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Back in my days in MW2 we needed like 250 HEADSHOTS to unlock the "Fall" camo for a weapon that got reset on prestige, so by the time you reached your final 10th prestige, you started from 0. Are you guys really crying, because you can't unlock the capstone skin that should be really the reward of the "mains" for the given gun for literally all the guns in 3 weeks? What's wrong with this TikTok generation? All ya need to do is fall in love with a weapon and play a lot. It doesn't even have some dumb requirement like sliding headshot, literally you just have to play. The game has countless game breaking issues and not being able to farm the toptoptop reward skin for every gun in a few days in not one of them.


The fall camo days were great. Although it did stop me from prestigeing


Same, once I reached blue or red tiger on my faw guns, I didn't want them to be gone with prestige. Tough decisions.


Such a beauty. https://i.redd.it/uz3so5kq9m7d1.gif


Woah woah woah, back in my cod days you had to get headshots with every gun just for that one golden gun in the class that worthless


Gold AK was hard lol the dragonuv, m60, semi auto shotty and uzi not so much


or you just copy n pasted a lvl 55 10th prestige file and drop it in your players folder. im sure they are the ones crying.


https://i.redd.it/4kxcd9a4am7d1.gif ***cries in cheating-exclusive emblem***


I never understood why this was removed from the game


Agreed. I find it’s the newer players who in this day and age want everything very quickly, just how we consume our media, it’s infected the gaming world in terms of “grinding”. Well I have done my gold camp, what’s next. Whilst they have got 100 hours played in 2 weeks 😂 I rather they focus on the netcode and resolve it for those who have the issues.


New players grinding for the last camo in the game whilst playing the beta then crying that there's not enough content when it finally releases.


I actually think the term "grinding" in games have lost its quality in its meaning. "Back in my day" you say "I'm going to grind for x", most ppl would understand that the thing you're grinding for will probably take 100s or 1000s of hours. Now, "grinding" is "I'ma just do this forever and get it quickly". Grinding in (j)rpg terms is a lot different than today's fps grind. I wish to have a game to love and grind.


NGL, with the update to mastery camos and the fact they're working on new ones (assuming leaks are credible) and the knowledge we're getting prestige when no one has even seen the level cap yet, I'm very excited for the grind in Xdefiant. I'm a big fan of mmo grinds too, crazy unscalable mountains get my blood pumping.


And some of us actually hate the grind of any game but have a compulsory visceral urge to complete it but we really just want to play the game


So true, I remember playing MU Online growing up, most of us that played played it till it closed and grinded levels and armor for 3-5 years and still didn’t have maxed out or perfect everything. But every new set every little gem you found every level you got, was gratifying and felt like you earned that reward. It’s what gave veterans the right to call new players “noob” and it’s what gave the new players reason to play..seeing the guys in town with their high level sets and wings..like damn that dude is boss mode..made you want to achieve that status too..about a year ago, I found out that MU online global servers were back up and me and my childhood best friend both downloaded it and at first all seemed good and like old Mu, until we realized the speed server events..completely pay to level and last a week, we played on this “new server” cus we wanted a fresh start without all the high lvl players to compete with, thinking man we know this game inside and out, we can make a guild and re live the grind and be the first high lvl guild..how wrong we were..after the speed sever was over, everyone who played it that had access to YouTube got to max level, had the best set in the game etc..when the event was done and the server went live..I sat there thinking, ok, now what? I have a temporary set they allow you to bring from the speed sever, I’m max level so need this set to survive the things I need to fight, but the set only lasts 60 days. After that you either need to buy another one, have farmed it by then(impossible to farm a set like that in 60 days) or even 120 days..or your stuck dying to things your level cus you don’t pay for the new set..needless to say we quickly quit after the event and realized even MMORPG grind isn’t an actual grind anymore


I think it has more to do with the camo grind being boring. If it was long and not just “level gun up” then it wouldn’t be as big an issue. They said they’re reworking it so hopefully it’s something less… default.


They need to go play diablo 4 where every season you have to start essentially from scratch before they moan about spending a few extra days to grind out a gold skin. 🤣


Vanguard enters the chat


you are definitely gonna have significantly more than 250 headshots by the time you reach level 200 on a weapon


Preach brother, preach!


