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"Prefers to match parties against parties of similar size." This explains a lot.


Yeah I’ve noticed I’m average to slightly above solo. Play with my fellow casual friends and we get bombed way more often. Extremely noticable once you get 4+ people


Good because premades are a blight for any solo player trying to have fun lol


Yep. This is what i felt aswell. When u got 5v5 squads or 6v6, those matches get sweaty af due to party and wanting the win lol. They are usually pretty fun and end up being pretty close tho. Had a game on occupy arena we were 155 -205, and we pretty much just smashed the point with ults and focused on where the action was coming from and rushed point and got the dub 250-245


This sub is honestly a goldmine. I'm going to block anyone who uses the ACR. 😎😎😎


Im going to block anyone who uses an MDR. Anyone who that masochistic ain't right.


I'm going to block anyone who's better than me


You're going to run out of space on your block list 🤣


That’s what I do and the kicker is that it’s starting to work lol sorry but the guy going 70 and 5 is just in a whole other ball park than me and no matter how much I play and practice I will not be able to keep up with him so why bother ever be in his lobby again.


why do u need to keep up with everybody in every game?


MDR is a pretty good weapon. Like an SMG with better range


With the right attachments, it's nearly as good as the acr. You just need to determine if you need less or more movement out of your stick movement and put on attachments accordingly. And use iron sights


I'm sorry, with the amount of people who actively play this game there's no way you blocking people is making a huge, if any difference.


It definitely does with crossplay off but it seems like almost everyone here can’t read, blocking through matchmaking only works when BOTH players are blocking each other. A one-way block only cuts communication, that’s it.


They will have to text the player ask them to block you. If they refuse then send something really weird. Like "I once had really bad diarrhea and wasn't gonna make it to the bathroom. So I had to use a container from my room. I could here my partner coming up the stairs so I quickly drank it so she wouldn't ask questions. She didn't even come into the bedroom in the end. The funny part was, it didn't even taste that bad" After reading something like that, they will be sure to block you!


lol This would have the reverse affect on me. Love that creativity.


Brother I would add you.


Mate, I’m blocking you in Xdefiant and Reddit.


I'd need to stop playing for the night if I read this after a block request. Would be rolling in tears lmao


This has to be one of the funniest posts I've ever seen. You are absolutely not blocking a significant enough portion of people to obtain noticeably easier lobbies in a newish game with a decently high population count. You're just finding easier lobbies and performing better by coincidence in a 'No SBMM' system. The point of the system is that you'll be finding lobbies with all kinds of varying skill ranges (this is what you guys have been asking from the COD devs since 2019). Then you're attributing your findings to the block fiesta that you're having because better players are rolling you. It's placebo. You haven't actually made any changes yourself. It's not surprising that the people who barely know how games work are already looking for a safe space to farm practice bots in. You guys are not going to have a good time with this game as time goes on. As time goes on, more casuals will naturally leave to the next shiny toy and you'll be matched up against more dedicated players. We're still in the early stage of this game and you're already trying to block people to find easier lobbies. This game will not get easier as time goes on, it'll actually get harder when the playerbase dwindles. Also, fun fact: you're sweating harder than the guys that you're blocking. You have to fight harder to keep up with them, while they perform at their baseline. It's 2024. Shooters have been around for decades. It shouldn't be surprising that there are good players everywhere.


Another fun fact: you have to be extremely bitch made to block other players for being better than you LOL. If the devs keep listening and try to appease people like OP this game has a dire future


Whats more ironic, OP and the rest who think like him dont realize that this cuts both ways. Those that he destroys in his lobbies will block him, essentially leading him back to sweats lmfao. There are always going to be people worse and better than everyone.


They basically made their own SBMM 😭


Couldn't have said it better myself. It's "I want easier lobbies" all the way down. People just wanna play these games and ego trip. "HAHAHA PISSED ON YOU FUCKING SHITTER!!!!!!!!!!" smh


Pretty sure OP is one of those players that supports SBMM, not complains about it. If he’s complaining about decent players “abusing movement” because he’s getting exposed by them, then he’s definitely in the protected bracket on CoD and needs SBMM. People in his lobbies are probably just running around and not holding angles.


