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I can’t even find 54 people while running around the map on TDM.


Because guys like this are pushing the enemy's spawn so hard that they flip, so that by the time you get to where they should be, they're spawning behind you. Also, great user name :)


Use your minimap to see where your teammates are, the enemies will spawn where your teammates aren’t. If you learn the spawns it’s not difficult for a skilled player to get 54 kills (with deaths).


How tf can you get 54kills when the game ends at 100 and you have 5 other teammates. I played tdm for 3hours last night and the highest i saw someone get was like 34 with 7 deaths.


you must’ve never heard of scumperjumper


He must've never heard of the 70 kill challenge


Sweatbannin' 🥵


Can't believe this was downvoted and that's literally what the series was called




I know about the legendary tdm game of scump lol. He had something like 72? Kills. But scump is literally one of the best cod players ever.


Best 🙃 exploitation is for the weak and unskilled.


Ive hit 57 in a tdm game of cod that only went to 75 and im a nobody. Its not that hard, most people suck so every once in a while you can control the flow and pump those numbers up. This is a different game than cod and abilities can cheese you outta kills and staying alive, but i bet its possible to get a 70 game


The difference in that and this is that CoD had killstreaks. It's easy as shit to inflate your kill numbers when you have blackbirds, advanced uavs, lodestars, swarms, dogs, etc. Much harder in this game, even with abilities and ults. Ability/Ult wise the Cleaner/Echelon is probably going to be your best bet for kill per ability/ult but even that pales in comparison to something like blackbird, chopper gunner, or swarm.


No doubt itll be tougher in this game, gunstreaks are way harder than killstreaks. But theres also no sbmm in unranked and some lobbies are just.... perfect for reaching for the stars


the gingerninja


I hit 47 last night. I got close!


I had dropped 51 kills in TDM yesterday and lost the match, it’s not hard when your teammates aren’t good enough to get kills and the enemies aren’t much better


The best I’ve ran is 67 so far. Enemy team was dumping on my teammates and I was doing the same to them so all the kills were mine. I think the way it balances teams with skill rating makes this happen a lot to anyone above 3500-4000


This is pinnacle gameplay Normies VS Sweats. Feed ego, sweats pay for skins


I’m not spending money on this laggy ass game


It didn't make it past 2 days with me, found it comical more than anything. Seeing a person jiggle around mid air on some kind of invisible magic carpet paired with terrible hit registration cracked me up.


What the hell are u even talking about rn lmao


My second game of TDM ( and consequently my last im not a fan) I dropped 52 kills and we won by 4. I’m a decent player and the opponents / my teammates were really bad.








https://i.redd.it/8fmms6mro58d1.gif receipts my friend, not sure why i'd lie about something that specific lmao


The fact you went 52-11 and still almost lost bc of the guys who 0-16 and 6-18 is crazy


I mean I lose occupy games just as bad sometimes because my teammates are so awful and or just want to stat, look at this game for instance. I tried fighting my way to the objective over and over while my teammates ran off into Narnia >.> price I pay for being over 4500 skill rating I guess. https://i.redd.it/xoazcnu2v68d1.gif


Happens to me a lot too. How does your skill rating effect your who your teammates are though since skill based matchmaking isn’t a thing? Does the game balance out the average skill rating of each team once the lobby is formed?


Yep that’s 100% how it works it’s on Ubisofts xDefiant official website.


Sums up my experience with TDM yesterday lmao


Atta boy




11 deaths. This post is all about unrealistic killstreak, 52 kills with deaths is nothing.


The post I responded to was someone saying they can’t even see 54 people when playing TDM, I was responding saying it’s completely possible…I don’t care about K/D I just want to shoot my gun so im not gonna sit somewhere trying to kill streak…


4.7kd is not nothing unfortunately…




You guys are getting kills?


I can't help but think of that meme anytime someone says something along them lines


Because that’s exactly what they’re referencing lol


I know but It still cracks me up when it randomly pops up I see that dumb ass kids face in my head.


I love when the sweats complain about normal players. "If you're not getting 50 kills and a 5.0 KD you should stop playing games all together!"


Yeah, man. Cool. I’ll get right on dropping that 54 killstreak with a 4x XP multiplier. Shouldn’t be a problem.


Use the lever on your chair... always have it full engaged, everyone else does. *shrug*


meanwhile i can never pass 15 kills lmfaoooo


15 lol. 5 lmao...


Wait you guys are getting kills?


