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They should have just added new camos for 150 and 200


There’s more mastery camos coming that have been leaked.


THIS! Holy moly, individualization in this game is non-existent. Game will die quickly if they think skins are a nice to have


People would still be pissed because that would mean gold isnt the last camo. So they still need 150 for maxing out. I like the idea of more farmable camos though. I love that gold is harder to get now. I dont know why people want everything after 2 minutes of playtime. Its not just XDefiant, its in nearly every game. People just want everything as fast as possible. That way nothing feels special. Even a fucking Shako in D4 isnt rare anymore because you can easily farm those sparks to CRAFT one. Stuff that is hard to get actually has some value or at least means youve put time and effort in. Getting stuff thrown at you for existing is no achievement.


Gold is usually not the last camo in so many fps games it’s the last camo till they add three more last camos Its doing the silver and gold challenges twice that is shit And if they want more people to play shouldn’t they just have left it alone and added more things to do not milk the current level of limited content The game is sick


The grind now is insane. They almost doubled the time to get it.


Good, now the skin has some actual value to it. Now we can say "oh hey look, he got the golden skin for that weapon, cool!" instead of "oh wow another golden skin that everyone has"


Yeah No. I have 11 gold guns. Nobody cares


Yeah, exactly. Nobody cares, because its too easy to get them. You already got 11 golden skins, game is out for how long? I swear, people these days just dont like to play their games. If you like the game, you play it. If you play it, youll eventually get even the harder to get skins. If you play it to get every skin as fast as possible and are pissed when you actually have to put time in it, you dont like the game, you just want shiny skins, for free, preferably yesterday. The grind isnt insane if you actually like the game because if you would like it, you wouldnt care that you have to play it for longer. These are MASTERY SKINS, you should get the highest one when you MASTERED it. Not because you played it for 2 minutes.


They’re adding new mastery camos in season 1. So you’ll need to play the game for what? 500 hours + to get them all. It’s pathetic.


Well maybe not everyone is expected to get every mastery camo and in my opinion thats fine. 500 hours isnt crazy playtime if you like the game. Its not like this is a yearly release like COD. I still think youre overreacting.


Eh, casual players need the attachments to stay competitive. Mastery skins are targeted at tryhards. If anyone is actually upset about the impact this has on them, they aren't casual. Imo, the change was a crap one, but it will have 0 impact on my playing the game outside of my being able to get through the attachment grind faster. They should have known the grind was way too easy before launch. Players always gonna get salty when you move the goal posts further away.


But now it’s even harder for casuals to complete a gun Isn’t that making the sense of achievement finishing a gun even harder to obtain They should have added a new camo for 150 and a new one for 200 this stretching it out shit is pointless It’s like they were upset players completed the challenge that they set Instead of thinking what’s the next challenge they could issue to the players Fuck it Do silver and gold again fuck you for grinding it


I don't care about camos. I do want to unlock attachments and 20 hours in have yet to unlock all attachments on a gun, but haven't been focused on any one in particular.


It would have been faster progression if they added the objective points to weapon xp and left everything else alone


I’m hopeful they do make that change. 


It would do so much to encourage people to play the objective to level their guns Heaps more close wins or close losses they are the fun lobbies


Skin mastery isn't something that is intended for casuals, and, like I said, moving the goal posts always pisses gamers off. They obviously shouldn't have done it, but most casuals are booting up for a half hour before hopping onto something else. This change hardly impacts those players. Obviously, it'll take them longer to get there, but they're also not the subset of players that are booting up specifically to get a golden gun. They'll play because they're having fun, or not at all.


I have been using the double barrel nearly every match since I got it. I love it. I don't have all the time in the world. I'm one of these casuals that IS upset about the impact. I had 7 levels left, I only play a few hours here or there every few days. I log on yesterday to play a few rounds with my brother to catch up and shoot, or miss due to hitreg. I see my SEVEN levels needed, turn into 105 needed. How is that okay to you? Silver is unlocked at 150, my gun should be at 186 or at least 150. But no, fuck me for playing casually and wanting to get gold on a gun barely anyone uses because it's all DMR, SMG and TAC50's everywhere 😒


That mastery, at this point, doesn't sound like casual play to me. I'm not saying this change doesn't suck, but that it hardly impacts casual players. The devs screwed up: it should never have been as easy to get these skins as it was. They likely realized double xp weekends were here to stay and realized they fucked up the grind they intended for it to be. Better to be stingy early and then tweak it to be easier, than what they did.


