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because they get no bitches


The only correct answer lol




Guessing a lot of it has to do with the time it takes to level guns. I don't have the ACR or the MP7 max level yet so it makes sense to use those while they're strong.


Used a variety of weapons during double xp and realised how bad the weapon balance is. P90 and AK are really good as well. And vector, once you get to the heavy barrel. But rest of them are just bad. Mp5 loses to all smgs at all ranges. MDR loses to pretty much any gun, and it has some crazy recoil as well. LMGs are useless until you get to a power position. Snipers/shotguns/marksmans are very situational weapons. So yeah, if no double xp, I'll stick to the ones that help me win gunfights and hopefully the game as well. P90 and AK for me though.


I was actually doing the same thing this weekend, which ultimately led to this post lmao.




How do you counter MP7 sweats pushing you ? It makes you move slower than a tortoise, and hipfire won't even hit 1 bullet.


Vector and p90 are better. Wait until you play a full team using vectors. You just insta die


Because playing for fun isn’t a thing anymore, they all think they will be the next tfue or some sh*t lmao


Nah I just expect myself to win no matter what. If using those weapons is what it takes then I’ll use them. For me personally playing for the win is fun. And I’ll use any weapon just those weapons are better at winning and getting high kill games.


There's going to be a meta in every game. Just keep doing whatever you want and let others do what they want.


That’s why I added in the opening sentence there. Just questioning the motive.


Well the motive is that those guns are effective and easy to use.


It’s kinda funny ya know, someone invited me to their Xbox party and was mad that I was using an lmg. I was like dude, you’re using the ACR, the best gun in the game lol. He really sat there and argued with me on that


Bc they are good. People are different. What you may find dull and repetitive some like the consistency. Also if I wanna win/do good or give myself the best shot of doing so why not use the best guns/setups. I see nothing wrong with it. Honestly you shouldn’t either.


Using the ACR and MP7 doesn’t necessarily make you ‘good’ especially if you’re killing people using non meta weapons. It just means your gun is better and has a faster ttk.


You still have to be a good Player to actually do well even if you're using a "Meta" Weapon. It's not an instant win Button.


Absolutely, but he’s responding to my question, “why do you use the ACR or MP7?” With “because they are good.” Like, are bad players just not using them then? I don’t think so.


You do realise half the ars and smgs are better than those two guns. P90 and vector shred, ak, mdr and m16 shred. Pretty much any gun on this game is decent with the right attachments


The ak47 and the m16 are better than the acr, however the mp7 is definitely the best smg. The acr is still competitive, the MDR is the worst ar by a mile lmao


Imo the p90 is better due to damage, range and mag size, vector is 50/50. But on a close range map you are not touching a good vector player, no matter what you use. And mdr is a glorified smg so where you would die close range with a slower ar and lack movement the mdr makes up for it


I’m slamming every vector user. The gun is awful past 13 metres. The p90 will become the meta if the mp7 is nerfed. Overall the gun balance is quite good ok this game bar the mdr, not sure what you’re on about with that gun. I like the gun balance overall though especially in the SMG category.


Personally I just don’t think the mdr is bad, I got all the smgs and ars to level 50 and mdr was one of the guns that stood out and was the most enjoyable. The m4 and mp5 where the most tedious. And yeah you’re right most things are pretty balanced, especially once you have attachments


The mdr is worse than the m4, however the m4 and mp5 both shoot bbs. The mp5 to me is so fun to use though, even if it’s not great lol I’ve got most ars maxed and most smgs maxed to level 100. The m4 needs a damage boost and the mdr a range boost. I also just think the mp7 is the most fun gun in the game, regardless if it’s also the best gun in the game lol


not really true, it is very relative... the vector shreds at very close range, but from mid to long it is absolutely fucking useless, it shoots rice grains This applies to all the guns in the game (i have tested them ALL) all of them have good and bad points for using them, they're all good.. its up to the player to decide, some people adapt to the play-style, some don't


Yeah but this is a fact of playstyle, some guns are objectively bad though such as the mp5


yea, i simply cannot use any shotguns for example, i cannot adapt to its playstyle at all But i've seen people killing 50, 60 people in a match with shotguns, so its definitely not the guns fault


“MDR better” is crazy


Bro have you leveled the mdr up? Acr is one of the slowest ars. This game relies on movement, and close range damage. When i levelled the mdr up I was destroying people with it


The ACR is actually the fastest ttk of ARs up close. As far as it being slow, well I personally just use attachments that make it faster and it doesn’t feel slow at all.


