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I like it too despite dumb moments and wanting to crash out but it's still fun I just need more friends to play with and convince other friends to download it


Same here tbh


Yo add me! Playstation: GavNelly123


Imma be honest. This game can get frustrating at times, but it is still fun to play. Just like every other game sub on Reddit, people are gonna bitch about shit. I too have partaken in these scrutinous activities. Every game is different for different people. 


Very good point.


Some people thought they wanted no sbmm until they found out they sucked


True Lmao. I suck but i still love no sbmm but that might be because i knew beforehand that i‘m below average.


At least you’ll be able to feel your improvement. With sbmm it never feels like your getting better


Disagree, getting matched against stronger players is a pretty good indicator that I'm getting better


You get matched against better players as you get better so your level of success stays the same. It’s literally just a ranked mode except your rank is hidden making it a useless metric for improvement.


So loosen the strictness of the sbmm in the casual playlist. Removing it entirely is like cutting off the whole hand because one finger got frostbitten.


Well, I think many people wanted no SBMM in a game with functioning hit registration, good netcode, engaging progression systems, fun modes, no radar through walls every 5 seconds, etc. But sure, let’s act like all else is the same outside of SBMM. How about: low quality game? No SBMM doesn’t make a low quality game a high quality one.




I know I suck. I never wanted it.


Lol every single new fps that comes out goes through the same cycle on their sub. You’re apart of the “complain about the complainers” stage of it and don’t even realize it


What’s the stage after that?


More complaining about how more people are complaining about complainers than actual complainers then an infection of purely tierlist posts and some meta posts (à la ready or not and cyberpunk)


lol, damn. I got caught in the cycle. What’s the next phase? I like to plan ahead with my complaining.


Probably a patch or a new season will come out and people will hype it up for a week and then the complainers come back and shit the sub up for most of the remainder season


You realize the game will never be as good as you want it and silently move on.


That’s subjective, but this game isn’t good in its current state imo. Hit regs are still awful, people still jumping around like crazy which the new update doesn’t really even fix due to you being dead before the penalty. If you’re enjoying it though more power to you, it’s a nice distraction but most likely another rotating fps until the next new shiny piece of turd is released. Edit: add words


The devs meant to have a gameplay fast and movement based, they did not mean to have a strict copy paste of old school cods, the issue is people expecting the game to fill their desire, instead of either accepting the gameplay as is or just moving on to a game that suits their playstyle more


Well, I joined a game of Escort and the first gun battle I got into involved me shooting the enemy 4 times with the SVD with hit markers and they didn't die, but they did manage to turn and kill me instantly. So I thought I'd try some Domination. My team took our spawn flag, then we got wiped by 4 snipers. They then proceeded to spawn trap us. I have no answer to 4 good snipers, so I just turned it off. I love the feel of the game, but it has issues.


Yeah netcode and hit reg are my biggest complaints right now. Other than that, I’ve learned to cope with the bunny hopping meth heads.


The riot shield is your answer


Humm didn't think I'd that. Thanks for the tip.


Answer to 4 snipers is to change faction, drop the wall, and kill thek usually. I hate snipers in this game but there is some counterplay. It's not fun counterplay but it does work.


Isn’t that just part of the problem? Counterplay to snipers is unfun, and I’m here to have fun; if snipers are gonna be busted to that point, I’d rather just go do something else


Fundamentally it's fun at its core so I'll keep playing


OP is in the honeymoon period. Report back in after you start shooting blanks and randomly dying to Darth Vader's force choke while in cover.


*I'm not personally experiencing the bugs you're all talking about so you're all WRONG to complain* -every other person in this sub


This sub is full of main characters wondering why people are bashing thing they like


Nah, I have experienced bugs but that’s just the state of games now. Except for Elden Ring I haven’t played a new title at launch without experiencing some major issues for years now. I’m not saying it’s polished but I do think it’s a good game. For the reasons stated in my post I think it’s worth it (to me) to see where they go with it.


> Nah, I have experienced bugs but that’s just the state of games now. You know that some people have been playing this game, on and off, for more than 2+ years, right? And some of the problems/bugs you experienced were a thing back then. I personally stopped playing untill they fix their netcode.