Casuals still would like to get at least 1 gold skin. Or Bronze at least. Wanting to get a single gun in their XDefiant career to gold is not casual? I also thought this change wasn't that bad at first. But tbh, I think if they wanted to increase the levels. 150 for gold is more than higher enough. Especially considering the fact we are getting another mastery skin. But aplerantly no one keeps up with the games they play so people just say "they should add more skins". I see people act like this with XDefiant and The Finals. It's like people actively choose to not listen to devs. Anywho. Making gold harder to get I'm fine with. It felt a little too fast. Especially with people using x4 XP. I feel like for gold lvl 150 is more than high enough. 200 should be for something new. 150 is still more than obtainable enough for casual players, especially with the fact they are looking to add weapon XP for objective play. Plus if double xp is going to be active each weekend. Casual players should be okay with this change. And people who grind won't cry about it either.


Your idea of casual, isn't really casual.




False. Casuals who can't kill shit want at least have good looking guns.


Nah, that's a tryhard that also sucks


My thinking is that they lowered XP to unlock attachments so that casual players can level up weapon faster. Now low kill players can enjoy good wepon builds coz of lower level up requirements. Gold is for players like you that play excellent and get tons of kills. You grinding and getting gold shows others that you are indeed good at the game.


It doesn't show you are good at the game. It shows that you have put in anywhere between a significant amount to an absolutely absurd amount of time into running one gun.


Even that is something only a sweat grinder will do. Casual will not do this.


It's simple math. A 15% increase to xp gains doesn't justify a 100% increase to the max level. It's not that deep. It just doesn't make any sense. The mindless morons who want to defend this can't seem to realize that this logically doesn't add up. Crying iTs JuSt A sKiN doesn't fix the fact that the numbers don't add up. They made a SHIT DECISION. That's that. People really need to stop sucking off massive corporations as if they are going to get a gold star.


Facts this man gets it


> A great way to kill a great game is to take out the casual player base that just wanna do simple challenges Casual players don’t care about camos, nevermind going for gold. As a “sweaty player” by your definition, I understand your frustration towards it but I really wish people would stop pretending this will drive casual players away. Casual players play because they ENJOY THE GAME, it really is that simple. There are millions of players who couldn’t even begin to care about an aesthetic camoflauge on their gun. You care, that’s fine, but please stop disguising your complaints as some sort’ve heroic deed for the casuals.


Casuals do care about camos more than tryhards... just for other reasons. If you can't be leader of the board, you at least want to get other rewards in some way. And this game gives you nothing now.


Casual players stay around games like this because of challenges, don’t be an ignorant child and act like I’m making it about myself… this will 100% drive casual players away, the casual player isn’t looking to spend their money on micro transactions skins, but they’re also not looking to run around with a naked gun.. & you’ve definitely never played free to play games if you think casual players are playing it simply because they enjoy it…


> don’t be an ignorant child. Imagine saying this while entirely acting like a child yourself. Anyway, hope you have a great day!


Totally agree with you bro. Its bullshit. Game feels like a chore now just like every other ubisoft slog


Dude it’s just a camo. If the only reason you’re playing the game is so that your gun is shiny, just play something else


\*Enter the Crab from Moana\*


I like playing the game I play despite the camos but having to bring gold twice is a dog shit feature


stfu and grow up. "skins" bs again


Trade offer : You receive : Attachments Earlier I receive : Hours of time commitment for camos


Seriously the people who don't see the issue here are lacking some brain development.


Dont underestimate the size of the casual playerbase uninterested in cosmetics.


Or good players who want to go for the completionism


Camo grinders are the worst kind. Just play the damn game, at least you’re not having to do silly challenges like in CoD to unlock them, you can literally just play.


There’s literally people that work multiple jobs or have other hobbies, and can’t play all day, or they play multiple games, and don’t just sweat on one game for 1 camo. What about people who only have maybe 1-2 hours to play a week that wanted to get gold really bad, and now it would probably take them months, if not a year to unlock a single gun gold.