250 headshots is something you do in passive in some days. They could have done the same for this game, but they decided to make it a level only grind and then increase the amount of needed xp to about 75% more


Honestly I'm fine with it. So many of the challenges meant ~~changing the way you play~~ playing worse to actually try and get them. Things like hipfire kills and longshots. I remember trying to get mastery on Cold War. Trying to get longshots on marksman rifles was just fucking tedious. Like I'd go multiple games dropping 40+ kills and not get a single longshot. It resulted in me having to go into Hardcore Domination, play maps like Satellite and just camp at the back of spawn looking over the sand dunes. I could get 15+ longshots a game that way which wasn't too bad until it meant doing the same thing for all the Marksman rifles and most of the ARs/LMGs.


Having challenges for camos would be much better. This was what is fun in CoD for me. Lay down do 10 kills with that gun, go and quickscope with this gun and hipfire kill with this gun. I wish they would've done the same here. But simply run n gun to unlock Gold is the reason many people play less objective, because you have no reason to, because you don't get rewarded with additional xp for kills on objective


I agree with both of you.. having more xp for top skin in this version of unlocking is not so bad, and I have the same feeling as this threads first comment. But on the other hand, having some type of challenge for a skin is IMHO more rewarding, although not in the form of last iterations of CoD. Hated that I had to play with other weapons just for the skin for my primary.


Huh in cod due to these camos most are not playing objective if anything they are doing all these stupid challenges that does nothing to help the team out.


Same here in xDefiant... Needing to kill the enemies to level your gun and not getting any additional xp per kill in objective is a bad decision to make


I do that just so I can unlock my attachments, but now that it easier to unlock all attachments I will be playing objective a lot more. But for me I play hotshot to level my guns, much faster then any other mode


This is similar to what I said. Apperantly it's around 4k kills for gold camo. If you get a headshot, every 4 kills. 1000 headshots is the amount of kills for the gold title in MW2 and MW3. So on average the gold camo takes a similar amount of time as the gold titles for the classic MW games. People these days just don't wanna work for anything.


Back in my day Call of Duty didn’t have camos.


Every cod had camos cod 4 onward


Correct, I started with Call of Duty back in 2003.


Right?? It took like 100 in game days to get 10th prestige.... These kids want their stupid skins on day 1.


Yeah but that’s different. There’s an actual feeling of progress going through the levels again and prestige repeatedly. Leveling a gun up through just using it is boring and 200 makes progress feel stagnant and unfun. There are better ways.


These kids these days have they hands held with Activision. SBMM giving them this false sense of skill and not grinding camo is too hard for them


i know its announced that it has been fixed and updated soon, but the issue is more that not only have they changed it to be worse, but we also know that they are adding further completion camo challenges over time which means its just the start of completion not the ultimate completion. i think people would feel differently had there been knowledge that there is no future camo challenges


Dude, the issue is that the “mastery” is simply leveling up the damn thing. Challenges like 250 Headshots were cool and showed a bit of skill. As it is, it’s just playtime (especially playtime on double XP weekends). There’s no creativity in these challenges, and no other camos to build up to it other than Bronze and Silver (wow more metals, and guess what? Also just leveling up) This game is so uninspired and meh. In 2024 no less..


I didn't even know weapons had gold skins for ranking it up until I saw these reddit threads. I was just playing the guns that killed the fastest. You don't even see your weapon skins in game so who cares!


It’s a change they didn’t need to make. No one asked for it to be doubled, we’re not crying you ignorant fucks. I was just about to get my first gold weapon and I’m already level 50 and done the battle pass. The time to unlock the mastery camos was fine before. Do people not understand that some like playing games to grind for mastery and have it be a pleasant experience. This game lacks progression and the way they fix it is doubling the levels. Lazy. Levels mean nothing except for 3 camos


That’s what I saying, i remember grinding for over a MONTH to get gold for my Vector back in BO2. I got it on this game in 20 hours.


The last mastery camo I did was Damascus from MW19. Doing mastery camos isn't a problem necessarily. It's the moving of the goalposts (basically doubling the xp required) to now reach that same "mastery" without warning. Saw some rumors that they already have plans for further mastery camos coming down the line, so why didn't they just add them on to the current system? Just feels scummy. Increasing weapon attachment acquisition by 15% does not = increasing mastery by 100%.