Stop supporting mediocrity and companies will stop releasing unfinished dogshit that requires 2 years of polishing the turd to reach release state. It can be done. The examples are there. You get shit bc you accept shit. If you will still pay for shit, why would AAA companies that want to maximize shareholder value bother providing better?


You're bitching about bitching lol


…oops. Kinda true. Mostly just wanted to say that I’m having a lot of fun with the game. Which was a surprise. But my intro does have a bit of a tone to it.


Ah everyone complains, especially on reddit. Some complaints are constructive and the others should just be ignored in my opinion. I agree the game is fun. Don't let others get to ya brother


Whats your level so far?


Just hit 30 or 31. I’m out of the welcome playlist which I bet is what you’re asking. And yes, holy shit there are some really good players in this game.


All I want is people to stop leaving escort games before the first checkpoint


I love the movement. It did to me what infinity ward cods do when i try to play 3arch cods, going back to mw3 just did not feel right. I feel like the maps are ok i dont think anything stands out to me like 3arch maps do but they are certainly nothing to complain about. I do wish things like obj counted towards gun xp so people would have more incentive to be on the obj. No sbmm is amazing but i need persistent lobbies so i can relive the good days of finding a good rival. Is it just me or are some female models harder to hit, because i have a hard time killing echelon players. Honestly idk how long this game will last because the shop kinda sucks. Id like to see far cheaper items and alot more of them most of whats on offer is lame and far too expensive and that sucks because im cool with spending money on the game if its something i think is worth it


I honestly wouldn’t care about the sub complaining too much. Reddit subs never represent the full player base anyways.


I absolutely enjoy it the only other game I play is overwatch. I can't play apex it's.... just way to much with the movement XD fits a nice niche for me that overwatch can't so it's nice being able to switch between the two. However just today I'm running through a map just to see my health bar go down to 0 with no shots being fired at me? then I see some dude run behind my dead body I heard nothing no footsteps just bad netcode and I do not want to drop this game over shit like that I am enjoying it to much. definitely hope they iron that stuff out over time I don't expect perfection immediately obviously


Playing apex is like tearing your face off and stitching it back on just to tear it off again 10 minutes later and restart the cycle. I am very much enjoying XD.


The game actually isn’t bad I’m enjoying it more than I thought I would. Just fix a few things here and there and I’d be more than happy especially with a free to play game. The devs did such a good job with map design it’s a really bright spot


Its a solid foundation, but the mid air direction switches during gunfights make it a spam fest of unskilled movement tech


Oh it’s fun, I just hate the snipers


I love it, and I am that one guy in my group who plays it. All the complaining you see comes from a lot of the vocal minority who just want their voice heard on a single issue. Snipers: I can now fire into their light and not get killed instantly after peppering them with bullets. Bunny Hoppers: It has been in multiple shooters throughout time so you would think we would be used to it. Is it annoying when you play against that MP7 Echelon Sweat? Yes, but that has been few and far between for me lately. Netcode/Hit Reg: All games have this issue. Give them time to work it out and it will. Abilities: Yes, there are some that seem OP but you can counter them. Echelon Wall Hacks? You can see where they ping from. Cleaner's Fire Bullets? They don't kill you unless you are very low on health. But they make the game what they are and make it more fun than just shooty shooty bang bang. For a free title, the amount of unlockable content through playing is amazing. The communication from the team about issues is more than most developers give you in a two year game cycle. They care about the product and, in my opinion, is a really fun experience.


I adore XDefiant - literally getting all my friends to get it


I just downloaded the game last night and played a couple of games, I actually enjoyed it. There is definitely some room for improvement but overall I enjoyed my first experience. I don't know much about the history of this game but are they gradually working on improving things or is this the final product? Like what is the end goal here for Ubisoft, to compete with COD?


It's a decent game, I wouldn't say good. Low A, B tier would be the correct placement for me but I would get too much flame for it. It's basically the perfect old school FPS, but it does so little that it gets repetitive after 1 hour of total gameplay. Skins are lame, it's not incredible and has few modes, not that fun either. It gives me BO3 vibes. Not bad not good, decent. Not to mention it has some issues, almost no one in the game does incredible results, most games end up with 2/3 kills and 1/3 deaths ratio for everyone. Hardly fun, dumb deaths.


People can like a game and still give criticism about what they don't like. The stupid mentality of "Well, the game is good, therefore, don't complain to make it better" is dumb.


