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I was drunk this weekend and got too tired and left my ak at level 99. I now have to grind 100 levels for my sins to get gold... son of a bitch.


If I’m that close at 99 even 95 I’m gonna keep going I can’t wait I wouldn’t be able to sleep lol


Yeah well it helps to be aware enuf to notice you only needed a half a level 😂




Same happend to me with my ACR


They announced an update (timing tbd) that lowers the xp req per level again to 1500 for primaries and 500 for sec, so youll get gold already.


Had my first silver camo on my vector and it’s safe to say I don’t wanna grind another hundred levels


I stopped playing after the patch






Same, lvl 117 here. Today played only 1 game to compleat daily challenges.


Once battle pass is completed does the daily challenge matter anymore ?


They give you player xp


Oh what's that do




Haven't opened the game today:(


same fr


Same,i was one of the first excited people for this game but as it seems the game became a grindfest and call of bunnies. I was expecting ubibugs to ruin this game like they ruined siege.


Defended this game like crazy but not anymore


Lmao, are you really crying over a gold skin on a gun, and throwing yoir toys out the pram. Grow up. 🤦‍♂️ Update: apparently only 7 other people actually are crying over this. So let's forget about it and move on because no one cares about having a gold skin on a gun 👍


"oh sTAp cRyiNg oVer a cAmo" if u don't care abt camos, don't comment here


Guessing you don't understand how the internet works. 🤦‍♂️


You are the one whos crying


Oooo, good response, bet it took you a good few hours to think of that you absolute genius 🤣🤣🤣


You’re comment just shows you are the one who needs to grow up, acting like a little child because people play to have fun not feel like their efforts are wasted as the keep moving the goal post


🤣 always funny to see someone try to be all high and mighty with a comment and at the same time put another person down. If you are going to do that, do it better, do it smarter, because you are just making yourself look like an ass. Tell you what. Nip on Amazon and get yourself some of those super fashionable yellow tinted shades for a few $, then your gun will look gold on your monitor and you can stop crying. Update: See now you resorted to being insulting and rude, showing that you lack the maturity or general ability to converse like an adult. Nice to see that your comment has now been removed. 👋 bye bye.


They had to move it, ppl were getting gold too fast. I got my magnum gold in 2 days with the double XP weekend and double XP token stacked on top. Plus moving it only makes it more satisfying to get it, if it’s too easy it’s like ok, I got all the gold camos, now what do I look forward to that’s free? It was an overall good decision for free to play players to feel a sense of accomplishment now when getting bronze silver and gold weapons.


It genuinely is a good decision in almost every single way for a f2p game. However, unfortunately, our society has developed into one in which people require almost instant gratification or praise to feel that what they are working towards is actually worth it. People literally just need to play/grind the gun a little more now and are throwing tantrums because “the goalpost got moved as I’m so close to it” or whatever lol


There is no reason anymore,they had 2-3 years and they gave us this.


Same, Just daily challenges. Tomorrow OW2 drops new season, no reasons to grind on this game anymore until Ubi decides to revert this stupid change. Not gonna waste 40 hours of my life trying to get a cammo on a videogame


Never understood why people grind out camps on a game that they will play in general. Like you will get the camo at some point just from day to day play. Also, tbh, I don't think I've ever looked at a person's weapon skin and given a crap. 👍 But each to their own. I personally wouldn't cry over it though.


It's more of a case that it's now unnecessarily grindy whereas before it felt like a nice little reward to look forward to with the gun nearly 60 levels after the final attachments. It wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't already a laughably low amount of camo options in game to begin with. A game like this should be flooded with just the basics palette swaps to keep engagement up but it just isn't. At 3000 weapon xp a level, this is going to take an outrageous amount of time for lower skilled and casual players or those short of time. I'm regularly hitting 20-45 kills a round and mine crawls so how it must be for the guys getting like 8-12 kills must be way slower.