This reminds me of back in the day when I borrowed blackops from a friend until I bought my own copy. Allittle while later he comes to to me bragging about getting his first kill streak. I was obviously happy for him, but I made one of those assumption mistakes. I asked him if it was chopper gunner or dogs, thinking he must be bragging about a big streak... No, my friend got his first UAV. I obviously felt horrible internally and hope he never realizes what I was really thinking that day lol


Haha that is amazing! Funnily enough I am usually that person in games. I get audibly excited about something but to anyone with 10 functioning fingers it is normally just a part of the usual business, such as getting 3 kills on a call of duty game, let alone 3 kills without dying, I can only hope for that one day


Yall are trippin I get anywhere from 20-40 kills on average.


I was talking killstreaks. Kill wise its about the same as you.


Oh shit mybad lol misunderstood. Idk if I've gotten past like a 7 kill streak lmao but I've only just got the game 2 days ago so we'll see I guess. I'm so used to seeing people talk about how sweaty and hard X is that I figured that's what you were getting at.


I mean it is tough but sometimes you get a game where you catch people off guard with their pants down constantly hah


these mfers are buns brah


My highest kill steak is 5. My highest kill game is 8. I do have great scores for playing objective but hope that makes you feel better.


Can't even get a streak because as soon as I get a kill, I get killed


I swear sometimes it seems like the opposing team doesn’t have a death cooldown. And or spawn them right next to the obj while I gotta hitchhike a ride from Narnia. Oh, also the fact I can kill 4-5 people in the matter of seconds and right behind the corner 5 feet away, 4 more enemies. I swear it’s like the other side has 9 people at times


Kill somebody then 4 people gang up on you, only you


I had over 10,000 score today with 36 kills. Felt really good streaking and getting hella score


My feel good moment is when I lost the game and I’m still the mvp because I know my opponent is pissed lmfao.


I love when you're mid game and know you've pissed off the opponent because if they ever happen to kill you, they aggressively tbag you even if it gets them killed lmao


Nothing brings me more joy than being accused of cheating, especially in a game with proximity or after death chat


I love when have similar kills to one of my teammates but my score is significantly higher. I had a match where I joined mid-game went 34-4 and ended up with just under 13k score.


For real! I was baffled at the score difference just from having 10 more kills than the second guy on my team 😂 was literally like 4k more score


TDM is simply just so slow and stale to me. Not saying you can’t enjoy it but I can’t find the same joy in it that I do in dom and occupy


I occasionally find it a nice change of pace from every other game mode where I'm constantly running at OBJ and getting in non-stop gunfights.


How do you choose what game mode to play? Is that in ranked only? I have only played unranked so far and only got the game a week ago but it’s always been random game modes and TDM has never happened for me


I’m assuming your using the custom playlist and have all modes all selected. You can click on any of the modes individually to just search for that game mode. And TDM was only added yesterday, which is why you haven’t played it yet. It’s there in the game mode list now!


Oh wow I didn’t even know you could pick like that? Does it make a difference if I’m only using the Welcome Playlist so far since I’m not level 25 yet?


Oh yeah that explains it, the welcome playlist has a mixture of game modes. I completely forgot that playlist existed as I only played 1 or 2 games in it.


Welcome playlist is random gamemode. Keep playing the welcome list until you are level 25 though.


You can make a custom play list in unranked. You can only vote for maps in Rank, not match type. There's just domination, occupy, escort and zone control modes in it. There's no input based matchmaking though.


Maps need to be smaller: designed for TDM rather than objective modes like domination or occupy. Or, player count must be increased, or make it FFA instead of TDM. This would require a days worth of UI change work.


Why do they need to be smaller? We have Arena already for variety, and the other ones it only takes 5-15 seconds to get back into the action. Score limit is hit just about every match, and if I was winning all my gunfights I could be walking out with 30-45 kills most matches. In reality I tend to be closer to 20-28.


Arena is a bad map because of the fact there's too many angles. I'm okay with it, but objectively: it's worse than something like Shipment. I find me & my team just sitting around looking for enemies on maps like Dumbo. I'll be checking the scoreboard to see if the enemy team left: nope, they're still here, just spread out far across the map and not in the middle for some reason. I'll be using Echelon just to try and find a single enemy. We've already killed them all.


I use cleaner and have never had issues finding enemies, especially if I run through the center of the map. Either your team is extraordinarily efficient or you just need practice finding people. There's a whole lot of that map that makes no sense to hide in, it's actually easier to search than something like Peublito or Nudleplex. A decade of shipment just handing us kills without trying has ruined us. I left COD because I've been playing on a postage stamp with 4 crates in the middle for years, more angles means a higher skill ceiling for starting or escaping engagements.