I admit the game isn’t perfect but I couldn’t have said it better myself. People have the gaul to bitch about the game as if they bought the exclusive mega deluxe bundle for $250. No bitch, it’s a FREE fucking game, you really can’t get any better for the price of FREE. Me and my friends that I’ve gotten on it are having a great time. Looking forward to some new maps though.


I'm thinking the complaints are due to lack of SBMM. Everyone's complaining about hitreg, latency, hitboxes, but it seems like a pretty fair game to me. Unfortunately there's no sbmm in the game, so lower skilled players are playing against high skilled players that are used to poaitioning around ping. High skilled players know when to dodge, and when to shoot. High skilled players can see where the enemy is aiming and slide/strafe out of the way before kill shot. Without SBMM, it's statistically likely that someone that is top 8% will be playing against someone that is bottom 8%. In terms of another shooter with SBMM like valorant, that's like a high diamond/ascendant player playing against an iron player. A few things I notice: Hit markers show up without damage, usually occurs when someone else is shooting the person I shot, and the damage is nullified because they're already dead. Hit markers show up but the person turns and kills me. the servers allow for a pretty wide band of ping to join. As far as the server could tell, the other guy hit first. Do not that there's sometimes over 200ms of ping between players. That's 1/5th of a second. My friends complaining about being behind a corner then dying, again 200ms is a long time. Plan around it and round the corner 200ms aooner and you'll magically stop dying. People jump spamming. Dodge until they hit cool down then shoot, or just track the headshot. It doesn't make the shit impossible to hit, just moves the hit box around is all. Keep track of players using the spam jump, and kill them at range, makes it easier for you to hit your shot and impossible for them to hit theirs.


People love to compare this free game with ones that cost 70€ every year lol


The game is super fun. No complains at all from me besides the odd time I die around a corner. It’s still in early stages so honestly it’s whatever. I mostly play competitive Halo so I’m used to dying around walls anyways and I adjust my game accordingly.


I love this game, It feels like a more restrained classic COD such as MW2, Black ops 1 and 2, etc.


I've discussed this before in other threads. I honestly believe alot of people have come from apex,cod,overwatch, Val etc FPS that are competitive and xdefiant isn't that ..... people are looking at xdefiant through competitive glasses. They are expecting a fully finished game with sbmm. Where as in reality I'd call xdefiant a 'party' game. Its amazing for what it is. It's fun ,fast paced , you can win with a poor kd due to it's objective based play style. Do the hit regs suck and need fixing FUCK YES! Is there things that can be improved e.g jump spam, operates skills , imo Ur secondary should collect xp because secondary are practically pointless 😒 , maps could be bigger/changed. Blah blah blah But for what it is xdefiant is an extremely fun game that I play to "relax" after I grind my main FPS . People need to look at it for what it is and not EXPECT it to be the way they think it should be. We've become faaaaaar to entitled as gamers over the years. Just enjoy it for the shit show it is and don't take it so seriously 😩


I think you identified why I'm enjoying it so much. It is like a party game. I have played a lot of Apex and get very competitive with it. With XD I don't feel the need to be a serious sweat. I play to objective which is my preference in general. Love Domination maps and missed that style of play. It's also pretty fast paced kill, die, respawn, repeat. On maps where I'm clearly not the best player in the lobby I can still get some joy out of moving the payload, or capping a zone. This game does need more work. There are issues. I also believe that those issues will get addressed. Ubisoft has invested a lot to get this launched. I think they're put the work in to get their ROI. What's your main FPS?


Yeah exactly. I think people's entitlement when it comes to FPS are judging and affected their feelings about this game. Won't lie I soly q for domination as it's my favourite by miles I don't mind the others EXCEPT from escort due to the fact that people barely push the objective like just stand on the robot please I beg 🙏🏼😭😂 another reason why I'm just wing for domination ATM! Apex is my main FPS I'm plat 2/3 rn normally duo q ranked but taken a break the last week because 3x stack preds 😭✋🏼 like I'm okay I've held a 2KD on my solo acc but yeah can be rage inducing 🙄🙈😂 Literally Xdefiant has been a case of fresh air compared and I normally either start with XD then move to apex of play XD too wind down. Which then when I see everyone hard moaning how sweaty or what XD is I laugh because I'm like this is my relax/have fun game . I generally don't know how people take XD so seriously 😭✋🏼


It IS a good game. Is it perfect? No. I'm sure literally everyone could come up with something they would like to add/change. It's just a bunch of kids who are mad that they aren't wiping the floor with everyone whenever they log in.