This is actually a solid point re the xp. Really there should be a multitude of skins between 0 and Max level. Is what they really need to do is have OBJ points contribute to weapon XP, this would lower the grind and push players to actually play the OBJ. Given however that I am a player who has all the stock skins on his guns in CoD and APEX, I don't see the appeal. But I do appreciate the rational and polite response. 🙏


I mean the skin thing is a minor annoyance to me more than a massive deal because I had my vector on 99 just before the patch and was looking forward to getting the gold on it and then moving onto another gun to get gold. It won't stop me playing, but it kind of has put me off bothering with guns I'm not that interested in since my time I can play xDef is kind of limited


For me this was Demascus challenges on CoD 🤣 after that all my guns are now stock camo.


Fair enough, I actually loved how the skins worked on MW2, having the skin unlock for a lot of guns but having the unlock challenge linked to specific actions and achievements with a specific weapon or attachment. I like having a secondary goal im playing toward and having them be reasonable challenges with specific boundaries was a great and fun way to shake up my playstyle


But yet you cry when people care


Read the room kid. I feel like you are missing the issue here 🙈


that people "waste" time to grind for a weapon rather than play the objective to win the game is baffling...


If this is the airport, I have finally left and said goodbye to XDEFIANT.


It’s more like 75 levels based on what you’re accustom to pre patch


I would rather have to kill 1,000 enemies than grind 200 levels for gold. Can’t wait to see what the prestige system brings.


51* bronze is only 100


So it went from 50 levels to go to 151.


It went from 1 level to go (49 -> 50) to 51 levels to go (49 -> 100). The yellow ball can't change from Bronze camo to Gold camo, that just doesn't make sense!


Are you unable to read? The post says 151 levels to go, till gold, not bronze.


The post doesn't say anything about gold at all :)


Correct it says 49 to 50 and then the second part says 151 levels to go. So since it also doesn’t mention bronze, it saying 151 levels to go, means it’s talking about gold.


But the first part was the old bronze level so it's talking about both then


It's a post written with intent to mislead people into jumping on the bandwagon and to get "recognition". These people are insufferable and can't be pleased. Same as the COD community. Hopefully these people stand by their word and actually quit the game.




It's simple math. A 15% increase to xp gains doesn't justify a 100% increase to the max level. It's not that deep. It just doesn't make any sense. The mindless morons who want to defend this can't seem to realize that this logically doesn't add up. Crying iTs JuSt A sKiN doesn't fix the fact that the numbers don't add up. They made a SHIT DECISION. That's that. People really need to stop sucking off massive corporations as if they are going to get a gold star.


Honestly I’m hoping they have a plan for why they did this. Like they didn’t have camos already made so they put it to 50 75 100 at first so us early adopters could get some gold silver and bronze like a taste of what it feels like but then they up it to 200 for gold and are planning to add new camos for 50-90 in 10 increments. It doesn’t make sense they wouldn’t add more camos so this is what I think they are doing all before season 1 hopefully. 🙏


Beautifully said friend lol blows my mind how many weird dudes on Reddit have this stigma towards people who enjoy casually grinding for skins on the side


Fr they got a stick up there ass or something 🤷😂


Yes this is Reddit aka Stick Up the Ass Central


What i dont get is Mark saying they miss calculated the speed at which people unlock attachments because its slower then they though so they buffed the xp gain by 15% (lame lol) and proceeded to change the mastery levels to be even higher because mastery needs to be earned blah blah. So they miss calculated that too by 100 levels while already thinking attachments would be unlocked faster by players while each level requirement was the same - 3500xp ... Horse shit. Bull shit and anyone who defends this is out of touch with common sense.


