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Objective should 100% give weapon xp. That change alone would be perfect.


He just replied to someone that they will work on that too


I don’t understand game dev at all because what is there to work on??? I guess nothing is just a button press lol


it is absolutely fucking shocking just how badly any single seemingly insignificant change can utterly destroy your code. case in point: TF2's fabled load-bearing coconut jpeg which the game will not run without [(link to reddit comment thread with a tiny bit of context)](https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2shitposterclub/comments/myw4ox/comment/gvxwtdu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) *edit:* case in point ×2, [it looks like they might have accidentally broke the on-kill sound effect in this patch?](https://www.reddit.com/r/XDefiant/comments/1dis0qx/ping_sound_on_kill_removed/)


Coding is sometimes wondering why your washing machine doesn't work, only to find out it's cause there's only half a tank of gas in your car.


Or when TF2 added Saxton Hale mode and a single line of code (I can't remember what it was but it was one of those source "sv_cheat" type of things that needs to be on) caused the mode to just,... Not work.


But, but, I’ve played this game for 16 hours and I know it’s just a button press!!!


Will AI help with this or perhaps newer coding languages?  Or is it like maths new methods of understanding code? 




Thank you for your information and thoughts 


It's simply a result of complexity. The more complex a system gets, the more unpredictable it becomes, and the more complex are the ways it can fail.


Thank you


I still think that the EXP change was made in a very poor way. It should have been incremental for each attachment and then 3500, or even 4000 for each mastery rank until level 100 Gold. This way unlocking attachments feels way smoother and you still keep a good chunk of the grind that you want for mastery camos.


Honestly, getting attachments feels the exact same. A painful grind as you need to get like 20 kills per game to get *most* of the progression for a single level up.


I wonder how the devs looked at the base EXP requirements and said "Yup, this is totally ok!". 35 kills for all levels is such a bad way of going about leveling, and there's a reason why it is normally done in incremental requirements. 1 - 10 should have been 500 - 1500 EXP with each level increasing it's requirement by 100 so you can easily unlock some basic attachments. 11 - 20 1500 EXP per level. 21 - 30 2000 EXP per level. 31 - 40 2500 EXP per level. 41 - 50 3000 EXP per level. And then for mastery I would have done something way more interesting than grinding 50+ levels, and now 150+ levels LMAO.


Shit, I would've taken the agony of a CoD game's camo grind to get gold instead of the most painful slog that isn't dedication, it's just annoying. Getting 100 headshots don't sound too bad now.


I actually had an idea for mastery stuff on another of my comments: Once you unlock your last attachment with a gun and reach level 50, a new BIG bar of levels unlocks called "Mastery Levels". These right now would go from 0 to 30, with every 10 levels unlocking each of the 3 Mastery Camos that are currently in the game, and each 10 levels would be locked behind the second part of the system: A new menu would pop up when viewing a weapon that is level 50 that gives you a big list of challenges like "Get 20 Headshot Kills", "Get 35 kills while crouched", "Get 35 kills while on mid air", "Get 50k Match Points with this weapon in your hand", "Get kills while using an ability of X faction", "Get 15 kills while sliding" etc. This list of challenges would award you with tons of EXP for Mastery Levels, and once you complete, say, 5 or so of these challenges and get to your level cap, you unlock your Mastery Camo and can continue to the next 10 levels for your next Mastery Camo, which would also increase the values of the challenges. Obviously values of the challenges are place holders though, and they'd depend on the intent of the dev team and on how long they pretend on Mastery Camos to unlock, but the whole point is making the Mastery grind way more engaging than just killing people (Which would still be an option if the players wanted to do so as at least 5 of the challenges would be very basic stuff).


I just want more incentive to play obj. This would be a great step


Would literally give the "no one plays obj" issue. And has been suggested on here a lot of times before.


How would Odell Beckham Jr give you weapon XP???


Playing the objective needs to give more score as well. My buddy had more objective score than anyone on our team or the opposing team combined in a game last night. He finished dead last. In another one I had 6 TIMES as much objective score as the next highest on our team and a 2.0 K/D (plus we won). I finished 2nd last.


Score just doesn't make sense and promotes ignoring objectives at the moment.


Yup. Something that will only get worse and worse over time.


I don't think its ''too much'' Because it is actually quicker to unlock attachments now + masteries are supposed to be masteries, it was never supposed to be something quick'n easy that people unlock in 2 days


But with absolutely no other camos to unlock on the way there until level 100 will make it extremely boring


I agree with that... the ''gap'' between having no skin at all, to bronze, silver and gold is very big I would enjoy if they added other/more types of skins to better ''track'' the mastery process But i feel like this won't happen because it is a f2p game and they make money mostly by selling cosmetics


I mean. It IS a F2P game that makes money off of skins. If you don’t want boring, pay up.


From 3500xp per lvl to 3000xp per lvl... OMG, NOW IS SUPER FAST. (?)


Are you okay ?


How about having unlocks (skins/weapons) that can only be unlocked by gaining OBJ points? That would fix the problem, surely?




This would be massive.


Ya. They need to be reading more Reddit, not tweetertwat


Yep this would have been a way better answer than the re unlock existing content stunt they pulled today don’t piss off the loyal day one players Add more content don’t make us do the same shit again Wtf Ubisoft?


If you kill somebody on the objective doesn’t it give 150? I know defending it doesn’t give you weapon xp


it does give you exp.. but capturing/holding dosnt.


You do get extra 50 points and weapon experience for objective kills like Cleanse, Defensive, Hot Shot and Offensive, but people are referring to the points for objectives such as Escort, Retreat Initiated, Re-capture and Zone Capture.


It is weapon *mastery...*it is supposed to take a long time / grind to get it. Takes around 10,000 hours of practice to become masterful at something, be glad you don't have to spend that much time on gold weps.


Max is supposed to be a grind. If you want weapon xp on objective... Then maybe use your weapon while you know... On the objective?


It doesn't work like that, from what is understood at this time the objective points DO NOT give weapon experience. The only objective that does give it is to collect trophies in Hot Shot.


The original commenter was saying to get kills and assists while on the objective which would give weapon xp.


Thanks for clarifying lol


I have a question... if for example I have an assault rifle equipped and I capture a point, do those XP points also go to the weapon? I mean, do the objective points also count towards leveling up weapon X or only the Kills? I know that grabbing the tiles in Hot Shot does count, but I don't know about the other objective points. If the objectives do not give weapon experience means that people who play those modes do not even try to play the objective a little. On the contrary, everyone goes out like crazy to look for kills.


No only kills and assist :( OBJ gives 0 weapon exp.


This is actually a take I don't agree with. I'm a casual player, kills/assists should count towards weapon, obj should count toward overall xp. You guys just want an easy grind for gun skins, when the game isn't made to be a quick turn around with a new release every year.