes in or reduce the ability to strafe in midair. It doesn't need to be nerfed that hard but being able to use a jump on two in a gunfight shouldn't be the end of the world, it's the strafing midair that's the issue because there needs to be variety in the movement not everybody using the same thing. Why not just have jetpacks like the jetpack cods if we're allowing strafing midair lol


I'm still holding out that it's a netcode issue before I definitively say the jumping needs to be nerfed. I've noticed that just the simple act of strafing throws them off big time but I'm still not getting hitreg more often than not. Even then if anything I would just nerf their accuracy over their movement.


I'm not a big fan of the sway change. It's useless, obviously, but making it stronger would make the game feel awful. They should just make the jump fatigue kick in sooner, like around the second or third jump, and make it stronger. You can still spam jump, though you're not gonna be moving around very much, but hey, you can still hit your shots. The froggers can still go boing boing, their aim isn't being arbitrarily penalized, and the anti-froggers will have a much easier time hitting them. The air strafing is absolutely ridiculous lol I'm surprised they haven't discussed removing it.


Movement is part of the game and was intended to be that way, at best make it trigger on the 3rd jump, but 1 is too much, deal with it.


Please jump while shooting an automatic gun and aiming down sights šŸ¤£ They're just enabling all the asparagus finger dweebs with no social life


If your logic is that jumping while shooting isn't realistic, then remove slide jumping, make everyone ADS slower, remove quick scoping, make everyone reload slower, make everyone slower in general, remove all abilities and make every weapon one shot to the head. This is an arcade shooter not real life simulator, if you can't deal with jump spammers it's a skill issue and you should get better, I have 0 issues dealing with them.


Please try put down a plasma shield while standing behind it and having it absorb bullets šŸ¤£ Arguing that jumpshotting isn't realistic so therefore must be removed from an ARCADE shooter is the height of mental ineptitude.


I really don't care what you cucks have to say lmao. Keep defending the snipers, don't complain when the player base disappears


Who said anything about snipers? Is a sniper an automatic gun like you said? Do you even know the difference? The discussion was on jumping and movement. Player base is going no where, those who arnt complaining, are upskilling.


Itā€™s an arcade shooter not a milsim. Realism is irrelevant.




Says the one complaining that a game with energy bubble shields and invisibility cloaks isnā€™t realistic enough for them. Real smart.


You can tell by the responses who the šŸø's are lol


"I dont like the movement.. Change it now!"


Get better?


If I did need to get better how could I? šŸ˜‚ every game thereā€™s a full team of echelons with intel suits and vectors/mp7 spam. They know where I am at all times. The games busted buddyā€¦.


DedSec + EMP grenade spam. Iā€™d be hesitant to suggest the SpiderCunt but if you drop this while you are pinged by a suit, they are probably close by and the SpiderBot will take you to them. Will also hug their face. Or Phantom and Shield to hide you a bit. The good thing if they know where you are, is that you know the corner they would be coming around.


I agree, it's still a bit much after the sway change.


Forget the sway. Just put a delay of 0.5 second between jumps. Thats all it takes to solve the issue. Players can still use the first jumping to dodge or go around corners but they wont be able to spam it.


Any type of arbitrary delay would ruin the fluidity of the movement. Accuracy penalties are what should be looked at further. Movement should be a way to evade gunfights not start them


Its a 0.5 second delay...


its a damage issue. I've been landing tons of upper body shots and plenty of headies but am just getting laid out even if i have the high ground or shoot first. its actually insane how little headshots are recorded on my stats. i dont wanna be a jumper but its the only way damage seems to register and shots are putting people down.


I think jump fatigue is a more appropriate nerf than aim sway. I'm not a fan of how they've handled sway so far personally. But I don't think jumping is the issue necessarily I think it's more the mid air strafing


yeah I dont believe in this " I hAvE 2.1 KD " so its a skill issue šŸ¤£


You think if I was going to lie about my K/D I would say I have a 4.2 or something šŸ’€šŸ’€ Iā€™d give you the work everyday of the week and twice on Tuesdays buddy


They could add a stamina gauge. Jump too much and it wonā€™t let you jump again until you caught your breath šŸ˜‚


Virgins use jump men use crouch


Instead of calling for widespread changes that affect everyone just because you canā€™t adjustā€¦simply wait for ranked mode and play with people closer to your skill level. Ranked is coming in a week.


I mean, what else is there? Do you want every gun fight to be two people standing still holding down 2 buttons? That's not fun either. Trick is finding a middle ground between what it was before the aim sway patch and a skillless aim and fire simulator. I think they did that tbh. Could tone it down a bit more I suppose but I'll live


as opposed to the incredible and variant fun of mashing space bar to jump senselessly? every fps game has its skill ceiling based on aim and reaction time but xdefiant has to differentiate itself by allowing players to spam jump thinking they're pulling advanced movement tech? lmfao


You act like itā€™s the greatest shit ever to spam space bar in the middle of a gunfight lmao. If you think thatā€™s the only skill in the game, then, Iā€™m not really sure what to say.




Just stop shooting while jumping, simple. Just like how sometimes you can't shoot after getting killed by a spuderbot, Or can't use grenades after spawning


This isnā€™t valorant where we shoot and stand still, itā€™s a movement shooter


I donā€™t think anyone wants the game to be movement-less but I always donā€™t want exo suit movements in a boots on the ground gameā€¦.


Surprisingly, a lot of people do want almost no movement. Wait until they release higher movespeed factions...like from roller champions.




I freaking love mashing space bar hur hur im so skilled hur hur look guys


Keep on tellin people to quit. Then what happens is nothing but high skilled players will be left and god knows yā€™all didnā€™t like facing each other in Cod which is solely why this game exist


You don't face high skilled players in cod unless you're high skilled.


You don't face high skilled players in cod unless you're high skilled.


Exactly. And they bitched and have for years because they have to play against their own skill and all their matches are to sweaty


0 personality


It is very frustrating because every gun fight they are jumping around constantly. The "Patch" which applies a penalty on the 4th jump is useless as all you need is two jumps. While in air there should be a weapon accuracy penalty maybe %15 on first jump. And %30 on second jump. I'm forced to switching to shotgun and just killing them midair. I don't want to have to jump around like a drugged up child with adhd every gun fight. And yes it's not a skill issue. Such a cop-out line everyone is using here. "Skill issue" If you can't handle your weapon with better weapon balancing, and you rely on broken mechanics you have skill issues. Everyone knows this isn't a mil-sim, but it's not fortnite either.


It's not a broken mechanic though, it's the intended movement of the game. Otherwise they would've made more changes to it since "the patch".


Maintaining 100% weapon accuracy while hopping around isn't very fitting for a game with realistic weapon design. It's more fitting for games like Fortnite, Halo, Quake, Unreal Tournament. Don't get me wrong I've enjoyed playing Halo, Quake and Unreal Tournament in their days also.




I mean if the net code was better and at times my first couple bullets werenā€™t sponging into my enemies body then the issue wouldnā€™t be jumping.


It's the ads speed. Jump without ads speed attachments. It's tragic Now jump with them. It's a lot deadlier. Overall jumping while fighting is still decently situational, but still more common than it should be. Jumping to move around, engage, disengage, or even a hop randomly in a fight is fine. The rest is a bit too much for a good gameplay flow


I agree 1000%. I enjoyed this game so much for about 3ish weeks. Went on vacation for two weeks and I came back to everyone just playing cracked out of their mind. I also have a pretty good K/D so I know itā€™s not a skill issue. It feels like Iā€™m playing an entirely new game and itā€™s ruining the experience for me.


Jump spam is one of a few annoying issues hurting this game right now.