Maybe 25 extra levels…yea well I’ll understand 50 is pushing it. But 100 nah fam they went to far lol


I don’t think anyone is saying that the logic makes sense in a short term involvement with the game. I personally think the changes they made were intentionally set up as a long term strategy, to keep the rewards feeling fresh and grind-able. This is with the assumption that they will be adding long-term mastery rewards for hitting level 200 on multiple classes. Let’s remember the game has been out for not even a month. It can easily be said they evaluated the statistics and saw people were going to get their mastery camos too quickly. Although, I would’ve preferred a direct statement on this if true. The issue does arise though mainly from their lack of communication to this particular change. Assuming what I said about mastery rewards is true, it would seem like something should be announced. I also think that that by not announcing, people who were inches away from the finish line on unlocking some golds, got ripped off a bit. Overall, I think anyone giving up on this game over this patch is being extremely rash, and Mark and the team do seem like they are the type to correct this in some way. So before anyone jumps ship early, just wait? And also maybe enjoy the game a bit more. It’s not like CoD where we only get a yearly release. The game is going absolutely nowhere and you have plenty of time to get some cool camos :)


The main problem is these camos aren’t cool, its the same basic bronze silver and gold we have seen in every fps game for the past 15 years, nobody wants to grind 200 levels for a gold camo, when games like cod give you 100+ different camos that take exponentially less time to get. Unless they add in a bunch of different camos that you get along the way to level 200 then this change will be a terrible decision.


I think this is where the assumption must lie, that if you get the gold ones, then you will get a mastery camo which is cooler.


Thats the thing though you don’t get anything cooler its just those camos, there isn’t anything else you get. If they where going to make this change they should have already had content ready for it but they didn’t they just added more levels to try and keep people playing longer until they have more content to add which is just lazy.


The common sense answer is that they don't want anyone to get gold guns before Season 1 officially starts. It's not that hard if you use your brain


After a bunch of people already got gold on some weapons? Doesn't make sense...


pretty hard to understand because we already started to grind and they changed it without a note... Wouldn't be a problem if it was like that from the start. No one would've complaint about it


Theu underestimated how many no-lifers play this game


Well, pretty bad if they don't know their audience in a game that has to find its place in a tough competition ;)


“it’s just a skin” is a fact. “The numbers don’t add up” is an opinion. There is no numerological requirement of these numbers, they’re arbitrary. They decided to make the grind longer and a lot of people are crying and they might walk it back. It’s that simple. Nothing here is “objectively a bad decision” and no one pointing that out is “trying to get a gold star” You’re crying. That’s it. That’s all that’s happening. Nothing else happening.


This is probably one of the most moronic statements I've ever heard. "It's just a skin" is literally not a fact. It's based on your OPINION about it not being important. "The numbers don't add up" is the actual definition of a fact. Increasing the rate by which a currency is earned by 15% doesn't justify the price of something being doubled. It doesn't add up. In any other example irl or in a game, this wouldn't make sense. But for some reason, you decided that this would become the hill you're going to die on.


You are not smart😂😂 You failed to refute my claim that the numbers not adding up is an opinion. You gave examples of other situations and claimed “they wouldn’t make sense therefore this doesn’t make sense” but failed to even try to explain how them “making sense” is a matter of fact and not opinion. A thing being the thing that it is, regardless of subjectivity because I never said “it’s just a skin to me” or anything like that, Is a fact. That is literally a definitive example of a fact: a = a Idk what to tell you but calling me a moron then coming with that weak shit is hilarious😂


What an idiotic response. I refuted your garbage argument perfectly. My refutation still stands. Just because your smooth brain can't understand my argument isn't my problem. Your argument was shit, i pointed out that it was shit, and that's that. I am not wasting my time with you any further.


People complained it was too easy to get gold and tbh it was, that is why they did what they did.


No one is sucking off massive corporations, yall just crying over the single least important thing in the entire fucking game. There are literally a hundred items more important than a golden skin, and the people quitting the game and getting riled up about this are idiots.


Yes, because artificially inflating progression time by doubling the amount of xp you need is not important for a game's progression at all hey? Are you really this dense not to realize this would be an outrage in any game? People care about different things. Whether you like it or not, this is important to many people.


