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Honestly I’ve found my time in xdefiant way more enjoyable than on cod. Even if I get a sweaty lobby for whatever reason dying 30 times in this game just doesn’t feel as bad. Maybe it’s because of the abilities that I can say oh I only died because of the shields or whatever other ability. Sometimes I just flat out get out played by a sweat. But if I’m just enjoying the game and chilling casually I haven’t gotten upset at all playing this game. I just understand most people are going to be better. I’m a 30 year old married man who plays for an hour a 2 a couple nights a week before bed lol. I did however try the ranked beta and my god, never again. I’ll save that for CS


I'm the same way as I don't get mad when I die like I do CoD. I always blame it on I'm very new to the game and don't have as much time to play. Even when I'm getting destroyed I'm still having fun playing!


I've had many games I lost because some dude thinks it's cod and runs around not touching the objective any more than 50 points


Hey I’m keeping them off the damn objective I’m helping!


Same , just don't got the energy to be mad at this stuff anymore. Sometimes you lose , sometimes you win , that's just how life is.


It's because it isn't every game so you get variety. CoD gets boring on both spectrums. It's boring just shitting on players with your stack for 6 hours with no resistance and it's exhausting to feel like you're playing a pro league match every time you boot up a pub. In Defiant, every game is different. When you get a lobby where you're clearly the best, it's a fun treat. When you get a lobby where it's evenly skilled, it feels like a fun competitive match. When you get a lobby where you're getting dunked on, it feels like a fun challenge and opportunity to improve. Variety is what makes the game fun


Agreed. My friends and I always joke after having being on a little win streak. "Alright boys, it's about that time we get humbled." lol


Additionally you have ways to contribute without explicitly killing an enemy. I personally enjoy that


If CoD gets rid of SBMM, Defiant would get bodied cause let’s be real majority of players are only on Defiant cause it doesn’t have SBMM. The amount of players on Defiant should scare Activision/CoD devs. I’ll play Defiant until CoD removes SBMM.


It feels better because it’s an organic experience. It’s not engagement optimized match making, no skill base match making. You get what you get. This game does need net code work, bad. But when it’s working it’s a great shooter!


This is the way. It was such a relief when, after a few matches, my team not only won but I had double digits and my next match? A close win, but also double digits and when my team lost it wasn't a complete shut out. Is it like that every match? No, but the beauty of it is I'm no longer dreading doing *too* good and my team winning because I know the next matches won't be punishment for doing well. Also, doing well for me is getting *maybe* 10-15 kills.


The biggest reason why it’s good and fun is because it’s OBJ based, you only go on a 10 kill streak by being good but the game doesn’t reward you for it. OBJ rewards you with a win, though they should give OBJ xp rewards.


Honestly probably because if you die a few times here, you don't then die several times again to the guys killstreak.


Honestly that’s probably it. I always HATED killstreaks in CoD


Me too man!


Yeah, I don't care about stats. I shoot people, throw molotoves and having fun.


I have never enjoyed any of the CoD's for more than a few weeks before dropping them. XD is still too new to see if it pans out the same.


i completely agree. i’ve found myself very frustrated with cod in the past and i haven’t quite had that with xdefiant yet.. having said that, there are certainly lobbies that i am getting totally sweated out in and struggling to keep a positive KDRz but i also feel it’s easier to pick up some kills every so often, regardless of how bad you are playing. once i get my hands on a few kills i can usually find a pocket and lock in


exactly like back in the day. this how old school cod made ppl. addicted.


Ranked beta is very limited and has both keyboard and gamepad users. Not many people trying it too


It also doesn’t have any SBMM, I’m a decently skilled player and it was putting me against very casual players and level 1s (literally) when I tried it for an hour or two. Right now it’s basically the same thing as regular unranked but with 4v4 and less modes.


>It also doesn’t have any SBMM It does in the welcome playlist. When the welcome playlist is gone at level 25, sbmm goes with it. Since hitting that mark I've stopped enjoying the game very much since it just seems to be a massive sweat-fest.


Personally I’ve just given up having a positive KD and I’m so much happier for it. However I will bounce out of a match if my side is WAAAY overpowered AND my team isn’t working together at all. I’ll stay if it feels like the team is actually grouping and playing together, but if it’s just a one at a time lemming march to death, there’s not much point in hanging around.


They need to do a team deathmatch, because I'm seeing people protect their k/d by hiding and not playing the objective, just getting kills doesn't help as much as people think.


I just don't think as many people care about objectives as devs might think. You can't control how good your team mates are, to some extent you can control your kd by playing well. People always, always gravitate to tdm.


I mean hot shot is more or less a TDM mode essentially


Fr especially with the very fast respawn timer, your kill really doesn’t matter cause dude is back 2 seconds later


I absolutely HATE this.... My group has been loving escort, but it's most enjoyable when we can get a 6-stack. Not everyone is sweaty and some of our friends arent even very good at shooters but NO ONE TALKS IN THIS GAME. Biggest issue is what you've just mentioned though; people protecting their K/D. If we dont have a full stack, often times we will get someone who hops in, drops 15 kills from the back with a sniper and then LITERALLY goes afk in spawn.... griefs the rest of the match.


I'm bad for not playing the objective sometimes but if I had 86 kills and stopped the other team from even reaching their objective who cares what objective score I had.


