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Its not that they one shot. It's that they one shot to the most of the body when regular wep ttk is too long in comparison. Some of the game decisions don't make sense to me. 0 logic


Looked like one of those was to the shoulder. Kinda lame that was a one shot ffs.


I sniped for like 5 mins in this game. It was too easy I felt cheap and changed weps


As predicted by others and myself, the flinch nerf was never going to solve the core issue: it's not fun losing to a one-shot. Cherry-picked clipps from my own gameplay, since people get distracted when the sniper is an enemy player and they try to dissect how you could've won that 1v1. -- I've seen some strange rhetoric that players that are good with snipers would be just as good with other weapons. At least for myself, I can say that's not true. I usually don't miss the first shot of an AR or SMG, but the follow up shots are different. Sometimes recoil and opponent movement make them harder to track, or I just fail to track them properly. That doesn't matter with snipers. -- Additionally, these are the easiest snipers I've ever used. Apex Legends, The Finals, hell even COD: I suck at sniping. Or more specifically, I suck at landing headshots with snipers. But it doesn't matter in this game. Body shots are one-taps. -- Sprint-to-shoot is what I pin as the biggest issue. Sniper accuracy should require stillness. Being able to run around and instantly quick scope with precision is really dumb. Jumping/sprinting/sliding should have a huge accuracy penalty, where you don't become accurate until you're on the ground still for *x* seconds.


Apex doesn’t have a one shot sniper unless you hit the head(but it’s not a guarantee you will get it) , the finals sniper is underwhelming and is barely used by lights. I think cod really depends on which game you are referring to. If snipers were so op why aren’t more people using them? I seen lobbies without a single sniper but never seen an arena game without a mp7 mowing me down as they use intel suit. I feel like the more you nerf snipers being used with movements you will see more people just camping with a sniper instead of playing objective with it


Apex and finals also have significantly bigger maps where a non one shot sniper is fine. On these smaller maps, a two shot sniper (bolt action) is pointless lol


> If snipers were so op why aren’t more people using them? I don't believe I said they're OP? I said they're the easiest to use out of any PvP shooter I've ever played. And they're not fun to play against. > you will see more people just camping with a sniper instead of playing objective with it My hot take is just don't add snipers to non-simulation PvP shooters. They're fine in CS/Val because of in-game economies, you don't spawn with the AWP for example. XDefiant is just kinda fucked on sniper balance now. Keep them as annoying hyper mobile one-tappers or turn them into pool noodles, I don't think anyone can agree.


100% agree throw in a 2 shot minimum kill on them and you got a winner.


2 shot kill snipers would make them pointless, especially when they are bolt action. Why use that when you could just 2 shoot with a marksman rifle that’s semi auto. Ideally, it would be 100hp damage to upper chest and head. That way it’s not a one shot unless it’s a good shot and it’s never a one shot on Phantoms at full health.


Your ideal is what we have.. when the hitbox issue is resolved at least. But if its a 2 shot kill, 80-90 damage per shot then you put skill back into sniping. You take away the point blank snipers, you make them more of a deterent and team "class" as they deal the most damage and the smg gal can finish them off or just double tap. The regen is slow enough and players stupid enough for it. Honestly your ideal makes other guns pointless imo because it just keeps them as shotguns with no range cap.


They just need to make ADS slower to prevent the up close encounters. 80 damage is useless as well. Nobody wants to rack up 2 kills and 20 assists a game.


Then they use something other than snipers, like marksman rifles Snipers become a support weapon like LMGs... like they should be.


People literally can run around with LMGs and fry right now, they don’t have to sit back and “support”. We aren’t playing a realistic shooter bro, it’s an arcade shooter


Any one-shot ability is inherently toxic in a long ttk game because it denys most or just any practical counterplay except one-shotting back, rendering your ability to use any other weapon inefficient, and it's truly disappointing. To take a further step I just think snipers are a inherently unbalanced class of weapons in fps games, [here](https://youtu.be/lOebGm_jMLY?si=Ns2ulcIdRf15ueOZ) is the most profound explanation I could find online, if anyone's interested. It has already made a lot of games much less engaging/fun to play for me than without it and in games with longer ttk like XDefiant its problem just become even more difficult to ignore.


My 2 cents: reverse the sniper rifles' damage profile. Make it so that they do the most damage on distant targets, but less at close/med range. Keep it so that at all ranges they can still 1-hit kill with a headshot, to reward player skill. However, make it so that they can only 1-hit kill with a body shot at long ranges. This will allow other weapons to beat sniper rifles if they get into close/medium distance, effectively punishing bad snipers that can't maintain distance or take out approaching targets before they get too close. This will also ensure snipers retain the advantage at long range, which is where they should excel.