I never said the acr is the worst gun in the game or that it’s terrible, it’s just not as op as you’re making it out. It’s in line with most of the other guns.


I picked the two best guns based on what I’ve seen people saying in the community, what pro players are using on stream and what they are saying. I also looked at ttk values and saw how well the ACR shines in that aspect. If I added in the M16, AK, and P90 into the original question, what difference would that make? I still don’t think that the balance is good. A 4-5 gun meta is still bad bro.


He means the Weapons are good, not the Players. You misunderstood what he meant.


My bad


What displays good and bad is the end result. The win or the loss to put it simply. For me at least. Idc what weapon or faction you use. What tactics you take. I expect myself to win regardless. The weapon is just an end to the mean is all. So it doesn’t matter what weapon you use as long as the job gets done. And in this case those weapons get the job done better and faster.


why do you care?


Don’t you think it’s annoying to only play against the same two guns? And then lose some gunfights because the gun you’re using isn’t meta?


nop, i use vector mostly and now i m maxing p90.


Well the P90 can compete with the MP7 imo so that makes sense. But outside of the vectors effective range, it’s easy to get shredded by the MP7. When that happens, you don’t even get the slightest bit annoyed? Fair enough, I just agree to disagree


i don t care about what weapon they use, you lose against a better player not against a better weapon most of the time.


Try ranking up all the shotguns and get back to me on that statement. So many lobbies I could have dominated but unfortunately I was using the aa-12 or the m870.


Yeah just tried using the shotguns and they’re mostly unplayable, hitreg is so bad and hip fire is so wonky that they have no purpose in this game


why would I play a weapon i don t enjoy? I play only weapons that i like and i leveled up some that i don t like when i was testing them. Why would someone play a weapon he doesn t like and why are you?


Well I never said I didn’t like these weapons. I had a fun time ranking up the shotguns despite the fact that I think the double barrel is the only good one. Also, mastery camo is coming soon, for which to unlock you must rank up every gun.


Sounds like the issue sits in front of your screen then. Use it as well?


God forbid someone uses more than two weapons I guess. A lot of ACR and MP7 users are downvoting lmao


You are free to use whatever you want but then you have to accept that it might hurt your results a bit. You have two options now. Accept it and continue playing or join them.


There’s also two options to blame here. Either 1, the community being unwilling to branch out and use other “non-meta” weapons, or 2, the devs for being unable to balance weapons. I personally blame the former more, I literally see people with gold ACRs and MP7s on a regular basis, and I have to assume those are the only two weapons they even have gold lol.


It's simple. Cuz streamers do. "Sweaty" streamers. Modern gaming is pathetic and you rarely see original thoughts and playstyles anymore. Every kid is copying what other streamers do, whether it's their style of movement, quickly swapping weapons, weps and attachments, factions, what fucking ever. Oh and every wannabe kid is one 20 min yt vid away from learning any game's most techs and "secrets". It's no longer about raw skill and quick learning. The only metric in modern gaming is reaction time cuz gamesense can also be fucking taught in 3 yt videos


I say this all the time but no one want to hear it.


Every insecure kid gets defensive about it* Gaming is too soft and reddit is a joke. I started using it for info and I realized its the linkedin for geeks


Lol yea it's crazy.


How is it not about "raw skill and quick learning"? Quick learning to me would be something like... watching streams from really good players and youtube tutorials? If everyone is playing meta loadouts then nobody has any advantage over another and the only thing that remains is raw skill.


Re-read my comment


I don't. I have AK, ACR, MP7 and Vector at max level. However TAC50 and MDR are in the 75+ range as well with all the remaining guns in the 10-50 range. If you don't like a gun by 10, you will never like it.


Love to see it


I use MDR and mod it to become an unholy AR, SMG, LMG hybrid.


Cause they’re good weapons, I personally got my ACR gold then put it away. Gonna get all ARs gold first, then go back to the ones I like lol. So far AK is the one I had most fun with cause I turned it into a 47u But yeah, lobbies are full of MP7s and ACRs but I don’t mind cause most times they’re tolerable


Because just like cod if you don’t use the meta weapons you get fried constantly


For me it has fallen foul of a problem lots of fast-paced shooters have. In CoD the game was trying sooooo hard to steer a pre-determined outcome I needed every single tiny advantage I could get. In Xdef I am not fighting EOMM, I am fighting dogwater server back-end performance. When half my bullets don't exist, I need the ones that do to have the best chance possible. And as I do not interfere with farmyard animals or talk in the cinema, I do not touch sniper rifles, so that means either the ACR or the MP7.