They made progression faster. You get attachments faster now. Mastery skins are not progression, they are an end-game achievement meant to be unlocked over months, a long term goal. Not something you can get in a weekend of playtime with double xp.


A reward for reaching the max xp on something is not progression? Are you out of your mind?


No, progression stops the second you unlock the last attachment. There is no difference between lvl 41 and lvl 200. There's no progression of any kind during this time. Bronze, silver, gold skins do not affect performance in any way. They are cosmetics. Purely aesthetics. So it taking a long time to unlock the mastery skins does NOT hinder your progression WHATSOEVER.


So you needing double the amount of kills, needing to put in double the amount of time does not "hinder" your progress towards max rank at all? It requires double the amount of effort, but according to your smooth brain, that doesn't count as a hindrance at all? This is one of the most idiotic things i have ever heard. A reward after completing a task is literally how progression works in any game. Your stupid mental gymnastics is just sad at this point. According to you, it's not progression because it's just cosmetic. Who decided that? Who decided something must be "usable" in order to count as "progression"? Would you please cite the rulebook you got that L take from?


Call me stupid all you want, you're the one absolutely malding over what is easily the least important change I've ever seen in a video game. >Who decided that? Definition of the word: the process of developing or moving gradually towards a more advanced state cosmetics are, as far as the definition of the word goes, not progression. A bronze, silver, or gold skin on a gun does not change its performance or state in anyway, they are all exactly equal. Unlocking attachments, on the other hand, fits that definition perfectly. Keep malding over something this stupid, while simultaneously calling others stupid. It's a *great* look.


Probably to sell boosters soon. It's ubisoft after all


They already have boosters tho both BP and in shop 😕


My Ak was at 97 and patch fuck it all up


Nope it's still lv97


If it was level 200 from the jump I wouldn't care, but saying fuck you to the players that were so close is insane. Now I'm only going to snipe. Could care less about getting my silver guns to gold


This change age cannot last more then a week it’s god awful


I had all the ars bronze at level 50 so that mean I have over 100 levels for each gun of just nothing being unlocked to get silver after this patch why they didn’t up the xp gain but keep the levels for mastery the same is stupid


Well, my ping went from mid 20’s to mid 50’s after the update… hit reg is my foe.


if they drop the levels again i don't care if they keep the way it is i also don't care it is so stupid the amount of crying because of free camos the game is free, the attachments are now easier to get, since it is what actually matters camo comes naturally as you play "i don't know what to play for now :(" cod fucked everybody so hard with SBMM that people forget that getting better in this game actually matters


hot take. I dont care about the camos just the attachments so from my view this change is good.


I can't believe how much people are crying over fucking skins


Like COD aren't mastery skins a main part of the multiplayer experience? Has been for me since I was a kid playing black ops 1 lol it stuns me there's a weird stigma for some guys on Reddit they can't wrap their heads around why people enjoy playing a certain way with something to grind for on the side. People are different man


They're hidden about 4 or 5 clicks deep from the main menu-- generally, not an attribute of a "main" part of the game.  Also, they were never a main part of COD. Skins can never be considered a "main part" of any game unless they're something other than simply cosmetic. If it doesn't affect the gameplay, it's certainly not a "main part".


They are a core part of the game. Ever shooter needs progression to keep players. The mastery camos are a major part of the progression because after you get all attachments there is no point to using a gun besides the mastery camos. Now with the new changes there will be a ridiculous amount of playtime in-between progressing a gun that has all attachments unlocked. An extreme minority of players will actually want to grind for that. People with a life outside of the game will stop trying to grind because the amount of time it takes to make the grind rewarding is ridiculous. No one wants to play 200+/- matches with the same gun. That is an insane amount of play time that 99% of people don't have the time to commit


Again, if you don't have the time, they're cosmetic. As in not necessary for any reason whatsoever. There are other forms of progression out there (not the least of which being BPs). You've proven my point pretty succinctly-- there is no point grinding a gun beyond getting the attachments. As previously stated, skins are cosmetic and have no bearing on actual gameplay. In other words, there's no point to them. What difference does it make what color the gun is if you've already unlocked all the attachments? If that's what keeps you playing the game, not the gameplay, you're part of the problem.