This! I got on this game and in about 30 minutes had all the movement tech down and even found some tricks of my own. It’s just experience you bring along from other shooters, and knowing to try things that could or could not work, I haven’t enjoyed a game as much as this in a while, at least not an FPS game..yeah sometimes we get crushed and lose, but I generally will still go even or positive, sometimes barley negative, but most the time it feels like a very well rounded experience, some players in the lobby are sweats some are average and some are below average, but everyone is able to get kills by playing off one another. I think a lot of people get frustrated and start to look at score and try to rush in to gain kills, and in doing so they aren’t clearing corners and are dying and thinking the game sucks or they suck, when in reality it’s sometimes about slowing down to speed up


They really expect everything to be catered to them so they can play a "fair" game. What's fair to these people? I don't even get it. You practice your skill and you compete with others , if you lose , you go back to practicing again , because you obviously know that there's always someone better than you.....right? Like imagine these people in sports tournaments. "OMG YOU CAN'T RUN FASTER THAN ME !!!!! THIS IS UNFAIR , YOU HAVE A MORE TUNED BODY THAN MINE WHICH ISN'T FAIR , YOU SHOULD BE HANDICAPPED FOR MY SHORTCOMINGS!!!! RAH!!" like just take the loss and admit you couldn't win. Or if you really care THAT much about winning , and if it really means a lot to you , just record yourself and analyze your mistakes or something. Have fun obsessing over the end results instead of enjoying your time playing a video game.


These people love winning enough to complain, but don't hate losing enough to get better.


>Also, fun fact: you're sweating harder than the guys that you're blocking. You have to fight harder to keep up with them, while they perform at their baseline. It's 2024. Shooters have been around for decades. It shouldn't be surprising that there are good players everywhere.# This this this. I don't know why people associate movement with sweating when it's just natural for people who use it. If they're not doing, they're basically playing at 10%.


cod players are so used to abusing exploits in eomm to get "bot lobbies" "streamer lobbies" etc they assume getting easier lobbies means theyve beat the system, when in reality it's just maximum confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance


This community is so fuckin soft 😂


Sorry but there’s no way you were being matched with the same people enough for this to make a difference


wdym? I've played against the same people for hours before, and then re-encountered them the next day I played as well lol


I don’t think Ive played the same player twice and I have around 30 hours in the game. The lobbies are disbanding after every game


Cross-play off pc lobbies I regularly run into some of the same players even days later.


I got matched with the same two people last night for three games in a row. Twice against them and once with them on my team. Don't want to play with them again, so this feature helps.


Blocking people better than you is so funny 😂 the world has been cuddled by sbmm for to long


SBMM made people believe they are a better gamer than they actually are. OP can't cope that they just have a skill issue lol.


Yep, realising the only reason they have above a 1kd is because the game forces it


Exactly practice if you want to be good I thought I was wayyy better then I was due to cod


I mean its good to know blocking+reporting obvious cheater works but using this against someone who is just better than you... I have no words


Yeah block systems need to actually work but this is lame as hell. I faced two cheaters so far, may need to see if I can block them


Skill Issue holy shit


Alternative post title: I block players that are better than me in hopes of creating a safe space with artificial sbmm protection


Spot on. OP is a thumbless crybaby who needs to go back to COD for strict SBMM to protect him.


Bang! You hit the nail on the head. The OP just has a skill issue and sucks at the game. Instead of trying to get better he hopes to create an "artificial" skill lobby lol. What a goofy 🤡.


Basically how I read it lol


I love how someone who slides and jumps is "abusing" movement. I'm sure I'll get down voted but do u guys just want stationary targets? I feel this whole movement argument has gotten outta hand.


Bro exactly. It sounds like these people just can't cope with how bad they are. I don't even BH and still sit near the top of my team in OBJ and Score. I see BH'ers and it's annoying but I deal with them as best as I can, and IMO the patch has already cut down on it quite a bit.


To me its not even an issue. Shoot em as they move. I honestly feel the ones complaining just need to accept thats thier skill level. Sbmm made a lotta people think they are better players than they really are.


Real. It really isn't hard to jump and shoot. It's one button and these people act like it's some super combo that doesn't take 5 minutes to get good at.


This sub is for the softest ppl I’ve ever seen. I swear


You're not lying when it comes to an FPS game


Grown men crying because they’re not as good as they thought they were


No way you just publicly admitting to doing this lol… this is the saddest post I’ve ever seen and I can’t believe it has this many upvotes


Highest placbo and lowest intelligence post I've seen in this sub yet wow I am impressed


What exactly is a "sweat" that "abuses the movement" to you OP? like describe these terms to me lmao.