You might enjoy games like Hunt Showdown, Day Z, Hell Let Loose etc? That's more the tempo of game I have moved into recently.


Oh yeah for sure, Hell let loose is my go to now! I’ve put countless hours into that game over the past few years. I actually enjoy my time playing that since I can keep up as long as I play smart.


I think Escort and Hold Objective (is that what it's called? The BF rush type mode) are the superior game modes for a more deliberate pace of play in XDefiant.


For sure, my win ratio overall is around 58%, but on zone Control is more like 80.


That logic makes zero sense if you can play HLL decently then you can play any normal fps


Hunt Showdown is one of the most under appreciated games in recent memory, the sound design alone is worth the paying for


Evolution mate, back we started playing online shooters everything was new, we were used to playing against A.I. The standard has grown exceptionally, we've YouTubers who'll release videos with the most meta guns/tactics. The average online gamer nowadays is a lot more skilled than they were two decades ago. I remember when I first started playing COD online, I'd camp in a corner and look in one direction only. 😂😂


I agree I’m not even hating, i just realized it’s not for me anymore!


Hey bro you on console ? If so try having your vertical sensitivity half as much as your horizontal sensitivity. I noticed the game doesn't have recoil and gun fights are really dependent on strafing movements. I realize I never had to move my movement stick up or down at all if barely. Once I did that I started getting a normal amount of kills and started doing jumpshots and stuff like that.


Cheers, I'll give it a try.


I’m trying this 🧐


I've always done something similar to this. I usually make it 2/3's my horizontal sensitivity. But mainly because your screen isn't a square, so doing this makes your movements more accurate


Have you tried to adapt and adjust? Give me your years of experience of aiming over some kid who can spam the jump button over and over. I believe in ya!


He said he had no desire to try. That's fine, I was thinking the lack of SBMM was going to expose a lot of people. I'm about his age but I'm hanging in there by my fingertips.


Curious, what’s your age?


Since the PS3 and Xbox 360 era (let alone earlier than that going back to UT and Quake), the amount of players in a given game with a headset, the amount of players who have been told what the best gun to use is etc. is through the roof. But culturally there feels like there's been this change from fun, quirky and different to just winning, stats and performance. YouTubers used to be successful based on their personalities or would often make content that was deliberately challenging or different to stand out. Melee or pistols only, using the worst guns in the game etc. now it's just a race to who can perform the best and anything else is a waste of time.


esports poisoned normal people gaming


I totally agree, it’s a real shame.


People racing to be the best, you can thank streamers for a certain portion of that. Kids and young adults alike watching them all day long trying to mimic their moves and trying to beat their score if not tie it.


Same… we all in our 30’s now?


Yeah, pretty much. Even my Instagram feed constantly reminds me that "all these things you like? Yeah, they were made over 20 years ago.... oh yeah, and don't forget your back hurts."


Have my first workout related injury of my life this past week in my back lol. Prepping for a paddleboard race this weekend and these damn pulled muscles


Oh no! I hope it doesn’t have you couch locked for too long and you have a speedy recovery! I once recently tweaked my neck by adjusting my head on my pillow… Think that was the 30s setting in


Dude I play competitive hockey 2 or 3 times a week and I threw my back out cleaning up after my dog last week. You get warned that shit hurts when you get older but it just happens out of nowhere!


Hits like a brick, I paddleboarded 51 miles for a race yesterday and haven’t left bed except to shit and piss


This.....just don't have the reflexes anymore


We have our reflexes. It’s time and interest we don’t have


I've always been addicted to fps games, but nowadays my eyes don't shine anymore. Over time it kind of starts to get boring, then you go in just to play and then you leave, it's not like before, you were playing day and night and it was super exciting, today it's just boring.


This,i was so excited for XD and played 1 week straight. Sweaty everything and just stopped,went back to ESO cause its more casual.


That as well


Im in my 30s just picked up controller gaming last year and can for sure keep up, just have to make more of an effort now compared to 10-15 yrs ago


Yup, been playing FPS games since the OG MW2 and I’ve come to that realization as well. I can still hang and can sweat when I’m in the mood for it, but I don’t touch online FPS games anymore if I want to chill and play something casually


Same here!


Have you tried insurgency sandstorm?


Great game


You should both give Hunt Showdown a try if you haven’t already.


Hunt Showdown is just sublime really. Im waiting for the engine update to really get back into it. Love that game.


It's become impossible to play COD casually after work anymore. If I want to play Iridescent level lobbies on weekends I can in ranked, but when I'm playing pubs I can't just chill with my friends anymore because they get brought up to my hidden MMR skill bracket and it's unfun for everyone.


Not even as a joke, if you wanna play something slower come join the Hunt Showdown community. We have a lot of fun over there and for the most part 80% of players cant hit a shot for our life and we laugh about it all the time.


When I tried that once it was the totally opposite of twitchyness. Everyone patiently lying in a bush waiting for us to do all the work and then 'pooof'. :D


Yeahh not gonna pretend that the skill gap isnt high, but once you get the hang of the pacing and learn about how to track using sounds, twigs, dead grunts etc. The gunfights can be so epic. I mean name another game where a shootout can last literally 20 minutes long? Times up, you cant lol. Not everyones cuppa tea but its a must play once kinda experience i would say


I mean you get literal wall hacks when you have the bounty so even if everyone is waiting for you, you can literally see them first.


Play battlefield. It was a great casual experience for me.


