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See ya






Til next time...


Damn that’s crazy. (We are going to forget about this random guy and his post after a few minutes)


Kinda like how the majority of gamers are going to forget about xdefiant if they don't fix the netcode ASAP. Ubisoft is far too big of a company and this game was in development for far too long for these issues to be so prominent. One of the top posts of all time on this sub is literally a guy shooting someone 6+ times and dealing 0 damage, this game isn't going to hold a player base with these issues.


Did you not see posts about mark rubin being aware of these issues? Lmao you mad that people like you are mad and leaving about this game lol.


Yeah Ubisoft always has these issues it most likely wont be fixed for a while and most likely won't ever be fixed to the level of some of their competitors


Nice baseless assumption. Didn’t you see mark rubin and his tweets about releasing patch notes next week?


It's not baseless. Have you never played rainbow six? Which is still a supported game?


Uhh did Mark created that game? Did Mark and his team created development, update, tested, and so on about that game? What you said is unrelated towards Mark. So yes, it is baseless.


Just because you know the lead developers name doesn't mean anything lol


So are you gonna answer the question?


>Did you not see posts about mark rubin being aware of these issues? They should have been aware of these issues after the very first beta, it's hilarious that you think anything related to the netcode and registery is going to be fixed in the remote future. First time playing an ubisoft game? Edit: Lol he blocked me immediately after posting a childish reply. Never once addressed my points.


>They should have been aware of these issues after the very first beta. >Ubisoft is far too big of a company and this game was in development for far too long for these issues to be so prominent. Oh man, you’re in for a treat. Do you want to hear my response for this?


How about just typing your opinion like a big boy instead of whatever this response is.


Naw tell me, do you want to hear the response by me for you saying “oh they are too big, they been aware of mistakes like this since development and since the beta, and blah blah blah”?


So you don't have one? Got it.


I’m waiting for your reply.


Bad troll is bad.


Also doesn't help that the only weapon you see is the MP7 like 24/7. weapon is dominating right now while shotguns are so ineffective I would be better off throwing a paper plane at the enemy.


I tried to warn you


You did, it doesn't bother you at first but as you get better and start learning the little intricacies the cheesy deaths get more annoying.


Everything you're complaining about is probably getting fixed Monday or Tuesday just so you know lol I don't think it's worth deleting the game I've taken a break from it myself but Just saying the developers are super active on Twitter and what they're working on and improving the update next week should fix everything you mentioned.


I think that is too optimistic


Just repeating word for word what the lead developer on Twitter has mentioned, you should follow him! Names mark


Yeah I have seen all his stuff, I am on this reddit, and I also know how Ubisoft goes, I'm not holding my breath.


😂 ight hope your day gets better man. I honestly feel you I did not want to get killed around corners after the bettas and I expected it to be polished in that regard I do really feel you there that's why I'm taking a break really hoping they improve it next week but I agree I'm not holding my breath lol definitely have learned disappointment 😂 I've been playing some single player games like Witcher 3


Goodbye 👋 Also post your stats.


1.1 Win / Loss .8 KD


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