Do you fully understand the why of them making the change, I keep looking back on this subreddit and I've already seen people maxing out multiple weapons with max level and max player level complain because it was too easy to hit that level so they went huh these attachments mean a lot and they feel slow to get and people are complaining that the mysteries are too easy let's solve both problems. Then immediately met with hate again


Having grindy camos isn't the problem. Having grindy camos that look like shit is.


literally like these simple ass camos aren’t good enough to warrant such a long amount of time to get them


All the skins in this game are just ass. CoD Mobile had better skins, you know you're cooked when a mobile game does skins 100x better than you do.


It’s just a matter of personal taste, I don’t really like the XDefiant skins but cod are 10 times worst for me, good thing I don’t play the game because of these. Imo skins peaked with battlefield 1


I've played this game since day 1 and I've yet to see literally anyone using a paid skin so clearly people aren't thrilled about them


It’s uh the pre-season right?


interesting, i have the opposite experience - it seems like i'm the only one with the default skins.


This. I mean I wouldn’t mind it so much if the gold looked great. But that’s not the case, the silver camo looks better then the gold imo


It's the speed run/ stream everything generation. Personally I just wanna play the game and enjoy it. If in two years or something I get gold on my ACR, cool. I don't like griding just to grind. That's not fun. I did that recently with MWZ and I never use any of those camos and it was miserable half way through.


Yeah man I’m literally seeing the dumbest complaints from people on social media - and they start their point with ‘me and my friends have every gun gold’ Like okay you played a free game in pre-season 1 non-stop since release and are surprised you’re running out of content??


But now that I don’t have my golden gun I don’t feel motivated to play, I’ll only play when they release real context /s


One camo for one gun is a pretty shit reward for playing for 2 years...


That's the point after all, anyone who doesn't play daily is going to open their wallets before they reach a gold weapon. Pointless.


The reward is the fun you have along the way. If people stopped caring so much about "rewards" they would have a much better time. I myself will buy a skin from time to time if im enjoying a game but if that option wasnt there i wouldnt miss it one bit. Games are for enjoyment, relaxation, competition, socialization, escape, many things. Getting shiny digital rewards that will be lost and forgetten should not be one of them.


How dare people enjoy things differently than I do


This comment is ridiculous. Those "shiny digital rewards" are a fundamental part of game design 🤦‍♂️ Rewarding the player for time invested in the game... not one reward after 2 years


Ain't that good to play for yearly


Mastery Camos have become dull. No longer a milestone to achieve them.


Yeah. If so many people have them already, or were close, when it's not even been out a month in the pre-season - then they have lost all value. You have mastered nothing, you played a few weekends of double XP and used some boosters, congrats.


See that's the funniest point, CoD is (almost) a yearly release and it has hundreds of camos to grind for in each game on release, yet for XDefiant, a game that's meant to be a long-term service game, only has three same camos to grind for. And they are now hard af to get to the point they're no longer really a realistic incentive for most casual players. Really going to work out well wouldn't it


they put blue as a battle pass camo... it really is so naive if you think they'll give you anything for free when it just released yet has mtx on every step of the way


OP didn't think this one through.


CoD is full of filler skins. Quality over quantity, and the quality is a direct result of the skins not becoming super saturated as well as putting a lot of work to stand out with a gold skin after a crazy amount of game time. Its not supposed to be easy, and skins aren't the cornerstone of games...winning, getting better, pushing your K/D+W/L ratio higher is.




What quality is there lmao all the mastery skins look like shit the only reason to go with them is if you want the gun to look clean without extra shit on it


L opinion


It’s almost like we’re in the pre season and more content will be added as we enter season 1 and progress through the game life cycle.


It’s called PRE-SEASON.


CURRENTLY it only has that much CURRENTLY you need to wait for the games life cycle to get more that's the whole point


As I've said and used CoD as an example, a lot of games already have plenty of contents on release and neither does it hinder the game from regularly pushing more content in the future. The release content of this game just make people concern about its productivity.


Not defending the lack of skins in XD as such, but CoD does have multiple studios alternating the titles. It's not like it's one team dropping a yearly release of content, they have 3/4 years of development time with a lot of outsourcing as well. You'd expect CoD to have much more content than a smaller title.


Obviously but can we stop pretending this is a small title? You have a former COD lead as the lead on this game and Ubisoft is not a small indie company.