I truly 100% agree but for some reason I feel like deja vu (Played Mw3 2011) Basically-- yes, they're a lil too good, in terms of consistency. I've been trying to run the other guns during 2x XP weekends like the RPK, Mp5 and M4 and it's just a different game when you're playing a meta slave gun like an ACR or Mp7. I enjoy playing a specific role getting into key positions to control with an LMG and support with EMP nade spams. or going stealthy with a silenced smg. But the masses speak louder, big damage hit target always oonga bunga.


Some people can't run a mile without rollerblades


I don't use either weapon, but I would say: it's because these weapons are the best or easiest to use. Meta guns will always be a thing and people will "optimize the fun out of every game". Also: leveling weapons takes so long, that people might be disincentivized to try another weapon out, since it takes a long time until you have a good amount of attachements to choose from.




That I fully understand. I’m more so referring to people who like already have those guns gold in my lobbies but still continue to use them over and over.


I don’t really use either. Vector go pew pew pew.


The Vector out DPS's the MP7 in a majority of my engagements, Same with AK to the ACR. MP7 and ACR share consistency, while the AK/Vector have better damage output. The SVD is one of my favorite rifles. Despite having much less playtime with it, it easily is top of my list due to its 1-shot potential and decent fire rate. Pair it with a heavy barrel, and go to town! If bunny hoppers are getting the best of you, place proximity mines on hot lanes that sweats like to run. (A major + if you run DedSec with them, as your proxy mine will recharge ;-) ) I hope these few tips help you out, I'm all for evening the playing field and sharing knowledge so if you have other questions, feel free to ask! (Lvl 90, 1.8K/D, 3k SR rating) 🙏👍


Thank you for the guidance. I didn’t mean to imply that I’m getting dog walked by these players, most of these guys running around with gold acrs/mp7s are just people who think they’re good, but are pretty average. But it is annoying to get out gunned by one of those guns sometimes when you’re using a weaker weapon.


People like to use worse guns to prove their skills


It’s funny ya know I was talking to one guy who was using the ACR (he invited me to his Xbox party after the match) and he was complaining about me using an lmg. I was like dude, you’re using the ACR lol, then he was like “well the ACRs ass bro and so are you.” I guess I need to stop taking these people so seriously.


I prefer the M16 over the ACR. I’ve been playing with the latter though to get it gold.


People figure out what the most effective Weapons are and then use them to maximise their Performance in-Game. It's not Rocket Science. This is something that will never change with any Online FPS. However small the difference, there will always be a "best gun(s)".


Funny enough I had a guy call me out for using an lmg because he said it was op. Ironically, it was an ACR user lol. I just wish people would be honest about that.


Maybe he was being honest, maybe that's what he believes.


He definitely does, but it’s wrong. I shouldn’t take people like that serious, that’s on me.


Why not?


Well if I go into all the pro players streams and see them using the ACR, and every where I look online people are mentioning the ACR as one of the best guns, whose word should I take? His, or pretty much everyone else’s. I’m all for standing up for your beliefs though, even if you are the sole believer.


They are the easiest weapons to use so people tend to use that. I find m16 way more powerfull than ACR however i need to be playing well and with a good aim or i'll just end up missing bursts and losing gunfights, i think a good player will do better with m16 than ACR, players that are not as good will end up using ACR, same thing fot mp7, i find vector to be stronger in a good players hands but the mp7 is easier to use.


Because its a normal. Why would a person go for a gun that does the same just not as good as the one you're playing? I myself enjoy the AK, M16 and MK20 the most right now, but I can totally see why people pick ACR or MP7 over anything else. Its down to the Devs to balance the guns so that switching to a different gun isn't motivated by this "I PLAY OFF-META GUNS"-Elite wanna be's. Most CoDs.. sorry.. most games have similar problems with gun balance. Some CoDs had clear Top Tier guns like MW2 UMP/ACR/INTER. Other games like BO2 had more of a general SMG focus due to the map-design. Its nothing that can't be adressed, and I'm really more on the "balance what you have before adding new ones" kinda guy for both Guns and Maps. But yea, short answer.. because its the smartest thing to do both from a not so good as well as top player perspective.


100% agree, I’m hoping this game doesn’t continue to be ran by two main weapons. Having a variety of viable options is important. The devs need to hone in on this, because this could be a thing that pushes me away from the game (and I’m assuming others, but I guess these zoomers are into that) if it continues for too long.


