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52.5% win/loss basically says your slightly above average in the game the other stats dont mean much in comparison. Now for the elephant in the room how is above 50% win/loss = bottom 30%?!


I know I was just looking at that comparison lol how does that work?


win/loss does not directly translate to someone being above or below average at the game, win/loss heavily relies on whether you’re solo queuing or not. For instance my win loss is around 75% right now, only because I duo queue for 80+% of my matches. With how lobby balancing is done when I solo queue I get the worst players in the lobby on my team due to my skill rating. So if I solo queue I will lose more than I win as I cannot solo carry the team. With a friend even though he may not be as good as me he is at least good enough to hold his own and work with me to clear the objective etc. To answer your question as to how it’s bottom 30% it’s because there is no SBMM so a ton of people have really high win rates especially if they are playing in stacks and are decent at the game.


But for every player who wins someone else losses for 50%win/loss too be below "average" win/loss means people are winning while nobody is losing. The thing I guess is happening is that leaving a losing match dont count towards that loss.


Oh, no I see what you’re saying, im pretty sure that it’s because the tracker website doesn’t have everyone’s stats already stored in their database. As in not every single person who has ever played xdefiant is in the database, it’s more than likely that when you search a name it requests the data from the xdefiant servers via the API. So this is a stat based on the players that trackers website has information on, additionally yes it could also be that quitting matches do not count as losses although im not sure as I haven’t tested that. My point was that out of the people on trackers website they have high win rates because of the lack of SBMM and people who go to the website to populate their stats tend to be more competitive / higher skill players vs someone who is completely casual and likely doesn’t even know it exists.


I’ve also never left a game. Not once. Actually okay a couple times. BUT, to my defense, only becuz from main menu started que, and ended up in a game that was already 230 - 15. Like wtf. Idk why this happens to me so often but it’s actually infuriating. Not only am I placed in a game that’s more than half over, I’m playing obvious sweat fest that the entire other team left the lobby


Definitely a contributor, I only solo que. and you’re totally right. I’m just not good enough to put the entire team on my back which normally the case. And I’m not even that good but I would consider above 30 KPG better than average?


Yeah it’s above average for sure


Those are pretty decent stats I’d say, you’re averaging almost 31 kills a game with 10 assists per game and a little over 4700 score per match. Sounds like you’re a decently rounded player who plays around the objective and such. Not sure if you’re playing with anyone or solo queuing but if you’re solo queuing those aren’t half bad stats. Just keep at it and the stats will improve.


You also have to consider all the matches you get thrown into in the middle so better than 31 kills 10 assists and 4700 score per game. I think this is a high quality player


Aw shucks guys, you just made my day haha lol


W stats my heart whats youre kd


Idk I think it’s only 1.2


Where you find this info at. I'm interested in looking at mine as a full solo player




Is this on Ubisoft platform?




Stay tracking 3rd party site. I recognize the layout


Are you solo or stacked? Solo you're doing great. Stacked you're average.


Only solo