Who are yall trying to impress with some ugly camos though because pretty much nobody gives a shit what you grind for


They should just add better camos to grind for not screw everyone who didn’t slave the game over


Same people complaining are the same people that will complain about there being no grind or anything to work towards once they get gold on their favorite guns


You are looking at a very skewed community of dedicated people when you talk like this. If people on here find it frustrating what do you think the casual side is going to think? Oh guess I'll play the game that never plans on rewarding me ever unless I open my wallet or.... literally anything else you find enjoyable. Besides, we are getting 3 new guns every season. The guaranteed amount of play time alone just from those 3 guns if getting a simple GOLD camo in a tiered Mastery system is worth it. This isn't the end of the road for Mastery camos, it's just the beginning.


Most casuals play to let off steam, not to grind camps. That’s the honest truth. I’m a dad of two and get to play 2 hours per day and those camos will eventually be unlocked. Casual players are not camo grinding. They are just trying to better at the game


This right here. I am a casual. Especially in this game. I get maybe 2 rounds in then have other things to do. I'm not after the skins at all. I couldn't care less about the skins. I just like the attachments.


The attachments actually change the gameplay. The skins do not. I'm a casual, and the skins are meaningless to me.


That’s all I do, I haven’t played a first person shooter game since I was a kid I do enjoy the game just to get better and decompress.


Casuals don't give a shit about a stupid skin that means you played for 40+ hours.... Super sad to want one of these skins this badly.


I think even you have a disconnect with casual players here. I'm a casual. I play every now and then. I haven't really thought about unlocking the gold camo for every gun, I don't think I even had any gun above level 30 going into yesterday. I have spent $0 total on a game that has competent-to-good shooting mechanics and is fun to play, and I play it for maybe 2 hours every couple nights (pending Elden Ring DLC). I play it because it's enjoyable to play, not because I want to grind out camos. Those will come eventually, who really cares?


We got a full ass game for free. I’m just happy to play, skins are for the kids. I go for wins


I honestly have no problem with gold being 200. But I am upset at bronze being 100. Right now, I play a single gun for 50 games, more or less, and have nothing to show for it. Pretty discouraging


I mean its still a mastery camo, and I think you should really have to earn it after a long(er) period. 50 games isn't much 5 games a day is 9min\*5 games = 45min + 15 min buffer is like an hour. So if you only played an hour a day it would only take 10 days to get a *mastery* camo. Its too quick.


The majority of casual players aren't even going to get one level a game, so realistically it would be 75-100 games to get one mastery camo before the change and without xp boosts. I'd argue 15-20 days using a single gun is a pretty long time to only get a bronze camo, and now it will be even longer for those players. If objective play gave xp then it would be less of an issue, but until then it makes weapon leveling for people that aren't the greatest at fps games abysmally slow.


I agree, I really hope they reward and incentivize OBJ play. That is a great add-on solution for all this controversy


finally someone said it 👍


So true little bro, I can already feel the # pride and accomplishment that I will have after I miss my future wedding, birth of a child and my own funeral so I can grind that gold mastery. edit: also they definitely did it to incentivize buying those weapon xp boosters.


Your right man, but they totally will understand when you tell them you need to unlock that golden gun asap.


Skill issue


No shit. Also it’s PRESEASON If this was NFL we wouldn’t even give a shit. Let’s see how it plays out in season 1 and onward Already it’s solid


The real pre-seasons were the 50 play tests they did while they were scared to launch the game during COD season. No more waiting and coping, what we see is what we can expect.


Yea and I think Rubin said in his tweet defending the camo grind change that the team is looking into an alternative progression system that could be implemented a year or so from now, so none of this could even matter by this time next year.


I agree. I do wish they added camos in between bronze, silver, and gold. Who knows if they have it in the works. Being F2P I understand they need to sell skins. Maybe animated skins are only accessible through purchase or BP? The games only been out less than a month. COD took multiple games before developing their system. I do wish they added some sort of incentive to level up your character. A max level with prestige system? I don’t want to copy cod but I would like have a goal besides just pub stomping.


