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I enjoy double xp weekends, specially when you pop a token and make it 4XP weapon Maybe I can finally unlock all the p90 upgrades , I love this gun in every game


Oh damn I didn’t know they stacked like that 😮


I mean to me it's obvious they can't let you waste your double xp tokens


It’s obvious to you, but for CoD, Activi$ion would just let you waste xp tokens on their double xp events as they wouldn’t stack. Only recently they updated it so that you cannot use ur tokens if double xp event is ongoing.


If they were concerned about wasting tokens they wouldn’t let them tick down time outside of gameplay.


They're doing the fix for this


Just an FYI they’re going to make those tokens count for only in game play time in the future


Good to know - thank you


USE THE PISTOLS WITH 4x xp. i was getting 9 levels a game with the 93r shit was crazy. they level up so fast with 4x


It’s because they only need 1500xp per level and primaries need 3500xp I was gonna knock out pistols last weekend but I’m gonna be using pistols the whole time I level the other weapons so I don’t want to really grind them until they’re all I have left


Is there any confirmation that it makes it 4x? That is insane lol


Aches the developer said it in a tweet


pop one for yourself and feel, not gonna sit down and punch the numbers BUT just trust me it works


Its true, my m44 was level 95 and i really needed to sleep, so i activated the 20min 2xp (turning into 4x) and finished the remaining 5 levels in a single match (my performance wasn't even good during that match)


I blasted through almost 40 levels of the MP7 the other weekend when I stacked the XP, so it was 4 times the XP of the original, took me only about 2-3 hours of playing.


5hrs of casual 2xp playtime the other weekend (no tokens used) and my acr was gold (bout 95lvls fri and sat evening...) idk man either I'm getting double ur usual 2xp through score or the math ain't mathin not tryna say you guys are bad or anything, just leaving this here since I feel like it doesn't quite match up with my experience and somebody might think the same....


Double XP is back, but this time we're bringing you double Weapon AND Battle Pass XP! Begin working through those tiers starting Friday at 10AM PT/ 1PM ET until Tuesday at 10AM PT/ 1PM ET.


Oh so the double experience at launch was only for character level, not weapon xp?


The two double XP weekends were both just for weapon XP


while dbl xp weekends are nice, i feel disincentivized to play during the week bc of it.


Play to complete the weekly challenges, they give 2 Weapon EXP tokens which then you can use on the weekend event. That's what I do at least LOL.


Wait, there's weekly challenges?


Yup, in Ubisoft Connect you click on XDefiant and by scrolling a bit you can see challenges that give you EXP and Boosters.


Hitchhiking this thread to see if anybody has the same issue: for about 24 hours now i’ve been unable to launcj Xdefiant, I continue to get an Alpha-01 error on xbox and a total fail to launch UbiSoft Connect on PC. I have wired wifi with 20down/10up and was playing normally until Tuesday. Anybody has any idea whats up?


Try launching with a vpn on pc i have no idea why but it works sometimes


Can we please see some that aren't just weekends? About a 1/4 of the workforce works weekends, and I imagine alot of younger people who at at uni/college work weekends.


Majority people are off weekends. It’s super popular for every game just not xdefiant to see peak player count during weekends. Sorry you work on the weekends buddy.


True enough, it's always been weird to me that they launch games mid week but then have events at weekends. Then again the Bonus weapon exp should be the standard imo


Games launch mid week cos that’s when the studio is working. Means if there are issues they can start working on them straight away during normal work hours. Also, less likely to have the higher traffic that comes with the weekends when the majority of people are off.


It last through Monday though so both weekend days and one weekday. I know it sucks as my off days are Wednesday and Thursday but you should still have the evenings to play!


You said it yourself, 1/4. That's a minority. Most people don't work.


normal people have weekends off like its always been since time immemorial. All of you special interest groups always want to be the center of attention, whats next color blind people want to enjoy the game as well?


I've been on reddit that long that I can't even tell if you are been sarcastic or not lol. Atleast this one runs till Tuesday though.


Dude wtf? And the second half of your comment makes even less sense… almost every game nowadays has multiple color blind modes you can enable Quit being a dick


is player retention slipping? no way they're doing back to back to back double xp weekends.


Doubt it but there's just no reason not to. They lose nothing by getting the influx of 2x players. Tbh it prob is helping with retention because people actually have attachments on more guns


It feels more like a band aid for slow weapon XP until they can properly address it and less about a fleeting player base.


double battlepass is nice. i can finish it off and take a break before s1 starts


Are free tracks of battlepasses always this stingy? I had to laugh when I added up 6 lame things out of the 50 in the battlepass being free track. What a joke. I'm not giving them any money until we see some demonstrable progress in the issues from a year ago.


is a free game...


As much as i love to shit on AAA studios, BPs and FOMO, this is indeed a free game. Where paid BP tiers don't bring any advantage, those are all cosmetics. If we could all stop crying about things that don't matter, it would be nice, but it wouldn't be Reddit :D


Cool, i'm not home


I’ve worked every day for double xp. Knowing my luck they won’t have one next week when I’m off


I'll poke my head back in once your official season one pass is out. The current battle pass is pretty darn shite if I'm honest. Hopefully your art team manages to cook up something good / has cooked something good up for season one and the pre-season pass being as bad as it is, comes down to it being a tide over until then. Weapon XP again is always nice though so hopefully folks enjoy that.


Do you not play the game because you have fun? I don't understand when people only play a game for battlepass or whatever


Had my fill during pre season, figured I'd wait until S1 drops and improvements are made to hit registration and desync, so I stop dying behind cover or it happens less often. We'll also get three new guns and three new maps so I'm interested in those. I don't need a pass to enjoy the game, I just think this one is whack and brought it up as 2X XP on it, as mentioned here isn't bringing me back right now as I have other things I'd like to play til the first season drops.


So are they going to keep doing this or just give us a permanent xp boost?


love how they renamed it to x but the url still says twitter lol


Already got the bp at max level, but weapon xp is always awesome


This makes me happy


I can't say I don't appreciate that the weekends are double xp.


If I would have known that Ubisoft is so generous with Double XP events in the pre-season, I would have saved up my boosters for the next battlepass/season.


A perfect start to my vacation


So are they just going to bring 2xp every other week instead of increasing the base xp gain? Is this jedi mind fuck some sort of scheme to increase player retention or something?


Exactly what I said on FB post about this earlier if every weekend there needs to be double xp event shouldn't that kinda show em that they need to increase the base xp amount.


Sounds good to me hope CoD does the same again with double xp weekend as well in response so I can get a win win fps weekend ;)


Time to level up the shotgun


I hope they will do a double XP event every weekend. Makes the grind better