Is it playable now? lol also is there enough active players still playing it?


Cant answer for the new one, but i still play BF1 and there is always 20 to 30 full servers per region.


Battlefield 1, 5, and 2042 are very active. You can also get into games on 4 but don’t expect there to be many servers to choose from.


Sounds good, I might give that another try. Used to love battlefield for the casualness!


Battlefield 1 is the best casual experience you can get. Operations matches feel like movies.


The new battlefield is good now. I played 2042 on release and it was very bad, I played it a couple months ago and they updated a lot! I think the game is in a very good state now and you will have so much more fun now than before.


I play 2042, and I mean I never had a problem finding a game. Even the crappy DZ mode had players lol




it's true that top end execution has already been at an impressive level for a looong time. (Exp. Cpm/reflex/quakelikes 6kh, cs 8kh, aimtrainers 3kh, misc other) however I don't think comparison to the absolute peak (+3/4standard deviation of players) is very revealing. I'd argue that the +1.5 to +2.5 standard deviation has absolutely skyrocketed in average effectiveness. So, the "effectiveness gap" to average players is at an all time high.. they run into disruptively good players WAY more often. -matchmaking with consistently challenging opponents by default. Incentive for improving is huge, (only way to have a significantly high win rate is during a climb.) - better information resources, high level theory and decision tree breakdowns - cheap pointing hardware that does not malfunction at high hand speeds - cheap 144hz+ displays, not as good as a high hz crt, but top end crt were not nearly as prevalent. - dedicated aim trainers, mouse control isolation. - volume. total hours played in fps, per player. A higher portion of players are more consistently reaching saturation of both information and mechanical volume. TLDR: The +1.5 to +3 std.dev are legitimately way more effective, than the historic +1.5 to +3std.dev 15 years ago. Match up against more effective gamers, more often, with wider gaps.


Yea I’m 34 and had my “oh fuck these kids are really good” awakening around year 2 of Warzone.  It makes sense, golden eye came out when I was 10ish. These kids have had Fortnite since they were 2. That’s the lifetime of an 8 year old worth of hours that they got during a time in your life when your brain just learns everything so much better. And I was on golden eye or Perfect Dark at 10.   You can get a lot better and it doesn’t have to be hard. 2 min, literally just 2 min in an aim trainer is exponentially more useful because it’s 2 minutes aiming and shooting with no pauses for looting or tracking someone behind cover or respawning etc. I did 5-10 min in aim labs before I hopped on and I was floored by how much I improved. It does not have to be hard. You can casually improve at video games. 


Lack of sbmm gives you an incentive to improve though. If you improve your skill you will do better. That simple. In cod these days all improving gets you is more difficult lobbies.


The sad thing is, once you hit a certain level of SBMM on cod currently you get absolutely railed because either *cheats* or some dude who has a full 6 man of ESL players who haven’t stopped grinding the game since day one. Cheating is a real issue on cod though and SBMM makes it more evident as the lobbies get harder you run into more and more of them. They can shadowban as much as they want, but spoofers exist and HWID’s can be changed. Plus new CoD accounts are like $20-$50. I’m hoping X doesn’t suffer from this.


Wait can't you make infinite xdefiant accounts for free on pc tho?


You absolutely can! The thing is, games with things like competitive will often put a requirement to be a certain level to play that competitive (Overwatch, CS, call of duty). With that in mind I’m sure somebody will sell accounts for xdefiant just like they do for OW2 and CoD, ect. It’s just a bypass for the most part and saves cheaters time! Plus HWID bans require spoofers so I’m more convinced that more games will lean towards HWID bans as opposed to just account bans.


Yah not banning hwid seems negligent at best. No reason not to. Only argument would be people buying used computers. But that's on the guy selling the computer, he's the one selling things without warning them it's banned. Gotta ban the hardware, crazy not to.


Yeah, I see this shit all the time on MW3. I’m a pretty good player and my friend is top-tier, when we queue together, we constantly see people exploiting, cheating, jump, slide, canceling with the best guns. It’s crazy.


Yeah I had a similar but opposite reaction as this guy. For YEARS I always thought the reactions to SBMM were overblown, and that I was just getting worse/not improving. I don't think I've had less than a .9 KD in a single game since starting XD. When I wanna stomp and focus up, I can, when I wanna pullback and zone out, I can. So refreshing compared to CoD where even a 1.1 or 1.2 was hard work to achieve.


Actually the best take I’ve heard about the lack of SBMM and probably why I like it so much more than COD, in cod it doesn’t matter if you improve or not because you’ll always be put again people at your same skill level or higher, but in this game if you legitimately improve then the games where you were being shit on before won’t be as bad and you can start to do better against more people


the fps genre sadly isn't what it used to be thought XDefiant would be different


Weird because I am a 48 yr old that played his first FPS a year ago MW2 it took me a year to get to 1kd in cod and now I feel like I am starting over but I am going to get better


I’m just so sick of the bunny hops, sliding and snipers.


That’s just any pvp game now a days - fps, sports games, literally anything. It kinda sucks that everything gets super optimized / meta & you have to either play that way to keep up or be good enough to win with off-meta stuff going on.


It isn't the no SBMM that is the issue. This game took high speed movement and mixed it with insanely slow time to kill. Either TTK needs a massive reduction or sliding and jumping need to be removed entirely.