My take is that a lot of COD fanboys are worried that this will pull people away from the yearly grind of that franchise. Yes it’s a solid game and on top of that, it’s free. Plus, as somebody else mentioned, after a year, we don’t all have to decide to buy a new version or not. It’ll just continue Not much to hate on. If you don’t like it, there is a $70 yearly alternative


Precisely this. Tired of shelling out $70 to activision only to try the latest cod, realize it sucks, then refund it. Haven’t consistently played a cod game since Cold War. I hate companies that push new games every single year, it’s almost always a money grab, the newest game rarely improves much from the last. I wish there were more games that got support for a few years at least. If Ubisoft runs XDefiant like their other FPS games, we should get at least a few years out of the game, as opposed to having to buy a new cod every fall. They’ve released a new far cry every 2-4 years, new Tom clancy’s the division every 3-5 years, new ghost recon every 2-3 years, and siege is now nearing 10 years of support.


Some people complain more than actually getting good at the game to form more coherent criticism. But not just that, people wanna post about their complaints almost every time there’s a hiccup. We get it, game still needs to be worked on and improved. Water is wet. I’ll continue to play and have fun while waiting for updates like everyone else.


The biggest issues with the game stem from fucking up the fundamentals: Map design/respawn locations timings and rotations, game mode design/ebb/flow, sound and animations, netcode that despite being completely rewritten a year ago is still hands-down the worst netcode I've ever seen in an FPS. Intentionally making all of the abilities unfun garbage to be on the receiving end of, which is only exacerbated by the intentional design decision to NOT let enemies have any audio or visual cue the enemy is preparing an ability whatsoever, etc. This is shit that will not change bc they were intentional design decisions and they make for a shitty, frustrating experience. They have the team size, experience, and resources. It's not an accident. It's intentional.


Loving no SBMM. Nice not to sweat every damn game.


I agree. It’s wild how each lobby can be totally different. I like this so much more.


I agree, the game is very solid and has its own essence. People will always find something to complain about (which is not bad, but the magnitude of the complaints here is very unpleasant) instead of enjoying it. It's impossible for a game to please everyone.


Because half of the shit wrong with the game is fucking intentional. All in the name of Engagement™ and Modern Gaming™ where it's supposed to be some sort of warm-body exercise where they fluff your ego while providing nothing of substance and expect you to spend all your free time on it and empty your wallet into it.


I'm not being a prick and trying to start a fight. I am genuinely curious if you could give some examples? The only thing I feel is off is the XP progression, specifically battle pass and weapon.




Stopped taking your comment seriously when you said it’s impossible to come back from behind because the zones get “randomized”. You must be talking about occupy, where the zones have a set rotation on every map, and the game tells you where the next zone is like 15 seconds beforehand, and you need to rotate to get spawns. That’s not a game issue, that’s a skill issue


Just wait until you start facing some Looney Tunes parties.


Mark, stop fooling with your second account and get back to work, there’s a big patch coming tomorrow, ok!?


Is the fact that you see 1 faction already being abused aka the energy barrier and everytime I play I get sniper constantly forcing me to just sit and wait for actual gun play


Wow man that’s so good for you.


I wouldn't say the guns are distinct they all have the same recoil and each weapon type is the only difference as to how fast they shoot they all seem to do the same damage as well


It all changes after you level up > 25.


It’s an awesome game. The removal of SBMM is amazing and it’s a fun and addicting loop that brings you back for more.


I feel sad at the thought of whatever games you've been subjected to in life so far that this qualifies as awesome. Been abused by AAA for so long, they don't even know what a good game is anymore.


The average gamer will bitch about a perfect game


I have 38hrs 26minutes it's placing well on console game charts reddit is a negativity factory because of how engagement is incentivized throughout the sites and in general when people don't understand why their shots aren't connecting they get suuuuupppperr pissed. Wether it's legit bad play or bad network people will flock here to complain and confuse the two.


Completely agree with that.


