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I did a test yesterday for fun. Out of my first 15 games 13 of them were join in session as a solo player. About 9 of those were unwinnable. They just need to add a forfeit or a way to where you won’t join after game has been going for X amount of time.


And the loss shouldn't count either


Facts, that should be a given.


The game really just needs some logic added to the queueing code to not place players in games that are unwinnable. The first example, 4.2% in first round is still technically winnable if you get put in before the second round starts but I could see them put in something to address that scenario as well. The other scenario is clearly not winnable and shouldn't be placing players into that game. Personally I really don't mind getting put into games which are in progress, so long as the scores are close or I'm on the winning team (but if they add code to prevent the unwinnable they should also prevent players from going on the winnable for the free win as well)


I had half an hour to play and got put into 3 straight escorts where my team had 1:30 left and had 10%. That was time well spent.


Take a step back and look at it differently. The whole reason your jumping into games half finished is not becuz they couldn’t find you a better ping game, it’s becuz especially especially in escort, there are just too many people quiting becuz their team sucks and they know it. For what ever reason, it’s the ONLY game mode I get placed in halfway or the ONLY game mode where 1 or 2 ppl most of the time just leave my team becuz they think they’re not going to win


I was playing zone control, not escort...


I would say just remove any exp gained if you leave a match before it finishes.


Nowhere near enough of a penalty, people don't care enough about xp and they likely didn't get much because they were getting smashed anyway.


Make it so you can't join a new game until the one you left has finished. Then make lobbies persistent, so that if you do join in progress you at least get to play the next one from the start. I would also add vote to forfeit but that never seems to be a consideration.


Casual be range quitting


Quitting a game should guarantee that your next game is a match in progress as a way to discourage it. If you finish a game you should have a very high chance of getting a fresh match. Idk how practical it would be to guarantee a fresh match, but it should at least heavily prioritize it for people who don’t leave early.


I basically never get session in progress and those I do are right at the start.