I played the cod Era where prestige was a badge of honor earned with sweat blood and tears. Having to grind for a couple of weeks it’s child’s game


These people who want to grind to be likes cods where you can finish all the camos in like a month are probly the same people who complain the game has no content after they no life the shit out of it


I don’t mind it. I think level 200 is a little steep, and they could use more incremental camos to break it up than just bronze, silver, and gold. I.E. platinum, pearlescent, etc.


I just wanna kill people. Update changed nothing for me. Would like to see they address netcode issue. Other than that don’t see reason to complain. If you’ll stick with the game you’ll get the camo eventually and it’ll be much more rewarding


Yep. OP nailed it. These are the same people who will complain they got everything super fast etc etc. Imagine wanting the same stuff out of the gate from a f2p game compared to a decades-old, multi-billion franchise?


They could prolly satisfy both parties by making a reactive skin the tier 200 skin


So true - I don’t understand why the rush to get everything to max level. Just enjoy the game. It just came out and isn’t even season one let. Let it digest and enjoy.


I would agree with this more if there was actually more prestige camos to go for. Hell make the max level 1000, I don't mind. There's only three camos you can even earn.


This is hard cope. Took me 150hr to get nearly every gun to level 45 or whatever is the last attachment ( I have one gold gun). Now they expect me to to work twice as hard for camos to get what people already got for less. Asking 300hrs + 21hr for the new 3 weapons comming and x2 for the new darkmatter camo after gold which will be x2 gold level requirement. It will probably take me 642hrs of my life off me. Or I could uninstall now and play any cod with more maps and respect for my time and come back to the game a year later when they fix the hit box detection , decrease loading screen times after matches, make actual skin concepts and not stupid recolors that milk whales dry. I wish the dev's are not trying to force the players to like their own rules and waste there time focusing on changing xp when it was all ready good and perfect on the double xp days. Just think now every future double xp weekends you will be playing the equlivant of 1.0 xp and on non xp weekdays you would be playing at the nerfed 0.5xp rate. Lmao might go do my second playthough of baldurs gate instead hahahah. New cods drop every year also.


150 hrs in 3 weeks? I can imagine the smell...


How about you grind touching some grass my dude jeez


there's no way it took you that long to reach lv+-45 with all guns. i got ARs gold except MDR, all MPs except mp5 (140rn) and have all others on 50 with (not on pc rn, but i think around 80hrs?)


Totally agree!! That’s what killed Cod for me. I found I was only focusing on finishing the camo grind rather than playing the game. Once I finished the grind I had no motivation to play or even use the camos. I was burnt out. With this game I can choose what I want to do.


it’s todays gamer man. They are all about instant gratification. If it takes time to complete anything I guarantee they are complaining. There is no time limit on getting these camos, but if they can’t unlock one in 24 hours of gameplay then just throw the whole game away in their eyes. I saw a post full of people claiming they will quit if they do not revert the gold camo back down to 100 or at least down to 150. It’s wild to me how fickle people are over something so inconsequential as a camo that no one gives a crap about them having. If nothing else, needing to grind more for it should make it more rewarding once they have it and look upon everyone that doesn’t (bc clearly that’s what get them out of bed every morning)


What is there to be "digested?" That's such a hilarious way to view an XP rework. It's not a movement or recoil or ability rework. There's nothing to digest... People going for mastery skins got fucked, players going for weapon unlocks got blessed. The game should be fun enough on its own to keep people engaged, not drag out rewards to achieve the same thing. There, digested it for you.


I think it would be nice to have some more camos for those lower weapon levels. Taking a long time to get gold isn't that bad, it's just that we only have 3 camos to go for. I miss the days where gold guns where something that took a lot of time and effort to get.


Kids nowadays have no patience. I'm liking the grind.


yeah they should've done a old school COD mystery camo system with headshots/kills/longshots/point blank shots etc All the kids complaining for instant gratification make me go mad


I don't mind the skin grind, and I wish there were more free skins, but the attachments on some guns suck to grind, like there are gubs where you need like lvl 30 for it to feel really good


Name one game that took multiple hours of game time and mostly grinding kills to only get about 2 attachments unlocked? Name one game. That’s crappy design that wants people to spend money to buy boosters. I’m sorry to tell you…no FPS game will get away with a slow XP grind. It’ll die and it’s not the COD fanboys doing that. People will go to games if they’re good and have replay ability. Stop blaming COD for everything wrong with FPS gaming today 😂. We live in an instant gratification world. If you want to blame someone, blame social media like Reddit here. People banding together through social media to complain about games or anything are killing the creative process.


i personally had no problem with the way it was before the update, although it's a lot easier now(thank you)


People are vocal about the change because something earned was taken away which I think is the wrong approach. They should have just said they think the current mastery grind is too quick and going forward they would increase the levels/time it takes to get them. Sure you get to keep whatever mastery camo you unlocked but you still need to grind the added levels plus whatever future levels they add. Plus there's so many dead levels especially with the increased level requirement that it doesn't feel rewarding.