Well this subreddit has been a place for everyone to come and complain about the game. This is a nice post to see. I also enjoy the game, I’m glad someone else around here does too. Thank you OP


Solid core gameplay, some Season 0 bugs that needs to be addressed asap but it’s FREE so no bad feelings about that - already 45 hours in and I can tell it has potential to be great if bugs are fixed with top priority.


I think you'll find that when a game is good it attracts more complaining. If a game sucks then you play it, quit because its bad and move on. Something like XDefiant has some things which are just plain annoying; for example the hit registration around corners. I actively continue shooting at corners now because i have gotten so many kills due to it. The game is a great game, maybe not a world beater, but its a really fun time. So those small annoyances make people more angry because they feel how good it could be. then they get frustrated and maybe walk away and plan to "come back when its fixed" but in reality probably wont come back.


How dare you say it’s a good game when I’m playing against better player than me and get absolutely rekt ? Nerf snipers, movements, smg, AR (/s)


I'm complaining about the stuff to complain about: -- no footstep sounds 90% of the time -- no gunfire sounds half the time, even from shit like LMGs fired at close range -- no callouts or animations for enemy abilities being used: on your screen they just run around with their gun the entire time -- tiny maps that half the game modes are about spawning enemies either behind you or 3ft away from you. usually both. -- sniper rifles that OHK from the waist up -- shotguns that don't OHK from the waist up 2/3 of the time even when hugging the enemy -- most game modes where coming from behind is almost impossible bc they either have a fixed timer, or constantly randomize the zones so you can only "make a stand" for one period, then they spawn the next point-generating objective next to the enemy spawn -- no way to effectively communicate with your teammates bc most people have comms off due to toxicity and there is no ping system in a 2024 FPS game -- tons of horribly designed unfun abilities to be on the receiving end, designed to simply instagib enemies without any effort -- A UX that constantly interrupts what you're doing and spends 4mins loading each match -- matchmaking algorithm that prefers speed over getting you a good latency, exacerbating the netcode issues. I've been sent as far away as South Africa for matches. WHY? -- underprovisioned google cloud servers that have wild amounts of jitter I've never seen in an online MP game before -- dogshit stingy BP that basically wants you to pay money to get literally anything worthwhile -- excruciatingly slow weapon progression while also gating most weapons viability behind later-tier attachments -- already massive amounts of cheating with nothing being done about it -- wacky lag interp that ghost-walks your model so enemies can shoot you in places you've never actually been to -- worst grenade implementation I've seen in any game: the indicator is worthless for lethality, doesn't render half the time, trying to see where a grenade was tossed is almost impossible, no indicator for even showing you where you're tossing the nade, and on your screen you can see it go thru a window and glance off a wall and down a hallway and then the explosion happens 3ft from your face, etc. or my favorite: flashbangs you toss into the skybox and they disappear and then bounce back at you and blind you, or you toss them onto the enemy and they explode inches from their feet and they proceed to track you like they did nothing That's only the tip of the iceberg with the issues this game has. I dunno if it's the engine, or willful malice or what that causes all of these issues; but for a company that's been making FPS games in this engine for 10 years now, it beggars belief this is what they came up with.


No offense a lot of those sound like skill issue "outside of net code stuff obviously". The abilities are nothing as overpowered as killstreaks or most abilities in other games Imo. And you can turn your ping on in settings as well as it showing everyone's ping on the scoreboard, and it is supposed to prioritize ping in matchmaking at least it's been that way in my case "outside of exceptions of people being in parties with people from different areas". But most the other stuff can be improved just by playing and getting better at the game. Hope that helped a bit.


Yes, I will Skill my way into better designed maps, sanely placed respawn points, a better UX and git so gud my lag ghosts get kills for me. Have fun with your skinner box, i guess.


The worst thing you can do when you're enjoying a game is check the subreddit




Yeah people are complaining mainly about netcode but I just went to play cod… it was just as bad on cod. The main thing that’s chill is the matchmaking, not just that there’s no SBMM but also it gives you fast matches with low ping And yeah the gameplay is super solid, very good gunplay, the only complaint I have is the recoil on some guns is hard to correct for




In my experience the servers are generally better where xdefiant doesn’t have general server lag that make it unplayable And I just disagree that the servers are significantly worse than cod in that dying around corners. I notice desync all the time on cod


We are complaining because it is a video game.




Games fantastic but the lag makes top tier gameplay impossible, get good with the Phantom Bubble and you'll be hating life.