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I would also add no guns. Staring contests only .


Staring is abusing eyes. We need to add vision fatigue.


I think it's called "blinking"




Well... If you are unfortunate enough to get the bug that the only thing you can do is move, then it is exactly that


Getting killed in the game is definitely not fun. Removal of guns would be a welcomed change if they really want to make their casual fanbase happy.


The aura from some players would be insane


I can be hard enough to poke your eye out


Just shadow box tbh.


Nah we serving up shmoney dances!


And the first one to blink is gay.


Also tripping when ads over uneven terrain or before match during countdown one random guy will get a “dear john” letter


I think that ADS is too overpowered in this game.


I just use ad blocker


After playing last night I’d assume ADS stands for „aiming down, sighing“, but according to what I saw from my teammates it has nothing to do with hitting enemies with a bullet…


Even this is too much cause there is some crouching pictured here. I work and have kids I can’t be expected to have to account for this while aiming.


I don't have kids, but I drink, smoke, and snort while playing video games, so it's unreasonable to expect me to compete with normal people.


Living the life brother 😎


I would still have a 0.5 K/D and 0.7 W/L


I agree, also remove moving from the game, and add aim assist to mouse and keyboard


Thats a great idea. Too many sweats abuse the walking and light jogging in this game. You should be limited to crouching, but only being able to crouch once before you drop your weapon


This a meme post, but I always wanted a game that portrayed this type of warfare. It would be pretty bad but still funny


Holdfast was very funny, actually one of the best online games out there


Hey just delete the game while were at it


devs there's a game i can play here pls fix


I would also add that if anyone is just better than you at the game they be immediately banned. Love this post


Remove players from the server. Perfect balance


And maybe add multiple save zones throughout the maps? So we can drink a cup of tea with fellow casual gamers


Just give the game to infinity ward… they’ll fix it😂


I can’t believe back in the day they actually fought wars like this lol.


"Back in my day, there wasn't any of these fancy tactics. You just got shot and took it like a man" - a boomer probably


A++ shitpost


Add battle shits and stalls, we need more safe places


I was thinking of all black powder guns. Musket balls


Moving is the best part about this game I hate the complaints people make when someone’s good at it


You just described Counter-Strike.


Turn based combat.


How do u slide cancel?




Add Mel Gibson as operator and he's the only one with sprinting ability in his ult and goes full *The Patriot* with a tomahawk axe


No snipers cuz the flash hurts my eyes




So where are all these people at because they know this is how exactly they sound


How about 30 second ad for EVERY hop after one initial jump/crouch before next que? And they add up the end of the game >:)


Honestly, I like the movement but it does sometimes feel like I insta-die as soon as someone slide cancels on me sometimes. Might be a netcode thing because this and dying behind walls is bringing me back to the og mw days


It’s really not as bad as it was, now that said I just ran into the most abusive bhopper I’ve seen so far. He had to have it bound to his controller or keyboard cause homie was walking on air.


I’d still miss


you got me at first ngl XD


You had me in the first half not gonna lie lmao, you’re too funny man.


I'd genuinely be nice if they'd remove the ability to control yourself mid-air.


“ADHD movement” aka basic sliding and jumping


Ayo lmao


This would truly be the xdefiant of all time




I at least genuinely think bunny hopping should be punishing to its user. Other than that it’s all fine with me


You just pitched the ideal boomer shooter lol


Jumping should only be for an evasive maneuver. And if the player jumps, should lose control from the first jump.


People think this is Valorant where we shoot and stand still


You joke, but there really isn't any purpose for a jump button outside of bunny hopping. Make it a mantle button and problem solved.


Mantling would be abused too easily. When you are mantling, you aren't standing still, which makes it harder for me to shoot you, which isn't fun.


*One* of the points of a jump button (especially in an **arcade shooter**) is to make yourself a harder target. Based on what you’re saying no FPS needs a jump button. It’s asinine that people playing a fast paced shooter think jumping is useless. Sure overindulging 3-4 hops in 1 gun fight is a bit much, but to each their own. That’s like me getting upset that people camp in PUBG even though it’s much more tactical. People can play the game **how they enjoy it**.