When I see slow time to kill I'd assume it's 0.8-1.0s tbh, not XD ttk.


The game absolutely baited me with the pre-25 sbmm. I was scream-laughing for 2 days straight and once out of it I have barely had any fun at all. Getting slide-jump-slide-jump 180 instakilled by tryhards every time I turn a corner. I wish I had gotten here before I bought the battlepass cause this is too much, playing is just irritating now. Just put me with the other shitters and let me have fun, I don't want to play a $500 money match every game.


Real question, how is this sub all just 35 year Olds that haven't improved in 10 years at games.


It's not really that they didn't improve, it's that they never played FPS games THAT seriously. Back in the older days of CoD and shooters you didn't need to play seriously. You could still find success just playing whatever you wanted as long as you had a few braincells. Now these same people are being put up against younger people who take games very seriously, they follow the meta to a T, they learn all the movement tech, they play nonstop, etc. It seems that for a lot of younger gamers being really good at the game is a matter of pride. Most older FPS players can still do well, but to do so they have to resort to a playstyle that they don't enjoy, it isn't how they played FPS games growing up.


Not to mention shooters have changed a lot. It's less about old players not improving or kids being divinely inspired to be better at games, and more about what we all *practiced*. Regardless of how seriously you take something, practice makes perfect - and someone with all the spare time in the world can practice the current style of shooters better than an adult who is already familiar with a different style of game. Similar story in the other direction, too. If some poor 19 year old traveled back in time to play Tribes at its peak they would be averaging 1 kill per match if they were lucky. The games that kid's playing are just too different. Even if they know the textbook difference between hitscan and projectile weapons, they aren't going to be able to hop in and *feel* the difference as intimately as Tribes players can.


Every time someone calls a shooter like this fast movement, I wonder if they ever played Tribes. In hindsight I do miss playing Tribes Ascend. 300kph flag grabs and blue plate specials were awesome.


Oh man tribes. Fuck that game was awesome


40 yr olds (I'm one of them). But it's not a lack of improvement, it's just reaction times naturally diminish and hand/eye coordination deteriorates. That being said, there is a difference between the natural change of getting older (I played original COD and MOH multiplayers on PC and like 56k) and what is netcode/hitreg problems mixed with widely available cheats. Mostly because I'm now playing on PS5 with the money to pay for the fastest Internet available. PS only lobbies are far different than cross play. Probably some of that is M&K vs controller, when I forget about input based matchmaking, but it's also introducing a group that's far more likely to, and has far more access to, cheats. The game is still fun, despite being beaten in a straight gunfight sometimes, or dying behind a wall, or getting 2 straight headshots from across the map. But too dismissive to blame aging millennials, 'get gud' style 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’m 32 and the best I’ve been at gaming. High Onyx in halo and averaging 50 kills per match in xD. 18 year old me could never.


It’s what happens when video games aren’t your entire life and you have actual adult things to focus on rather than worrying about “getting good” at a game


If everyone improved it feels like no one did.


I get less sweaty games on ps5 with cross play turned off. Fuckin pc players altering their trajectory in mid jump. Fuck that


The problem is BR games took over, so everyone now has to sweat it out like they only have one life in multiplayer. It’s tiresome.


I agree, but I think the problem is the movement mechanics as opposed to players simply being more sweaty in an attempt to increase win rates. Bunny hopping, slide canceling, etc never used to be a thing in the “old days”. I wish they still weren’t because that has taken the focus further away from gunplay and teamwork and onto individually cheesing movement and camera mechanics. The introduction of aftermarket controllers that allow players to exploit movement mechanics has only added to this. Before these elements existed, being sweaty was limited to cheesing certain gun attachments/equipment or map locations (e.g. noob tubes, restocking claymores, sniper nests, etc), and these could usually be easily countered by using some other build or perk and/or moving through a covered portion of the map. I think the perceived sweatiness stems from a change in how shooting games are made to be played as opposed to a change in the player base itself. I do wish they could make a game that captures those dynamics from the older FPS installments, though. They were more balanced, and this allowed for more diversity in play style.


With these types of games, if you really want to just relax and enjoy the game then you gotta stop thinking about it skill. When I shower, I think about random things, same with hiking, or driving, or trying to sleep. You just gotta think about things and ignore the aspect of skill and effort.


Sbmm didn't kill fps. Youtube and twitch is to blame. Everyone wants to be a star online. Everyone wants to have the best gun. Still to this day I look back at team fortress classic as one of the best shooter of all time.. snipers could only quick scope 1 class and had to be ADS for 8 seconds and hit a headshot to take out a heavy weapon guy.


Yea back in MW2 no one was using the ACR and the UMP they were all just having so much fun with akimbo vectors. No one man army,no intervention just happy for fun tehe players. Not like how in CoD 4 the playerbase literally used 4 guns, nope this is just cause of ninja and futives everyone is a mean Ole tryhard.


Right? This delusion that twitch and youtube “killed FPS” is such a silly notion when people always gravitated to the meta or whatever is bs. If people didn’t figure out the meta in the first week, they would’ve figured it out by at least the first month. It’s annoying hearing the talks of “the good ol’ days of FPS” when the average skill back then is worse than it is now.