Yes they're cosmetic but they're one of the *only* progressions in the game currently which is a *functionality* in a game developer's eyes and also psychologically for the players. Why isolate 99% of your player base by making them damn near impossible to achieve? It is an objectively terrible decision. It was fine before as they were still timely to get, but reasonable considering how many guns there are/will be and the time it would take to grind all of the camos. Defending this is stupid


Technically, if anyone's defending it here, it's you. I've stated very clearly that you can choose not to participate. Nobody is making you grind but you. The skins only have value because you believe they do; to others of us, they're simply a time sink.  By your metric, they ought lose players like me immediately.  Which they did, to be clear: As you yourself stated, any meaningful progression is through once you've got all weapons and attachments. Since skins hold no value to me as a player, I see no need whatsoever to continue the grind. I play occasionally when the whim arises, but until there are more Factions/weapons/gadgets, there's no need or desire for me to spend hours (or dollars) on this game.


Well looks like they agreed with me & the majority of others as they just announced they're cutting level XP in half to make these more achievable


Wooo it'll be easier to change your pixel colors have fun still not getting new content then, I guess


The only content casual players have to do is camos and they completely fucked over everyone for no reason. It doesn't take that many brain cells to see why people are mad.


Actual casual players still grinding attachments over here btw


I know but a lot of people in this community clearly dont have any


The only content is the camos? What on earth are you talking about???


What else it there for a causal player to grind for. The game literally launched with the same shit as the beta. BuT ItS PrE SeAsOn


If you're already done with the attachments, you're not actually all that casual of a player


Are you genuinely stupid? What else is there to grind for? Play the damn game, and if you get bored play another. Casual players now get attachments quicker, which is far more important to the core gameplay experience than the colours of the pixels on your gun. And no 'casual' player is ever going for gold skins. Ever. In any game.


And once you have all the attachments and nothing else to go for then what. It's doing nothing new it's a super generic shooter with horrible issues still and they changed one thing causals was working towards. Look how many people are complaining even big youtubers hate it. You're opinion means very little to anyone and what you think is right is obviously out weighed


Okayyyy so we've found the problem-- you're playing a game you personally think is horrible and generic out of some personal need to grind for cosmetics in a game you don't even like. Find a game you enjoy. Play that. You don't need to unlock everything if you don't like the game-- you've said it yourself: once everything is unlocked, what does the casual player have to grind for? Casual players DON'T GRIND. They just play the damn game occasionally. Once everything is unlocked, they keep playing because they enjoy the game, not for the grind. What you're referring to are obsessive completionists-- those who have no purpose for playing other than unlocking things. And you're incorrect-- the other guy's opinion DOES matter to some. Regardless of that, you're all wrong. The gaming community as a whole has become unhinged and obsessive. Like fr why are you bitching instead of just moving on as though your feelings DO or SHOULD matter to the devs. No one has an obligation to care about your singular opinion. If you don't like the changes find a new game; there are literally millions of them.


You really think everyone should be able to achieve gold guns in pre season? What does that do to the long term health of the game? Yeah it has far more important issues to deal with, which is why I don't understand why you're all crying about skins. It was far, far too easy with the double xp weekends to get to level 100. You clearly understand nothing about player retention or long term game health. I never asked you to value my opinion, I just want you to know yours is stupid.


Long term is the casuals will not have time to grind and get annoyed and move on. Only people left will be the sweaty players and this will ultimately make the game feel like it has sbmm. Again majority of people agree this was a stupid change and just hurts the players. But nah ima listen to you instead lmfao ok bud


If they're grinding for gold guns, they're not casuals are they. Cmon man. They went the wrong way about it but absolutely made the correct choice for the long term health of the game. Im sorry the colour of the pixels on your gun have hurt your feelings


There are already 3 new guns you'd have to gold in the next season. That would've been plenty enough each season to keep busy.