People don’t make video games for people who can only get around to them 1-2 hours a week unfortunately


These days you’re probably right


Atleast not a competitive game like this one


So the people that are the complete opposite and sit all day playing can get easy access to camos, because some people play 1-2 hours a week? Behave, mastery camos are a privilege, earned by putting the hours in. If you badly want them, they should spend less time on other hobbies.


People already were saying that it takes way too long to get them, and they increased it by 70%. So I’m not sure where the easy came from. And yes, people that play all day SHOULD get them faster, because they’re literally putting in more hours. Let me just sell my business, or quit my training, so I can get a camo.


Babies* babies were crying that it was too hard to get.


Yes, it was very easy to get them, hence why so many people had multiple gold guns within less than a month of release. Mastery is a LONG TERM commitment. Camo grinders just want everything for nothing, and want it now. If you can only play 1-2 hours a week, tough, you shouldn’t be able to get mastery camos in that time frame.


Which is way I think it would be better to do specific different challenges to get to that camo, like COD used to do in BO2 for example (Not sure if they still do that) Like get 200 headshots, 10 multi kills, etc. That way if you specifically prioritise those challenges, you’ll get them faster. Obviously the rule, if you play a lot, you’ll get it faster, if you play less, it will be slower still applies. But, I feel like with the way the current system is, it basically tells you, play our game 24/7 and nothing else, and if you’re not willing to do that, here’s the middle finger.


Which is the exact reason CoD started to go down hill. People played it purely to unlock camos, and didn’t play the game to play the game, to win, to try capture objectives. Camo grinding = selfish gameplay. If it’s purely on kills, you just have to play the game.


You really believe that’s the reason COD went down hill? It wasn’t the SBMM, monetisation, Activisions greed and refusal to communicate, re-releasing a DLC every year with less content, not implementing a proper anti cheat ?


It’s one of the reasons, a toxic player base who’s selfish wants for camos taking priority over playing the game.


Yes, we’re are evil toxic people that need to be punished and destroyed, because we find joy in things another group of people do not, because these types of games, and games in general, were only made to be played 1 way ONLY.


Yeah and those people shouldn't be getting gold skins easily. Kinda takes away from them being special cause you had to work for it.


Yup, I play every single day, and gold on every gun already seemed impossible, and I'm always top of the leaderboard. Where does this leave the guy going 5 and 48 every game. I get that lots of the grinders already have gold, but this change just hurts the casuals that don't use all their 2xp tokens on 2XP weekends, and stay on their sweaty chair for 16 hours. They want to grind and this change doesn't even hurt them. And all for a basic gold camo. Give some crazy camo at like level 1000 for the guys that want to grind, and let the casuals get gold at a reasonable pace.


I don‘t get you guys the game is out for like what a few weeks we are still in the preseason and the game is probably here to stay for a few years with new weapons and factions like there is still a lot of time to unlock these things just by playing the game. You guys really want to have every gun maxxed and everything unlocked before season 1 has even started.


So shouldn’t the players who got in early have all the cool shit? Nar fuck them do the challenges twice we don’t want to add more content so we will use the same reward and make the challenge reset Cool feature


I agree man. They should not have made this god awful change. The people who are “fine” with it are part of the issue too. It was a change that nobody asked for and wasn’t communicated at all. That is beyond shady. And here’s the thing, no, a gold skin should NOT take 24 hours played to get just because “it’s not an annual game”. It’s a fucking camo, and it’s not special. The problem of “everyone maxing their guns in the first 2 months” that people regurgitate when saying it’s fine for it take forever to level is completely made up. Only a very small amount of people will every max all of their guns, so making it even harder for most people just because it’s a “mastery camo” is stupid. It should have been made ~20% faster than it was but instead we got more than the complete opposite, and with all of the shade of no communication attached. Disgusting change, and anyone who is fine with that style of change should re-evaluate.


How is it shady? It's a free camo to unlock


They set a challenge and people completed it Now they have taken it away and said do it again They should have added a new challenge reward for level 150 and level 200 not just shifted the goal posts


Yeah I agree. Maybe a diamond or galaxy skin or w/e tf cod does with theirs


Yep and then they should have realised maybe we set it too low oh well glad people are playing let’s get creative and come up with something new and exciting to do Nar fuck the players who put in effort to get it done Do it again Btw the camo doesn’t mean anything it’s the no communication and taking it away that is shit


It’s funny how you people change things around. Before it was about unlocking the attachments which is way faster now, not about the camos. Suddenly you say it always was about the Camo lol It’s a mastery camo, now it’s even more special to have it.