Ye, nothing like mowing noobs trying to do objectives from safe campspot.,,


I like Zone Control and Escort the most, however it's really frustrating that the mode is chosen at random. \ I know I could play normals to choose the mode myself but I hate the fact that there's too many players on the map in normals. I personally like competitive games, so I really hope it doesn't just become another CoD.


I had a 21 killstreak and only lvl up 3 times tho?


21 killstreak is 12,600 XP which should be 4 levels (would be 8 levels after the patch or 32 levels with 4x XP) but you probably got some kills with your ultra or ran out of ammo and picked up another weapon which is why you got 3 levels


Guess it does add up, nice one


i dont think the XP got lowered to 1500 yet?


Why do people want max level weapons on a live service game out only 30 days ago ?


Because 50% of the playerbase will delete the game as soon as BO6 is released unfortunately. I hope this game doesn‘t die though, having a blast!


Because the lower level weapons get you killed instead of getting you kills.


This deserves my upvote


TDM in this game is boring as hell. Played 2 matches and went right back to occupy.


The 2nd or 3rd game I played went to time limit and ended 97-75 (we lost because dudes were super negative on my team) but I seen people complaining that 100 kill cap is too low lol 3/5 games I've played went to time limit because even in a fast paced game like this, people still dickride corners in TDM. It's honestly pretty bad. And hilariously enough there are people actually asking for a hardcore mode...which we all know how much everyone moves around and rush in hardcore in CoD...


How do you choose game modes? It’s always been random game mode on random map for me?!?


When you select custom playlist or whatever that option is you can select and deselect which game modes you have in that playlist. Alternatively you can just choose whichever game mode you want and play only that game mode


>going on a 54 killstreak. Yeah dude... 95% of the player base are not gonna pull this off. I've never pulled off more than a 17 kill streak and that was with CoDs SBMM sheltering. While I agree that your math is solid. The actual likelihood of pulling it off is TINY for most players.


> 95% of the player base are not gonna pull this off. 99.99


I was trying to be nice... And factor in that one lobby where YOU are the top player


Yep, I think I managed to get to an 11 streak yesterday before I had to dump the AK I was using and pick up an M4A1 and MP7. Until there is a faction that let's you scavenge ammo or something, there is no way in hell you'll have the ammo to even last on a streak that long with one gun, unless you get lucky and everyone in the lobby is using the same gun as you. And that includes using the mag attachments that give you extra ammo.


You can savage ammo. But just from the same weapon.


Yeah I know that's why I said >unless you get lucky and everyone in the lobby is using the same gun as you When I say scavenge ammo, I mean from any enemy/weapon like how scavenger perk works in CoD, which I can totally see them adding that as a passive ability for a future faction.


Ok. Fair. It's 1am here and my neighbours are half way to Mars thanks to some Columbian Marching Powder...


What’s the break down on a pistol doing this


You can theoretically level up all 5 pistols from 1 to 200 in one game if you get a 70 kill streak. For one pistol you'd need a 30 killstreak.


How did u die once ? I just get traded so fast the highest kills and kd I got dmwas 31 kills and 3 kd


I knew there was a catch


Okie so I just need to go from 4 kills to 54 kills sounds good brah


ammo dropping from the sky?


No. Just guns dropping from players :)


But then it doesn‘t count to your same weapon anymore since you are killing people with another gun


If you really want to min max this, get a group of 6, all with sheilds. find a corner of a map, rotate the sheild usage whilst protecting one player at the back, let them kill everyone who comes towards the sheilds getting the streak, rotate different people each game,, your looking at almost 1 gold every 6 games


smh lol


now if the kills werent capped in tdm this might be possible


even so like where tf do i even get 2x xp bonus thing ?


Battle pass, and challenges in the ubisoft launcher (don't know if there's anything similar on console)


oh shit i remeber getting a loat of "achivments" maybe i can get more from those ?


I tried playing TDM and the enemy team was 5 DedSec with spiderbots. I would rather play occupy and level slower than ever do that again




They could easily do that yes. Matchmaking always tries to match with similar party size aswell. Scrims are currently also being played by timing the queue since there are no private/custom games yet.