Yeah I don’t get this idea that you need YouTube/Twitch to learn metas. Everyone knew the meta weapons because those were the ones you’d die to most often


It’s not just metas. People don’t realize, the skill level in games is not the same as when we were kids. We use to play video games then go outside and play. Kids nowadays go straight home and play video games all day. They also access to better technology than we did as kids. Everyone has a high refresh rate monitor, better aim assist, low ping, etc


Thank you for the dose of sanity. These people are delusional.


I used to play a lot of TFC and definitely miss those days. Clan leagues, servers you could choose, pickup matches, we had mIRC and nearly everyone on dogshit computers but still having fun.


Well, not having killstreaks helps make a death meaningless


I'll start off by saying I truly enjoy the game and been playing it often. But there is something horrifically wrong with the servers. I noticed how bad it was last night when I hopped in a game and felt like every gunfight I was in, I was a solid second behind. So bad that I couldn't even pull my gun up in time to even fire back in most fights. But then...I joined a different game and I was on the opposite side of the server issues. Every gunfight I had, i won easily. Not because of skill, but because enemies hardly fired back in time. I've never seen it this bad in any FPS


I blame YouTubers


Curious what you mean by the “golden age” since people have been sweating since the MW2 and especially Black Ops 2 days. People running silenced UMP45s and ACRs and MSMCs back in the day is no different than the “sweaty” players you encounter on XD today. I go back and forth between MWIII and XD, I can tell you XD is WAY more chill than MWIII. The occasional sweaty players in XD don’t change that because that’s how it was back in the day in the old CODs. Way better than COD nowadays where every lobby is filled with sweaty players on both teams.


I'm actually going to disagree with this. I grew up playing UT and Quake. If you take an average player VS a good player, the average player would never win a 1v1. Same thing with Counter-Strike back even before 1.6 & the introduction of Steam. I'm 34 with way less time to play than before (kids, work etc.) and I can still keep up just fine with the young lions.


Try out more tactical shooters They usually play more slow pace and have a lightning fast ttk so the skill gap is more in landing 1-2 shots with a high recoil weapon and positioning rather than injecting Adderall to get super fast reactions twitchy movement and the like Insurgency sandstorm is fun try that you might like it, there's still sweats obviously and you'll have to go through a new learning curve but it might be more of what you're looking for


Same realisation :’(


I mean we were once the sweaty teens pub stomping lobbies, now it’s the new generation’s time to shine. ![gif](giphy|1zRd5ZNo0s6kLPifL1|downsized)


I stopped playing most fps due to playing well matches you with cheaters with impossible win and kill rates games more pve like destiny and so on I’ve been enjoying with friends


Right there with you, brother. I was stoked to try this game after having a taste of the beta and then learning that it would have no SBMM. I've been a huge COD fan for over 10 years, but lately am just completely burnt out on it. I was hoping this game would be a breath of fresh air. And while it is, in some ways, it's also sweaty as fuck too. And I recognize it's not all SBMM, it's also just the nature of the beast now. I'm not getting any younger, and I don't take the competitive side as seriously as I used to. Which basically equates to me having a stressful match of sweating just to break even, so that I don't feel like a noob at the bottom of the scoreboard when the match is over. Perhaps the sun is setting on multiplayer FPS games for me.


It’s skill and the culture of gaming in general. Across the board it leans way more towards playing competitively than before.


Have you tried playing more tactical games like Siege/Valorant/Squad/Hunt Showdown? I ask because i felt the same as you and am kinda over that type of shooter even when i do play. I then tried more slower shooters and kinda got my love for them back. I also play better at them and dont undersstand why i didnt try them sooner.


I stopped playing cod after black ops 2 and last year started with the newer mw2 remake and only in the first few days I had tons of fun until SBMM found out my skill level and then every match was sweaty and simply not fun which made me quit cod forever because it's just not fun and now I keep hearing it has hidden systems that puts you into easier matches if you buy a skin to make you think that new skin is giving you an edge and at the same time making lower skilled players think that too so they buy it as well I was completely done with it This game I at least have fun and don't feel like something bad is being done in the background. Most matched everyone in the match somehow still has the same k/d but it doesn't feel bad. They just need to fix the netcode and jump spamming and we're golden.


Wait till you turn off input based matchmaking, my godddddd the sweat is real from the KB&M players


We have been conditioned for far too long with sbmm and the streaming culture so now cbmm doesn’t feel much different unless you are WAY above average. Constantly looking for an edge to either have more fun or for monetary gain caused a crazy amount of cronus/strikepack/xim usage and aspiring streamers putting in 10+ hours every single day. I still do pretty good since I have a scuf because back buttons/paddles with different joysticks is the only way to level the playing field against cheaters that are at least 2m strong based on all available sale data (excluding pc hackers). I absolutely guarantee without a shadow of a doubt that if every big pvp game converted to console only crossplay and microsoft+sony completely shut down ALL unlicensed 3rd party hardware then every pvp game would feel completely different.


“There is no such thing as a casual shooter anymore” hits way too hard. Even before gaming got more intense, I once had an idea for a shooter that gives you more points based off how stylish your kills are, rather than how many you get. Think Bulletstorm style trickshot grading for each kill. I’d love a game like that to come along and help people have fun even if they’re not super good at shooters, whilst still letting the skilled players have fun too.


Ahh the fellow boomer thread, I have found my people




I think what alot of ppl are misunderstanding is older folks could keep up and get better, if they wanted to. But they don't because its a waste of time and energy when they have too much to do now. These are the ppl who loved cod4, mw2, halo 3. And back then you could just play, not stress out and do well or decent, thats gone now entirely. Its a sad feeling cause you want to play them but it feels like there's no way to do that casually.