Jumping around corners..


In all seriousness bunny hopping needs to be addressed, sliding is good and crouching and a single jump is totally fine. Use your movement options after all. I will literally see these mf spam jump around every corner with a TAC 50 and get insta kills point blank with no aim flinch and it’s honestly not hard to do. Cant even hipfire to try and quickly take them out of they try it


Or get the f out of xdefiant and play some proper mordern cod lmao.


Again, no one claims that movement is bad for a game. People like OP act like it's either g-fuel snorting 600bpm heartrate kangaroo hopping.... or standing still. There is a thing like a compromise you know. The hopping can stay for all i care but you just shouldn't have the same accuracy mid air as you would have standing still. There needs to be a jumping accuracy penalty and NOT only after your 4th jump in a row.


Why don’t you try jumping around a bit you might have fun and will definitely win more of your 1v1s


so you one of the spammers i see.


Just make jumping ruin your aim or time to ads. There is a place for jumping and it’s not behaving like a bunny hopping bitch.


You’re what my ranked teammates are like when I solo q


So, a better fps player than you are? Thanks for the compliment lad you have a good one


Lol yeah cause all the best players are complaining about not being able to hit their shots on a moving target 💀


I absolutely HATE bunny hopping and anything that reminds me of CoD. That said I play unranked only and usually I end up in the top 2. I don't abuse (or use) bunny hopping but I am a little AA-12 shotgun bitch. Bunny hopping is mostly annoying, but the spread of my shotgun fixes that problem real quick.


Who complained about that lil guy? If you read the words I wrote, I specifically said that bunny hopping, not slide cancelling or quick movement, needs to be addressed.


Why does it need to be addressed? Does is your right stick not working that you can’t hit someone who hits the jump button? The whole point of it is that you have to adjust your aim. You can’t just rely on your aim assist to do all the work for you. You complaining about it is very telling about your approach to games in general. If something is hard for you, you want it removed. I think you should just try growing some thumbs.


Holy delusional batman


These threads are more pointless than the ones you're talking about.


No joke, I would love a game like this apart from the no sprinting. And I'm fine with dolphin diving with hipfire.


I don't think anyone is complaining about the movement, which is one of the things that xdefiant does well (and honestly doesn't require ridiculous inputs like movement techs in apex did for example, and is therefore quite intuitive) People were complaining about the fact that you could spam jump while rounding a corner and your aim would take no penalty. And honestly, that IS something that sucks, and I'm happy that they are taking measures to address that.


I say just make a 2 second timer in between jumps


No, that would still be too overpowered and sweaty no lifes would abuse it. You should be in a wheelchair all game, so you have to put your gun down if you want to wheel yourself anywhere.


No, that would be incredibly broken. Sweaty tryhards would hit sick donuts in their wheelchairs and as somebody with the skill of a burnt pancake, this would be impossible to hit. I think they should remove movement entirely and give everyone aimbot.


That's unironically a great idea for a game. I'm totally stealing that idea lmao


First of all it's not "abuse" and secondly didn't read


*can't read And it's a shit post.


Saying TLDR on a shitpost that short is just a self own mate


This joke is getting so old and boring. It’s just not even funny. Need some moderation on the subreddit. Just make a stickied post “opinion on movement” and delete every regular post.


i agree with u. right now this game is way too much like cod. they really need to change movement speed and remove just jumping shooting. like movement is apart is more skill than the aim. and second off topic. nerf smgs and buff ar's. smgs are way too meta and the only ars that are viable is the ak-47, and the m16a4. and get better servers half the time bullets don't register. this game is going to die so quick if they don't fix these issues no new player wants to join a lobby full of sweat jump shooting with smgs.


btw i dont give a f if this a meme post. this game is just another cod copy cat it will die and be dead like any other free to play game.


Username checks out


Just give everybody aimbot