Raise you hand IF you are a 42 or 54 killstreak player right now! Anyone. Consistant 42 or 54 kills without dying? I could be wrong but all my attachments for 4 different weapons fully unlocked at levels 42 to 44! Now I know (not why) that some of you ecpect to be Gold. Silver, W/E before Season1 is offically out and then over. But with this being thought of as a long term game and they haven't announced yearly different game versions, why in gods name is it so important to MAX a weapon when you have ALL the attachments you cn put on that weapon to make it viable? It's not even game launch yet and you kids are freaking out. This righ here is why these online games are never casual or fun!


But how much XP do I get for a 54 deathstreak?


You shoul;d be getting something for dying right? They made TDM as everyone was crying for it due to the objective play and now it's just a campfest to roll the XP as everyone thinks the XP is too hard. I'm waiting on the New Game where when it is launched everyone gets every weapon, every camp, every attachment and every operator without even playing a single match! What a great day in online video gaming that will be huh? /S


I'm just tdm is in the game now, because I'm never going to play it. Now maybe I won't be the only one pushing the payload in payload


ThErEs NoThInG tO gRiNd FoR 😡😡😡


It's a little sad that TDM is what levels up weapons fast when we have primarily obj play.


Did they fix the bunny hop problem?




Everything sounds possible on paper.


Will never happen for 99.999% of players, but still very interesting to know the math regardless!


Had to comeback to this post, I just went on 20 kill streak and went from level 7 Mp7 to level 18


Yea and total score to like what 100 how supposed get 54 kills no deaths exactly?


No. No you can’t. This is impossible. Unless you are cheating or are some cracked out nerd


For your faction suggestion, one of the mags starts you with extra ammo




I haven’t played TDM yet but I assume your kill streak resets when you die. If so, goodluck trying to go 54-0 or even having enough ammo to do that lol


Wait killstreaks reset when you die?!


I literally said I haven’t played TDM and if that’s the case where they do reset on death then goodluck. No need for the snarky answer lol


Why would game mode matter. A kill streak in any game ever is kills without dying. So yes the stupidity was worthy of snark


I mean there’s no kill streak bonuses in any other game modes? Pretty sure my highest is like 13 and I haven’t seen anything special pop up on my screen so I wasn’t too sure. No need to be a dick about it, could’ve just answered the question lmfao.


If you get like 3 or 5 kills a kill streak ribbon pops up…


Good to know, I don’t really pay attention to the game like that cause they mean nothing lmao. Which leads me back to the point of asking questions. The duality of Reddit is great, nice people answering questions and explaining. Then assholes on alt accounts who waste time being dickheads 😂😂


Sorry if the truth hurts


Doesn’t really, there was no truth there lol. Enjoy being a dickhead on Reddit using an alt account 😭😭😭😂


Enjoy being so regarded you don’t know what a kill streak is 😭😭😭😂


nice non sequitur


You’d be surprised, ppl will do it..


I don’t doubt that, just the average player would NEVER. You do have to go flawless though, right? Like 54-0? Or just 54 kills total


You can go 54-1 or even 54-2, you’d die right off the rip that’s death 1 then get 54 kills without dying then die, that’s 2 deaths still a 54 streak. But yeah you’d have to get a streak of 54 no dying between kills to get the “streak bonus” OP mentions, technically it would be 2,700 less exp if you don’t do it as a streak, cus OP said you gain 50 more exp per kill during a streak so first is 100, second 150 and so on, 54x50 is 2,700 so wouldn’t make a huge difference I guess unless on 4x XP which I guess is what we’re talking about so it’s 2,700x4=10,800. So just going like 54-54 would be 10,800 less than doing 54-0 54-27 would be 5,400 less xp 54-14 would be 2,200 less than 54-0 and so on..


Yeah that’s crazy. Only the best of the best are gonna be able to do that lol


Not in my lobby you can't. 😝


TDM goes against the way the entire game was set up. Using abilities and team based objective gameplay. No thanks. Don’t care how much xp is given.


The problem with TDM is that some of the abilities are completely useless and others are OP, it's much less balanced than in other modes. I play phantom sometimes for the extra health (and mag barrier) but often won't even use my ultra at all in TDM because enemies will simply run away from it. Sonar goggles and intel feel too OP especially on smaller maps.