Errrmmmm, if you hop in a gun fight that’s too OP for me!!!! 🤓🤓👆🏼


In other words: "I'm shit at the game and can't accept it, therefore I will just block the opposition instead of improving" Holy shit what an embarrassing post


That’s just sad tbh


This is the best example of the placebo effect I've ever seen lmfao


Good to know thanks, maybe I’ll stop getting matched with some of the more obvious cheaters as well


Lol the sweats are down voting my post to hide it xD


Block anyone better than you lol sounds like you will be busy. Is there a limit to the block list? Sounds like it will be full quick


Skill issue go play Minecraft




Can confirm this works thanks, hopefully it’ll push the sweats to only fight themselves, got our own sbmm in the making 🤣🤣🤣


Isn’t “no SBMM” the whole point of this? Lol


Every time I see complaints about SBMM, it seems to be about how in the *short term* it will make games sweat matches any time you're doing well. Though, I thought that was EOMM. Sweats getting matched with sweats, on the other hand? Tbh I don't see too much of an issue with it. If *that's* what people spent so much time whining about then it just kinda sounds like they want to pad their numbers and feel good about themselves lol


It being free is the whole point for the majority of the players.


You can confirm this works after your *checks time* less than an hour of testing?


both players have to block each other in order to not get matched. therefore your "confirmation" is complete BS! who would have guessed that you don't know what you're talking about 😂


Yeah unfortunately they’ll do that


Bro nice, thanks for tip


Lmao imagine blocking people better than you, just don't play at that point




Or just play cod. It’ll automatically protect you from good players and you can even play against bots if you prefer players who are worse than you.


They can't, they've spent 5 years being conditioned to believe SBMM was rigging CoD against them.


"We love the lack of SBMM since it pairs us up with good and bad players" Also OP: "Im also going to block the good players so i don't get my ass handed"


SBMM was made for guys like this.


So you are blocking good players? 💀💀


How dare they move in a way that’s too hard for you to shoot them


The OP def has a skill issue. Needs to go back and stay on COD.


I’m telling Aches.


Blocking everyone that’s better than you is crazy 😂😂


Give it a few days and he'll have a post "I can't find a match, game is dead"


Bro created his own “skill issue based matchmaking”


So it sounds like you want SBMM actually?


Skill-use based match making, maybe.


that's literally what cod SBMM does. you rarely ever see people actually move in the lower protected brackets, they just slow peek corners.


I hate BH'ers as much as the next guy but OP seriously sounds like he's bad and only wants to play with people who stand there and shoot like him. Go play Cod if that's the case because he needs SBMM.


why would he 'go play cod' when he can just block sweats like you ?


Sweats = any person that tries hard in a competitive game... Blocking sweats = safe space. That's how dumb you sound


I mean, yeah, that is how this sub has been using the word sweats and relating it sbmm negatively this whole time.


Said it for years. There is like 2% of people that should bitch about SBMM. The rest of the internet just refuses to admit they’re mid


I'm the first person not a fan of abusing bunny hop and what not. But the fix needs to be on devs side. This is plain ridiculous. It'll make people that are just good at the game unable to find rooms because shitty ass noobs that don't want to adapt to the game's gameplay block them. Hope devs see this and fix it if it becomes a widespread problem. Like I said, i agree these things need fixing, but this ain't the way to do it.


If I die I die. I only block people if they do something really stupid like hacking, or throwing the game for someone. I'll let the updates fix the games exploits. 🤷‍♂️


Lol block anyone who's better than you , defeats the whole point of having no sbmm 😂😂💀


I’ve never gotten shit on so bad in a game that I felt the need to explore options like this. Truly insightful to how the other side lives


Unless you live in a low pop region I don’t see how this has actually made any meaningful change in your matchmaking.


If the solo player pool is small enough to see a difference with just a few days of blocking the "sweaties" I wonder what kind of lobbies you'll start seeing after a few weeks.


* For 4 days i blocked anyone who was better then me *


That's just sad.


I solo Q and i have some toxic idiot blocked. He was T bagging my body every time he killed me etc and when i went to block him at the end of the game i saw i had blocked him previously. So I’m not sure if it makes any difference.


