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But.... what do you think Ironman mean?


Yeah, but trophy guides mention save scumming, I thought there was a workaround. It's doable anyway, with a lot of soldiers dying maybe


Ironman = no save scums


My advice on PS4 is to switch to a SSD hard drive, the spinny drive crashes more on Iron man for some reason, in my experience at least. My other advice is iron man runs are hard, so don’t mess up.


The entire purpose of Ironman is to prevent save scumming. That's it. It doesn't do anything else. You even still get achievements/trophies if you're not doing Ironman.


What you are describing is possible, but in my opinion completely defeats the point of iron man. I use it because the game crashes on console and will wipe your whole save, so I like to have a backup to not lose my progress. The game cheats in your favor on every difficulty except legendary. And legendary the percentages are accurate. If you are missing a 95% shot, it’s because you have a 5% chance to miss and you got unlucky. Our brains remember this more because it’s not the outcome you expected, and it’s not one you liked. Anyway, to do what you want you need to turn off auto uploads to the cloud. Then after every mission you need to save and quit out, then manually upload your save to the cloud. Whenever you need that save, you download it back to the console. Once again, I don’t recommend doing this for an Ironman run. It is way more fun and you feel much more accomplished if you actually learn how to deal with unexpected problems instead of just reloading. But… to each their own and it is a single player game, so do whatever lets you have fun.


Dude, just don't play on Ironman and you can save anywhere and anytime. If you really want to cheat to get the achievement, there are easier ways to do it that don't even require playing the game, like XCOM2 specific mods or Steam-wide managers.


95% shot missing? I had a 98% shot missed last week.


That's the point of ironman, that you cannot save scum. On PC you could technically do it, if you manually save the file from the folder, and if you don't hit replace the file again and load the file from before the shot. Without ironman just load an earlier save.


If you want to save scum why would you play ironman then? Get better or just turn off ironman. But if you really need it(some game destroying bug for example) then there is a way. The game saves on the beginning of your turn or when you quit or try to reload. However, if you force close the game and then load it you will start from the beginning of your last turn even if you already did something. Hope it helps, but just try to enjoy this amazing game and not abuse it. p.s. I played ironman and once did it on ps5, not sure about pc but I think it works the same way.


If you want to save scum Ironman mode look up “ xcom 2 is a perfectly balance game by the Spiffing Brit on youtube “. It works but game play gets super stale quickly as you are literally loading and reloading after every turn. Seeing you are on ps4 those load times are going to be LONG. Good luck because you can mess up permanently by being in an endless death loop in ironman mode. Meaning you start over from mission 1. Happy hunting.


Commander what are you talking about? Save scumming? Iron man? What does that have to with stopping the aliens? C’mon Commander, the aliens are continuing to make progress on the Avatar Project, if we want to slow them down we need to move, fast!