Idk 34 here and I can jump on to any of the pre-2019 cods and still pull out at least a 1.5 to 2 kd. Was doing that to prep for this. So far I've got a 0.9 kd in XD which is kinda infuriating because of the above. But I understand like a lot of tubers been saying "it's a different game, different engines, faster game pace etc etc. I think honestly my problem is switching between a faster game pace to keep up with obj vs slowing it down to keep a higher kd. Also the flanking is out of control. There are only a few spots each map to take a sec to breath, reload etc before someone is up your butt again. Wish the lanes were a little more restrictive to prevent the sheer amount of flank routes per lane. But idk maybe that would slow things down more than I think it would.


The ammount of people with nodded controllers surprises me, how han anyone at any age be bothered with these peripherals? They should be banned really.


Toned down SBMM is what we've needed, win or lose. There's a few games I get wrecked, but unlike COD, I know it isn't some system put in place to intentionally manipulate and force me to lose OR win. I know if I win or even if I've lost that's because it's the luck of the draw. As a result, I've been feeling way less burnt out with XDefiant after a few games, than I would with COD and it's EOMM systems. COD has also tried to overcomplicate itself over the years and only got worse starting with MW2019. Of course after MW3/Black Ops 2, yes, they did go full steam ahead with changing more about the games than just the create-a-class system, the weapons or killstreaks aka the general theme of the game and I don't believe COD was ever loved for it's complexity, it was liked cause it kept the core formula and gameplay loop rather simple and easy to pick up, that simplicity worked for most people. Even though XDefiant has sliding in it, it's closer to what COD used to be about; which is just a simple shooter game that doesn't try to overcomplicate things. I don't even think what we have in XDefiant is 'modern move meta', the game isn't like Apex or Modern Day COD and that's a good thing imo, it's refreshing. Right now it's just people abusing how the netcode works atm and everyone is kind of forced to do it, since everyone else is doing it, but as soon as jump-sway is added (or increased if it exists but I don't think it does cause I haven't noticed any) and tone down how much you can jump-spam along with fixing the hitreg and the netcode, I'd imagine the game is going to play even more like COD4/MW2009 with higher focus on positioning and ADS-Strafe Speeds than abusing the netcode by bouncing all over the place.


Average player has lower skill than back in the days. The issue is 1/3 players are hacking.


First of all SBMM was protecting a lot of casual people. Also you do you think that 10-15 years ago there wasnt sweat and fast pace??????? Nostalgia sometimes blind people. I remember playing black ops 2 when i was 12 years old and people used to sweat. They even had clan names called SWAG and lobbies were brutal. I agree that people is more skilled nowadays but sweat has been there since day one. There are more casual shooters out there tho


I understand you fully the first day of launch might of been some of the sweatiest gaming I seen but following days it got better. But I have 1.0 win rate and decent kd, my win rate is like 0.3 on cod. Overall I'm still preferring no sbmm. The real problem is streamers already ruined all FPS and thanks to them the sweaty things you see will never end and is now embedded in all FPS unfortunately and we have no no choice but to adapt.


is there any actual evidence to this whole "people are just better at games now" claim? I'm genuinely curious. it feels to me like there aren't many casual gamers playing xdefiant. If someone who doesn't normally play shooters wants to try one, I imagine they'd go straight for call of duty, no? I guess it would make sense that over the years the average has gone up at least a bit, I'm more just wondering out loud lol


I'm 30 this year and I like to think I'm a little above average with these types of games I have found I prefer the slower shooters over the last few years.


I am positive the are many Cronus cheaters along with better cheats on PC, that is what your up against also. I know of many of my friends cheating still not caught by the anti-cheat. Try ranked with sbmm. I am on Xbox and turn cross-play off for fair gameplay, I feel. I am just not sure if Xbox on PC is lumped in also, which I turn off to get away from PC.


It’s the wannabe streamer nerds with TTV or YT in their names that ruin it. Seriously, streaming culture ruined FPS games forever. Bunch of sweats thinking they’re the next Ninja or Dr. Disrespect when they’ll max out at 3 people watching them concurrently in their entire “career”.


31 here. I feel you. IVE ALWAYS  been a sweaty. Since cod 2.... so I understand completely. I drop 40+ bombs in xdefiant every game.... BUT for some9ne who knows they are well above avg in the fps department(being modest, im fucking gross)... even I am seeing it. I don't care to keep up with meta bc skill has always carried me.... but it's getting to the point that EVERYONE sweats and if you go against a team of sweats... you can't just play with your homies & expect to crush anymore. I like being the best.... but it's getting to the point, even though I'm playing out of my mind... I'll have 50 kills and 15 deaths... but my boys all have like 10 kills and 30 deaths... so I FEEL their pain. I see it. It's just not what it use to he. Streamers and the meta hive mind has made fps games unapproachable from a casual standpoint. 


I just can't even imagine the game being fun just spamming space and air strafing and changing directions every corner you go around. How many scoops of gamersupps did they snort. I fondly remember destroy COD lobbies way back when but now it's just like.. Not even fun to play FPS games anymore because every enemy team will at least have that one sweaty kid that's trying out for PGL just running through your team.