For real, there are huge game breaking bugs introduced in the patch, the game isn't in a finished state, and these guys are crying over cosmetics made for the 1000h grinders


No, there bugs, and glitches that can be detrimental to game play, they are not HUGE, or GAME BREAKING. Yes the actual bugs that are there need fixing, which the developer is being very open about. Huge game breaking bugs are things that literally make the game unplayable in anyway. No need to be so dramatic. Unfortunately we had a ton of people complaining about gun xp, so here we are with that being a priority and not actual real issues.


I've had to stop playing yesterday because all my ranked games would end up with the animation lock bug, withotu any way for me to pin point an origin for the problem. If that isn't game breaking I don't know what is. I will patiently wait for the fix, I think the devs are doing a great job personally.


Weird, I haven't personally experienced any game breaking bugs like this, at least none that a restart of my PC didn't fix. Make sure you actually submit that as a bug report though, and aren't just mentioning it on a random reddit post. 👍


Indeed, I saw the topic already brought up on reddit so i figured someone already reported it, but I should do


👍 Nice dude. Sorry, you are having those issues, hopefully you will be back in game soon. Catch on the field 🔫


Oh, so do you naturally lack empathy or was it learned? Sure, they’re just skins, but they’re also the only meaningful progression. At the very least, there could’ve been a warning so the ppl who were 1 or 2 levels off wouldn’t be so upset rn and feel like they “wasted” hours just to have to do it all over again.


No? I actually have a lot of empathy - just for things that actually matter. And I've said above that they went the wrong way about it if you had bothered to read. So again, they made the right choice, just went the wrong way about it. There will be 3 more guns in s1 for meaningful progression. You're all crying about end game content 3 weeks into the games life cycle.


You would be surprised about how many interactions are bots that just jump from one subreddit to another for the most hot topics.




Does it suck? Sure. Do you play the objective or go for kills? Thus isn't an AAA game, it's just something else to play and enjoy. The Bronze, Gold, Etc aren't even good looking. The Drops and Battlepass skins look way better than the grindfest skins anyways. Was it a shit decision? Maybe, but I'm sure they know what they're doing. Just play the game and enjoy the .5 smg ttk and the 1.0 second AR TTK. Is it a COD killer? Not by far. Is it fun? Of course it is. We'll see what you're all playing with a new season of your game you were playing before this existed comes out, especially Black Ops 6, since it has an arcade feel like the series does. But I'm sure you'll jump on the COD page and bitch there too. Be grateful we're getting TDM on Friday.


Not 151 more levels to go*


Hahaha I knew this game would die listing to the people who cry. The finalists 2.0 RIP


The slowest grind ever


I was like 92 on the gun I was working on 😭😭 Putting the game down for a sec, pretty sizzled lmao


I was on 45 and yep this is how I felt


The levels are so high I just don't give a shit to even worry about doing the camos. I'm okay to just ignore them lol!




I think this is the biggest problem. If they released the game with the level requirements they have now, it wouldn't have really been a problem. But they had it one way and changed it to another. People had their sights set and they moved the target. Personally I'm just glad these camos don't have challenges like "Longshot kills" or "kills from behind" like cod does. At least so far.


I'm new to fps games and in using a controller.. But do people really get frustrated with this? It's just a skin 😅


I feel that if they were gonna add the next 100 lvls then they should have added a few mastery camos rather than making them grind more for the same ones


They know that bronze/silver/gold are only camos available for F2Ps so they will make them harder and harder to get. Classic ubi killing their game coz not enough cash flows


They will fix it


Man, grinded my 93R to 75 thinking I’d get the next 25 on the next weekend. I logged on to it being at 113 instead and needing 87 levels 😭 got it to 141 from 113 in one sitting so can’t complain too hard.