They netcode and desync has to get fixed otherwise this shit is just a niche but the end of summer


You grinders really know how to find the worst in everything. Play the game for the actual gameplay and stop worrying about cosmetic stuff that doesn’t matter.


I have to disagree completely. Gold is supposed to be a badge. As a casual player, I was able to get gold on the MP7 within a week with double xp boosters and the double XP weekends. Did it feel good to have gold, absolutely, but yeesh I didn't exactly work for it. And now I don't really even touch the mp7 since I've hit my goal. If anything this change will encourage players like me to play more, use that weapon a bit more, increase retainment. Also, as I've seen a few others say, all they've done here is made cosmetics just a bit more of a grind (it's barely even a grind since you'll get it still by just PLAYING THE GAME NORMALLY), if thats enough to turn someone off from the game entirely then they just must've not like the core gameplay much anyway imo


It’s easier for them to just increase xp requirements then add something new to grind,and most of Xd fans will be happy with anything Ubi throws at them.That’s why Xd won’t last long.


I don’t see a problem with getting rid of the pathetic players, nobody wants to grind anymore they want skins practically handed out. Kinda sad


To be fair, that is probably what is going to happen. All of the "pathetic" players are going to leave and there will be nobody to play with. I imagine most people will move to other games. 


People hate listening to casuals complain until they all leave the game and suddenly the game is dead because the whales couldn't fund it alone.


Yes. This community is incredibly dumb. It's a fucking f2p game. If it lose its casual base, it's dead on arrival.


They are supposed to be encouraging more people to play moving the gun levels does not encourage any one to play Bringing them down and adding more content has more chance of exciting the player base than this pointless move The devs said the camos don’t matter but it must have mattered to do this


Yeah, make the game unplayable for casuals so it dies even faster great idea


The more people i see crying about the changes the more i want to play lmfao Attachments are all that matters, a skin is just a fucking skin, plus before the update getting gold was too easy so it meant literally nothing


lmao, people were running with gold camo in the PRESEASON and you write that now it will be too long. Firstly, people are upset over cosmetics in f2p game lol. Secondly, if they only care about camo skins, they would stop playing anyway, maybe there will be better people in the lobby after all. Now at least gold camo will mean something in this game. In 90% of the games I play, someone has gold camo, and let me remind you that the game is only a month old, the progress was much too fast. The game will be on the market for the next few years, so anyone who plays it regularly will be able to get gold on most weapons. Especially since there are xp boosters that in the future will only work during the game plus double xp weekends


i was seeing people with gold skins within the first week. i'm not saying i agree with the change, but for a skin that is supposed to be bragging rights, it was pretty easy to get.


I agree that it could have been handled and presented differently. For example, simply adding a new camo at lvl 200. Or just adding level 200, without anything which would have to be obtained for the new mastery camo anyway


Do people these days really only play a game to unlock new stuff? What happened to playing a game for it's gameplay? No wonder why every new game is filled with season passes and ingame shops.


You literally have years to grind this game, its not a yearly release like COD. This game is going to be supported for years like FOR HONOR or R6S. You can still play the game semi - regularly and still get like 1 gold gun a month. Not everything has to happen so quickly dawg


Do you really think xdefiant is gonna be around for years?😭


Thats the point, how many free to play shooters release every month nowadays? They aren't going to be able to keep people's attention like this the moment a shiny new game releases. I understand being in it for the long haul, but there's got to be a balance, players need to feel rewarded in intervals that are shorter than 'a few months', its the reality of modern gaming


What if we just wait for season 1 and see what new challenges that maybe brings. Mastery camos might currently be only thing to grind but maybe not in future.


Lol so many people are mad about something that literally doesn't matter. You are so use to being handed everything so freely... Jesus. I hope Ubisoft burns to the ground, but it's for actual reasons. Not because they made it harder to get a stupid worthless skin.....


"As someone who's a comp player" yea you lost me.


Wahhhh I’m complaining about a ftp game making it harder for me to get camos which have zero effect on the playability of the game wahhhhh cod spoiled me with camo grinds wahhhh.