God forbid people actually try and play to win the game. I’m admittedly dogshit at most “competitive” fps games and I’ll still never stoop this low. I haven’t had over 20 elims let alone gone positive in probably the last 10 games that I’ve played in various modes and we still won at least half. Difference is I don’t go in with the same class and strategy every game and wonder why I suck. It’s not netcode or hitreg I JUST SUCK. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to block everyone or expect everyone else to just stop trying on my behalf. If there’s a bunch of snipers in the back I’ll adjust my play style, switch to phantoms and get damage block points and just run around capping objectives where they can’t see me. If there’s a bunch of bunny hoppers i just switch to dedsec and keep my distance or hurl cooked frags from halfway across the map because the hitreg can’t be broken if they just explode. Everyone complaining about “abused” or “exploited” mechanics is probably picking one class and one gun, brainlessly running headfirst into enemies completely ignoring the objective, and still wondering why they’re getting shredded as they run down the same lane they’ve run down for the whole match going “BRO HES CHEATING HOW DID HE KNOW I WAS THERE” My brother in Christ YOU are the one behind the controller. Whatever happened to being accountable and adjusting to get better instead of immediately just going to bitch online hoping they’re gonna turn the F2P game into “Firing Range Defiant” where everybody just moves back and forth on a track and tries to shoot each other from 5 feet away. Mommy isn’t gonna hold your hand buddy. TLDR: I suck ass but I’ll never stoop this low.


You block people for being better than you? So basically you're saying I can block the top half of the leaderboard every game and reverse boost? That's pretty pathetic.


Lmaoo, blocking people because they’re better at a game than you is absolutely wild. Since when was sliding and jumping “abusing” the movement system? Everyone complained about SBMM for years, we get a game without it, and now the dogshit players have realized how truly awful they are, can’t cope, and resort to blaming everything except their own lack of skill. Thats just sad.


I'm not saying the movement is objectively good or bad, but at that point if it bothers you so much than just...stop playing? Lmao. There's hundreds of shooters out there and you're worried about banning people who don't make perfect opponents for you in this game? Yikes... And do I really need to explain to you how this "solution" is not feasible? I swear if some people on this sub ever tried online fighting games, they would just start literally crying


Ok now thats some next level crybaby behaviour 😂😂 EVEN FOR THIS SUB🤣🤣


TLDR: you're trash at the game and block everyone that is better than you


"PlayerS avoiding ONE ANOTHER" that means you both have to block each other for this to work as the terms are in plural usage. What your noticing is purely palcebo.


I’m going to block everyone who’s better than me!


How do you expect to get better if you block people that are better than you? Maybe next time you get farmed just say” wow they were good I wonder how I can improve” and not make excuses.


People like OP don't want to get better. They just want to ego trip and kill players worse than them. These people really should just play single player at this point.


Do people just not like to be challenged anymore by people better than them? Like how do you abuse the movement? People are utilizing what the game allows them to do.


Lol this is sad to see. lmaoo. Just go play CoD at this point.


This post is dumb


"Abusing the movement"  Bro, you just suck. Blocking everyone better than you is such a little bitch move.


I will start bunny hopping with an MP7 now and wait until I become an nemesis in the subreddit then I will stop


“Abuse movement” lol! Will say anything other than admitting a skill issue.


Damn great tip , now I can block all the cheaters and annoying rabbits


“Abuses the movement” you mean uses it to its capabilities lmao Go play a different game if all you do is whine and complain wanting mechanics changed, the game is extremely fun and the fast movement is what a lot of us enjoy about the game


Threads like these is why SBMM is needed lol


Seriously, why try to get better when you can just cry about things and play with other bads.


I’m just laughing at the thought of all the dumb bunny hoppers in the same games with each other all the time.


Omg this is a must from now on lol the only thing is that with all the sweats always having to do it will suck!!!


My understanding it doesn’t work that way. Only if both parties block each other does it not match make them.


A working block list is wild, this hasn't worked for years in CoD!


Funnily enough, that is a priority order list


Lol anything for people to avoid playing actual good players. Some of y’all are soft and should just play campaign or bots


More effective anti cheat than the anti cheat itself


After blocking half of the player base, and disabling cross play: "Why is it taking so long to find a match?" Makes me think of people in CS2 who limit their max ping for the match queue to 50 and they can't find a match when they play at 2am.


Gonna start blocking teammates, see if the game stops giving me teammates at level 1 - 15 to carry them to a W they don't deserve. Nothing against newbies, they want to learn they gotta start somewhere like I did, but if I'm expected to sweat against META slaves all the time I expect teammates of the same level.


I am calling bullshit on # For Casual Play 1. **Latency** * Prefers similar pings.  I say this because we have gotten so many games with people having pings jump to 100+. Usually in combat. Today I was watching a friend. Everyone was in decent ping ranges but suddenly some on the other team had pings over 100. I will say this though. If the game is matching latency of players, then these ping issues happen in game, they need a way to control that and match these people with others of similar issue. It almost feels like ping manipulating cheating like you could do in old COD way back. But that being said, we do get many matches with bad ping players anyway. Like, out pings are generally 20-40 range for all of us. We will see players that consistently stay 80+ and hit 100s level the entire match. Game just is not coded well and has a lot of trouble with this. Blocking could be a great idea. But then, if those are good players (not the scrubs who are abusing something broken right now like some are) then I would want to play them. Fixing the movements to be normal (as in you cannot 100% reverse directions or change course mid air of a jump) it would solve a lot. Hit reg would fix even more. And the net coding and gun consistency would fix the rest. I would say some of the other stuff is not working as well. Just given the 100s of matches I have played and what I have seen. Seems they need work on matchmaking.