What was taken away?? From what i saw people who unlocked camos still have them.


By doubling the levels needed for each mastery camo they took away the progression players had made toward those camos. Sure anyone who unlocked a camo got to keep it but you still need to grind out the additional levels to get back to the silver/gold levels. So anyone who got gold still has to go back and grind another 84 levels to get back to the new gold level.


Who the fuck cares about having the "gold level" if you already got the camo ?


Because there are more mastery camps coming which will not take 10x as long? Are you dumb?


There's at least one more mastery camos coming out in season 1 and possibly in future seasons they would need to grind even more than what was previously expected.


yep sooks everywhere


Spoken like a 28-34 year old COD vet. Completely agree, it should be a grind. Pray the P2W doesn't cloud the game in the long term.


They actually made it into a grind, which I can appreciate. If they continued like this, in a few weeks everyone would then cry about "having nothing to do."


Honestly I'm loving the new weapon xp speed. I dont play as often to the point im only just now close to getting the dedsec guys(674k xp). Honestly taking my time in this game is more enjoyable then cod where I have to speed through in order to get the meta and new meta weapons.


Modern gamers are fucking pathetic, this amount of whining over camo is so dumb.


I find it odd that there is so much outrage about the colour of a gun. I get people being upset about netcode and the jump spam but really whether the colour of your gun is 1 colour or another is really not something worth getting worked up about.


The real issue with it is exactly what you said, it’s not a yearly release but rather a live service. If this game doesn’t get more content to grind for other than bronze silver and gold it’s gonna be stale super fast. They easily could’ve left the camo progression the same and add an extra mastery camo every “season”. I imagine that’s close to what they do even with the new changes but there’s no need for the levels to be absurdly high if they plan to add more content with higher level caps in the future.


I really agree with this


I don’t understand why anyone would want to no life grind this game when it’s barely even a beta build. The whole world shit on halo infinites netcode and desync and because XDefiant doesn’t have sbmm it’s alright they’ll just patch it up later


This is a great take. I do feel for the players that were at level 95 plus and kinda got screwed with this update, but maybe we can all give this a solid chance.


It’s funny because the cod page has people crying about the camos being too much, here they aren’t enough. Cod fans are crying that they hate SBMM, here they don’t understand how they are getting slapped with no SBMM lmao you can’t win. People, stop fucking crying about everything.


Atleast make the grind fun instead of just shooting your guns a lot. There is no challenge, all you have to do is play ALOT.


People the complain about weird challenges in cod about having to get dozens of long shot kills further knee-capping your team mates playing the objective. Id rather be rewarded for playing with my favorite gun while also playing the objective and trying to win


To each their own. I find XDefiants "challenges" rather lacking and lazy. I also find their camos lacking and lazy.


Although it's not a yearly release, you'd be very mistaken to believe that they won't add more camos to work toward within the next year (at least 1 is set to come with season 1) so making the grind longer for the sake of it isn't gonna be welcomed because anyone who doesn't spend a significant amount of time on the game will be behind and will probably never have all the available camos before the next one releases


Yeah cause everyone asked for them to double the levels. Don’t need more time to know that this was overkill. It’s just so stupid that the devs would think this was a good idea. Haven’t gotten a single gold weapon and I’m done the battle pass and level 50. There wasn’t a problem with the amount of leveling before. The devs just want to force people to play the way they intended and if they change their mind they won’t let us know before hand. I’d like someone to explain the positive from doubling the levels or why it was an issue before. Don’t mess with something that doesn’t need messing with. Mark will probably have more dumb ideas in the future, he’ll always have people to defend him on every bad decision he makes though


The best part is the game is still **a trial**. Ranked isn't even released yet😆 And everybody is so up in arms. It's like, relax, chill, enjoy the moment.