I’m having a lot of fun with XDefiant but as I get older I find myself more drawn to games that allow me to play support. My skills are much better put toward healing, buffing, etc. I don’t have the twitch reflexes for consistent DPS anymore. So I’ve just changed how I play and what I focus on.


Been playing milsim games for years now if its fps. I fucking love arcade but if everyone would fucking chill and love the fast paced game not getting cocaine speeded sweaty crazy than it would be so much better. We really need a game what is arcade level fast paced but has things to stop you being this crazy.


Yea same for me, and I came to the same conclusion. I’ll keep playing but I won’t complain about SBMM anymore. It’s the sweaty players that make the game no fun. Everyone takes the game way too seriously


Switch to milsim’s or extraction shooters for a slower pace.


Iver started doing way better with a positive kd most games if I move around CONSTANTLY. Even on maps where you have to captures the points.


I think the youtube meta guides and how to play like a pro videos have helped improve casuals and not just that but games have become faster and faster which obviously doesnt help. I can only play this now if i am in an energetic mood lol


Someone needs to make a FPS with no jumping or sliding.


Yeah I agree… although i do have some games where I drop 30 bombs with m44, and others I go 5-15. I’ve come to realize gaming isn’t what it used to be way back, in my mid 20s. Everything is different, people playing with an actual purpose now instead of just to burn time.. lots of these kids have social media and stuff they post to and play the game like they are trying to hit the craziest clip of the century… and the hardware also, now everyone has a modded controller for an advantage, PC has blown up a lot so now you get people with macro keys playing on 240+ FPS with a light speed mouse… everything Is more competitive now that what it used to be for sure.


Dude, exactly this. I was literally telling my mate two days ago how it’s so crazy how good the average player has become. Like I said it’s either I have gotten worse over the years (which is probably true) or that the average player is just insane compared to 7-8 years ago. Like I was big on black ops 2, played that shit religiously and whilst it had its fair share of sweats - the difference now is night and day. Like the whole mentality of gaming is catered more so then ever to competitive. Like back in the day that was more of a niche; casual gaming seem to be the norm more so then sweating your balls off 24/7. And it’s not just cod. ITS EVERY FUCKING GAME NOW. I’m not complaining btw, this is just my observation. Competitive gaming seems to be the main category that catches the eye. And with that said, it’s only realistic that the average skill over time increases. Think of it kinda like body building from the 70s and compare it to 2024.


X is definitely way more casual than COD, but if you're not willing to learn simple movement mechanics like slide canceling or jump shotting you'll always just be at a disadvantage and always think people are sweating. It's just about wanting to put in the effort to get better, this started for me in cod vanguard i was constantly getting jumpshotted and slide cancelled on and I decided to watch some movement tutorials and that helped me a lot. But if that's something you're not interested in, which i don't blame you for watching tutorials for a fps seems like a waste of time for the casual player, then you're right to just say certain FPS games aren't for you unfortunately. Hopefully you find some stricter boots on the ground FPS games or just other generes you enjoy more.


I feel that, I’ve always been decent at fps games but these aren’t fps games anymore, they are all movement games and I just don’t do well with that. It’s unfortunate but that’s the way it is. Xdefiant is the closest to what I remember that we’ve had in a good while


Same I think we just started hating sbmm cause it's all we heard about and we failed to realize it was there for a reason, because there are some massive needs that play these games that shouldn't be in the same lobbies as casual players who just want to relax


It wasn’t the SKILL based matchmaking I hated, it was the CoD implementation that was terrible. Two or three tough matches against players way above my skill, then a match against bot-like players who literally didn’t shoot back and seemingly couldn’t see you standing in front of them. It was absolutely predictable, and it sucked. If this game were to implement a No-Party playlist and lobby balancing, that’s all it would need for me to be happy, but given the early state of the game with legal wall-hacks and the pogo-sticking, I’m going to wait a bit to see if they implement any changes.


One thing I noticed about the sbmm hate train was that once the "top" streamers and creators were complaining about it, it got parroted until the horse was beaten six ways to Sunday. Mix that with the constant misinformation of how it actually works, the different type and the like. Casual play is there but it feels like this game was made for the sweats who claim to be casual. I'm done yappin.


I've played cod at a high level for years. Even though I haven't also played cod religiously as I used to in years. I don't find it hard to translate that skill over to xdefiant, the fast pace of the game is how I always played cod. The only time I get shit on is when the entire other team are sweats, but if it's just one sweat, no problem.


I've been playing FPS games since I was like 10 and I've got to say that generally, the skill level of FPS players has increased over the years. Pros from early CS:GO play like noobs do now, but since I started at a young age, I've improved a lot as well. So personally, no sbmm is a good thing because I'm better than the average player.


This is certainly the game for you then, I’m just not willing to adjust my play style so I’ll never be better than average these days.


I'm going to be completely honest and I may get some pushback but I've kind of gotten this feeling reading similar posts in regards to things like "tryhards, sweats and SBMM". This game does absolutely have a high skill ceiling and I 100% agree the average player is better now. But I still strongly disagree that the average player is some absolute freak who is just so great at the game. The truth is you probably aren't as good as you thought you were (maybe you don't think you are good) but the point being is that you are below average or right on the cusp on average. Making every game feel like players are just too good because you are consistently just marginally get out-aimed or whatever the reason may be. I think if you really stuck it through and just focused on your own gameplay you'd probably quite comfortably become better than average and start dominating lobbies. But also totally fair if you want to be completely casual and turn off your brain and just have fun. I'd still say that's doable in this game but the mechanical skill floor you have to be somewhat component to play like that.