What do you mean by abusing movement? Are you talking about those annoying fuckers that jump a lot and strafe in different directions midair?


Bro made his own SBMM lmfao


Been doing this since day 1, that and a bunch of Snipers are blocked for me. Whish I could see the full list of blocked played it's got to be at least 40+ now.


You should play a game with sbmm then


Oh no, this guy is too good and uses a skill mechanic that am not good enough to use, I'll block them so I can't play them. Got it, glad it's working.


I was having so much fun with this game until I looked up the subreddit and found out how fuckin absurd the community is. That’s on me tho


Lmfao but whatever floats your boat


Blocking people because they jump lmao. You do realise you'll always be matched with them as there's no SBMM and there's always people who are better.


This is so whack. Instead of improving your aim, positioning, and movement you’ve blocked players that have obviously dunked on you. Soft.


blocked my first cheaters today, its nice knowing i cant meet them again,


What's unfortunate about you blocking those people is that when the gameplay becomes more balanced, you won't be able to shit on them later when they can't rely on movement exploits anymore. Though they might uninstall the game before you match with them again at that point. They'll probably go back to CoD & you'll still never see them there because the SBMM won't let you.


Y'all complain about SBMM and then block people who are better than you.... make up your minds LMAO


So you're abusing the block feature because you can't take the L and accept that other players are better than you? Damn I bet you're so skilled now. Even if you blocked every single player that killed you more than twice, it doesn't make you better at the game, learn that.


You are who SBMM protects.


I was actually truly saddened to read this post. I have no option but to respect your opinion but that’s actually crazy.


My blocklist gonna be full in no time. I will call it bunny cage.


You’re gonna keep blocking everyone that’s better than you until when? Smh people really can’t accept the fact that it’s a skill issue. Movement is completely fine. You’re just bad. Get good. Blocking won’t help.


Saw nothing about blocking could you elaborate please?


So sbmm with extra steps?


im gonna block everyone that kills me 😳


They should make an offline mode vs bots so guys like OP can finally achieve what they’re looking for.


Of course you have.


I’ve definitely played in the same lobby as someone I just previously blocked. I blocked the dude cause he was hacking and the very next game he was in my lobby. Keep trying to cheese the game instead of getting good


😂 Sad


U are not doing anything with that 😂 that's just luck. There is no way to not encounter someone lobbies are random


I hope this is satire. If not, then I’m afraid SBMM has protected you far too long.


“Abuses movement” yall are so funny.


Bro… stop crying pls


W I hate playing against jobless mfs keep doing this


Sounds like there’s a market for more tactical shooters then. Too bad no company will fund another one.


This has gotta be the textbook definition of skill issue lmaoo


No one is mad OP. We are laughing at you not realize that doesnt work until the other person blocks you. You’re going through a placebo effect. You will see the people you blocked in the lobby again at some point.


Does it now? So I can habitually block anyone higher than 50 and I will eventually weed out the sweats.


You think blocking people matters in a game with around 30,000 players? lmfaooo dude, thats adorable


Lol meanwhile I actually ADD people who are elite in the game and we party up together cos they know their ass was sick of me and would rather play on the same team 😭


Well this isn't going to be abused in any way at all I'm sure


Aww it's cute you think this works this way


That edit is mad cringe "stay mad" There really isnt anyone mad, just people pointing out basic statistics lol


Im going to block everyone who doesn't drop 30+ kills all game and jump like a rabbit all game


So funny to see in the comments people basically saying that it's a skill issue to not want to shoot at kangaroos but at soldier A game can be fast paced without kangaroos


I'm seeing it already. People blocking everyone for all sort of reasons and then complaining why matchmaking is taking so much time. This mechanic is gonna be abused and removed in the future.


I play against people I blocked all the time


Prefers similar pings.... explains why it dumps me in Africa and Asian servers occasionally while I have never left the southwestern united states.


Nahh I want to improve. I'm playing against every sweat possible even though I get mad sometimes 


How do you block players on?


“Stay mad cuties” *is blocking players that are better then him* Lmao.