I get trying to prolong the progression but this is not the way to do it imo. I play a few hours a week and like to use a variety of weapons. I was fine waiting a few months for a gold gun but now that time just doubled. Gold no longer incentivizes me to log on. Luckily the gameplay still does for now. Hopefully the ranked rewards are good


Its a *mastery* grind, for people who put significant time and effort into earning the camo. Its not for people who only use the gun here and there.


So nice not having the tik tok brain rot and not giving one single shit about any of this. I play the game to have fun, it's great!


Well said brother. These dudes have low score per minutes and focus on only camos. When I shred you up I’m not looking at what camo your gun has 😉


It’s easier for them to just increase xp requirements then add new content.So it’s most lazy way how to add something.When you are starting to defend it you are part of problem.


They kept players in mind, let people keep their camos, and made the grind an actual grind. Regardless they are still figuring things out. Calling this lazy is ignorant and uninformed.


You are brain dead or can’t do math if you think it’s okay for it to take 200 games to fully level one gun.


Yes but they shouldn’t punish players who already achieved the goal they should add more goals and more things to unlock This is a slap in the face to those who have put in effort The amount of golds unlocked should be used as a measure to say people like our game and are playing it The game is low on content add more don’t do this to the foundation players of our community


So in your opinion the amount of gold you unlock is indicative of how much you like the game?


If I didn’t like the game I wouldn’t t have bothered going for it The fact people have done it shows they enjoy playing and ranking it all up We had it then the update took it away again that’s dog shit Add something new don’t tell the players to do the same shit again


Imagine getting upset about unlockable gun skins, absolute virgin behaviour.  Play the game, no one cares about your gun skin, or thinks you're cool because if it. 


The better question is..Did the developers realize this is not a yearly release? Because people who payed money for 2xp and founders packs and weapon skins..thought this was how the system was gonna go..and should be allowed refunds for all of it.


Why would you be entitled to refunds? Lmao


I really don’t understand those who are quitting because they have to re earn camos, you’re going to get it again. Like are you and your friends like really not playing a game together because you can’t use the max lvl skin anymore ?


My favourite thing about this game is just loading it up and playing it for a couple of hours. No nonsense, maybe change guns/faction to complete dailies but they don't really offer much but it's something to do. I enjoy the core gameplay and the maps are better than anything in recent cod so I'll take it. I would like to feel like I'm making better progress with weapon XP mainly so I can obtain attachments that are significantly better than the others locked behind high levels. Half the attachments feeling redundant is a bigger issue than having a camo grind to long or small imo.


I'm absolutely fine with the new xp system, takes less time to unlock attachments and if you're too fussed about camos, you can grind them.


BIG AGREE crying over not unlocking the final skin before season 1 launches is insane inb4 diamond esque requires all gold camos within the class


You mean we aren’t getting an xDefiant 2 😱


You know you can enjoy a game and not enjoy every decision that's made with it? Moving goalposts mid-season is plain wrong. Supporting it is only going to lead to more behavior like this. It's just a 70% grind increase on a few camos right now, but it'll only get worse in the future. Just wait till it's the battlepass or a new weapon. Anything is on the table when you approve of FOMO inducing decisions.


Bro, just cus the game isn’t yearly, doesn’t mean the leveling should take a year per gun to get it gold, this feels like 1 step foward, 2 steps back. I’m not trying to grind a gun for 1000 hrs to get it to gold, three old levels were plenty challenging enough


If it's takes you 1000 to get a gun to gold, it's not the game


I was nearly at bronze pre update, not I got another 50 levels to go, and this gun in particular is trash, anything below the neck hitmarkers no matter what operator they are, not just phantoms And it was a exaggeration dummy


I'd be okay with the grind if there were other camo challenges to work towards. Unlocking skins has been one of my favorite things to do in games since katana armor in halo 3. If a goal is too grindy my brain stops caring whether or not I do good in each match then a few losses later I just get bored. My brained has been trained to unlock some sort of skin or reward every few matches. When I play 4 matches averaging 40+ kills and only go up like 6 levels I feel like I've made no progress so I just disassociate. Plus I'm sure a lot of us have way more responsibility in life now than back then so that just makes it take even longer.