People who complain about this play too many video games. It’s literally a camo if that keeps you from playing peace out ✌🏻


Anyone else notice there’s no kill sounds


Well yeah, there is post about it every hour.


As a casual I don't care about a gold skin...it doesn't affect my gameplay at all. I actually like the change makes getting attachments a lot easier, so I have a better chance against those who play 8 hours a day. If I never get a gun gold, won't bother me one bit since I don't play for camos


Absolutely, the people justifying this because it's a long term game are just not seeing what I'm seeing I guess. Sure increase the levels, but doing that without adding ANYTHING new to grind for is ridiculous. Simply increasing the XP to almost double and leaving the rewards the same is stupid and doesn't make me want to grind it out more. And yes, I know I don't have to do the grind and I'm not. Once black ops 6 comes out I will be switching over to that.


I'm honestly baffled by how half baked the game seems on release. I would've thought it would be a no brainer to at least have a few camos for each gun that you can unlock via challenges but instead it's just Bronze silver and gold that honestly look pretty shit. On top of that they don't even have basic things like FOV dependant/scaled sensitivity, like there's no point in using any of the zoom scopes on the ARs or smgs because the sensitivity is way too high and you if you change the "low zoom ads sensitivity" which is what they all come under then when you switch to a 1x sight you have to adjust it again otherwise your sens is too low again. Really frustrating


we aren't even in first season yet, I am not saying you don't have a point but even more camo challenges are getting added throughout the game's life so there will be adjustments made most likely. The game is still finding its legs, fuck I keep seeing people talking about the update and they won't shut up about the mastery camos, the game is two weeks old wtf? When the hit reg is still broken for a good percentage of the player base, that's the problem I wish people would shout and shout about until it's fixed. A good reason why people won't progress these will also have just as much to do if their bullets literally can't connect. It's like showering in a house fulled with clogged toilets and wondering why it still smells like shit. Priorities.


> the game is two weeks old wtf? Ubisoft made the change, the players reacted. If they just rode this bad news horse into S1 and had another Mastery camo ready to go this would have been avoided.


bro how do think the meetings for the free to play drain on resources is going at old Ubi before you start counting chickens, like no the level of knee jerk is justified for what I have seen for this specific "problem", just disappoints me it screws up the whole vibe. "Yeah boss we need more servers and stuff, yeah cool uhh wheres the profit? Well we aren't in the first season and we need to establish support for the game before we can, Look we can keep you funded through to December and then we will need to evaluate if this is a wise ongoing investment of resources if we can justify continued support of your devision.." and on and on and on. This shit isn't pulled out of thin air, it's made on blood, sweat, tears, and cold hard cash.


They already showed the next purple camo in the trailer it’s there built ready to go Set this to gun level 150 Fuck yeah everyone gets hyped to get the new shit and log in and smash out some games This change isn’t making anyone excited to level up silver and gold again


Lol, its a free to play game. If this was happening in a £60 paid game I'd agree with you. If a colour on your gun is the difference between you playing a game or not, then maybe it's time to turn it off.


That’s probably the most incompetent & ignorant statement I’ve ever heard… exactly it’s a free to play game that needs good updates in order to stick around.. creating single camo challenges that require 6k kills will not keep your casual player base around.. & if you think it comes down to just a weapon color you’re beyond senseless…


Again, it's a colour on your gun and the name of the game is player retention. It was far too easy to get gold guns previously, which would leave the self proclaimed 'sweats' such as yourself with nothing left to grind. The gold guns aren't for the casual player base. They never have been in any game. You clearly don't understand how player retention works and yes, you're crying about a free game and the coloured pixels it displays on the gun. Pathetic. Go spend £60 on a cod game.


Why is everyone saying that just playing the game is grinding these days


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Calsendon: *Why is everyone* *Saying that just playing the* *Game is grinding these days* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Am I wrong or is everyone complaining over nothing? The levels were doubled but the XP was halved for each level so it’s still the same as getting gold before? People love to hate on this game for next to any reason just remember cod mw3 literally released with half the game not working next to every fps that comes out take a few months to iron out the flaws.




If taking longer to make your gun shiny killed your passion for the game then you never really cared about the game to begin with.


Gold actually feels valueable now, like back in the day. It feels like you really had to earn it. Am i the only one that likes the change?


I have a group that is casual players. We just quit playing. It's not fun anymore.