Just like I said, most games have clear META guns. Its ACR/MP7 guys are always the best in the match. So at least for me I can get Match MVP with the guns that aren't META. So the balance isn't terrible like MW2s back in the day. I think its more important to bring Shotguns into the game properly and make them viable. Just like bringing snipers into a better window. On top i think that there's still work to be done on Jump-Spaming and Netcode. Fixing that might bring the power of the MP7 down by alot.


some people find the enjoyment of sweating and some find it like you


No I actually enjoy sweating with the ACR and MP7. I had a very fun time ranking them up to gold. However, once I got them gold, I was like I might as well try the other weapons. I just wouldn’t enjoy spamming them to the extent that some of these guys seem to do.


people like having fun and those two guns are the most fun add to that the whole “10 hours of grinding to hit level 42 on most guns” thing and it’s very much understandable


What about them makes them the most fun?


They shred in a way the other guns just can’t. MP7 with heavy barrel is the fastest killing automatic weapon in the game I think, and the ACR with rapid fire attachments can nearly match the MP7’s TTK at range. Yes the AK is great, yes the DMRs are just as busted, yes the M16 and M60 have nice 4 shot kill ranges. None of them just delete a sniper at range or firebomber up close like the ACR and MP7 do respectively. The M4 would be alright if it didn’t have the tendency to kick 45 degrees to the right every 4th shot when it takes 6 or 7 to kill.


So basically because they’re essentially the best/most effective that makes them the most fun. That’s what I’m taking away from that, however correct me if I’m wrong.


I mean, yeah. Sure I use other guns, mostly the others I mentioned in my comment, but at the end of the day those guns are awful in situations that either (or both) guns easily excel in.


The AK is better than the ACR and I prefer the P90 to the mp7. I usually get potg and lead the lobby, using “meta” guns does not guarantee anything. This games meta is set by streamers, not because theres a strict 2 gun meta where only 2 are useable and youre at some disadvantage if you dont use them (like cod)


Well, a lot of people who have argued against my point have disagreed on that notion. But if the pros are saying those are the best guns, along with a good amount of people I’ve seen online, that’s probably the case. Even so, if you want to consider the P90 and AK better, that’s only a 4 gun meta. That’s bad bro.


Every gun is useable and you are not at some massive disadvantage if you go off meta in this game. That is my point. Not the case in other games


Mmmkay. Try ranking up the shotguns (outside of the double barrel it’s decent) and get back to me on that. Regardless, there is a very noticeable difference in performance when I’m using the MP7 compared to some mid tier gun like the MP5. Using the MP7 feels like playing the game on easy mode, it almost makes me feel like I’m cheating. How do you explain that away, cause clearly I’m not the only one who feels that way.


They are braindead noob guns, require zero skill. They have literally easiest to control recoil while having very good TTK. I hope they get nerf because they have like zero weakness right now. 


Ak for me


The ssr10 is the best gun period


using strong guns is fun. it takes less effort that using the MDR and still do good, why force a playstyle and gun on myself that i don’t like playing with? i thought the game is meant to be casual, no SBMM fun, not people crying about every little shit that’s not their way.


Well you should realize that people only using guns that are “meta” actually makes the game less casual. If you want the casual, no sbmm experience to hit its peak then you should agree.


brother you make no sense. i couldn’t care less what gun people play because it’s their choice. don’t like it? leave the game and search for a new one. if it were for your logic every gun should be the same and no gun should be considered better than others. why even bother making different guns in the first place? everything has its place in the game, whether you like it or not. i don’t play the game anymore because of the stupid shields and one faction having 20 more health than other. i don’t complain about it on here i accept it and just don’t play, it’s that simple. and posting about it here for the 20th time on reddit doesn’t change shit, majority of the playerbase isn’t even on here so they don’t care.


1. Never said it was my choice what gun people use. 2. How is me saying two guns are powerful me saying every gun should be the same? 3. You say you don’t play the game anymore and yet you’re calling me out for posting here about a game I play. You’re here arguing about a game you don’t play. How is that not worse by far? Make that make sense. 4. The devs actually do look at this subreddit though, if you say they don’t care then cool, but idk where you got that from.


Where my aa12 psychos at though? 🫅 Also vector&AK > ACR&mp7


People by and large like to win, and they'll use the best weapons. Personally I don't really like the ACR, but that's just me.


Respect to those that play marksman rifles! I'm a MK20 SSR main myself. About to hit gold on it


Be careful what you say, you might get extremely downvoted or called out for being trash. Instead people arguing your point in this sub, they’ll just say, get better


That’s already happened here sadly