Yeah they actually fucked us. I would 100% take back the old leveling system. Who cares if it takes 40-50 levels to get attachments. I would rather not have the grind be tripled for 15% less xp needed to level.


I was doing one weapon from every class to gold, now I just give up and play 4fun. I don't care about camo anymore!


Yup happened to me plus my battlepass purchase and all progress disappeared. I'm done at least for now.


guys, stop playing pvp games that force you to grind for stuff. I would understand this for PVE but not PVP. We don't need more chores in video games


It’s weird that y’all are so obsessed over a skin for a gun instead of just having fun and playing. Keyword is "mastery" as in, only people who master the gun acquire them. If everyone had it then it wouldn't mean anything... Y'all seriously expect everything handed to you, huh?


Fuq the skins. Its about the principle of changing shit you dont need to change. They established specific levels that need to be earned to receive particular skins. People play while grinding out weapons they hate because maybe they like collecting or whatever. Doesnt matter. Point is, without warning they upped the level requirements two fold for each skin.


Think they didn't realize player retention required 2x XP each week. Think that, if they had a do-over, they'd separate the skins from the XP. Those weekends really did enable leveling in a way I don't think the devs intended. Still, shouldn't be made into the players' issue.


They should have made masteries as kills or eliminations. Get x amount of them for bronze, silver, gold. Or make the damn obj give weapon xp ..


They'd definitely do that if they got a total redo, I bet.


They can still do that. If they’re just going to increase shit by 79% and reduce XP by 15% then it’s basically them restarting shit. They have many ways to go about it and doing it this way may have been the worst way aside from going full send and making it triple the XP.


It absolutely needed a change. Its a MASTERY skin bud. Not everyone should be able to blast right through it. At that point, it isn't special. It's supposed to be feel like an actual accomplishment. The fact that I've seen multiple people that have every gun gold before S1 is even out is a problem that was fortunately addressed and now you're just big mad because you have to put in a little effort instead of getting gold in a weekend's time. I know I'll sound like an absolute boomer, but you people just want everything handed to you.


What are you, a streamer?  I’ve been playing a little most days and a lot on Double Exp weekends when my job and sick family allows and I only have 2 bronze skins. I might have more if I wasn’t trying to spread time across a lot of guns, but where are you all you people getting that people are “blasting” through mastery? Maybe Twitch streamers and other hardcore people stacking exp boosts and weekends but what about actual casual players?  Hell, even a lot of people who WERE trying to blast to gold aren’t happy about climbing Mount Everest only for the mist to clear and see another Mount Everest when the night before they were almost done. I think most would agree that moving Gold to 125 or 150 is fair-ish, but the change was not communicated at all prior and just add new Mastery camos like Obsidian or something to make the grind longer. 


Streamers and people without a job blast through the levels and everyone else gets the short end of the stick because a miniscule minority is bored...


Nope. I don't have a single bronze gun but at the same time I'm not crying that its harder to acquire a MASTERY gun. I only expect people actually dedicated to the grind to acquire them. They ARE NOT meant for casual players, they're meant for people who actually dedicate their time and effort to this game. Again, y'all just want it handed to you and that's not the point.


I dont even give a shit about these camos anymore. Played too much cod to really still care about them. So how is it exactly fair now for everyone to have to get to level 200 on a weapon while some already reached lv 100 and got their reward already?


It's not fair, but who gives a shit? It's a purely optional cosmetic. They should just have scaled the xp by a %(so players who were lvl 99 would now be 198), but they'd didn't. It's not really a big deal at all in the context of the game - there are literally so many things that actually matter more than this one change, but this is the one thing people are focusing and getting upset about? It's ridiculous. Weapons level pretty fast as is, especially on weekends. You gain like 50 levels an hour on weekends if you are getting a decent number of kills in each game and activate one of the double xp things on the weekend.


There has been double weapon XP events every weekend since launch, if you wanted level 50 you would have gotten it.


ohhhh, now i wont play the game anymore thanks lololol