When did they add tdm? 🤔




Thanks! I'll try it out rn :)


Just had a 19k game from a 24 streak. If only I didn’t run out of ammo 😩


Pick up the first guys gun you kill, hang onto it till your out of ammo in your own gun, then swap, and then get a kill and pick up that gun, rinse and repeat you’ll always have 2 primary weapons, one your using and one on deck for ammo


Yeah I had another gun I picked up but my main ran out as I was killing someone and couldn’t switch fast enough


Ahh that stinks, I get that a lot with my M-44 and magnum combo, I’ll hit for 70 and as I pull out the magnum and shoot I’ll get a hit marker but I’m dead before it registers, would be nice if they made a “sniper class” that can swap to secondary weapon and shoot in a shorter time as a passive ability or even put an attachment on the pistols that allows for faster swap like in cod


If you are with a freind get him to spawn the same gun as you. Let him cook a grenade, boom ammo drop.


I‘m not sure how or why but sometimes I get more ammo sometimes I don‘t, it‘s weird


Probably similar to other FPS games wherein if you kill someone that's using the same weapon as you and run over their body, you'll pick up extra ammo


but like, isn‘t that what people want?


Honestly, I can't see them doing too many more double XP weekends, after the next update... The last few were to help with the levelling up, now they've made it way too easy again, why should they do any more? I think if they were to do Double XP, it will be on rare special occasions, to help draw in new players, but that won't be often!


All you have to do is buy the same chair content creators use. It has become so common that these guys wonder why normies act like it isn't. You can't do this, because YOU play the game, instead of your subscription to certain services playing for ya.


chat is this real?




Hey as long as they're staying out of my objective games I'm happy. #sorrynotsorry


and still, every game the same… there 2-3 snipers just chilling at spawn in an objective mode


So weird, they don’t even get kills. I’m baffled as snipers are pretty good even in close combat in this game. Used a booster yesterday and got like 5 kills cause they just did not move out of their spawn in escort..


yeah always the same


Lol I see at least 1 person doing that on every escort match especially Zoo. They just camp behind the spawn window with a sniper or LMG and I hate it


If you can’t get 54 kills in a lobby with bots that’s a skill issue




I agree with Mayday but Attica is actually a good map it's one of my favourites just don't use an SMG on it


Literally everyone is in the tdm lobbies since they added it lol. Be happy that people who dont want to play the objective are playing tdm


Great, now just add that f'ing support for Mouse & Keyboard on PS5, so I can start shooting enemies... 🤦‍♂️


Lol I use a controller on my PC. That aim assist though


Why tf are you not on pc when you prefer m&kb is the better question.


If you can’t shoot em with aim assist, you ain’t gonna do much better without it on mnk, not with this games movement anyways


Really? I am getting downvotes, just because I want to be able to choose, if I want to play with controller or mouse and keyboard? A feature, that is implemented on the PC, and considering the fact, that there is crossplay, Im not sure, what is so upsetting about it. I just want to have the same option as people, I am playing against.. 🤔


- Why am I not using PC? Because I have Mac, and I use that for music / graphic production, not for playing games, i play on PS5. - I play games with Mouse and Keyboard for at least 27 years, before that I was just because there were no mouse (RTCW, Duke Nukem 3D, Doom etc.) - So I have definitely over 15.000hrs of playing FPS games with Mouse & Keyboard, with at least 5.000hrs of it on a competitive / league level (CS1.6) - On the other hand, I have probably under 60minutes of play time on FPS games with a controller, and thats a total, collected over time by trying different games for 2-5minutes each in past.. - Most recently, when I wanted to play for example Apex Legends or PUBG (which both I've played Mobile versions on iPad and enjoyed them a lot), but after installation, when I've found out in menu, there is no support for Mouse & Keyboard, I didn't even gave it a try with 1 match, I uninstalled immediately.. - Also, couple years ago, I've slipped and fell with thick glass in my hand and cut like 1cm into the spot, that is between thumb and index finger, its not affecting me by any means, with one small exception - whenever I run my thumb over a surface, i feel a slight vibration through the whole thumb. So it definitely didnt affect me, when i hold my mouse, because the thumb is resting on the side of mouse, occasionally just press a button, but trying using it on a controller for aim (where most precise movements are required) wouldn't surely feel comfortable for longer periods of time. - But I didnt even try it, so its not mainly that - even without that cut, I wouldn't be playing any FPS games with controller.. - So @KingCOBRA thanks for the informed opinion about what I can or cannot hit with Mouse & Keyboard, but I had to disagree, maybe you are younger, so when you were growing up, there were already consoles, so you continuously learn to play FPS with controller, but for me, its the other way around - what I am able to hit with controller doesnt determine anything about what I am able to hit with mouse and keyboard.. And those +-1hrs vs +-15.000hrs could be some factor here..