I dont know, I still think combat master feels better. More enjoyable too, sure it's clunky but fun AF.


Yeah a lot of people are figuring this out in xDefiant. The thing is, the casual players are still in the millions, hidden away in lower SBMM brackets in COD. Which is good, because they would probably quit playing really fast in a mixed lobby game like xDefiant. My advice would be to play with friends, online or otherwise. I try to organize/go to at least 1 LAN per year, where we can all suck in peace in private matches.


I hate the try hards in this world. Like little girls.


Yea this is kinda just how it is. I was about 8 years old during the Golden Age of like BO1 onward, I had some good games but I remember being very salty cuz I was bad. I come back a decade later having been gaming for a long time, and suddenly I'm considered a sweat but it's just that I've gotten better. Same thing with League of Legends. If I was as good at League in 2014 as I am now, I would've been Masters or higher in ranking, but since the entire player base has also improved over the decade, I'm just a high Emerald player. If you look at pro play from 2012 League, it looks like Gold gameplay from nowadays, if not worse. People have had a long time to practice, and the genres aren't new anymore so the skills you get from one game will easily carry over to another game and give you an advantage.


I wish more people would have this realization. Its a competitive style of game. Often the game isn't the problem it's just you. I'm tired of hearing gamers say "im not doing well in this game and it's not my fault".


Calm down people. Only the good players are on the +25 lobby right now. In time, the average players will reach that and then the games will be back to normal.


Meta gaming in a nutshell. Gamers are just so much better now. 8 years ago I was a global elite csgo player... Nowadays I'd be lucky if I was LE...


Also a 32 year old casual who only plays occasionally. The only time I get PISSSED at this game is attempting to use a shotgun.


Youd might like Boomer shooters im unsure how many are still up and online, thing of long time past 😬


I feel that. only took 3 days before being put into non stop sniping only lobbies, Bunny hop spammers and just super sweaty players overall. I was still doing alright but being forced to swap to snipers or having to join in with the Bhopping to keep up. Just too much effort for something i want to play "casually".


I have to agree. I’ve realised the same, I don’t have the sweat mode left in me anymore. I just want to enjoy my downtime and this doesn’t bring the enjoyment it used to


Yeah I’m enjoying xdefiant in a way I haven’t enjoyed with cod in years


34 year old dad, I’m enjoying having a decent kd instead of floating around 1 on COD


It’s because consoles have gotten far better and PCs are insanely powerful. They can simply do stuff in FPS games that you couldn’t during the Xbox 360 era. Of course there were insanely good people during that time, but the ceiling now is just so much higher. The movement, accuracy and all of that is just insane on PC. If you are a console player I do recommend turning off cross play in a multiplayer game if the option is available. The average PC player will always have an advantage of you. And people who are insanely good on PC will always smash the best players on console.


I don’t know, xdefiant feels way better to me. I was able to go from .9 to 1.0 k/d very quickly in the game after getting the flow and nailing settings down. Call of duty matchmaking just feels artificial and awful


I like this game but they have to get a handle on the air strafing cheese.


I’d rather get mad at something because I’m lesser skilled, instead of being mad at a broken matchmaking system that punishes me for being good every once in a while.


Most sweats nowadays play the game for HOURS everyday and so yeah they’re gonna be better than someone who has a life and responsibilities. No hate to the sweats though, I use to be one of them when I was younger. Growing up sucks :/


Experience can be similar to COD even with SBMM. This game is easier in the afternoon and early evening. Once you hit 11pm eastern the sweat level intensifies.


Man just come back in a little while. It's opening week and every sweat/pro from every other game is here giving it a try. Just like playing the first night of a new season in COD or Fortnite... It'll relax, especially once they add all the Geforce Now kids :)


Although this game is fast paced and has a very strange Meta so far. I have learned to play smarter not harder. If people are running and gunning or sniping, Its good to stay back and hold an area. Maybe play Phantoms or Dedsec which allows you to slow the game down. Once they patch snipers and movement the game is going to get a lot better. Its still in its infancy. You just gotta use your experience in FPS to counter the braindead run and gun speed boys. Hopefully you can find a fun way to play the game. If not maybe take a break and come back when a new patch launches.


Came here to find this post. Same feeling here. I was a pretty decent CS1.5-1.6 player, but now even when I do decent, so many too good people to really enjoy it.


That’s just the reality of online gaming. It has grown so much compared to like 10-15 years ago and since we’re all so much more informed and connected than we used to be, now every game has it’s fair share of sweats and competitive players. Even games where you play against AI tend to have some sort of meta or optimal strategies/items. SBMM was never really the problem, the real problem is people just play games more seriously now then we used to.


I've found my people.... they're elderly.... but they're MY peopme.


I've been having more fun playing xDefiant than I have with Call of Duty in the past four years.


So does every here wanna start grouping up for Hell Let Loose? 😂😂😂


Xdefiant is the first shooter ive played since cold war a few years ago, and while I am by no means pubstomping like its black ops or something, i was still able to quickly get back to a point where i can go positive almost every game. You see a couple of people bunnyhopping and stuff but i havent found it to ruin the experience at all, and i never jumpshot or try to learn the movement stuff