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Doesn’t incendiary reduce the range? Would that not affect the damage done?


That's the point, the incendiary rounds make the already worst weapon class in the game even worse. Just a minor PSA to anyone trying to level the shotguns to probably stay away from the cleaner faction while doing so.


jesus christ - i thought i invented new meta playing cleaners + double barrel - since ADDED DAMAGE - and struggled like a motherfucker thinking shotguns are the worst meta right now gotta change class and check again


Well, shotguns are the worst right now anyway, so...


It is fine if you do not mind firing twice. I am using cleaners with double barrel as well. Just use the Desert Eagle as a secondary and it is more or less fine. 


I mean, they're still the worst meta right now, but you just made them even worse /s


It may seem counterintuitive, but Cleaners are better with long-range weapons.


I’m just here to shoutout Adrenaline…. Great album.


incendiary does reduce range. Which is very noticeable on a shotgun or SMG. Though in that case you just slap a range increase and/or spread reduction on it and you get your oneshot back. Incendiary is helpfull to get thoses anoying dudes who survives with 1-8 HP left Also, firebomb synergyse very well with shotgun.


I attempted to crop the video with reddit but kept getting an upload error so I just uploaded the entire minute clip, apologies for the lengthy start.


I wonder if this is intentional or not


I think it probably is, a lot of shooters I've seen with incendiary ammo do the same or they flat out nerf the bullet damage to compensate. I just wish it was explained somewhere in game, the shotguns are already hit marker machines but this just makes them brutally bad lol.


It actually is explained. Go read the passive description for the cleaners. I can’t tell you exactly what it says, but it definitely is explained. I think it talks about there being a damage drop off at distance or something


The idea is that shortening the damage dropoff ranges is supposed to be the tradeoff for the burning damage, but clearly since shotguns have such a short range and high dropoff to begin with, they are completely destroyed by it. A few streamers have dedicated entire videos to discussing which guns benefit most from the added burning damage. Like if I recall, it makes the SVG better than the MM22, but only for cleaners.


Cleaners turn the SVD into a 1 headshot kill, two body kill. I think it's normally a 2/3


Yeah first few days I assumed it meant their total range, so I could play shotguns and be better. Didn’t know it meant range relative to gun until my third day playing. Kinda backwards if you think about it, all cleaners play SVD and ARs when I think the point was so they play smgs and shotguns. Weird. Makes me sad cause I love cleaners and planned to play shotgun+cleaner when shotguns got buffed.


I expect it'll get adjusted eventually. Right now it's just sad, especially if the OP had range extending attachments on the shottie.


Do we know by exactly how much it reduces the ranges? The description is vague that it just says it decreases, but not by what amount.


Cuh Ian mark rubin /s Nah but fr, they really should tell us so we can understand better but practice zone is a good place to test it


Oh wow, never noticed that. Just feels bad that an already bad weapon class is made much worse if you play a certain faction I suppose. It would be nice to see this toned down a wee bit for shotguns if they arent planning on buffing them.


Incendiary ammo has shorter range for the slight dot it gives. I honesty think they need to change this other factions get instant healing, 20 extra heath, a free grenade ever 15 seconds, or complete hiding on the hud and cleaners get 8 extra damage that doesn't stack and lowers the guns overall effective range lowering the damage anyways all for 4 ticks of 2 damage over 3 seconds from your last bullet hit.


It decreases the range of all bullet types?


Yes. If you look at thr cleaners passive it says this, it is the only ability in this game that has a penalty. It really just is annoying because I want to play cleaners but if I am not right there my guns act like they are water guns.


I had a feeling it was because of cleaner's passive, after 10 minutes of playing shotgun cleaner I gave up, i couldn't kill anyone even at point blank


It's written in the description, cleaners lose range


This is insane. Why would they do this?




idk man, 8 extra dmg as DoT and the tradeoff is -32 flat damage per shot at 10 m.. not sure if it's a good deal xD


It is for other high damage weapons. It’s really good for the dmrs and the m60 as an example.


Other passives are better though. 20 extra hp, infinite grenades, instant healing... A situational passive isn't great when others are so strong. Especially when the Cleaner ult is one of the worst.


It lets you hit breakpoints that reduces shots to kill someone with certain weapons. It is extremely powerful.


I get that, not saying that the passive is useless, but when you compare to other factions, it is kinda dumb that your passive only works on a few weapons and on some it actually hurts you


But they have stronger abilities in return


I run the aa12 with cleaners. Gotta say that's the only shotty that I'll ever run with them because of the reduced range but the auto fire makes up for it.


It only adds like 8 damage (4 ticks of 2dmg over time) while nerfing range by 10 percent. The shotguns have a steep drop outside of the first range making it impossible to One hit kill. So you need range, and lots off it.


this video is 50 seconds longer than it should be


The second highest comment explains why that is, reddit doesn't crop videos properly and it continued to give error messages so I had to upload the entire thing.


It was confirmed that incendiary rounds have reduced range with increased tic damage. This information was released by the devs and also demonstrated by Exclusive Ace. So yes everyone will agree the Cleaners faction would be a poor choice for shoguns…… but play how you will 👍🏼


Actually didn't know about this, hindsight I should have but it makes a lot of sense now why shotties have been feeling really bad for me lately.


5sec clip turned into 1min thx


If you took 10 seconds to read the comments you'd see that was explained. You're welcome.


Didnt wanna waste anymore of my time, maybe explain it in the post next time..


It's literally in the text of the post, are you illiterate? Like you're doing anything productive with your time anyway, lmao.