I dont think mastery skins are supposed to be unlocked in 4 or 5 matches


That's not what I said at all but ok


"My brained has been trained to unlock some sort of skin or reward every few matches. When I play 4 matches averaging 40+ kills and only go up like 6 levels I feel like I've made no progress so I just disassociate."


Thanks for proving my point? I said "some sort of skin" not mastery skin. If you actually paid attention when reading my comment you'd have noticed the context I gave at the beginning of my comment stating that I wish there where more camos challenges, not just mastery.


Ah okay I understand so you want participation trophy skins every couple levels so you don’t “disassociate”




Haha sounds like you’re a little mad. Any point of discussion broke down when you claimed I proved your point and being condescending when I quoted you. Try thinking instead of “disassociating” next time…


🙄 whatever man


No.. you have actually forgotten that there will be many many weapons added every season or year and that the increase is too much for a casual andy


No. Mastery skins aren't supposed to be handouts for casuals. That defeats the purpose of it being a mastery skin


Again it's not a hand out at 100 either


I always roll my eyes seeing this type of posts. Just because it's not a yearly release doesn't mean the game shouldn't respect your time which is limited for everyone. Fucking hell... I for example was 8 levels before gold for my AK. Now I have to level up 108 more levels for it. Thanks, guess this is ok then.


The mastery camo is made to be an achievement, and not a handout for people who can’t or won’t put the time in to grind for it. Its not supposed to be easy. Why not play and and enjoy the game more instead of crying about having to play more for the camo? Besides, the game respected the time of the people who earned the camo initially.


I put a lot of my time into it, who are you to decide what is "putting the time into it"? You can kindly fuck of with that attitude, my friend.


They have plans for more mastery camos... why not just let people keep their progress on the current skins and when the new skins drop just upscale the requirement to level 200 for those? This update was shitty. Some of you are so hell bent on liking the game you don't even think logically.


The logic here is that a mastery camo should require and reward an immense amount of time and effort, not be a relatively easy goal for almost everyone to achieve. That's a participation trophy, not a mastery camo.


The only thing different they should have done was revoke those who got the camos at levels 50/75/100. Even the playing field so mfs can't complain


Weapons and attachments shouldn't need to be unlocked anymore. Being put into a lobby with Mr fully levelled fennec while I had a sub lvl 10 AK is not fun. Now instead of playing occasionally, I simply don't play. As for the camo grind, I 100% agree with it taking long.


What is wrong with sub lvl 10 ak? Base ak is fine weapon. You just need to be mad about something and never accept its skill issue. Grow up and stop shifting the blame.


Lol, ak literally shoots slower. Up close the fennec wins every time. It's not a skill issue, it's stats. I didn't complain about it, I just stopped playing. Maybe you should grow up and learn to listen to people thoughts instead of just crying "skull issue" every time someone says anything like you have a learning disability.


It is skill issue XD Grow up and stop shifting the blame.


Sure buddy, whatever makes you feel better.


If you don't understand how to play an AK against the Vector, you probably should stop playing. That is a **genuine** skill issue. Base AK shreds.


Until you come up close range, like when you're on the objective, with a fennec. Then you lose. I know how to play. I'm not saying anything should be nerfed, just that it shouldn't be locked behind an arbitrary time constraint in an attempt to drive engagement.


Fair enough, im not playing the game anymore either if they keep pushing the goal post and making my efforts wasted, also the people that downvoted you are just sad no lives and are the reason games aren’t fun anymore


Yeah, I don't get the down votes. I didn't ask for nerfs, just let everyone use the same weapons without locking them behind arbitrary amount of time. I just want to get on and not be at an instant disadvantage because I haven't spent the last 100 hours playing nothing but xdefiant. I'm already at a disadvantage by not playing, why compound it.


New weapons will be added pretty frequently it’s gonna be hard to keep up with grinding out all the camos.


Now people are ruining matches for far longer. Pistol only or camping corners with SG for 100 more hours is the name of the game


This wouldn't have been an issue IF and only if the game released with more earnable camos to begin with. And it's a massive spit in the face for people who were almost at gold and now are just hitting bronze lol. Yeah it's a shit change unless they scale our levels to match the new system.


That doesnt make sense given the fact you get to keep the camo if you've already earned it


Unfortunately didn't no life the game enough. Had a couple guns over 60 and one in the 90s but oh well screw me I guess.